well, that was fast: "JUST IN: Judge Chutkan enters a limited gag order against Donald Trump noting that the 1st Amendment can yield to the administration of justice and to protect witnesses. Trump cannot post or re-post attacks against Special Counsel Jack Smith and his staff, court staff, or court personnel." https://twitter.com/KatiePhang/status/1713954339184611352

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I give him less than 24 hours to defy this gag order. Then let’s see if they actually do something about it, like throwing him in a jail cell.

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I totally agree. He has gotten waaaay more kid glove treatment than anyone else ever has in these trials. I guess if he ever were actually thrown into the slammer, he would become a martyr to his obnoxious deplorables. I say, so what! Heaven will be not hearing that whiny,cry-baby snit tantrum voice of his for like, forever.

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Don't hold your breath...

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Never. I have low expectations.

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first he'll get fined then not pay it, then what?

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She didn’t include potential witnesses and jurors in her gag order? That’s distressing.

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she'll amend it i bet when necessary.

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If possible I'd place my money on another Susan Collins "concerned" weak, ineffective do-nothing bullshit burger.

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Nah, he has overused his 1A rights already. What is this namby-pamby "limited" gag order shit? He needs to have his mouth sewn shut with 100-pound fishing line, and then thrown in a lead hole so none of his "Truths" can get out.

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Nah, I want to see him physically ABLE to defy the gag order, then get in trouble. And they had better enforce it.

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I want to see an actual ball gag order. The have it put on publicly... one with no breathing holes.

Yeah, that's the ticket...

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I like your idea but we need the orange moron alive— the public embarrassment will take him out.

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Love it!

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thank you!!!

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Does Chutkan's gag order also apply to all his other trials?

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Doubtful because they aren’t under her jurisdiction 😞.

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Thanks Karla.

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No matter how much I fuck up this week, it’ll never be on par with Alina Habba. Such solace.

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Habba Dabba is such a doofus. I do believe she kicked over a rock and found her law license. that is the only explanation.

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She is some Jenna Ellis-level lawyering, that's for sure.

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Cracker Jack box.

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Amen. Imagine you actually passed the bar after completing Law Aschool...and this was your reward...sheesh, how embarrassing. At least professionally.

Some years later...Habba...aren't you the lawyer for...? So, how is the parking garage business these days? Haha

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Caroline, I don’t even know you, but you just don’t look like the young lady that could possibly fuck up as much as this shit for a brain ‘broad’ (used in her context only, ladies. So don’t shoot me to bad)!

She was mailed her law degree through Disney Corporation, as a prank, and someone helped her fill it out so she could hang it in her wall.

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Such praise, thank you!

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Bwahahahahaaah! Another likely scenario!

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I’m certain that the Orange hired that thing because she is moderately attractive. He wants people from “central casting”… Who remembers Hope Hicks etc, etc, blah, blah, blah?

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Ray, Ray, Ray. We ALL know why she’s sitting there with that look on her face every time she has to sit beside the 🍓💩🤡.

She’s looking like that because she knows she’s going to have to cater to his sexual desires and fantasies as soon as she walks out the courtroom!

She’s his new pu***grabbing queen. He grabs and fondles her at his leisure.

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Ewww. Seriously yuck.

Thanks for saying that out loud, Daniel. 🤫 🤣

That's NOT an image I want in my head!!!!! Gods, how gross.

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Morgan! Sorry, but I’m calling it as I see it. I don’t believe in holding back. Be happy I didn’t spell everything out in plain English. I’ve been known to do that, too!

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(I was being facetious...) should've put a smirk in there. I love the raw honesty of the people here.

I'm equally as blunt. (Surely you've seen some of my comments....😳😏)

Have at it, Daniel!

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You guys, ya'll ever notice her Melania pout--that sort of, 'I am twirling my hair in my mind." Vacuous sensuality. She is Melania 2.0.

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No problem, Morgan. As an ex-cop, and firefighter, I can get pretty raunchy. A lot if times I let my mouth overload my ass!

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She should've taken a lesson from Rudy G's 'assistant' who put up with Rudy's sexual 'harassment' in anticipation of a multi-million dollar payout which she never received, and never will.

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Yep, if she’s Ecco’s ring any green from the 🍓💩🤡 she better get in line. He hadn’t ever paid for p***y, and I doubt he ever will. No matter what the charge is!

He’s a sick 🐶!

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Wife #1 got paid.

Wife #2, not very much

Wife #3? She has a roof over her for as long as she can tolerate it. And some pocket $$

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His Russian wife, his Oligarch & Putin connection is buried on his NJ golf course. I’m beginning wonder how she actually died!?!

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As distressing as it is to me, I think I did fuck up worse than she did. But at least it is not in politics or courts. Well back to cleaning up my mess.

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Dare, or should, I ask?

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Large Marge has shown up at the Prettyman Courthouse representing the "Oversight" Committee. Ms. Three-Toes - a suggestion. When the judge is speaking her decision, make sure you scream "Liar" or "You suck" - several times at the top of your voice. Like you do in Congress whenever a Democrat is speaking.

