.....we know they have a demented "Shallow Hal" thing going on with that grotesque monster. To those vile fucks untethered from reality, they see the most beautiful thing in the world. Fuckin' deranged maniacs.
That's an insult to the Cigar store Indian. The poor wooden guy is just doing his job. Holding cigars and showing up to work even on days he doesn't need to be there. Unlike the similarly varnish colored former occupant of the White House that felt it was more important to golf than to do the job he was hired for.
Mr. Cigar Store Indian, I apologize on behalf of people who compare you to the traderous, visibly orange colored, diaper loading, narcissistic pos that definitely doesn't remotely look as good as you do even after doing your job, outside since the 17th century. You are solid and deserve a fresh coat of varnish. 😆
Notice the lid down over the top of his ears so he looks really cool like his buddy Ye. Take it to the STREET … you miserable old fart. I wonder if he’s a gonna start wearing those gold high tops with the red hat. It’ll be a great look with the diaper hiding huge pantskirt and dress he calls a suit coat.
Scott, I noticed that the orange is looking more rust. It’s probably the result of his 4 brain cells migrating to his face, looking for a sign of life.
Imagine the joy, the glee, the glory, of the day Smelly at last kicks the bucket. National holiday, at least. Worldwide celebration, for sure. They will need at minimum 20 pallbearers to pick that slob up.
Michael - if it makes you feel any better, I hoped he would drop dead long before he decided to pretend he was a "politician." I've hated that piece of shit since the 80's....... ;)
That and everything else that's going on with him. The demented orange bastard has been physically and mentally ill for years but what the hell, as long as he can identify an animal in a nursery school format, his fucked up congressional support mechanism and base of dumb shits are perfectly ok with this.
I am proud to be a Democrat. Democrats including Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden have all worked tirelessly to restore order after each republican tried to destroy our country. The republicans, including nixon, ford, reagan, bush 1 & 2, and trump each worked enthusiastically to dismantle our country and install a Kingdom.
“I AM PROUD TO BE A DEMOCRAT” is a powerful, uplifting TWO minute film on youtube.
I'm getting to old for anymore Republican do overs. It takes years to recover my losses from Republican administration's. I'm fucking baked. If they win again, everybody, except the ultra wealthy can bend over and kiss their own ass goodbye. The Chattel Project 2025.
Ikr 😞 I can’t claim I’ve read the entire 900 pgs of that terrifying document, but I’ve read excerpts, & it sound’s almost as bad as moving to Afghanistan & wearing a burka.
I am getting to old, 73, & I can just cry when I contemplate how many years it’s going to take to get back some of the freedoms & rights we’ve had taken away in just 2 short yrs.
Thomas & Alito are in my age group, so they could hang in there voting on crappy rulings for at least another decade. ACB will be there for 30-40
P.J., I hear you. The American Oligarchs want complete control. It's not enough they groomed Supreme Court Justices to enact the their laws to protect their wealth. They want to own us. Lock stock and barrel. I haven't read the last 200 pages because I get so angry. Oh, after they gut the Education Dept. They are putting Besty DeVos in charge. Their goal is to break the teachers unions. And privatize education. They want to privatize everything!! It's all there, how to undo America. They will cutoff our Allies. We will be in a war if they come to power. This keeps me up at night. I tell everyone about The Chattel Project. I'm gobsmacked. I can't believe this happening.
I can’t believe it either. I was & am a radical feminist, read Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Erica Jong. I burned my bra, remained a liberated, divorced Mom of 1 for over 25 yrs because I didn’t want a man who wasn’t going to treat me as an equal.
We just have to dig in & fight until we are physically unable to anymore 👍
I can only hope that there will be the room to move about with ads becoming more and more about Bidens accomplishments and less about attacks on t. No doubt there will be more ads of both types than at any time in history
Not sure about Kennedy being in this list--Eisenhower was a good President and warned about the dangers of military-industrial complex/power. We didn't heed that warning.
Let’s hope these oxygen-to-the-brain deprived nimrods decide to teach not just NY but the whole country a lesson and emigrate to Russia to check out those fancy subways & Uber affordable groceries! Pro tip before you go: stay away from those tricky Russian windows everybody keeps falling out of.
I saw this story and had to laugh...for which I was chastised by several folks yesterday. Look...I'm sorry, but their unreasonable hate and arrogance got them to Russia. If they had only followed their Jesus' teachings and loved thy neighbor.
I am waiting to hear which one of the 8 children is gay. Just saying a likely chance. Or maybe all 8 will ask Canada if THEY still have their citizenship.
Read it on Wonkette, the comments are glorious! No one should chastise you for telling the truth. I pity the kids, but those parents deserve everything they get.
