Apparently oligarch owner does not need money. Losing all readers would be the best thing to happen, because it would make the paper totally irrelevant. That is what needs to happen. I love that the Harris campaign is circumventing the MSM and showing them that if they are going to act like this they can be replaced by her campaign with more democratic means. A democracy needs a free press, not the toys of obscenely wealthy people used as vehicles to protect their tax status, focused on clicks and likes to maintain their relevance. Waiting for any good journalists left to leave their publications and form their own press. That would be a big statement. Meantime, Kamala and the Coach press on. Viva la Kamala!
My personal opinion is that the Harris/Walz campaign is going after the younger voters. I belong to a Democratic club but almost all of us are retired. We briefly had a new member in her 30’s who said that our communications by email weren’t good for the younger people. They communicate through Instagram, Twitter (whatever it is now), and other electronic ways. We’re still behind the times but we have excelled at writing postcards. Vote Blue!
Younger ppl don't read the NYT, WashPo, Politico etc. The Harris campaign knows that, reaches out via the other ways. Low-tech has its place, tho. We're postcard writing like crazy at our house.
That is why they invited influencers to the DNC and set them up near the floor, in comfort, instead of MSM. MSM is not happy about that, but their behavior is making them irrelevant on the good end, and dangerous on the bad end to this campaign. One of my friends here in Germany, is writing cards to mail to the US from here for the election, even though it costs a lot and mail from here is slow. She is also working our events to recruit voters, and is part of our Democrats Abroad Project 2025 book club and all of this while working full time and fighting cancer. She amazes me.
Good for Kamala reaching out to influencers, who have large audiences who actually care about what is said. I've completely given up on the Lamestream media as any credible source of political information. Maybe some hard news , like the odd tornado in Texas, or a Hurricane in the Bahamas. Everything else, I get my news from uncorrupted sources. Cancelled my NYT sub when the Sulzbergie temper tantrum news broke. And WaPo let me subscribe for a year for next to nothing, but the Post also went off the deep end. Their editorial board was all fascist reactionaries anyway. And Hugh Hewitt is an *sshole.
That's why I gave up emailing my granddaughters. I text them. That is why it is smart to give interviews to influencers who have creditability with millions of followers .
My 19-year-old rarely checks her email, that is, she does not read her messages except for those that have to do with offers from Depop, a "vintage" clothing site, where people offer clothing for sale, and sell clothing that they don't want any more. If she sees something from me she will generally ignore it. However, if I send her something through Signal, which is the main way our family communicates since we live across continents, she will perhaps check it out. Perhaps not. It is all about the sender. You can bet her boyfriend does not get this disregard at all. My daughter does have some Whats App groups, because even though she knows her dad and I do not feel it is a good idea to use anything Meta, to the point that her former sitter, who now works for Meta is not allowed to know anything about her online habits, per my husband. In any case, I know she also uses Telegraph. She has a very European set of friends, because she is at University in Europe, and that influences what she uses. I know she does not use Instagram, but most of her friends do. I think the Democrats should be advertising on the dating sites like Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, Match and start talking about Project 2025 and college loans, birth control, abortion, and environment.
tRump has been using social media since 2016! We all thought it was crazy that someone would actually campaign via Twitter. When he was President he made some of the most crude statements any president had ever made & the MSM just used it for clicks & never questioned his irrational behavior. Now they say “Well he’s an entertainer “- WTF? I just laugh when the right wing media goes after the MSM saying that MSM ignores them & the evangelical GOP
Donnie Dump is good for clicks. Apparently a brilliant prosecutor and politician who speaks in complete sentences is giving them the vapors. The relentless pursuit of money and faux relevance is not good for society. I like the idea of some of the sensible columnists and reporters finding a way to create a new form of press in this country.
My life quality has improved greatly since the only time I know what they are saying as a non-paying, non-subscriber is when one of my Substack writers references them. Otherwise I don't have the stress of their idiocy, and the idiotic responses that I was getting back from the worst of toxic millennial males known as NYT know-nothing editors.
They follow Ross Douchehat, and so many are "sock puppet" accounts, (all one guy posting, on multiple accounts,) backing up his venom, agreeing with himself. The NYT could block that behavior but they don't hire tech-savvy people, on purpose, I suspect.
Omg, Douchehat!!!! My first introduction to him was an opinion piece he wrote making the case against abortion. It was awful, made me want to scream at him.
^^^^ if they do not fulfil their purpose, that is to say, performing honest journalism, to factually inform us of reality, not just twisting the truth to pretend "both sides are the same!" They do not deserve to exist. We have enough yellow press in the Murdoch stable of tabloid blood-suckers. There is no need to sink to that level. It breaks my heart to see my personal favorite, the paper that bravely gve us the "Pentagon Papers" at great risk to themselves, decend into right-wing stenographers for the deplorable Magaites.
When I canceled my online subscription to the New York Times, I put in the comments explicit reasons why I was leaving. It was due to their flagrant negative coverage of Dems and normalizing Trump every day. That’s not reporting reality.
although I miss their Games, I do not regret cancelling them and WaPo. In every box where I could write a comment, I used the word "disgusting" as often as possible. This was long before Joe gracefully and strategically stepped aside. Oddly, it was because of the dumpster fire in a cheap suit I subscribed to both rags! To support them!
And they are counting on that.There have been reports that is why the news side has slipped into excrement. They make money on their games, and anyway, you are still supporting their bad behavior.
