let's say covid was a bioweapon. that just makes Donald Trump's bungled fucked-up response to it even worse
if covid really was a bioweapon attack by China on US soil, then Donald Trump was derelict in his duty as Commander in Chief to defend his country.
I’ve got to talk about this one, because the incoherent howling from the wingnut screech monkeys is making my head hurt.
there was an item in the news this week that the Department of Energy had concluded, with “low confidence,” that covid originated from a lab leak in China.
the usual gang of drooling morons pounced on this. they had a fucking field day with it. oh my god, this was manna from heaven for the shouty shitfucks: CHINA! BIOWEAPON! AH HA! VINDICATION! WE KNEW IT ALL ALONG!
even Donald “15 Cases Down To Zero” Trump is now claiming that he always knew right from the start that covid was a bioweapon.
sure you did, hotshot. let the record show:

I know you’ll be shocked to hear this, but a lot of this week’s reporting is misleading or downright wrong. but, for the sake of argument let’s assume that the triumphant bloviators on the right are correct, and let’s say that covid was a deliberate bioweapon sent from China.
stop and think about this for just 30 seconds, you yammering dipshits. does this not make Donald Trump’s response to a direct attack from China so much worse?
I know that three years is a long time and the stupids are hoping you’ve already forgotten about or memory-holed how Trump and his enablers handled covid.
I’ll just hit the high points.
— he praised the fuck out of China and thanked Xi for working to contain the virus. while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
— he went golfing for two months while denying there was a pandemic. while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
— he said covid was no worse than the flu. while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
— he made governors compete for scarce resources. while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
— he refused to wear a mask. while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
— he told his violent dimwitted to ‘liberate their states.’ while knowing that covid was a bioweapon.
I could go on, but you get the point.
if covid really was a direct bioweapon attack by China on United States soil, then Donald Bone Spurs Trump, Commander in Chief of our nation’s armed forces, was derelict in his duty to defend his country. some might call that treason.
not exactly covering himself in glory, is he.
so now, please, tell me again how this Chinese bioweapon theory exonerates (there’s that word again) Donald Trump. or anyone on the right.
logic. for wingnuts, it’s like kryptonite.
I wonder if The Dumpster could be sued for all the deaths in our country for his incompetence. He really should be charged with murder in my opinion but I don't know the Law/rules for something like this with a President.
Logic and critical thinking are foreign concepts to the cognitively impaired on the right. Most of whom will stumble on their tongues with this one once it's made plain that DJT KNEW it was a bioweapon and did nothing about it except praise the very country that attacked us.
But then, most of them only use their brains for keeping their skulls from caving in.