Check out Alicia's Substack on one of our very own Canadian Kristian Families Journey ( I'm Canadian) fleeing to Russia , so they would not subject their children to gay propaganda. Among other things.
I first drove tractor trailers in 1971 and have driven over one million safe miles in 18 wheelers. When one is a professional long haul truck driver, the load is their boss. They have to plan their days so that they can deliver the load safely and on time. So routing, time and miles per day, and more are things to consider.
Many drivers over the years refused to go to NYC because of conditions there. Traffic, tolls on the bridges, one way streets, low clearances, and more are things that a 18 wheeler can run into difficulty with in NYC.
Other metro areas are similar, like DC or my birthplace San Francisco. I always could count on New Yorkers to help me out if I had a problem in NYC. Good people are everywhere, you just have to give them a chance.
Trump can't make macaroni and cheese so he could never learn to handle a 80,000 pound 65 foot long beast of burden.
As a born and raised Nyer (live in MA now), I love it when you ask for directions in NYC and 3 guys get in an argument about what are the best directions! Classic NYC! Love it!
On a related topic, I have a bone to pick with Jon Stewart who returned to The Daily Show after 9 years, mainly for his own ego. Stewart's unfunny jokes imply a false equivalence between the 2 candidates. No mention of the fact that it is an older, humane, inspirational public servant who has occasional memory lapses no different than my own, and a demented psychotic nazi parasite.
I hear you about his attempt at bothsidesisms on his first show. Not a good one. In last nights show, however, he acknowledged his douchiness and makes fun of himself for being a nincompoop. Then he threw Tuckims “Vlad is my father” Carlson wayyyyyyyyy under a russian bus. Where he belongs. Pretty good. Although I have to say, overall, Seth Meyers’ A Closer Look is just a much funnier avenue for this kind of comedy now.
Stewart may find he doesn't have the market he once had. I would think this a kind of market test but I never caught him regularly when he was the host. I guess I could watch on a streaming service should I find time.
I’ve always liked Jon Stewart and still do. I think he’s right about both candidates being old, but that could have been said in one minute. (I’m old, and recognize the slips and slow page-turning and such). Drawing the contrasts between what an old fascist is up to and what an old democrat has accomplished would have been more to my liking and certainly more honest. It is time for the Dems to seek out qualified candidates and get them ready. The GQP is a lost cause.
It’s not semantics; it’s logic. Lordy, now I’m given a false dilemma: if I win the argument, we lose the election. That’s just silly, and I suspect you know that. Sigh.
Stop yelling at me. All caps are not necessary. Don’t assume that I don’t see that it’s a life-or-death election, just because I clarified my position for you.
Kamala is terrible, and has been a disappointment. And, yes, there is zero margin of error in this election. That’s the take-away when I call Trump a fascist and Biden a democrat (small ‘d’).
Surely you do not think I’m all in for a fascist? I’m working hard to get Biden re-elected. And I’m working on down ticket races, too. For my work with “teaching honest history”, I’ve been reported up the food chain to Breitbart, and put on a hit-list for teachers/faculty.
Oh forget it, you’ve decided that I am the enemy here. Just turn down the volume, please, the air must be thin up there on the high moral ground.
I know what false equivalence is. Here’s a logic lesson, from, you know, logic 101 textbook.
According to first order thinking: True equivalence is that they are both old.
Second order thinking: They are no longer equivalent. One is a fascist. One is a democrat (small “d”)
I don’t care what you think of Stewart, but I do care when someone attacks me because (1) they’re mad at Stewart and (2) they ascribe another’s views to me using faulty logic.
What I used to like about Jeff Teidrich’s Substack was that every interacted in good faith and fairness. It’s changing.
Thanks, Charlotte. His responses surprised me here. Jeff’s people are usually funny and good sports, assuming the best of the members of the community.. I see he’s deleted his comments. On many political sites, that’s called dirty deleting.
Yeah that irked me-that bit seems really out of touch and going in the direction of Biil Maher and our corporate owned media that we are railing against (rightfully). Mary Trump is correct in her criticism (and people are pissed off at her). But let's just hope he's rusty, because yesterday, he apparently tore tucker Carlson's Russia interview / trip apart...
Agreed. This election is LIFE and DEATH. There is no room for ambiguity on the side of the good guys. Believe me, the bad guys are unified and know no boundaries in what they will do.
Why are so many people pussyfooting about Stewart's SHITSHOW? Stewart has returned in a Bill Maher costume. As you know, Maher is ALL EGO and no intellect.
There’s an article in the Washington Post today that is a “must read”.
John Oliver just offered “Supreme Court Justice-on-the-take” Clarence Thomas $1 million a year to step down.