I said as much to the woman who answered the phone. I apologized by saying that I knew she wasn’t responsible for my ire towards The Times, but she said the phone calls are recorded & the powers that be listen to them, so they would hear my message
I get a free subscription to the NYT because a friend in NYC has subscribed for decades, maybe since the 1970s. The funny part is that I still don't read it. I play the games and hear most of what they post from Jeff and other Substacks. I don't have time for that nonsense. So, yes, it's free. I do not support them, and I ignore most of them.
The irony. In the aftermath of January 6, 2021, there was a surge of subscribers to the post and the times. Hell the Times rode the Trump term and bragged about how they were growing their subscribers.
Now, they are fleeing in droves, and they want to get that Trumpian magic back to juice their subscriber numbers, but they can't figure out why it's not working.
Fucking clowns. Fire Douthat, Stephens, Klein, and French from their opeds, and shitcan MAGA Haberman and it might return to decency, but I doubt it.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 You speak the truth. If they covered the news, accurately, instead of running the "Joe is old! pure propaganda, and rarely informing the public of his many accomplishments, placing them "under the fold" which is to say burying them. One reader on WaPo commented "Where is the economic report, the numbers came out today?" She reported back she had to seach for them, and even then, they were hard to find..
Boycott the NY Times and their fence sitting bullshit. I used to think it was good for wrapping fish but no longer, its a cancer factory that can only spew bullshit and call it ‘media’. What happens when theres no ‘news fit to print’ ? (not that you would be able to recognize it) You become an empty building…hey isn’t that where the ‘times’ used to be ? Now it’s a Chipotle.
We know NYT and CNN are in the tank, but geez, the AP? politifact? The Daily Beast? I won't say anything about TMZ. Gossip is not fact. Bunch of liars gonna lie, I guess
Didn't MSM become that way because a majority trusted them to have top of mind the good of the country? Every new outrageous headline in a stream of headlines that are in themselves lies (the AP "Fact Check" sweet baby jebus) hammers home that the "free and fair press" continues to favor just one candidate, one party. They blithely legitimize and boost in myriad ways an ongoing existential threat to democracy, then lie that they don't, to an audience sick unto death of lies. They have enabled and unleashed a monster and are ludicrous enough to whine when readers show a preference to not willingly attend their paid rage-stoking engine masquerading as legitimate journalism. Lord, the baiting, the trolling, the gaslighting. How masochistic do they think readers are? Their reach depends on us, we make them mainstream, and though I've cancelled to make the point, it's not enough. Their reach depends on readers and access. We could just not comply. Subjects such as Madame President could not comply. That we should support in any way their reach or not laugh outright at the term "paper of record" given their betrayal of country is peak hubris. I'm delighted the Harris campaign is so creatively circumventing them.
Really no words for how much I love this Substack, and this day's in particular. Thank you, Jeff.
Yes, and their Moscow corespondent lied about Stalin and the Holodomor.They rarely have balanced coverage giving the right-wing far too much slack.
"Duranty was The New York Times' man in Moscow, as the line went, with a cushy apartment in which to entertain expatriates and a reputation as a leading authority on the Soviet Union. Duranty had staked his name on the idea that Josef Stalin was the strong leader the communist country needed. He is often credited with coining the term "Stalinism."
He wrote glowing reports of an autocrat's harsh plans for UkraineIn return, Duranty won rare interviews with Stalin and wrote glowingly about Stalin and his plans. The Pulitzer board cited his "dispassionate interpretive reporting" in awarding him a prize in 1932 for a series of reports the previous year. The first was a front-page article that started with the line: "Russia today cannot be judged by Western standards or interpreted in Western terms."It is worth being clear on what Stalin's plans, called "collectivization," led to: the deaths of millions of Ukrainians and more than a million Russians, according to credible estimates.
"Activists from the Communist Party locally and nationally went house to house in Ukrainian towns and villages, confiscating food," says the journalist and scholar Anne Applebaum, who has written extensively on the period. "They took wheat, they took grain, they took vegetables, they took livestock. They took everything that people had."She says Stalin used collectivization to crush any nationalist stirrings in Ukraine and to pay for his efforts to industrialize the Soviet Union. Communist Party officials had possible dissidents arrested, exiled and killed, especially professionals.
"It's thought that between 3 and 4 million people died" in Ukraine, she says.
By toeing the line, Duranty aided his careerDespite lingering suspicions over Duranty's motivations, Applebaum says she found no evidence the reporter was bribed or blackmailed by Russian agents. She also says he did not appear to be swayed by communism, though he was reportedly threatened against reflecting unwelcome truths.
Instead, Appelbaum says, Duranty simply toed the line because it was good for his career — excusing and rejecting the deadliness of Stalin's rule well past any moment of possible denial.
In 1933, the Welsh writer Gareth Jones reported and spoke publicly about the famine after interviewing ordinary Ukrainians while he wandered by foot for 40 miles. Jones, a former aide to former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, had previously scored an interview with Adolf Hitler.
In March 1933, Duranty wrote in a Times story on page 13 that Jones possessed a "keen and active mind," but that the Welsh writer's interviews with people near Kharkiv represented "a rather inadequate cross-section of a big country." Duranty added he had sought to convince Jones otherwise but that "nothing could shake his conviction of impending doom." (Jones was killed under murky circumstances in Mongolia in 1935. His clash with Duranty inspired the 2019 movie Mr. Jones.)"
I cancelled my subscription back in the spring when they started piling on President Biden. I have no idea what happened at the New York Times, but I refuse to give them my money.
“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”
Can the media simply not point out the contradiction (aka: lie) of saying you know nothing about project 2025 while saying you agree with some parts of it and not others?