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Oh, that would be icing on the proverbial cake! Would love to see/hear her being dragged out of a courtroom, maybe even thrown in the hoosegow for contempt...

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"Can Donald Trump be gagged?"

This question has been driving me crazy. Of course, he can--if he breaks the law OF COURSE HE CAN.

He can be gagged like anyone else who breaks similar laws. I give two fucks that he is running for President. No one is saying he cannot campaign. No one is saying he cannot even defend himself.

They are saying he cannot intimidate witnesses, tamper with the jury, or threaten people.

Big fat duh!

Our legal system cannot function if someone could do this type of thing with impunity, and I seriously tire of people treating the man with kid gloves because he is a litigious bully.

Yah know, I used to babysit for this couple from New York, the kind of folks I am more than sure voted for Trump even the second time around. They didn't mind bloviating right wing radio talking points around me, wondering aloud why crybaby Blacks and minorities simply didn't pull themselves up by the bootstraps like they did (White couple who grew up upper middle class).

They were just telling it like it is--kinda like Trump!

One day while I was helping out with the babies (needed the cash), we were watching a news story about a cross burning on the lawn of a Black couple, and one of them replied, "That is horrible..."

On this we could agree --"I know right..." I replied.

"I mean," they continued, "why can't you people know here you don't belong?"

My mouth dropped.

"What happened to equal opportunity and freedom," I asked, only to be shouted down.

Needless to say they had to find a new babysitter (although I did feel bad--their kids were cute and awesome.)

I write this to illustrate a point. Those folks, freedom lovers by gum, who think everyone has the same opportunities, also think there is a place, I shouldn't go. Where I don't belong. They would also likely believe that the law applies to everyone--except Donald Trump.

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

Only you can't have it both ways. Either everyone has freedom or everyone don't--be honest enough o say that. Either the law applies to everyone equally or it doesn't. Be honest enough to say so.

Such people speak out the sides of their necks, and I am sick of them!

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Their kids were “cute and awesome,” but unfortunately they were born into a family of screwed-up bigots, who have no problem insulting you right to your face while you’re taking care of their children. This is what we call the lowest of the low, and it’s passed down through the generations. That’s why it’s so hard to change the minds of those who are so brainwashed by bigotry and racism.

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Indeed, and I felt bad for those babies. I can only hope they bucked family tradition and turned out different.

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It does happen now and then, but it’s rare.

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True--who can look at beautiful children and fill their minds with hate and division?

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I am no scientist, but I’ve come to believe that some of these prejudices are almost “genetic.” I don’t mean that they are born with the gene to hate people, but that they have a genetic propensity toward being led in that direction. When I look at these MAGA folks and observe their behavior, it’s so clear that they have an emotional and psychological make up that predisposes them to this cultish hate behavior.

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Humph. That is interesting. I do know that science has found that people prone to bigotry have lower IQs. Not to say intelligent people are not bigots, but I read somewhere that Hitler himself was not a very smart man. The smart folks I have met who are racist are either ignorant of the culture they attack or use it as a way to advance in certain circles knowing it is wrong.


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There's been brain scan studies on rebugnants and democrats' brains. they are different. their brains light up when shown photos of foreigners. the fear part of their brain is much more active than ours. and you better believe putin and his cohorts figured that out decades ago and taught the repugnants everything they know.

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I don't think it is a genetic propensity, but an environmental hand-me-down from the parents and family, just as poor eating habits are handed down in practice and carried on.

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No, racism or any other bias is LEARNED. There is no genetic disposition to have such bias.

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Sure do. It's called religion.

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Jaysus. I’m so sorry, Alicia. That is horrible and those are horrible people.

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Alicia, I felt sick when I read what these "people", for whom you were doing the MOST important work in the world, said to you. Damn them to hell! Wait. Not my decision.

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Yeah, I recall being more upset than angry for the most part. I have no idea where they are now, but if they stayed the same course, I am 100 percent sure they are Trump supporters.

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Yes, as big an emotional sucker-punch as there could be. Absolutely devastating. I'm truly sad, and sorry, that such evil words were spoken to you.

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and thank you.

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so far not a one of these judges has done a gd thing but make threats and then not follow through. we'll see what happens when tangeranus violates his pretrial conditions yet again but I am not sanguine.

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Exactly--the order is meaningless if they do not enforce it.

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Oct 16, 2023
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Appalling that 91 felony charges allows him to still be able to run as he continues to run that that full of shit encrusted mouth of his. Let's hope that Judge Chutkan does mean business this time and he'll finally face consequences. Unfortunately, this lawless asshole will use anything that might happen as another funding mechanism or a martyr playing publicity stunt to his dumb shit supporters who won't let him go.

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“Tangeranus” is great!

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I like that one too.

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Imagine poor Knockoff Chanel-clad Alina Habba's life right now. Knowing that she is, as you said, a fuck-up, having that broadcast around the world, and waiting for Trump's inevitable lashing out at her when he loses. Oh what a glorious day that will be! Second only to the day when he is sentenced!