The gambit: The host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” said on Sunday’s show that the Supreme Court justice had 30 days to accept his offer — which includes a $2.4 million motor coach.
Zooming out: The justice has been criticized for accepting gifts and favors from conservative billionaires. He has denied wrongdoing. Oliver called his proposal “somehow legal.”
I did not see the show when it originally aired, but, for sure, I will watch it when the video is posted on-line.
Anyone know what’s up with his GoFundMe? I read they responded it was within their guidelines but they didn’t explain why. I’m now boycotting gfm. The Assholes that allow this fundraiser have now ruined it for everyone else.
The "why" is the same as it was with Twitter; there's a financial handjob for the owner if they let Drumpf stay despite obviously pissing all over the ToS. They'll take that handy over moral propriety every time.
As I keep saying, Drumpf is the leader no one needs, but America is getting damn close to deserving.
“Jalen Drummond, former White House assistant press secretary who was with then-President Trump often on January 5 and 6, according to a source familiar”
These idiots have been primed for a couple of generations now to follow “leaders” who actually turn out to be con artists. Grifting on the “megachurch” scale is highly profitable.
And Marjorie Taylor Gangrene is a musclebound meathead like her CrossFit clientele. (Just thought I’d throw that in).
You know I thought he was a political satirist when I first saw his show, because his logic was so poor, and his arguments laughable. Then I went to work the next day ,and one of the other nurses was talking about him, and I said how stupidly funny he was...
See "God &Country" in theaters now. Tjis goes back to tge Civil Rights Era and the likes of Jerry Falwell being told that if they didn't integrate their private "Christian" schools, they'd lose their tax exempt status. It started in 54/55, and they decided they wanted to call the shots. It's taken 70 years to get to this point.
What we have is the RNC, broke and willing to take Russian $$ for political funding (goggle Dallas Morning News/McConnell Senate PAC taking Russian $$ each year, includes Deripaska and his fake aluminum plant, but very real $200M in, where KY, and not talking jelly).
Reference in The Atlantic magazine this month article on a foreign policy evaluation showing the JD Vance Senators, but not the senior GOP willing to support Russian interest and not NATO/Ukraine.
What it means? The GOP is split with half looking at isolationism as their orientation on foreign policy. I don't get why this group thinks this is a smart move but I understand they equate the war in Ukraine the same as other missteps like the Iraq war or even Korean, Vietnam war.
I guess it is difficult to take $ from Russian for political campaigns AND support your own country. Especially if a dysfunctional retiree in FL leans on them. If they think Putin will leave us alone if we let him have Ukraine or if he stops there and Xi does something similar they are not just cowards but ignorant cowards.
ETTD: Do you have any idea how insanely popular Adams' comic strip was? It was a license for him and his syndicate to print money, especially with the merchandising. But like "actress" Gino Carano who was ready to take off in her own Disney Star Wars series, they just couldn't, simply could not resist, (even after being warned NOT to by their employer) to hit "send." Because, free speech...or trump...or something.
Oh and Gino is trying like Hell to get reinstated by Disney because she finally had it explained to her how very badly she fucked up getting yeeted off the Star Wars gravy train.
I think the getting fired part got Chicago Ray's attention. The Scott Adams boycott will shake the NY economy. (NOT!!) These are two people that need to shut the fuck up already!!😡😡🤬🤬
So, his grandson “seen it”? Thanks for keeping me informed about what I’m missing on twitter. I’ve stopped reading that app because I lose brain cells every time I open it.
The only problem I encounter (daily) when reading Jeff's Substack: I spend most days at a Starbuck's, and, when I read Jeff's Substack, it is impossible (totally impossible) to avoid laughing out loud. And, since I sit at a table all by myself, laughing out loud (deliriously), everyone else in the place looks over at me (wondering what I'm laughing out loud about). Today's post was no different! Stories about Fraud Trump and his cult of MAGAidiots are priceless!
I saw Kevin O’Leary on faux news doing his big mad about NYC and how he’s boycotting it and so it’s now just a dust bowl of has-been skyscrapers swaying in the breeze. Because he said so, bc it’s so unfair to his butt buddy loser shitstained dear leader and btw fuck California too. I wonder if Barbara Corcoran is taking her business elsewhere too? Fuck you O’Leary, you fat fascist fuck.
He’s on Shark Tank, where millionaire/billionaire investors choose startups to invest in. It’s pretty cheesy imho. Barbara Corcoran is also on it and has a real estate agency (Corcoran Group) in NYC and other big metro cities.
Just another ego gone wild doofus. Greed is ugly and stupid…it never ends in happiness and never fills the gapping hole where a heart would otherwise be.