Since I am reading Project 2025 with my Democrats Abroad book club dedicated to slogging through and discussing this hateful, tome of lies and whining, as well as a plot to turn the USA into a third world country, I can say, not too many journalists covering this election have read it either. You would think they would, but I think that may be the key to understanding why they are focusing on amplifying Trump's lies and denigrating Harris' truths, they don't want to have to pick up Project 2025 with its 920 pages and read it. I am recommending for people who have not read it yet, that you find very useful information on it from Andra Watkins in her Substack titled How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life, who is explaining beliefs of Christian Nationalists and The New Apostolic Reformers, particularly their differing end of days beliefs which are very important to understanding the unstated purposes of much of the policy in there. Here is a link an article comparing the 2 different End-of-Days beliefs as it explains the beliefs of the religion Alito and Mike Johnson seem to embrace.
Another very useful source is called Defeat Project 2025. Here you can look up their summarization of the document under Policy by Issue, either by Government Department, and since every chapter is not about a Department they also have People and Topics. So you could look up what different chapters have to say about LGBTQ+ in one section, or Child, or religious minorities, or BIPOC, or AAPI, or Climate, Veterans, Seniors, Students, etc...
My book club group also wants to spread the word about what is in it, and while some lean to not telling the most scary things because people will turn off, I feel like some people need to hear how they basically plan to defund public education and that their plan takes us back to before Brown vs. Board of Education to a place where we expect people to be raising their children and schooling them at home. In Health and Human Services one gets a big dose of defunding medicare and medicaid, privatizing them, throwing elderly people whose brains may not be able to handle this, into a melee of choices from private companies out there vying to deceive them. From each chapter we read, I cannot believe that anyone would want to impose this on anyone, but I am again reminded that these are some mean, bad people, whose only joy is in seeing others suffer. Hell, they believe the world is ending any day now, and they are the righteous who will be saved, and they leave the rest of us with the "unGodly" mess we have made of the world.
Dave, I hear you. However, it helps that I am reading it in a group, and also, I know when people have read it. It is going to be hard for the MSM to fact check what is being said about it based on what they have heard, which seems to be what they are doing. Someone said the other day that Kamala was wrong when she said they were going to have an abortion department. In fact they are, but it is called The Pro Life Department. Well, if you have read the Section 14 Department of Health and Human Services, you can know this, but it is obscurely in the end. Cannot just skim and count on getting everything that is going on. We are also learning a lot about how our government is structured, and that is interesting in and of itself.
OMG thank you Linda!!! The bobbleheads in GOP leadership said Trumpy can't just babble about his conspiracy theories for a year or more,we need POLICY, here's this guy,Kevin Roberts from the Heritage Foundation,he seems cool... Robert's realizes he has his 'useful idiot' to implement his Christofascist plan.
Kevin Roberts has many useful idiots. See Governors of Red States and often their AGs too, and SCOTUS has about 6 people implementing it already. Also, chapter 1 on Office of the White House basically sets up the Chief of Staff to run the country by proxy through being the gatekeeper to the president, and having access to the automatic signature. This however competes with the plans of Bad Billionaire Bros of Tech who planned to have JD Vance to use Article 25 to declare Trump incompetent, which no one is going to disagree with as he spends the next months spewing his largely incoherent vitriol to the eager MSM and his right wing social networks. Then, they will have their proxy president in JDV. Already sounds like a nasty virus and it will be lethal. Which group running the country is worse for the American people. Let us not find out. Viva la Kamala!
Not that you all would've necessarily had me as a member of your book club, but I wished I'd known. :) I would've loved some company to help keep me sane as I slogged through the whole thing!
Thank you for all the links -- very helpful! Here is a link from the Intercept written by a former NYT journalist explaining how white racism informs every facet of Trump's campaign and Project 2025.
Diana, I had read this article too. However, there are different groups among the racists, and the CN and the NAR are important to understand. There are a lot of contradictions in what they believe, so their religion seems to twist to fit every nasty, racist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-semitic, anti-Muslim, anti atheist, anti any interpretation of Christianity but theirs. The are wrapping themselves in the cloak of Christianity to give righteousness to their hatefulness, but more and more are refusing to be manipulated by it. Still, understanding that the CN believe that the End-of-Days could be any day now, helps us to understand why environmental well-being is not their concern, and it does not have to do with skin color. It has to do with not expecting to be around and thinking they will be rewarded by going to heaven if they follow these ridiculous rules, that make them not worry about math, or science or history education, perhaps reading because it is about reading scripture as they home school their children and romanticise a life that the pioneers lived in the wild west, where women had to subjugate to men even if they knew better. This with electricity, running water, and modern appliances, is the dream they are holding. The idea that the modern world is not simple enough. They have also been told that Black skin is a sign of being out of favor with God, and our nation has rested on these beliefs for far too long. So, this means demographics matters. Looking at older, White people who are often less integrated and their fear that color is what matters, and their culture and religion are the only ones that are acceptable, and they vote, means that the more diverse demographic of the Gen Zers, needs to come out too. The Harris-Walz campaign does represent the power of the people to come together across these groups. Walz is such an important part of this campaign. He is leading a new path for older. White people, and many are following. Still, the Right Wing White Christian Nationalists, even if they make up 10-30 percent of the population may not buy into change. Still, change comes whether people want it or not. We are not going back! This is a losing battle of the Republicans because this country cannot function on the offspring of "White" people alone. Interestingly enough, many of these White Trumpers voted for Obama, so they can do things differently. Let us hope enough of them do.
People who tell you we are in end times and those who tell you when that happens don't read their Bible. That says it will come as "a thief in the night." It's just a scare tactic.
