"hey, remember last week when Trump had a twenty-megaton shit-fit on his golf course in Ireland and screamed and shouted about how he was rushing back to New York to “confront that woman”...
Actually I think Trump was overseas to try to finagle an invitation to the coronation. When an invitation was not forthcoming, he left in a hissy fit.
That makes sense. It's hard to imagine someone not having a clue how intensely disliked they are. Just blame others because in his narcissistic brain, it's all their fault, no matter what it is.
He is a boisterous bully and cowardly criminal. The only rushing he will do is a trip to McDonald’s for his comfort meals! I would not be surprised if he were overseas as you stated. Such a pompous assbutt!
It's time this SOB is taken down and erased from Americans minds and history. It's also time to close loopholes so this kinda shit, the namely republicans do, dont pull anymore. I know there are
good Republicans still out there, they need to step up and become, as circus peanut calls them, RINOS.
It will get worse, I think, with a right-wing SCOTUS actively protecting gerrymandering and other GOP hijinks to get themselves elected and thus putting in idiots in the US Congress.
Are they raindrops in a shitstorm or tiny turdlettes? Or turdlets? "Droppings" seems inadequately descriptive, given its diarrheal nature. Fœcal Fecundity, perhaps? Le Déluge?
Oh, the struggles with which we English speakers must contend.
I want to see the babbling orange fuckwit in jail as much as the next rational person, but I’m absolutely gobsmacked at the number of enablers the moron has. I think in some ways that’s more shocking since Trump has always shown us who he is.
Two things I’ve been saying since 2015: 1) If I had an organization (like the Trump Organization) in place for money laundering, tax cheating, fraudulent *schools* and cheating on his wives and paying hush money to dozens of women, I’d want to stay under the radar, I wouldn’t invite scrutiny by running for office. He could have continued his grift indefinitely, nearly everywhere in the world. (Maybe not Saudi Arabia. If he were to piss off a certain monarch, he might encounter a bone saw.) 2) He might not be a billionaire but he’s got enough money to live lavishly pretty much anywhere in the world. He and his family should move to a country with no extradition treaty, such as Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. He could wave buh-bye to Letitia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg. He and his crooked family could live lives of privilege. The beauty part: the First Family of corruption would be OUT OF HERE.
With regard to E. Jean Carroll’s rape - I mean defamation- trial: I hope the jury awards her a million billion dollars but it’s a civil - not a criminal - trial so no jail time (fuck). The most depressing element of this is that HIS BASE WON’T care. They didn’t care when he was elected by Putin, or when he was impeached twice or when he tried to overthrow the government or when 26 women accused him of sexual assault. And he’s still the front runner for 2024. Unless he’s caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, he’s the most likely to win. (An apropos joke: A bear and a rabbit encountered each other in the forest. The bear said, “Does shit stick to your fur?” The rabbit said no, whereupon the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit. How it relates to Trump: So far, shit hasn’t stuck to Trump but I’d be happy to wipe his ass. With a porcupine.
The bottom line is, unless he’s convicted, he’s still going to run. I wouldn’t say that we could wind up with a bonafide criminal for president - we already did.
decisions will now be made between July 11 and September 1. 😱I’m shocked! He actually didn’t stay true to his word and confront “that woman?” Lordy sakes alive! But you know how with security and what it would cost the tax payers of New York? Ha ha ha they’d gladly pay it, they’d probably take up a collection to have him appear. My biggie is the Jan 6 investigation. Any news on that?
"...once-indicted twice-impeached popular-vote-losing insurrection-leading serial-sexual-predating real-estate-scamming classified-document-thieving tax-cheating charity-defrauding money-laundering radioactive tangerine fuckface..." and those are his good qualities. You are much too kind.
Once again I want to express my gratitude for your honest pieces on trump. It’s the only way I can read anything at all about him. I can only do it with your laughter-inducing sarcasm at the unmitigated ridiculousness he represents.
I love the words you used to describe trump! I may refer back to use them, if you don't mind. I have said the same about trump being lucky(?). Prior to him becoming prez, he did what he's always done, but now that he's prez, there are LOTS of people watching and listening closely. He's a walking, talking crime wave! There are just too many investigations into him for all kinds of shit he did that all warrant being looked at closely for evidence of crimes. I do believe they will all get a piece of "the donald." (Not capitalized purposely).
He's acquired A LOT of baggage since 2016, I think too much to unload to win the general election. Of course one can dream, but that baggage is pretty fucking heavy.
"hey, remember last week when Trump had a twenty-megaton shit-fit on his golf course in Ireland and screamed and shouted about how he was rushing back to New York to “confront that woman”...
Actually I think Trump was overseas to try to finagle an invitation to the coronation. When an invitation was not forthcoming, he left in a hissy fit.
That makes sense. It's hard to imagine someone not having a clue how intensely disliked they are. Just blame others because in his narcissistic brain, it's all their fault, no matter what it is.