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Habba always looks like she wants to ugly-cry but she doesn’t know how.

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The only thing that will silence Trump’s puckered anus mouth is a 10x10 padded cell.

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Right now I would like to send him to Gaza to the part with no electricity, and put him in a bunker with his buddies from Hamas. Or North Korea, to the part with no electricity. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/PRK/north-korea/electricity-access-statistics#:~:text=Access%20to%20electricity%20is%20the,a%202.11%25%20increase%20from%202020.

Or Afghanistan, to the part with no electricity. https://carnegieendowment.org/files/Presentation_-%20Ashraf.pdf

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I would be good with that. Either. Both. Whatever.

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yes, all of the above, good idea

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Why a padded cell. Damn him, and his comfort. It’s high time he be treated just like any other criminal. Put his ass in an 8x6 cell with a big burly dude that’ll break him over like a switchblade! Then, he’ll shut the hell up when he quits screaming from getting plowed like a freight train running down the tracks!

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Wait until his cell mate finds out he has false teeth!! Ole Donnie might learn a new skill.

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😂🤣! Yep, he’ll learn how to “eat a weiner”!

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how about an un-padded cell....that would be more deserving IMO

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The benefit of the padding is that it will muffle his rants and cries so only he hears it.

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Nope. Put his ass in a cell underground. It’ll be muffled. Besides, that big burly cell mate will have his head buried in a pillow so his cries, screams, bantering, will be muffled.

I want him to gain the full experience of solitary confinement!

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OK, I like where you are going with this, but which is it... big burly cellmate or solitary confinement?

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You caught that! Damn, thought I could slide something by. I was thinking of putting his as in a Solitary, one man cell, then ‘accidentally’ put a big burly dude in with him. All they’ll need is one bunk anyway! He’ll be busy in his knees all night, one way or the other!

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Ol’ Donnie didn’t write that Truth Social post. Someone wrote it in his aesthetic. There are no capital letters, no misspellings, and using “stuff” instead of shit is too clever to have even flickered in his mushy grey matter. I’m thinking a flunky thought this was DJT's version of plausible deniability.

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It’s a pretty good ghostwriter-some wrong capitals-but “stuff” in quotes gave it away!

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Once a dipshit...always a dipshit! Said if for ya!

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oh my god, you're right. that's two day in a row that I didn't use the word 'dipshit.' and today wasn't even on purpose

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Make up for it with a couple dozen well-placed dipshits tomorrow.

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I am sure Jimmy Jams will give him a reason. Him or Sporkfoot.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Lecterngate is worth a few terse words.

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Some how I get the feeling that daddy huckleberry or probably both ma & pa sat their daughter down and said, " better do well in school because you are lacking the charm and good looks department." It being Arkansas and all. She does look like Lurch in a dress& wig. Just sayin...

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bwahahaha I spit out my water, dude!

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Jeff, I’ll make it up for you.

This dipshit fuckface had gotten away with his bull 💩again! First, the illustrious Supreme Court , Fuckfaces dipshit court, has voted against not allowing him in the ballot due to the 14th amendment . So, dipshit can be in the ballot! Next, Justice C has given this dipshit fuckface another ‘limited gag order’!

What is it going to take to get justice? What is it different about this dipshit that he gets all these rights no one else gets?

Last I looked, he put his pants on just like anyone rise, man or woman, unless he’s Superman, and can jump into them from tall buildings! What the fuck am I talking about, he might be!

There you go Jeff. Hope that helped, and did you justice!

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I got ya covered!

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Go figure!

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it for ya!

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I would be pretty jazzed if, after repeated violations of a gag order, the defendant was brought into the courtroom and an actual gag was placed in his mouth and then his mouth was bound with tape. Might smudge the pancake makeup a bit.

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Love this idea, but I prefer that he sit in a jail cell until his trials.

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"... frowning-because-she’s-a-fuckup-and-she-knows-it lawyer Alina Habba."

She frowning AND pouting. She's frouting.

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Good. I was wondering where all the coverage went last week. This week should be another nervous, fidigity, and stressful as possible time for the Orange Mussolini. I sure hope so...

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Ditto. The more miserable he is the better I feel, about him anyway.

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If trump defies the gag order he should be sentenced to home detention at his “flea bag vermin-infested golf motel” with an ankle bracelet and preferably with duct tape on his orange mouth.

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My fingers are crossed that someone will finally muster the guts to SHUT HIM UP and LOCK HIM UP!!! I'm almost sicker of these idle threats than I am of their Sphincter Faced target. But thank you for a few much-needed chuckles in the post.

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Linda-“sphincter faced”...😄😂

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If anyone has seen the AMC show Preacher...then you will recall the character Arseface... the one that couldn't afford the plastic surgery after his shotgun 'accident' so he did have an ass face. Every time I watched this character I thought of Trump with his real life sphinter face.

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"Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before."

You know, he keeps spewing and now and then, amid the rubble, the occasional truth accidentally surfaces. Kind of like the whole "Republicans eat their young" thing lol.

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Exactly.. it’s a question of when he will violate it, but also what the Court will do when he does.

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