Yes, I love Tim Walz. And you are right -- a lot of people who voted for Obama then voted for Trump. Some of my relatives in Georgia did, and now most are planning to vote for Kamala. None of my relatives would approve of CN.
Also, I clicked on the three dots thinking it was an "edit" tool as the three dots are on Slack, but no, it was a "Report" button! Sorry in advance if I "reported" a post by accident...
I think there are journalist , maybe a couple at MSNBC who love to spend an entire month on P25 issues but their MAGA bosses and MSM owner who probably helped co-author the damn thing aren't allowing it...and any independent blogger or social media influencer that talks about P25 could be deemed as an extremist or unverified source and not taken seriously. But there needs to be some sort of global exposure about it... It might take huge celebrity influencers to get the word out.
Given the complexity of what is in there, basically an our entire government take-down, I hope they would pick salient items. I think Americans should know that the plan is for no more child care, no more public education, no more government backed college loans, and no more accreditation of colleges, or changed accreditation so Trump can get revenge for his fleabag grifter university being closed down and so he can open it up again and steal people's money without offering them anything. Apparently normal, every day Americans, who a decade ago would have been incensed at being ripped off by a modern-day Madoff, are being sold a bill of goods again and lapping it up this time, because the bill of goods they are being sold is that they are marvelous because of the skin they are in.
Agreed. That is the contradiction in it all. For example, if they believe that God decides who can be pregnant and parent, and who cannot, why punish women for miscarrying? There is a move to monitor everything a woman did that might have caused her to miscarry, and then put her in jail for having this miscarriage. It is crazy in every sense of the word. If she miscarries, that is God's will. This is also why people cannot have IVF treatment, although they want a lot of White babies being bred. Well, who are the biggest users of IVF? They have not figured that out. There are a lot of other contradictions in each section of Project 2025, and in the CN churches. There is a definite hateful mean spiritedness to it, that makes me say, these are not even a branch of Christian, but some sect that is made up that they are trying to slip under the cloak of Christianity. What it is is insanity.
Thanks for mentioning Andra’s Substack and for sharing the peerless in vacuous idiocy of Project 2025 Linda! To be a fly on the wall as your reading groups commentary would be fascinating!
Just like it was Y2k, and the Mayan calender number ,and...fucking idiots! just accept your mortality, you aren't that special, and do good in the time you get!
Same old shit, different day. The press conveniently overlooks the obvious while continuing to glorify the atrocities of the convicted felon and everything he stands for. It's very helpful and reassuring that we can get the real news here and other sites since the corporate assholes of MSM are more concerned about their bank accounts than reporting the truth. More kudos to Kamala for continuing to ignore them and their bullshit shenanigans.
Funny the knuckle-head GOP cultists keep yammering on about 'sticking to the issues' for dear leader...since when has the GOP ever had an issue that wasn't completely made-up by them?? For 9 years?? Birther??Wall?? Invasion??Emails?? Hunter?? Rigged?? Stollen?? Disney?? Potatohead?? Sesame Street?? Seems MSM wants to treat half the goddamn country like 'Massive Headwound Harry', because we won't join the babbling idiot cult, like they did?? MSM...I fart in your general direction,you sons of motherless goats.
Yeah, feel a little anxious about election. Your litany reminded me of all the uncertainty of "final results", and all the lawsuit news. Goats cool, man. Neighbor had 2.
It’s like Sgt Schultz on “Hogan’s Heroes “ who famously said “I know nothing “ when he wanted to ignore what was going on around him. Showing my age here!
Kamala doesn't owe NYT nepobaby AG Sulzberger a damn thing. Go home, Grey Lady, you're drunk. Maureen is talking to herself. Gen Z does not read the NYT and the rest of us don't care. I'm still laughing about the time she overdid it on pot edibles and wrote about it! As for JD Vance, polish your resume, dude. Don't be surprised if the October Surprise is substituting RFK Jr for you.
NYT has lost its credibility. Cancellations abound.
Apparently oligarch owner does not need money. Losing all readers would be the best thing to happen, because it would make the paper totally irrelevant. That is what needs to happen. I love that the Harris campaign is circumventing the MSM and showing them that if they are going to act like this they can be replaced by her campaign with more democratic means. A democracy needs a free press, not the toys of obscenely wealthy people used as vehicles to protect their tax status, focused on clicks and likes to maintain their relevance. Waiting for any good journalists left to leave their publications and form their own press. That would be a big statement. Meantime, Kamala and the Coach press on. Viva la Kamala!
My personal opinion is that the Harris/Walz campaign is going after the younger voters. I belong to a Democratic club but almost all of us are retired. We briefly had a new member in her 30’s who said that our communications by email weren’t good for the younger people. They communicate through Instagram, Twitter (whatever it is now), and other electronic ways. We’re still behind the times but we have excelled at writing postcards. Vote Blue!
Younger ppl don't read the NYT, WashPo, Politico etc. The Harris campaign knows that, reaches out via the other ways. Low-tech has its place, tho. We're postcard writing like crazy at our house.
That is why they invited influencers to the DNC and set them up near the floor, in comfort, instead of MSM. MSM is not happy about that, but their behavior is making them irrelevant on the good end, and dangerous on the bad end to this campaign. One of my friends here in Germany, is writing cards to mail to the US from here for the election, even though it costs a lot and mail from here is slow. She is also working our events to recruit voters, and is part of our Democrats Abroad Project 2025 book club and all of this while working full time and fighting cancer. She amazes me.