Watching as these truckers act out their fantasy life is like watching a bad jr high play. It amuses me to see these macho types showing their considerable bellies to a cowardly, draft-dodging, lying criminal psychopath. And now Trump and the extreme Right are trying to equate Putin-Navalny and Biden-Trump, as though his criminality over the decades had nothing to do with his indictments. If the situation weren't so dire it would be really amusing to watch.
When you have a group that lacks critical thinking skills and is driven by pure id, these outcomes are expected. The truly sad thing is that they vote.
I love that photo of Dump at the top of the post in his MAGAt shit stain cap. He appears to be near death. That brings me much happiness.........
I took that image right off Fox News' web site. even they can't make Trump look good
.....we know they have a demented "Shallow Hal" thing going on with that grotesque monster. To those vile fucks untethered from reality, they see the most beautiful thing in the world. Fuckin' deranged maniacs.
He resembles a cigar store Indian.
That's an insult to the Cigar store Indian. The poor wooden guy is just doing his job. Holding cigars and showing up to work even on days he doesn't need to be there. Unlike the similarly varnish colored former occupant of the White House that felt it was more important to golf than to do the job he was hired for.
Mr. Cigar Store Indian, I apologize on behalf of people who compare you to the traderous, visibly orange colored, diaper loading, narcissistic pos that definitely doesn't remotely look as good as you do even after doing your job, outside since the 17th century. You are solid and deserve a fresh coat of varnish. 😆
My apologies. 😆😆😆
🤣 🤣 🤣
"Varnish" is the most excellent description yet of "the former occupant"s" face. It DOES look like it's been varnished. You win, Donna.
* takes a bow*, but I haven't prepared an acceptance speech. 😆
You are on a roll today, Donna.
At least the Cigar Store Indian DID HIS JOB.
Hear! Hear! Great tribute Donna 💜.
Yep! That too, especially when he's schwetty. 😆
I didn't know they stacked shit that high!
Charlie i can't stop laughingggggggg ahhahahaha!!!!
Good one Charlie.
Hey! Hey!! Cigar store Native-American! What's WRONG with you??
You know I was kidding, right Charlie? 😂
I know.😃😃
One that is so old it is nearly petrified! And peeling!
Notice the lid down over the top of his ears so he looks really cool like his buddy Ye. Take it to the STREET … you miserable old fart. I wonder if he’s a gonna start wearing those gold high tops with the red hat. It’ll be a great look with the diaper hiding huge pantskirt and dress he calls a suit coat.
If a mortuary made a corpse look like that the deceased's loved ones would sue for emotional distress.
Herman Munster would be a better-looking corpse.
now,, I'm listening. If you like follow my Substack.
If you were a doctor and your patient showed up looking like that, you’d put him on the wait list for a liver transplant
Or call in a priest for last rites.
Who would then call in an exorcist for back-up.
HAHA! Right! 😆
🤣 🤣 🤣
Donna, I still think you can do stand-up comedy. You are hilarious.
You are too kind, Charlotte! ❤️
Hey you are my buddy.
You mean an exorcism.
Or call the morgue and ask them have a gurney ready.
Or if they are missing a stiff.
“Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard!”
He does look pretty jaundiced, now that you have pointed that out.
Scott, I noticed that the orange is looking more rust. It’s probably the result of his 4 brain cells migrating to his face, looking for a sign of life.
.....yet all they could find was a pair of grotesque sneakers a homeless person wouldn't wear.
“It’s a sin to wish suffering and death on someone, right?”
God: “I’ll make an exception this one time. Twice if you care to wish it on Putin, also.”
Bob - I'm thinkin' that's more of a guideline than a rule....... ;)
More of a suggestion
A hint ?
Kamala Harris questioning Barr, @ his confirmation hearing
KH - " A hint a suggestion? "
Barr - " I don't know ".
Cool, but jesus is such a PROCRASTINATOR. 😕
Imagine the joy, the glee, the glory, of the day Smelly at last kicks the bucket. National holiday, at least. Worldwide celebration, for sure. They will need at minimum 20 pallbearers to pick that slob up.
Actual humans will weep with joy. The partying will be unlike anything the world has ever known.
…will be unlike anything the likes of which the world has ever known.
It's the Ozempic that's making him look dead. Hope it's eating his liver.
I love everything you just said.
It's pure joyyyyyy!!!!!
No no no no no, you want him to live as long as possible, the longer behind bars, the better for democracy and our country to heal.
Hilariously, the prison diet will extend his life 5 years to extend his suffering.
But don't wish death on your political adversaries in this country. That's a far right wing move.
