My group is going to make Pussy Hats in honor of childless catwomen, which I was at one point in my life. I saw Kamala speak in person in some obscure building in Chicago to stump for Governor Pritzker. She was a wonderful speaker there too, and she was not even the candidate. Right on for childless cat women!
I may have to dig up the one I wore to the Texas Capitol in 2016... an excellent idea! just don't know what I did with it, I was so happy to be done with The Blob in 2020 lol
I'm good with that lol... You know, that basic hat design -- a rectangle with the short ends sewn together, and one long edge pulled in at 3 points (or maybe 4) and tacked together to make the crown -- is the very first hat I knitted in 4-H. I was 9, and never had a clue that the pattern might come in handy some day... :)
I think there should be a group meeting of Childless women for Harris. That would include my 19-year old daughter, who happens to be childless and petless. Also, we should have the options of Puppy hats too. However, I believe that JD Vance despises cats because they are considered "feminine" and dogs are considered "masculine." With his toxic masculinity I do not know why he is married to a woman. He should just be giving his sperm to a bank and then he can procreate with out having any interaction with our inferior gender.
Don't worry, Vance has some words for you, too, it turns out: women who chose not to bear children, he says, are sociopaths, while women who couldn't bear children are objects of pity. .I think I'm going to go with the candidate that doesn't judge me based on my uterus.
JD Yeech has a daughter Mirabel who is 2! Poor her. Hope she schools him when she hits middle school and learns that her dad is a truly embarrassing A--H---!
I don't knit either, but a friend does, and she is going to lead a knitting party. For my birthday she knit me flip top gloves that are also mittens. Ordering is good too.
One of the leaders of P2025 labeled it a blueprint for future administrations. P2025 may be taking a nap but it’ll be zombie resurrected in the future.
You're so right. And when they say their director is stepping down, they're lying. If Dump wins, authoritarianism will be in force. I dont trust a single one of them.
Christofascism is as old as this country, that's true, but probably the real 'deep state' Republicans always whine about,isn't Democrats,it's them,the masters of projection,the 'deep state' very well might be The John Birch Society,the Federalist Society,the Heritage Foundation,and Opus Dei,and now,the Supreme Court.
Thank you for posting this. Holy fuck!! This shit is so deep. No second guessing that our Supreme Court supports treason. Democracy is so fragile. That's why this fight will never end. Christian Nationalism is knocking on our front door.
You ever see Thomas' and Kavanaughs confirmation hearings?? It's basically your job interview,and they started attacking the freakin' senators!! WTF!! We're victims!!(sound familiar??) So unfair!! We're being treated so badly!! You hurt our feelings!!What right do you have to question us!! It's a political lynching!! Let us make our political speeches now!! Radical Democrats!! That should of been disqualifying right there,no matter IMO Anita Hill was absolutely telling the truth.
Also... even of Paul Deans or whatever his name is stepped down, doesn't mean they're not just gonna quietly replace him with someone else. And he will probably be well rewarded for "stepping down"....
We have to help make it die and put this shit away for good. It's helpful for us who embrace freedom to see that this official plan to make fascism the American way of life and the sewer rats who are behind it is finally getting exposed. That's not enough tho just like the GOPs blatant plans to commit election fraud once again. Since we're so close to the election, the media needs to step it up and the DOJ is hopefully watching more closely.
I hope the IRS is listening too! If the Heritage Foundation is a charitable organization, with tax exempt status, they are not to be engaged in politics of any kind. It's illegal.
Right wing irony always pisses me off. Heritage Foundation? As Jeff said, we fought a whole war to get away from a king and the fuckers in the "Heritage" Foundation wanna have a king again.
I got a Heritage Foundation membership drive letter. “Their goal is to mobile taxpayers in New Jersey to oppose the Left’s Agenda: tax hikes,uncontrolled spending,illegal immigration, and American weakness. Not one mention of Project 2025. In fact nowhere on this mailing is P2025. They’re begging for money to stop the government growing larger and them grabbing more power over our lives. They sent a return postage paid envelope to get my donation (get this) with a deadline for return within 7 days. I’m going to send the slip to them with “Fuck Off Project 2025.” Makes me mad because they think this is ok to steal our Democracy to lie about them being The Project 2025.