❤️What a remarkable freedom-fighter. Give her a hug for me if it is appropriate.
Good for Kamala reaching out to influencers, who have large audiences who actually care about what is said. I've completely given up on the Lamestream media as any credible source of political information. Maybe some hard news , like the odd tornado in Texas, or a Hurricane in the Bahamas. Everything else, I get my news from uncorrupted sources. Cancelled my NYT sub when the Sulzbergie temper tantrum news broke. And WaPo let me subscribe for a year for next to nothing, but the Post also went off the deep end. Their editorial board was all fascist reactionaries anyway. And Hugh Hewitt is an *sshole.
That's why I gave up emailing my granddaughters. I text them. That is why it is smart to give interviews to influencers who have creditability with millions of followers .
My 19-year-old rarely checks her email, that is, she does not read her messages except for those that have to do with offers from Depop, a "vintage" clothing site, where people offer clothing for sale, and sell clothing that they don't want any more. If she sees something from me she will generally ignore it. However, if I send her something through Signal, which is the main way our family communicates since we live across continents, she will perhaps check it out. Perhaps not. It is all about the sender. You can bet her boyfriend does not get this disregard at all. My daughter does have some Whats App groups, because even though she knows her dad and I do not feel it is a good idea to use anything Meta, to the point that her former sitter, who now works for Meta is not allowed to know anything about her online habits, per my husband. In any case, I know she also uses Telegraph. She has a very European set of friends, because she is at University in Europe, and that influences what she uses. I know she does not use Instagram, but most of her friends do. I think the Democrats should be advertising on the dating sites like Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, Match and start talking about Project 2025 and college loans, birth control, abortion, and environment.
tRump has been using social media since 2016! We all thought it was crazy that someone would actually campaign via Twitter. When he was President he made some of the most crude statements any president had ever made & the MSM just used it for clicks & never questioned his irrational behavior. Now they say “Well he’s an entertainer “- WTF? I just laugh when the right wing media goes after the MSM saying that MSM ignores them & the evangelical GOP
Donnie Dump is good for clicks. Apparently a brilliant prosecutor and politician who speaks in complete sentences is giving them the vapors. The relentless pursuit of money and faux relevance is not good for society. I like the idea of some of the sensible columnists and reporters finding a way to create a new form of press in this country.
I love "Viva la Kamala"!
I made some bumper stickers, !Quiero Kamala!
I only keep the digi rag so I can sign "A Paid Subscriber" to my angry and pointed letters to the fuckwad "journalists" .
My life quality has improved greatly since the only time I know what they are saying as a non-paying, non-subscriber is when one of my Substack writers references them. Otherwise I don't have the stress of their idiocy, and the idiotic responses that I was getting back from the worst of toxic millennial males known as NYT know-nothing editors.
Excellent Linda, Sla’inte!!
They follow Ross Douchehat, and so many are "sock puppet" accounts, (all one guy posting, on multiple accounts,) backing up his venom, agreeing with himself. The NYT could block that behavior but they don't hire tech-savvy people, on purpose, I suspect.
They let them do it to pad the comment section and activity metrics too.
Oh that figures, well observed.
Omg, Douchehat!!!! My first introduction to him was an opinion piece he wrote making the case against abortion. It was awful, made me want to scream at him.
^^^^ if they do not fulfil their purpose, that is to say, performing honest journalism, to factually inform us of reality, not just twisting the truth to pretend "both sides are the same!" They do not deserve to exist. We have enough yellow press in the Murdoch stable of tabloid blood-suckers. There is no need to sink to that level. It breaks my heart to see my personal favorite, the paper that bravely gve us the "Pentagon Papers" at great risk to themselves, decend into right-wing stenographers for the deplorable Magaites.
When I canceled my online subscription to the New York Times, I put in the comments explicit reasons why I was leaving. It was due to their flagrant negative coverage of Dems and normalizing Trump every day. That’s not reporting reality.
I wrote a real flamer when I ditched them in 2016. Didn’t do any good except saving me money. I was down to only reading Paul Krugman.
although I miss their Games, I do not regret cancelling them and WaPo. In every box where I could write a comment, I used the word "disgusting" as often as possible. This was long before Joe gracefully and strategically stepped aside. Oddly, it was because of the dumpster fire in a cheap suit I subscribed to both rags! To support them!
You can still play lots of the games, they just don't save your stats.
You can subscribe to just the games for like $40 a year. And you get access to almost 80 years of Crossword archives.
And they are counting on that.There have been reports that is why the news side has slipped into excrement. They make money on their games, and anyway, you are still supporting their bad behavior.
I’ve never subscribed to NYT and so far I play their games daily without subscribing.
We did too.
I cancelled mine Eileen style, also!
I said as much to the woman who answered the phone. I apologized by saying that I knew she wasn’t responsible for my ire towards The Times, but she said the phone calls are recorded & the powers that be listen to them, so they would hear my message
I did the same thing. Colorfully and thoroughly.
The same here. Now I could get that expensuve subscription fot $1 a week but it's not even worth that.
I get a free subscription to the NYT because a friend in NYC has subscribed for decades, maybe since the 1970s. The funny part is that I still don't read it. I play the games and hear most of what they post from Jeff and other Substacks. I don't have time for that nonsense. So, yes, it's free. I do not support them, and I ignore most of them.
I just finally did the same. I hope they are hearing it from the majority of those who have cancelled!
The irony. In the aftermath of January 6, 2021, there was a surge of subscribers to the post and the times. Hell the Times rode the Trump term and bragged about how they were growing their subscribers.