Michael - if it makes you feel any better, I hoped he would drop dead long before he decided to pretend he was a "politician." I've hated that piece of shit since the 80's....... ;)
Tertiary syphilis is a bitch.
That and everything else that's going on with him. The demented orange bastard has been physically and mentally ill for years but what the hell, as long as he can identify an animal in a nursery school format, his fucked up congressional support mechanism and base of dumb shits are perfectly ok with this.
They'll be rolling him out like "Weekend at Bernie's".
That would be pretty damn funny but his base would refuse to believe that he was now a corpse with no shame.
What about once he decomposes into skeleton form? One wonders if they'd believe it then lol 😉
Go Charlie!
I 've been saying that for years, his "Vietnam" was not successful.
That's what I think!
Quit talkin' all sexy like that!!!
Oh, I certainly hope not!
Our National Nightmare said: “The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country,”
In other words: "The sudden death of Navalny has made me realize how badly I... I... I... I... I... I... I am being treated!!!
Poor ME... ME... ME!!
Oh, the humanity!
PS: Send cash.
I am proud to be a Democrat. Democrats including Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden have all worked tirelessly to restore order after each republican tried to destroy our country. The republicans, including nixon, ford, reagan, bush 1 & 2, and trump each worked enthusiastically to dismantle our country and install a Kingdom.
“I AM PROUD TO BE A DEMOCRAT” is a powerful, uplifting TWO minute film on youtube.
watch it and share it widely.
Democrats have been cleaning up Rethuglican messes since 1933.
Absolutely. FDR was of course the very foundation for all those succeeding him to stand tall.
I'm getting to old for anymore Republican do overs. It takes years to recover my losses from Republican administration's. I'm fucking baked. If they win again, everybody, except the ultra wealthy can bend over and kiss their own ass goodbye. The Chattel Project 2025.
Ikr 😞 I can’t claim I’ve read the entire 900 pgs of that terrifying document, but I’ve read excerpts, & it sound’s almost as bad as moving to Afghanistan & wearing a burka.
I am getting to old, 73, & I can just cry when I contemplate how many years it’s going to take to get back some of the freedoms & rights we’ve had taken away in just 2 short yrs.
Thomas & Alito are in my age group, so they could hang in there voting on crappy rulings for at least another decade. ACB will be there for 30-40
It’s devastating.
P.J., I hear you. The American Oligarchs want complete control. It's not enough they groomed Supreme Court Justices to enact the their laws to protect their wealth. They want to own us. Lock stock and barrel. I haven't read the last 200 pages because I get so angry. Oh, after they gut the Education Dept. They are putting Besty DeVos in charge. Their goal is to break the teachers unions. And privatize education. They want to privatize everything!! It's all there, how to undo America. They will cutoff our Allies. We will be in a war if they come to power. This keeps me up at night. I tell everyone about The Chattel Project. I'm gobsmacked. I can't believe this happening.
I can’t believe it either. I was & am a radical feminist, read Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Erica Jong. I burned my bra, remained a liberated, divorced Mom of 1 for over 25 yrs because I didn’t want a man who wasn’t going to treat me as an equal.
We just have to dig in & fight until we are physically unable to anymore 👍
Absolutely! Fight! I'm 65 and I remember my misogynistic father saying in those days, women just want a pink refrigerator and then they'll be happy.
That was very good. We need more positive ads like this to complement ads that show how Republicans under Trump are destroying our country.
I can only hope that there will be the room to move about with ads becoming more and more about Bidens accomplishments and less about attacks on t. No doubt there will be more ads of both types than at any time in history
Thank you for the link. Watched and shared.
Not sure about Kennedy being in this list--Eisenhower was a good President and warned about the dangers of military-industrial complex/power. We didn't heed that warning.
Kennedy and Obama were both in the top ten. Kennedys early death over shadowed his good deeds and what he might have accomplished in his fourth year.
He had some bad war-hawk advisors, but he was finding his way, those damn Dulles brothers though...
Let’s hope these oxygen-to-the-brain deprived nimrods decide to teach not just NY but the whole country a lesson and emigrate to Russia to check out those fancy subways & Uber affordable groceries! Pro tip before you go: stay away from those tricky Russian windows everybody keeps falling out of.
And don’t drink the water and tea.
Yeah, no gay people allowed!
I saw this story and had to laugh...for which I was chastised by several folks yesterday. Look...I'm sorry, but their unreasonable hate and arrogance got them to Russia. If they had only followed their Jesus' teachings and loved thy neighbor.
I am waiting to hear which one of the 8 children is gay. Just saying a likely chance. Or maybe all 8 will ask Canada if THEY still have their citizenship.
Honestly, people.
I suspect it is the 9th one who didn't go with them.