Putin is behind this, just like he is behind Maduro denying his election loss in Venezuela. It’s disgusting how he interferes with elections throughout the world
Dee, Musk is as weird as they come. He is a sleazebag, who tries to rationalize it by implying spreading his seed has a higher purpose, because after all; He is the great ELON MUSK!
There's a hell of a lot of Demon Seed (Dumb Demon Seed) floating around out there, and women should be educating their daughters a hell of a lot more than they have historically. We're never going to progress unless we snap out of being whatever the hell it is we've been doing all this time.
I read an article about melon head, he’s is on the autism spectrum. He’s also a rich kid from So. Africa. His family owns emerald mines and his mom pays the miners very poorly. He lives in Austin and has a big plant in southeast Austin. He got caught dumping the plant wastewater into the Colorado River and received a slap on the wrist and a big fine. What I can’t find out is did LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) or the Soil & Water Commission make him revise the way the plant gets rid of its wastewater, or did he just pay them off. There are farmers, pecan growers, businesses, etc. in that area along HWY 71 to Bastrop that use the water from the Colorado. The river also goes into Lake Bastrop, used to be a good place to fish, we don’t fish there anymore. I view him as rich man’s trash. I view him as I do trump, a subhuman.
So long as Vance wrote the forward to the Project 2025 book, and Trump is one cheeseburger away from a fatal coronary, its ideas are looming over all of us.
Yes, remarkably similar. I guess they’re going with Door #2 since Door #1 didn’t pan out. I had some MAGA idiot try to explain that Agenda 47 was “official” where P2025 wasn’t. Like that changes everything 🙄
If they said that one possible explanation is that someone in authority has threatened to shut down the Project 2025/ Heritage Foundation charity for politicking. They would stand to lose a shitload of money if they lost their Charitable legal status.
There first blueprint was the 1980 Southern Economic Development Model ( People need to read this. The blueprint for the Reagan administration. The Heritage Foundation was established in 1980. Project 2025 is phase 2 of their long term plan.
"... his weird running mate polls lower than anal cysts." 🤣🤣 Ouch. But seriously, what's with "it will not end well for you." What does that even mean? It's a threat. America doesnt want a mobster running the country, FFS. He destroyed the Republican party, but we cant allow him to destroy the country. The enthusiasm for Kamala is overwhelming and you're so right...WE HAVE TO DO THIS!
JD is either an obtuse cretin - or he is there speaking to the Opus Dei and Christian nationalists. I’m not sure tRump will get rid of him. As I said elsewhere, there are a lot of smart, dedicated fanatics working to put their Dear Leader in the WH so they can eradicate a whole lot of us other folk.
How about an amelanotic melanoma. It’s basically invisible on white folks which makes it even deadlier than your traditional melanoma as it avoids detection.
Listening to the crowd response in Georgia was emotionally powerful. Hoping the honeymoon with Kamala will lead to a happy marriage with the new VP. If it's a white man, I hope he will protect Kamala's honor and reputation with such erudition that it will cut through all the BS these MAGA crazies fling like there's no tomorrow. And we will have a hero to look up to rather than a "anal cyst" to painfully extricate.
Just as the tobacco company Phillip Morris became Altria, the core elements of the extreme plans of Project 2025 are part of the convicted felon’s “Agenda 47”.
When Trump says this is the last time you’ll need to vote, and does so repeatedly, believe him.
You can be conservative. Liberal. Moderate. Libertarian. But if you aren’t voting for those who will uphold the concepts of democracy, justice, and equality, then you are voting against generations who fought to preserve the American experiment, and are voting to deprive current and future generations of hard won rights.
Glad I'm 65 so I can both be part of a solution and yet IF they succeed in the future, I don't have to suffer as long as my children and grandchildren.