Now, they are fleeing in droves, and they want to get that Trumpian magic back to juice their subscriber numbers, but they can't figure out why it's not working.
Fucking clowns. Fire Douthat, Stephens, Klein, and French from their opeds, and shitcan MAGA Haberman and it might return to decency, but I doubt it.
Add MoDo!
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 You speak the truth. If they covered the news, accurately, instead of running the "Joe is old! pure propaganda, and rarely informing the public of his many accomplishments, placing them "under the fold" which is to say burying them. One reader on WaPo commented "Where is the economic report, the numbers came out today?" She reported back she had to seach for them, and even then, they were hard to find..
Boycott the NY Times and their fence sitting bullshit. I used to think it was good for wrapping fish but no longer, its a cancer factory that can only spew bullshit and call it ‘media’. What happens when theres no ‘news fit to print’ ? (not that you would be able to recognize it) You become an empty building…hey isn’t that where the ‘times’ used to be ? Now it’s a Chipotle.
Haha - not a Chipotle - a Halloween store. 🤪
That makes sense, as it is full of clowns!
We know NYT and CNN are in the tank, but geez, the AP? politifact? The Daily Beast? I won't say anything about TMZ. Gossip is not fact. Bunch of liars gonna lie, I guess
Didn't MSM become that way because a majority trusted them to have top of mind the good of the country? Every new outrageous headline in a stream of headlines that are in themselves lies (the AP "Fact Check" sweet baby jebus) hammers home that the "free and fair press" continues to favor just one candidate, one party. They blithely legitimize and boost in myriad ways an ongoing existential threat to democracy, then lie that they don't, to an audience sick unto death of lies. They have enabled and unleashed a monster and are ludicrous enough to whine when readers show a preference to not willingly attend their paid rage-stoking engine masquerading as legitimate journalism. Lord, the baiting, the trolling, the gaslighting. How masochistic do they think readers are? Their reach depends on us, we make them mainstream, and though I've cancelled to make the point, it's not enough. Their reach depends on readers and access. We could just not comply. Subjects such as Madame President could not comply. That we should support in any way their reach or not laugh outright at the term "paper of record" given their betrayal of country is peak hubris. I'm delighted the Harris campaign is so creatively circumventing them.
Really no words for how much I love this Substack, and this day's in particular. Thank you, Jeff.
I'm just too pissed off at the NY TIMES and WASHINGTON POST to want anything other than to tear them away from their corporate masters.
Of course, the NY TIMES also cut *Hitler* a lot of slack, so maybe they're nostalgic for Fascism?
Yes, and their Moscow corespondent lied about Stalin and the Holodomor.They rarely have balanced coverage giving the right-wing far too much slack.
"Duranty was The New York Times' man in Moscow, as the line went, with a cushy apartment in which to entertain expatriates and a reputation as a leading authority on the Soviet Union. Duranty had staked his name on the idea that Josef Stalin was the strong leader the communist country needed. He is often credited with coining the term "Stalinism."
He wrote glowing reports of an autocrat's harsh plans for UkraineIn return, Duranty won rare interviews with Stalin and wrote glowingly about Stalin and his plans. The Pulitzer board cited his "dispassionate interpretive reporting" in awarding him a prize in 1932 for a series of reports the previous year. The first was a front-page article that started with the line: "Russia today cannot be judged by Western standards or interpreted in Western terms."It is worth being clear on what Stalin's plans, called "collectivization," led to: the deaths of millions of Ukrainians and more than a million Russians, according to credible estimates.
"Activists from the Communist Party locally and nationally went house to house in Ukrainian towns and villages, confiscating food," says the journalist and scholar Anne Applebaum, who has written extensively on the period. "They took wheat, they took grain, they took vegetables, they took livestock. They took everything that people had."She says Stalin used collectivization to crush any nationalist stirrings in Ukraine and to pay for his efforts to industrialize the Soviet Union. Communist Party officials had possible dissidents arrested, exiled and killed, especially professionals.
"It's thought that between 3 and 4 million people died" in Ukraine, she says.
By toeing the line, Duranty aided his careerDespite lingering suspicions over Duranty's motivations, Applebaum says she found no evidence the reporter was bribed or blackmailed by Russian agents. She also says he did not appear to be swayed by communism, though he was reportedly threatened against reflecting unwelcome truths.
Instead, Appelbaum says, Duranty simply toed the line because it was good for his career — excusing and rejecting the deadliness of Stalin's rule well past any moment of possible denial.
In 1933, the Welsh writer Gareth Jones reported and spoke publicly about the famine after interviewing ordinary Ukrainians while he wandered by foot for 40 miles. Jones, a former aide to former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, had previously scored an interview with Adolf Hitler.
In March 1933, Duranty wrote in a Times story on page 13 that Jones possessed a "keen and active mind," but that the Welsh writer's interviews with people near Kharkiv represented "a rather inadequate cross-section of a big country." Duranty added he had sought to convince Jones otherwise but that "nothing could shake his conviction of impending doom." (Jones was killed under murky circumstances in Mongolia in 1935. His clash with Duranty inspired the 2019 movie Mr. Jones.)"
Excellent history lesson Natalie. Poor Ukraine has suffered mightily at the hands of Russia.
I cancelled my subscription back in the spring when they started piling on President Biden. I have no idea what happened at the New York Times, but I refuse to give them my money.
Absolutely. I cancelled mine a few months ago. Who needs 'em?
That happened weeks ago. At least.
Please call or email them to let them know why you are canceling
Including mine.
“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”
Can the media simply not point out the contradiction (aka: lie) of saying you know nothing about project 2025 while saying you agree with some parts of it and not others?
