Libertarians boo Donald Trump and tell him to go fuck himself
lying and glitching and squeaky chickens, oh my
you gotta love Libertarians. they live in a complete fucking fantasy wold.
these intellectually-stunted nitwits believe there should be no taxes and no government, except for law enforcement — to be paid for by … a magical money tree, I guess. ask any one of these nitwits how this could possibly work in the real world, and the answer you’ll get is “because it will.”
okay, dumb-asses, whatever you say.
Libertarians are out-stupided by MAGA, because Trump’s cultists believe that all of our country’s problems would be solved if only we let a dilapidated old mobster with a desiccated badger pelt stapled to his forehead get away with doing all the crimes he wants.
so what happens if you put MAGA and Libertarians in the same room?
we found out last night, and it was a fucking twenty-megaton shit-show.
Little Donny Fuckface was a featured speaker at the Libertarian National Convention last night. anti-science gnarled garden gnome Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was there to speechify as well.
half the crowd was pissed off that Trump had been invited to speak. the other half was pissed off because Donny has been refusing to debate RFK Jr.
why should libertarians give a shit if a deteriorating old dotard refuses to debate a worm-brained conspiracy loon? who fucking cares why — let’s just sit back and enjoy the carnage.
first of all, someone — no, two people — actually filed a motion to tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself.
after a bit of childish bickering about point of order this and question of privilege that — my god, these libertarians are more annoying than a self-important high school government — the real fun begins at 0:56 in the clip below.
“Ms. McArdle, I’d like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself away from here.”
the crowd cheers, and someone else shouts “that was my motion, too. we are a libertarian convention looking to nominate libertarians.”
back to the first guy: “this is not a GOP cuckolding convention.”
the pro-RFK Jr. crowd had their own drama as well. their brilliant plan was to use squeaky rubber chickens to disrupt Trump’s speech — but they were thwarted by secret service agents who confiscated them at the door.
Secret Service agents are confiscating the rubber chickens the pro-RFK Jr super PAC handed out to attendees to disrupt Trump’s speech tonight at the Libertarian convention. “No lighters, no water bottles, no noisy chickens,” one agent yelled out to people in line.
Team Trump could sense that disaster was brewing, and so they concocted a plan — because heavens to Betsy if fragile old Dear Leader encounters anything other than an adoring throng.
they were going to take all the dipshit MAGA cultists follow Trump from speech to speech as if it were some fucked-up Grateful Dead tour from hell, and put them in the front rows of the hall — but the libertarians were all who even let these fuckfaces into our convention and made all the redhats sit in the back.
the MAGAs were pissed.
“It’s a trap against Trump. We must protect the President.”
oh pipe the fuck down, you grievance-babies. “we must protect the quote-unquote ‘president’”? who’s “we,” you armchair warrior?
finally it was time for Trump’s speech — and it was a fucking disaster from the word go. for starters, protesters held up a banner that read “NO WANNABE DICTATORS!”
Trump’s goon squad had them dragged out of the auditorium — because, y’know, freedom of speech.
as for Trump, he got booed — fucking relentlessly.
they booed him when he whined about being persecuted.
Trump: “anyone can talk about defending freedom, but I’ve actually put everything on the line to resist these despots and these thugs.”
libertarians: “BOOOOO!”
did you notice how Donny’s smug expression crumbled as he realized that the crowd hated his fucking guts? awesome work, libertarians. we thank you for your service.
they booed him when he pandered for their votes and promised to put libertarians in the White House.
they even booed him as he glitched out like the glitchy motherfucker he is.
Trump: “so I’m asking for the liberee— well, think of it.”
crowd: “BOOOOOOOO!”
finally, Donny snapped and went off-teleprompter to insult the libertarians to their faces.
Trump: “maybe you don’t want to win … keep getting your three percent every four years.”
finally, it was over. a dejected Donny slunk off stage.
Trump: “thank you very much, everybody. god bless you.”
crowd: “BOOOOOOOOO!”
wait, did you catch that? down in the lower left corner of the clip — it’s a squeaky chicken!
that’s right — one brave honcho managed to smuggle in his rubber chicken!
the speakers who followed Trump just kept piling on the abuse.
Follow up speaker to Trump’s address at Libertarian convention: “there is no one in this room that is at risk of falling for Trumps bullshit” and goes on to say the idea that they would nominate him as their candidate is “ludicrous” and “laughable” — next speaker adds “at least Bobby Kennedy had the decency to lie to us”
let’s give the final word to Shauna Wright, who nails it:
“right now Trump is in the back of a limo with a bunch of staffers screaming YOU TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO SPEAK TO A BUNCH OF LIBRARIANS”
so thank you, librarians libertarians, for giving us all a good laugh on a slow-news holiday weekend.
turns out you’re not so useless after all.
oh my god, this was a fun one to write. happy Memorial Weekend Sunday, everyone —
Let me get this straight. Trump promises to pardon Ulbricht Ross for the crime of distributing narcotics yet publicly states that under his administration drug dealers will get the death penalty. Damn, I love this shit!