Without having read it, I can tell you that vance is rightly full of rage, having been raised by a neglectful mother and having been raised in chaos and sometimes with violence. But many people with rotten childhoods seek therapy, in order to face and dissipate their rage and pain so that it no longer seeps out as destructive behavior (destructive to self and/or to others).
vance is punishing every American woman because he can't act on his unconscious desire to kill his mother. And he's trying to turn the US into a nation of 1950s nuclear families, because he (wrongly) cherishes the fantasy that if *he'd* grown up in that kind of household, then everything would've been OK for him.
(Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation had a not-dissimilar childhood, per vance's forward to KR's forthcoming book -- and like vance, KR is punishing everyone in the country [proxies for his family of origin] *and* trying to build the fantasy-family US that he wrongly thinks would have saved him.)
Never mind the massive amount of literature on dysfunction in middle-class and affluent nuclear families. (In families of all types, but these two wrongly idealize the 1950s nuclear family.)
You summarized well Vance and Roberts and their bizarre, yes weird, and hateful and harmful attitudes about the family. I did grow up in a “traditional” one marriage family in the 1950’s and 1960’s, but as you stated, Dee, the non nuclear family situations have no monopoly on dysfunction and unhealthy relationships. The deification of the nuclear family and the demonization of single cat ladies, etc. is bizarre, creepy, unhealthy and damaging to our society. Plus as a Christian, it is mean, hateful and the antithesis of everything I have been taught and believed my whole life.
I thought I had seen it all over these past ten years with the horrible words and actions proclaimed proudly in plain sight (see DJT, etc.), but this Vance stuff (and Roberts too—-bloodless if the libs let it be!), is just creepily and scarily bizarre. They are super weird, and out of step with civilized society, and I pray some of the R cult can even see that.
Why do these damaged men inflict their own resentments on everyone else, including our union? Fix yourselves, you self-pitying assholes. I add Demented Donald to that list, raised by a cold, distant mother and a sociopathic, racist "father."
You can add to that the fact that Vance questioned whether or not he was gay. Makes me wonder if he was either approached by or abused by a pedophile. Such an event would make a young boy ask himself that.
Fine, his mother was an addict / alcoholic. So was mine. Get over it, JD, I did. Addiction / alcoholism is a disease. Go to Al-Anon. It will help immensely.
And he didn't grow up a poor white boy. His stepfather made a 6 figure salary and they lived in a nice suburb outside Cincinnati.
Inconvenient truths will detract from a compelling backstory. Without that somewhat fictional book, he wouldn't be a senator or trump's VP (for now) pick
The Heritage Foundation has always been a domestic terrorist organization. The Felon has diaper loads of dystopian daydreams about becoming emperor and taking all the money and power away from the dreary do-gooders and siphoning it all for himself and his billionaire fellow criminals. The pretend emperor remains naked, obese and cowardly in spite of all the mobster props at his disposal. Kamala laughs at him, and he is fking livid. We are all laughing our way to victory at him and all the pathetic little man-boys who cry No Fair! Hahahahahaha and fk you felatious felon cksuckers.
Whew…that was my counseling session for the day. Grandma potty mouth is now safe to go forth with her beautiful grandchildren and enjoy our day.
This is exactly what Koch wants. They want ownership of it all. The US can be described as a bunch of corporations in a trench coat masquerading as a country.
Have fun with the kiddos today. Mine keep me sane.
The no swearing rule was officially suspended upon hearing my sweet daughter go into high &$@! gear about the Felon in front of them … my second seeds will be brought up in the same chaste environment as their mom was 😉
Being in advertising all my life, I think swearing was part of the job. I dont see my two grandkids very often and now they are teenagers, so...if they do utter an F Bomb, it wont be my fault! 😂😂
"It will not end well for you." For me, THE critical main point in the novel, "The Godfather" that the movie totally missed on purpose, was author Mario Puzo's strong conclusion that the mafia and organized crime was not a sustainable structure for governing. The book illustrates this: When Michael is in Italy, the local doctor wants to repair his jaw, but Michael refuses upon discovering that the guy got his medical license, not from skill, but from paying off the local Don. (Sound familiar?). Michael ruminates that such a society, based not on merit, but loyalty to one person, only leads to pain and suffering, and is ultimately doomed because of infighting over who is more loyal, while the guardrails of trust are gone.
