I wonder if The Dumpster could be sued for all the deaths in our country for his incompetence. He really should be charged with murder in my opinion but I don't know the Law/rules for something like this with a President.

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I think that’s where these civil suits are heading. Trump cannot claim immunity from such suits or outright criminal prosecution since the duties of POTUS does not include incitement of violence, an insurrection, a coup, overthrowing the government, calling for hanging the V.P... you saw what he did. The court has shown no inclination to accept the defendant’s (TFG) request to claim Presidential immunity. Hello Civil Suits!

I feel ALL Americans are due a settlement for the way COVID 19 was addressed by TFG. The out right lies if he knew it was a bioweapon, which appears likely, his treasonous actions require prosecution.

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YES and no claiming the 5th. Civil offense tees up criminal.

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More like charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY this should be at the very least!!!!!!!!!!!

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Logic and critical thinking are foreign concepts to the cognitively impaired on the right. Most of whom will stumble on their tongues with this one once it's made plain that DJT KNEW it was a bioweapon and did nothing about it except praise the very country that attacked us.

But then, most of them only use their brains for keeping their skulls from caving in.

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Trump's purposeful and incompetent mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic has been well documented. The fact that a single citizen voted for him to be POTUS in the first place is stupefying but revealing. The fact someone would vote for him again is a stain on our educational system, our mass media, and our widespread political corruption and illiteracy. Yet, to further confuse this issue by assuming something that lacks any scientific evidence for illustrative points only adds to the current widespread confusion and acceptance of conspiracy theories.

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He should be charged with Crimes Against Humanity for his non-response to pandemic. He put several people in jeopardy (his staff)

by not doing one thing to protect them after he got Covid himself.

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And dqt got COVID, ending up at Walter Reed Hospital where he received the best possible care. Meanwhile normal people were on ventilators in the hallways of hugely overburdened hospitals. Nurses and doctors as well as EMT staff were all working in horrible conditions with a highly contagious disease flowing through the air circulation systems. Many of us will never forget the ambulances screeching during the night, the body bags kept in refrigerated trucks - Well we all know the rest.

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of course, none of the wingnuts knows what "exonerates" means. The fact that it has four syllables within a small number of letters means it is a Big Word, and thus they need to trust someone in "authority's" definition without bothering to see what the dictionary (the what???) says.

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“Yesterday is a hard word for me.” Donald Trump, at a speech rehearsal on 1/7/2021 to address the violence at the Capital that occurred at his behest on 1/6/2021.

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Enough with these dumbass racist dumbasses and their dumbassitude.

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and if we follow through with this thought that the Chinese leaked a bioweapon the also leaked it on themselves. Their own economy is suffering hugely from the long lockdowns. That would make Xi Jinping as stupid as Trump and that just isn't the case. Only Jair Bolsonaro is as stupid as Trump. Pretty sure that if they meant to attack the US with a bioweapon they would be a little more crafty in delivering such a thing. I can already hear the comments some will say that was what the weather balloon was supposed to do.

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The real reason, if it is a leak was basic bad lab practice and techs with too little training. The US has had them, too. Working in BSL3/4 is no joke. As a retired person that had many Chinese TA realized there was book learning but not enough bench time in even organic or general chemistry for true professional result. Now bioch/molecular chemistry, sequencing etc. as field grows exponentially. That's a lot for a country with limited generational knowledge & experience from 20-30 years to grow into much less add due diligence.

As for the slopehead yellow hammers voting for Trump & watching...FOX.

Well, there's that.

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Yes!!! This!!! Can I copy and paste this to make it shareable?!

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I know I'm not the only one who thinks/hopes this. Why doesn't he die already? I can't stand even knowing a particle of air I breathe in may have, at one time, been in his lungs. He's worse than every stalker, ex, crappy neighbor & narcissistic relative combined. Here's hoping the long covid does the trick because nothing else seems to.

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Thank you.

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