Read it on Wonkette, the comments are glorious! No one should chastise you for telling the truth. I pity the kids, but those parents deserve everything they get.
Thanks for the link…thats well written and hilarious. 🤦♀️
I think you are "one of us" and you don't have to be a paid subscriber to comment.
Thank you, that is the real takeaway from this.
Check out Alicia's Substack on one of our very own Canadian Kristian Families Journey ( I'm Canadian) fleeing to Russia , so they would not subject their children to gay propaganda. Among other things.
See how well that worked out for them
I’ve seen it! Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of homophobes ❤️
I first drove tractor trailers in 1971 and have driven over one million safe miles in 18 wheelers. When one is a professional long haul truck driver, the load is their boss. They have to plan their days so that they can deliver the load safely and on time. So routing, time and miles per day, and more are things to consider.
Many drivers over the years refused to go to NYC because of conditions there. Traffic, tolls on the bridges, one way streets, low clearances, and more are things that a 18 wheeler can run into difficulty with in NYC.
Other metro areas are similar, like DC or my birthplace San Francisco. I always could count on New Yorkers to help me out if I had a problem in NYC. Good people are everywhere, you just have to give them a chance.
Trump can't make macaroni and cheese so he could never learn to handle a 80,000 pound 65 foot long beast of burden.
As a born and raised Nyer (live in MA now), I love it when you ask for directions in NYC and 3 guys get in an argument about what are the best directions! Classic NYC! Love it!
And it appears his only driving g experience is being hauled around by Limo.
On a related topic, I have a bone to pick with Jon Stewart who returned to The Daily Show after 9 years, mainly for his own ego. Stewart's unfunny jokes imply a false equivalence between the 2 candidates. No mention of the fact that it is an older, humane, inspirational public servant who has occasional memory lapses no different than my own, and a demented psychotic nazi parasite.
I hear you about his attempt at bothsidesisms on his first show. Not a good one. In last nights show, however, he acknowledged his douchiness and makes fun of himself for being a nincompoop. Then he threw Tuckims “Vlad is my father” Carlson wayyyyyyyyy under a russian bus. Where he belongs. Pretty good. Although I have to say, overall, Seth Meyers’ A Closer Look is just a much funnier avenue for this kind of comedy now.
Stewart may find he doesn't have the market he once had. I would think this a kind of market test but I never caught him regularly when he was the host. I guess I could watch on a streaming service should I find time.
My FAVORITE, Seth , although I do love some Colbert.
Maybe he had edge-lord wanna-be writers and had to straighten them out.
Couldn't agree more. There is no equivalence between Biden and the Old Criminal.
Trevor Noah is much better than Stewart.
I ❤️Trevor! I bought his book to know more about his life in South Africa. He literally was illegal when he was born by their laws!
I agree !
Jon Stewart left us right before the worst president in our history.
I do appreciate him coming back if it's helpful.
There are no "two-sides" to this election. You can show how Biden is seen on the world stage but this is democracy v fascism at stake.
I’ve always liked Jon Stewart and still do. I think he’s right about both candidates being old, but that could have been said in one minute. (I’m old, and recognize the slips and slow page-turning and such). Drawing the contrasts between what an old fascist is up to and what an old democrat has accomplished would have been more to my liking and certainly more honest. It is time for the Dems to seek out qualified candidates and get them ready. The GQP is a lost cause.
100%. You said it so eloquently
I have only one question, do you want to win a semantical argument, or do you want to win this election?
It’s not semantics; it’s logic. Lordy, now I’m given a false dilemma: if I win the argument, we lose the election. That’s just silly, and I suspect you know that. Sigh.
Stop yelling at me. All caps are not necessary. Don’t assume that I don’t see that it’s a life-or-death election, just because I clarified my position for you.
Kamala is terrible, and has been a disappointment. And, yes, there is zero margin of error in this election. That’s the take-away when I call Trump a fascist and Biden a democrat (small ‘d’).
Surely you do not think I’m all in for a fascist? I’m working hard to get Biden re-elected. And I’m working on down ticket races, too. For my work with “teaching honest history”, I’ve been reported up the food chain to Breitbart, and put on a hit-list for teachers/faculty.
Oh forget it, you’ve decided that I am the enemy here. Just turn down the volume, please, the air must be thin up there on the high moral ground.
I know what false equivalence is. Here’s a logic lesson, from, you know, logic 101 textbook.
According to first order thinking: True equivalence is that they are both old.
Second order thinking: They are no longer equivalent. One is a fascist. One is a democrat (small “d”)
I don’t care what you think of Stewart, but I do care when someone attacks me because (1) they’re mad at Stewart and (2) they ascribe another’s views to me using faulty logic.