I know that the NYT is loathed by many here, but just in case this might interest you or others -- a link (no paywall) to Michelle Goldberg's 6-7-24 column, "Donald Trump’s Mob Rule".
One relevant sentence; "A fascinating new book by John Ganz, 'When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s,' offers a useful way to think about the value system undergirding MAGA’s romance with the mob."
Thanks! Great article - it also confirms for me that Puzo compromised his original theme with Coppola to get the movie made and took the focus off the fact that such systems don't work. Instead, they focused on how family loyalty overrides everything. Too bad. It's like what happened to Oliver Stone's "Wall Street." He meant it as a cautionary tale and people watching it, especially brokers, thought, "How cool!"
I’m done with mob movies- Hollywood has glorified the Mafiosa- tried to make them look like “family” people- when its in fact the direct opposite… cold hearted
We have to understand that they have a whole lot of backup for P2025 already written and just waiting to implement. The Orange Oaf is just the demented figurehead for an organized movement of crazy but disciplined fanatics who plan to end Democracy in the USA. As I said on Status Kuo just now, I fear that they have a plan to do to the US what Maduro just did to Venezuela.
Hi Jeff, this am I became aware of a conference in Kentucky in June… The title was The Jewish Question and The Final Solution.. I’m sure they were all MAGAS. So is this 2024 or 1935 Germany? Best to all fellow travellers.
Have to wonder which way these disgusting folks would view me. The Quaker side that helped in the American revolution and was friends with George Washington or the Jewish side, where my great-grandfather went to Europe and saved many Jewish children. We wouldn't take them, so he fostered them in Canada. Fuck 'em!
Yeah Jeff, I read the same thing before writing to you… this BS coupled with Donald at the Black Journalist Q-A today… well he was so disrespectful, so pissed, would not answer direct questions, insulted the interviewers, insulted members of the audience…. He’s unraveling… as predicted…I just don’t see how he is going to make it to the finish line… So much bitterness….
Holy shit! How is it that there are so many fucking broken people in our country? I wish there was a place where all the haters could go and just hate on each other all day long, and leave the rest of us alone to live our lives. Oh yeah, there is a place...the fires of hell. Ugh.
I just don't get it. I have several hobbies I try to make time for...welding, guitar, a foreign language, but burning through a day in a Kentucky Ramada Inn banquet room griping about "others" is not on my list of faves.
The Dems. should be pounding the message that trump still/again claims that he returned abortion decisions to the states, while simultaneously saying that if Congress sent him a national abortion ban, he would sign it.
The fascist weird director stepped down... but who cares? Old trick that does not change anything because the fascist weird project 2025 remains alive n kicking although a bit on the backburner for the time being! Lol. Fuck weird maga. Von trump belongs in a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane. Nowhere else. Kamala, kamala!
The rally was ELECTRIC. I was clapping along with the crowd, sitting here in my living room, just childless me and my cat. LIVING THE LIFE.
My group is going to make Pussy Hats in honor of childless catwomen, which I was at one point in my life. I saw Kamala speak in person in some obscure building in Chicago to stump for Governor Pritzker. She was a wonderful speaker there too, and she was not even the candidate. Right on for childless cat women!
I may have to dig up the one I wore to the Texas Capitol in 2016... an excellent idea! just don't know what I did with it, I was so happy to be done with The Blob in 2020 lol
That is what we said, dig em up or make some more. I would like to call them Cat Hats though.
I'm good with that lol... You know, that basic hat design -- a rectangle with the short ends sewn together, and one long edge pulled in at 3 points (or maybe 4) and tacked together to make the crown -- is the very first hat I knitted in 4-H. I was 9, and never had a clue that the pattern might come in handy some day... :)
Let's hear it for 4H. Head, Heart, Hands and Health! All of those belong in this election.
I’m feeling left out as a childless, happy dog woman.
Lynn, you are not alone! There are a LOT of us childless, happy dog women. Yay us!