He is a boisterous bully and cowardly criminal. The only rushing he will do is a trip to McDonald’s for his comfort meals! I would not be surprised if he were overseas as you stated. Such a pompous assbutt!
They don’t want porn models and an ex D-List celebutard to attend coronations. 😊
Never thought of that. Probably right.
It's time this SOB is taken down and erased from Americans minds and history. It's also time to close loopholes so this kinda shit, the namely republicans do, dont pull anymore. I know there are
good Republicans still out there, they need to step up and become, as circus peanut calls them, RINOS.
It will get worse, I think, with a right-wing SCOTUS actively protecting gerrymandering and other GOP hijinks to get themselves elected and thus putting in idiots in the US Congress.
Let's hope there are at least five "decent Republicans" who believe we should pay our past bills.
You forgot narcissistic, ignorant, arrogant, functionally illiterate as way of describing The 🍊 💩
Are they raindrops in a shitstorm or tiny turdlettes? Or turdlets? "Droppings" seems inadequately descriptive, given its diarrheal nature. Fœcal Fecundity, perhaps? Le Déluge?
Oh, the struggles with which we English speakers must contend.
Whoever said that Schadenfreude is a bad thing?
Not me!
I want to see the babbling orange fuckwit in jail as much as the next rational person, but I’m absolutely gobsmacked at the number of enablers the moron has. I think in some ways that’s more shocking since Trump has always shown us who he is.
Another brilliant piece. Here’s hoping the legal s***show becomes a Tornado of legal hits for the orange one.
It would be quite a present if the former president was indicted on July 14, Bastille Day. It’s also my birthday.
Two things I’ve been saying since 2015: 1) If I had an organization (like the Trump Organization) in place for money laundering, tax cheating, fraudulent *schools* and cheating on his wives and paying hush money to dozens of women, I’d want to stay under the radar, I wouldn’t invite scrutiny by running for office. He could have continued his grift indefinitely, nearly everywhere in the world. (Maybe not Saudi Arabia. If he were to piss off a certain monarch, he might encounter a bone saw.) 2) He might not be a billionaire but he’s got enough money to live lavishly pretty much anywhere in the world. He and his family should move to a country with no extradition treaty, such as Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. He could wave buh-bye to Letitia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg. He and his crooked family could live lives of privilege. The beauty part: the First Family of corruption would be OUT OF HERE.
With regard to E. Jean Carroll’s rape - I mean defamation- trial: I hope the jury awards her a million billion dollars but it’s a civil - not a criminal - trial so no jail time (fuck). The most depressing element of this is that HIS BASE WON’T care. They didn’t care when he was elected by Putin, or when he was impeached twice or when he tried to overthrow the government or when 26 women accused him of sexual assault. And he’s still the front runner for 2024. Unless he’s caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, he’s the most likely to win. (An apropos joke: A bear and a rabbit encountered each other in the forest. The bear said, “Does shit stick to your fur?” The rabbit said no, whereupon the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit. How it relates to Trump: So far, shit hasn’t stuck to Trump but I’d be happy to wipe his ass. With a porcupine.
The bottom line is, unless he’s convicted, he’s still going to run. I wouldn’t say that we could wind up with a bonafide criminal for president - we already did.
Well, there's that...
They never care because they relate to him (!!)
Why do o think tRump spent the weekend tied and gagged in the back room of his lawyer’s house till 5:01 pm Sunday arrived
decisions will now be made between July 11 and September 1. 😱I’m shocked! He actually didn’t stay true to his word and confront “that woman?” Lordy sakes alive! But you know how with security and what it would cost the tax payers of New York? Ha ha ha they’d gladly pay it, they’d probably take up a collection to have him appear. My biggie is the Jan 6 investigation. Any news on that?
"...once-indicted twice-impeached popular-vote-losing insurrection-leading serial-sexual-predating real-estate-scamming classified-document-thieving tax-cheating charity-defrauding money-laundering radioactive tangerine fuckface..." and those are his good qualities. You are much too kind.
He'll be a felon this year.
Dancing between the raindrops in a shit storm … BRILLIANT analogy!! He’s going down. Jack is his raindrop.
Once again I want to express my gratitude for your honest pieces on trump. It’s the only way I can read anything at all about him. I can only do it with your laughter-inducing sarcasm at the unmitigated ridiculousness he represents.
You have the gift of gab. And uou may have set a world record for most hyphenated words in a sentence. 😆
I love the words you used to describe trump! I may refer back to use them, if you don't mind. I have said the same about trump being lucky(?). Prior to him becoming prez, he did what he's always done, but now that he's prez, there are LOTS of people watching and listening closely. He's a walking, talking crime wave! There are just too many investigations into him for all kinds of shit he did that all warrant being looked at closely for evidence of crimes. I do believe they will all get a piece of "the donald." (Not capitalized purposely).
He's acquired A LOT of baggage since 2016, I think too much to unload to win the general election. Of course one can dream, but that baggage is pretty fucking heavy.
I may be crazy but I don't see him getting the nomination.