What I used to like about Jeff Teidrich’s Substack was that every interacted in good faith and fairness. It’s changing.
Just ignore this asshat Cassandra, he's obviously one of these know it all's.
They have to rebut everything you say. I do agree with your last sentence though. Some smart ass jumped on me yesterday.
Also. Notice that I didn’t swear at him? I save all my swearing for folks I like.
Thanks, Charlotte. His responses surprised me here. Jeff’s people are usually funny and good sports, assuming the best of the members of the community.. I see he’s deleted his comments. On many political sites, that’s called dirty deleting.
John, I’ve never been a big fan of jon Stewart and I agree, way too much ego. He puts me off.
Yeah that irked me-that bit seems really out of touch and going in the direction of Biil Maher and our corporate owned media that we are railing against (rightfully). Mary Trump is correct in her criticism (and people are pissed off at her). But let's just hope he's rusty, because yesterday, he apparently tore tucker Carlson's Russia interview / trip apart...
Agreed. This election is LIFE and DEATH. There is no room for ambiguity on the side of the good guys. Believe me, the bad guys are unified and know no boundaries in what they will do.
I absolutely despise Maher.
Yes he is a smug douche-bro wanna-be edgelord, who is developing into a "get off my lawn" curmudgeon.
Why are so many people pussyfooting about Stewart's SHITSHOW? Stewart has returned in a Bill Maher costume. As you know, Maher is ALL EGO and no intellect.
Same comment about Ezra Klein who also wants to ‘save’ all of us with his gigantic EGO. Also dead to me, along with most of nyt and other msm.
Sorry, off-topic……
There’s an article in the Washington Post today that is a “must read”.
John Oliver just offered “Supreme Court Justice-on-the-take” Clarence Thomas $1 million a year to step down.
The gambit: The host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” said on Sunday’s show that the Supreme Court justice had 30 days to accept his offer — which includes a $2.4 million motor coach.
Zooming out: The justice has been criticized for accepting gifts and favors from conservative billionaires. He has denied wrongdoing. Oliver called his proposal “somehow legal.”
I did not see the show when it originally aired, but, for sure, I will watch it when the video is posted on-line.
The show was absolutely priceless.
🤣🤣🤣 (and it's legal !!!)
Oh, it was funny and a serious riff on SCOTUS. I do love John Oliver, need humor!
That was nerd humor.
I, too, need nerd humor. Or humour, as John Oliver might have it.
Most def!
Anyone know what’s up with his GoFundMe? I read they responded it was within their guidelines but they didn’t explain why. I’m now boycotting gfm. The Assholes that allow this fundraiser have now ruined it for everyone else.
The "why" is the same as it was with Twitter; there's a financial handjob for the owner if they let Drumpf stay despite obviously pissing all over the ToS. They'll take that handy over moral propriety every time.
As I keep saying, Drumpf is the leader no one needs, but America is getting damn close to deserving.
Same as with the space Nazi, then.
There's other sites that do the same thing. We need to find and promote them. GFM blew up their credibility.
GiveSendGo is another Trumpy shit site.
Dead on Charlie.
The "Trump Stink" is everywhere.
Jalen Drummond is their CEO and a Trump fanboy:
“Jalen Drummond, former White House assistant press secretary who was with then-President Trump often on January 5 and 6, according to a source familiar”
From Feb 2021 : https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/10/politics/list-january-6-subpoenas/index.html
Thanks, that explains it! Knock yourselves out maga, campaign contributions going instead to lawyers. One of the 'expert' witnesses
in the fraud trial bills over $1300 an hour and billed for over 650 hours. Maga!
These idiots have been primed for a couple of generations now to follow “leaders” who actually turn out to be con artists. Grifting on the “megachurch” scale is highly profitable.
And Marjorie Taylor Gangrene is a musclebound meathead like her CrossFit clientele. (Just thought I’d throw that in).
Started way back in the late 80's when Limbaugh realized he could actually sell Hate.
You know I thought he was a political satirist when I first saw his show, because his logic was so poor, and his arguments laughable. Then I went to work the next day ,and one of the other nurses was talking about him, and I said how stupidly funny he was...
Yep, "listened to hate radio"with dear old dad. So, really why bother getting an education after that.
See "God &Country" in theaters now. Tjis goes back to tge Civil Rights Era and the likes of Jerry Falwell being told that if they didn't integrate their private "Christian" schools, they'd lose their tax exempt status. It started in 54/55, and they decided they wanted to call the shots. It's taken 70 years to get to this point.