I think there should be a group meeting of Childless women for Harris. That would include my 19-year old daughter, who happens to be childless and petless. Also, we should have the options of Puppy hats too. However, I believe that JD Vance despises cats because they are considered "feminine" and dogs are considered "masculine." With his toxic masculinity I do not know why he is married to a woman. He should just be giving his sperm to a bank and then he can procreate with out having any interaction with our inferior gender.
Don't worry, Vance has some words for you, too, it turns out: women who chose not to bear children, he says, are sociopaths, while women who couldn't bear children are objects of pity. .I think I'm going to go with the candidate that doesn't judge me based on my uterus.
JD Yeech has a daughter Mirabel who is 2! Poor her. Hope she schools him when she hits middle school and learns that her dad is a truly embarrassing A--H---!
Yesterday I looked up “pussy hats” on Amazon (I can’t knit!) and wanna get one!!
I don't knit either, but a friend does, and she is going to lead a knitting party. For my birthday she knit me flip top gloves that are also mittens. Ordering is good too.
Same! Childless at 42 and love my CATS! Happier than I think I can possibly be, especially now with this Kamala energy.
You’re in for a treat. Wait until you turn 70, then the fun really begins.
Yassss, QUEEN!!
One of the leaders of P2025 labeled it a blueprint for future administrations. P2025 may be taking a nap but it’ll be zombie resurrected in the future.
You're so right. And when they say their director is stepping down, they're lying. If Dump wins, authoritarianism will be in force. I dont trust a single one of them.
You SHOULD trust them to be exactly who they are. This plan has been in the works since the 1930s.
Christofascism is as old as this country, that's true, but probably the real 'deep state' Republicans always whine about,isn't Democrats,it's them,the masters of projection,the 'deep state' very well might be The John Birch Society,the Federalist Society,the Heritage Foundation,and Opus Dei,and now,the Supreme Court.
MAGAs are so brazen because of how many stupid voters believe them. Their Deep State is right in front of our eyes
Damn straight,they think everyone's joined their babbling idiot cult, they're so isolated in their ivory towers,and gated communities.
And as always, they project, accusing liberals of being in ivory towers
And trailer parks.
Great comment, Bruce!
Elmer Fudds big dreamland.
and the National Policy Council,the%20United%20States%20of%20America.
That is fucking scary!
Truly scary. The Shadow Network is a book I want to read. Full tittle& author in your reference.
Great info Lynn,thx!!
Thank you for posting this. Holy fuck!! This shit is so deep. No second guessing that our Supreme Court supports treason. Democracy is so fragile. That's why this fight will never end. Christian Nationalism is knocking on our front door.
Oh, but GOPs are the party of integrity! You know, like all those nice GOP nominees to the SC who swore to respect stare decisis.
Imagine: "Justices" without personal integrity. What a joke
You ever see Thomas' and Kavanaughs confirmation hearings?? It's basically your job interview,and they started attacking the freakin' senators!! WTF!! We're victims!!(sound familiar??) So unfair!! We're being treated so badly!! You hurt our feelings!!What right do you have to question us!! It's a political lynching!! Let us make our political speeches now!! Radical Democrats!! That should of been disqualifying right there,no matter IMO Anita Hill was absolutely telling the truth.
In retrospect, nearly everyone sane, which of course excludes MAGAs, now believes Anita Hill. Thomas is a creep, a liar, and without any principles.
I don’t trust them either. They have proven to us that they lie about everything. We knew he was lying because his mouth was moving.
Also... even of Paul Deans or whatever his name is stepped down, doesn't mean they're not just gonna quietly replace him with someone else. And he will probably be well rewarded for "stepping down"....
That was aimed at the clueless MSM. Expect Katy Tur to swallow that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.🙄
Absolutely. This is a document that will not die.
We have to help make it die and put this shit away for good. It's helpful for us who embrace freedom to see that this official plan to make fascism the American way of life and the sewer rats who are behind it is finally getting exposed. That's not enough tho just like the GOPs blatant plans to commit election fraud once again. Since we're so close to the election, the media needs to step it up and the DOJ is hopefully watching more closely.
I hope the IRS is listening too! If the Heritage Foundation is a charitable organization, with tax exempt status, they are not to be engaged in politics of any kind. It's illegal.