Since I am reading Project 2025 with my Democrats Abroad book club dedicated to slogging through and discussing this hateful, tome of lies and whining, as well as a plot to turn the USA into a third world country, I can say, not too many journalists covering this election have read it either. You would think they would, but I think that may be the key to understanding why they are focusing on amplifying Trump's lies and denigrating Harris' truths, they don't want to have to pick up Project 2025 with its 920 pages and read it. I am recommending for people who have not read it yet, that you find very useful information on it from Andra Watkins in her Substack titled How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life, who is explaining beliefs of Christian Nationalists and The New Apostolic Reformers, particularly their differing end of days beliefs which are very important to understanding the unstated purposes of much of the policy in there. Here is a link an article comparing the 2 different End-of-Days beliefs as it explains the beliefs of the religion Alito and Mike Johnson seem to embrace.
In the story of the Curse of Ham, she explains how they justify the racism in their beliefs as being from God.
Another very useful source is called Defeat Project 2025. Here you can look up their summarization of the document under Policy by Issue, either by Government Department, and since every chapter is not about a Department they also have People and Topics. So you could look up what different chapters have to say about LGBTQ+ in one section, or Child, or religious minorities, or BIPOC, or AAPI, or Climate, Veterans, Seniors, Students, etc...
My book club group also wants to spread the word about what is in it, and while some lean to not telling the most scary things because people will turn off, I feel like some people need to hear how they basically plan to defund public education and that their plan takes us back to before Brown vs. Board of Education to a place where we expect people to be raising their children and schooling them at home. In Health and Human Services one gets a big dose of defunding medicare and medicaid, privatizing them, throwing elderly people whose brains may not be able to handle this, into a melee of choices from private companies out there vying to deceive them. From each chapter we read, I cannot believe that anyone would want to impose this on anyone, but I am again reminded that these are some mean, bad people, whose only joy is in seeing others suffer. Hell, they believe the world is ending any day now, and they are the righteous who will be saved, and they leave the rest of us with the "unGodly" mess we have made of the world.
Linda, TY. for your sacrificing time and energy to reading that scurrilous book.
I know enuf of it to NOT read it and keep me sane. But spreading the word is indeed a great thing to do!
Dave, I hear you. However, it helps that I am reading it in a group, and also, I know when people have read it. It is going to be hard for the MSM to fact check what is being said about it based on what they have heard, which seems to be what they are doing. Someone said the other day that Kamala was wrong when she said they were going to have an abortion department. In fact they are, but it is called The Pro Life Department. Well, if you have read the Section 14 Department of Health and Human Services, you can know this, but it is obscurely in the end. Cannot just skim and count on getting everything that is going on. We are also learning a lot about how our government is structured, and that is interesting in and of itself.
OMG thank you Linda!!! The bobbleheads in GOP leadership said Trumpy can't just babble about his conspiracy theories for a year or more,we need POLICY, here's this guy,Kevin Roberts from the Heritage Foundation,he seems cool... Robert's realizes he has his 'useful idiot' to implement his Christofascist plan.
Kevin Roberts has many useful idiots. See Governors of Red States and often their AGs too, and SCOTUS has about 6 people implementing it already. Also, chapter 1 on Office of the White House basically sets up the Chief of Staff to run the country by proxy through being the gatekeeper to the president, and having access to the automatic signature. This however competes with the plans of Bad Billionaire Bros of Tech who planned to have JD Vance to use Article 25 to declare Trump incompetent, which no one is going to disagree with as he spends the next months spewing his largely incoherent vitriol to the eager MSM and his right wing social networks. Then, they will have their proxy president in JDV. Already sounds like a nasty virus and it will be lethal. Which group running the country is worse for the American people. Let us not find out. Viva la Kamala!
And there's that too,OMG,thx again, I believe the Harris administration is once and for all,take out the MAGA and Christofascist trash!! 🌊🌊🌊💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️
Trump - the maidenhead of the USS Cruelty Scow
Not that you all would've necessarily had me as a member of your book club, but I wished I'd known. :) I would've loved some company to help keep me sane as I slogged through the whole thing!
Thank you for all the links -- very helpful! Here is a link from the Intercept written by a former NYT journalist explaining how white racism informs every facet of Trump's campaign and Project 2025.
Sorry, here is the link:
Diana, I had read this article too. However, there are different groups among the racists, and the CN and the NAR are important to understand. There are a lot of contradictions in what they believe, so their religion seems to twist to fit every nasty, racist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-semitic, anti-Muslim, anti atheist, anti any interpretation of Christianity but theirs. The are wrapping themselves in the cloak of Christianity to give righteousness to their hatefulness, but more and more are refusing to be manipulated by it. Still, understanding that the CN believe that the End-of-Days could be any day now, helps us to understand why environmental well-being is not their concern, and it does not have to do with skin color. It has to do with not expecting to be around and thinking they will be rewarded by going to heaven if they follow these ridiculous rules, that make them not worry about math, or science or history education, perhaps reading because it is about reading scripture as they home school their children and romanticise a life that the pioneers lived in the wild west, where women had to subjugate to men even if they knew better. This with electricity, running water, and modern appliances, is the dream they are holding. The idea that the modern world is not simple enough. They have also been told that Black skin is a sign of being out of favor with God, and our nation has rested on these beliefs for far too long. So, this means demographics matters. Looking at older, White people who are often less integrated and their fear that color is what matters, and their culture and religion are the only ones that are acceptable, and they vote, means that the more diverse demographic of the Gen Zers, needs to come out too. The Harris-Walz campaign does represent the power of the people to come together across these groups. Walz is such an important part of this campaign. He is leading a new path for older. White people, and many are following. Still, the Right Wing White Christian Nationalists, even if they make up 10-30 percent of the population may not buy into change. Still, change comes whether people want it or not. We are not going back! This is a losing battle of the Republicans because this country cannot function on the offspring of "White" people alone. Interestingly enough, many of these White Trumpers voted for Obama, so they can do things differently. Let us hope enough of them do.