What we have is the RNC, broke and willing to take Russian $$ for political funding (goggle Dallas Morning News/McConnell Senate PAC taking Russian $$ each year, includes Deripaska and his fake aluminum plant, but very real $200M in, where KY, and not talking jelly).
Reference in The Atlantic magazine this month article on a foreign policy evaluation showing the JD Vance Senators, but not the senior GOP willing to support Russian interest and not NATO/Ukraine.
What it means? The GOP is split with half looking at isolationism as their orientation on foreign policy. I don't get why this group thinks this is a smart move but I understand they equate the war in Ukraine the same as other missteps like the Iraq war or even Korean, Vietnam war.
I guess it is difficult to take $ from Russian for political campaigns AND support your own country. Especially if a dysfunctional retiree in FL leans on them. If they think Putin will leave us alone if we let him have Ukraine or if he stops there and Xi does something similar they are not just cowards but ignorant cowards.
I've suspected, since Citizens United, our political process has become a gigantic global money laundering operation, Russia being the majority owner.
Well that certainly made the easy-to-use vehicle.
They say that is why, but they are just using that to sell their position.
ETTD: Do you have any idea how insanely popular Adams' comic strip was? It was a license for him and his syndicate to print money, especially with the merchandising. But like "actress" Gino Carano who was ready to take off in her own Disney Star Wars series, they just couldn't, simply could not resist, (even after being warned NOT to by their employer) to hit "send." Because, free speech...or trump...or something.
Oh and Gino is trying like Hell to get reinstated by Disney because she finally had it explained to her how very badly she fucked up getting yeeted off the Star Wars gravy train.
Good luck with that.
Gina, female, from Reno, NV. (Not Gino). The Carano family owns casinos and wineries. Many in her family are right-wing.
I had thought it was Gina but I just assumed the poster above me knew something I didn't.
Space nazi is funding her, in a Peter Thiel-like move.
Because they are hateful, intellectually lazy, useless turds. IMHO.
Bingo, Blue!
Career suicide.
I think the getting fired part got Chicago Ray's attention. The Scott Adams boycott will shake the NY economy. (NOT!!) These are two people that need to shut the fuck up already!!😡😡🤬🤬
So, his grandson “seen it”? Thanks for keeping me informed about what I’m missing on twitter. I’ve stopped reading that app because I lose brain cells every time I open it.
Me thinks that Chicago Ray slept through English class.
The only problem I encounter (daily) when reading Jeff's Substack: I spend most days at a Starbuck's, and, when I read Jeff's Substack, it is impossible (totally impossible) to avoid laughing out loud. And, since I sit at a table all by myself, laughing out loud (deliriously), everyone else in the place looks over at me (wondering what I'm laughing out loud about). Today's post was no different! Stories about Fraud Trump and his cult of MAGAidiots are priceless!
I saw Kevin O’Leary on faux news doing his big mad about NYC and how he’s boycotting it and so it’s now just a dust bowl of has-been skyscrapers swaying in the breeze. Because he said so, bc it’s so unfair to his butt buddy loser shitstained dear leader and btw fuck California too. I wonder if Barbara Corcoran is taking her business elsewhere too? Fuck you O’Leary, you fat fascist fuck.
nothing but empty bravado bullshit.
On the plus side, I have no idea who that even is. Wait, is he CNBC dude who had an erection because he is now a citizen of the UAE?
He’s on Shark Tank, where millionaire/billionaire investors choose startups to invest in. It’s pretty cheesy imho. Barbara Corcoran is also on it and has a real estate agency (Corcoran Group) in NYC and other big metro cities.
What a joke. You literally cannot be in finance and boycott New York City.
Just another ego gone wild doofus. Greed is ugly and stupid…it never ends in happiness and never fills the gapping hole where a heart would otherwise be.
Tama2U ... well said.
They are hoping their followers don't know that.
Haha. They think Floriduh has the chops. Doh!
Watching as these truckers act out their fantasy life is like watching a bad jr high play. It amuses me to see these macho types showing their considerable bellies to a cowardly, draft-dodging, lying criminal psychopath. And now Trump and the extreme Right are trying to equate Putin-Navalny and Biden-Trump, as though his criminality over the decades had nothing to do with his indictments. If the situation weren't so dire it would be really amusing to watch.
Watching the video Jeff posted, Youtube titled "When Assholes Collide," brought endless mirth over here. I'm still laughing.
I still can't quite figure out what that bru-ha-ha was all about. Shoutin' and shovin,' achieving nothin'.
When you have a group that lacks critical thinking skills and is driven by pure id, these outcomes are expected. The truly sad thing is that they vote.
It's technically better than not participating at all but it would be nice if they'd stop voting for psychopaths.
I suspect they won't once their Orange buddha is no longer on the ticket.