Right wing irony always pisses me off. Heritage Foundation? As Jeff said, we fought a whole war to get away from a king and the fuckers in the "Heritage" Foundation wanna have a king again.
I got a Heritage Foundation membership drive letter. “Their goal is to mobile taxpayers in New Jersey to oppose the Left’s Agenda: tax hikes,uncontrolled spending,illegal immigration, and American weakness. Not one mention of Project 2025. In fact nowhere on this mailing is P2025. They’re begging for money to stop the government growing larger and them grabbing more power over our lives. They sent a return postage paid envelope to get my donation (get this) with a deadline for return within 7 days. I’m going to send the slip to them with “Fuck Off Project 2025.” Makes me mad because they think this is ok to steal our Democracy to lie about them being The Project 2025.
Make sure you fill that postage paid envelope with all the shit they sent you and as much other junk mail that you can stuff in it.
Thats an excellent point. The IRS needs to take a serious look at the HF.
I totally agree and have been wondering why they haven’t been investigated. Is our government afraid of taking on big Christofascists? Too much clout?
Follow the money,and I'm pretty sure you'll find the same rat fink bastards as always.
Putin is behind this, just like he is behind Maduro denying his election loss in Venezuela. It’s disgusting how he interferes with elections throughout the world
I saw and heard Sally Yates on Deadline Whitehouse yesterday and wished Biden had made a different AG choice. Good grief…we need Sally as AG!
I'd like to take a stab at making it die. Or a torch, at the very least.
And Musk is a true believer in the coming zombie apocalypse.
Musk is WEIRD.
He's a white nationalist and shitstain/hairplug weirdo.
Dee, Musk is as weird as they come. He is a sleazebag, who tries to rationalize it by implying spreading his seed has a higher purpose, because after all; He is the great ELON MUSK!
Wise up, women. Do not let this asshole spread his demon seed
There's a hell of a lot of Demon Seed (Dumb Demon Seed) floating around out there, and women should be educating their daughters a hell of a lot more than they have historically. We're never going to progress unless we snap out of being whatever the hell it is we've been doing all this time.
Who the the fuck names their kid FELON ? No wonder he’s a Magats Maggot !
I prefer Musk Melon.
He’s weird-looking too. I can’t put a finger on it but the looks very odd to me.
I read an article about melon head, he’s is on the autism spectrum. He’s also a rich kid from So. Africa. His family owns emerald mines and his mom pays the miners very poorly. He lives in Austin and has a big plant in southeast Austin. He got caught dumping the plant wastewater into the Colorado River and received a slap on the wrist and a big fine. What I can’t find out is did LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) or the Soil & Water Commission make him revise the way the plant gets rid of its wastewater, or did he just pay them off. There are farmers, pecan growers, businesses, etc. in that area along HWY 71 to Bastrop that use the water from the Colorado. The river also goes into Lake Bastrop, used to be a good place to fish, we don’t fish there anymore. I view him as rich man’s trash. I view him as I do trump, a subhuman.
He’s evil. He’s a monster.
It's his odd asymmetry physically with a slight neurological not quite tic thing going on with his face. Creepy.
And a misogynistic pig!
It's the hairplugs.
Musk’s one regret in life is that he will never be able to fuck himself.
Homers Simpson's stupid sperm comes to mind.
And he's so white he's almost transparent.
As a zombie himself he would have that edge.
More like cowering in a burrow waiting to slither out with the next Republican administration, whether in 2025 or later.
Right. That’s why we need to vote in numbers so large that they understand it will not be tolerated now or ever.
Exposing it so thoroughly is one step closer to sending it to the grave.
So long as Vance wrote the forward to the Project 2025 book, and Trump is one cheeseburger away from a fatal coronary, its ideas are looming over all of us.
On Steve Bannon’s show yesterday, Paul Dans said that “Project 2025 is the same as Agenda 47.” So Trump is just changing the name. 🙄
Yes, remarkably similar. I guess they’re going with Door #2 since Door #1 didn’t pan out. I had some MAGA idiot try to explain that Agenda 47 was “official” where P2025 wasn’t. Like that changes everything 🙄
If they said that one possible explanation is that someone in authority has threatened to shut down the Project 2025/ Heritage Foundation charity for politicking. They would stand to lose a shitload of money if they lost their Charitable legal status.