People who tell you we are in end times and those who tell you when that happens don't read their Bible. That says it will come as "a thief in the night." It's just a scare tactic.
It does tell you who the gullible idiots are, and who to keep an eye on.
Yes, I love Tim Walz. And you are right -- a lot of people who voted for Obama then voted for Trump. Some of my relatives in Georgia did, and now most are planning to vote for Kamala. None of my relatives would approve of CN.
Also, I clicked on the three dots thinking it was an "edit" tool as the three dots are on Slack, but no, it was a "Report" button! Sorry in advance if I "reported" a post by accident...
Gosh Linda- you are doing the heavy lifting for the rest of us- thank you!!!
Comment saved!
I think there are journalist , maybe a couple at MSNBC who love to spend an entire month on P25 issues but their MAGA bosses and MSM owner who probably helped co-author the damn thing aren't allowing it...and any independent blogger or social media influencer that talks about P25 could be deemed as an extremist or unverified source and not taken seriously. But there needs to be some sort of global exposure about it... It might take huge celebrity influencers to get the word out.
Given the complexity of what is in there, basically an our entire government take-down, I hope they would pick salient items. I think Americans should know that the plan is for no more child care, no more public education, no more government backed college loans, and no more accreditation of colleges, or changed accreditation so Trump can get revenge for his fleabag grifter university being closed down and so he can open it up again and steal people's money without offering them anything. Apparently normal, every day Americans, who a decade ago would have been incensed at being ripped off by a modern-day Madoff, are being sold a bill of goods again and lapping it up this time, because the bill of goods they are being sold is that they are marvelous because of the skin they are in.
If they believe the world is ending, why bother to defund important programs?
Agreed. That is the contradiction in it all. For example, if they believe that God decides who can be pregnant and parent, and who cannot, why punish women for miscarrying? There is a move to monitor everything a woman did that might have caused her to miscarry, and then put her in jail for having this miscarriage. It is crazy in every sense of the word. If she miscarries, that is God's will. This is also why people cannot have IVF treatment, although they want a lot of White babies being bred. Well, who are the biggest users of IVF? They have not figured that out. There are a lot of other contradictions in each section of Project 2025, and in the CN churches. There is a definite hateful mean spiritedness to it, that makes me say, these are not even a branch of Christian, but some sect that is made up that they are trying to slip under the cloak of Christianity. What it is is insanity.
Thanks for mentioning Andra’s Substack and for sharing the peerless in vacuous idiocy of Project 2025 Linda! To be a fly on the wall as your reading groups commentary would be fascinating!
As Tom Waits put it
“ I ain’t sentimental
This ain’t a purchase
It’s a rental
Yup,no doubt, I believe the Christian 'End Times' countdown is at about 730,000 days now,...and counting...
A friend told me it is now 2026. How convenient. Why couldn't it be November 4, 2024.
Just like it was Y2k, and the Mayan calender number ,and...fucking idiots! just accept your mortality, you aren't that special, and do good in the time you get!
And #Turd's name appears 300 times in Project 2025 book.
And his agenda 47 is the abridged, cliff notes version.
… and written in crayon so the shitweasel can follow it
He’s their “useful idiot”
And Putin’s too!
Same old shit, different day. The press conveniently overlooks the obvious while continuing to glorify the atrocities of the convicted felon and everything he stands for. It's very helpful and reassuring that we can get the real news here and other sites since the corporate assholes of MSM are more concerned about their bank accounts than reporting the truth. More kudos to Kamala for continuing to ignore them and their bullshit shenanigans.
Funny the knuckle-head GOP cultists keep yammering on about 'sticking to the issues' for dear leader...since when has the GOP ever had an issue that wasn't completely made-up by them?? For 9 years?? Birther??Wall?? Invasion??Emails?? Hunter?? Rigged?? Stollen?? Disney?? Potatohead?? Sesame Street?? Seems MSM wants to treat half the goddamn country like 'Massive Headwound Harry', because we won't join the babbling idiot cult, like they did?? MSM...I fart in your general direction,you sons of motherless goats.
Good one, Bruce!
😂😂😂 your last sentence, tho! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yeah, feel a little anxious about election. Your litany reminded me of all the uncertainty of "final results", and all the lawsuit news. Goats cool, man. Neighbor had 2.
Like, duh?!
Yes Mark it is an obvious contradiction but I guess the msm thinks we are stupid. We are not stupid and we will vote blue.
It’s like Sgt Schultz on “Hogan’s Heroes “ who famously said “I know nothing “ when he wanted to ignore what was going on around him. Showing my age here!
John Banner was great as Sgt. Schultz but the sarge had more heart and compassion than these idiots.
no, apparently...
No. No they cannot.
Kamala doesn't owe NYT nepobaby AG Sulzberger a damn thing. Go home, Grey Lady, you're drunk. Maureen is talking to herself. Gen Z does not read the NYT and the rest of us don't care. I'm still laughing about the time she overdid it on pot edibles and wrote about it! As for JD Vance, polish your resume, dude. Don't be surprised if the October Surprise is substituting RFK Jr for you.