Well that settles it. In case anyone didn't know.
There first blueprint was the 1980 Southern Economic Development Model ( People need to read this. The blueprint for the Reagan administration. The Heritage Foundation was established in 1980. Project 2025 is phase 2 of their long term plan.
Same horror different name.
Second verse same as the first ! I’m Shitler the first I am ,Shitter the first I am I am !
I got married seven times before, and every one was an Agolf,
Read Jay Kuo’s Substack today if you haven’t already.
I will.
Already did, it was excellent
Yeah, man.
It’s not really taking a nap-it’s just such bad publicity that they are just trying to say “hey, look over there!” It’s not going anywhere
MAGAs are so stupid to realize their 'populism' is revolting to everyone but them.
"... his weird running mate polls lower than anal cysts." 🤣🤣 Ouch. But seriously, what's with "it will not end well for you." What does that even mean? It's a threat. America doesnt want a mobster running the country, FFS. He destroyed the Republican party, but we cant allow him to destroy the country. The enthusiasm for Kamala is overwhelming and you're so right...WE HAVE TO DO THIS!
Actually, anal cysts usually aren’t painful… JD Vance is nothing less than a giant mobile anal fissure.
It's obvious Trumpy has surrounded himself with bigger morons than he is.
JD is either an obtuse cretin - or he is there speaking to the Opus Dei and Christian nationalists. I’m not sure tRump will get rid of him. As I said elsewhere, there are a lot of smart, dedicated fanatics working to put their Dear Leader in the WH so they can eradicate a whole lot of us other folk.
That's all that is left! Any in his party that dared to question him were jettisoned long ago.
They're all silent even now.
Not possible he’s number one moron ! He’s number two💩💩at every other position!😝💩😷🤢🤮
But he only picks the best people.
Now he's down to about the 6th string on the bench...
That’s not hard to do when you consider all the cult MAGAs
JD and the orange felon are the Fournier's Gangrene of politics!
I’ve seen it a couple of times… it is an evil and painful disease- very tRumpian!
WE WILL DO THIS!! And the "anal cyst" line still has me laughing!! 🤣🤣🤣
How about an amelanotic melanoma. It’s basically invisible on white folks which makes it even deadlier than your traditional melanoma as it avoids detection.
I think we should start calling him “A C” Vance.
Me too 😂😂😂
Listening to the crowd response in Georgia was emotionally powerful. Hoping the honeymoon with Kamala will lead to a happy marriage with the new VP. If it's a white man, I hope he will protect Kamala's honor and reputation with such erudition that it will cut through all the BS these MAGA crazies fling like there's no tomorrow. And we will have a hero to look up to rather than a "anal cyst" to painfully extricate.
Some do want a mobster. I worked at an Idaho radio station in which the General Manager had a Marlon Brando Don Corleone poster on his office wall.
The Nazis realized, and said, "most people want someone to tell them what to do,"
We need to immediately switch the narrative to Agenda 47. They are twins, separated at birth.
And just as stupid!
Thank you Jeff.
Just as the tobacco company Phillip Morris became Altria, the core elements of the extreme plans of Project 2025 are part of the convicted felon’s “Agenda 47”.
When Trump says this is the last time you’ll need to vote, and does so repeatedly, believe him.
You can be conservative. Liberal. Moderate. Libertarian. But if you aren’t voting for those who will uphold the concepts of democracy, justice, and equality, then you are voting against generations who fought to preserve the American experiment, and are voting to deprive current and future generations of hard won rights.
Yes, thank you Jeff.
I'm mortified at the idea of another drumpf term.
Glad I'm 65 so I can both be part of a solution and yet IF they succeed in the future, I don't have to suffer as long as my children and grandchildren.
As someone put it, nothing says "I have nothing to do with Project 2025" like having the power to fire the director of Project 2025.
Tomorrow it'll probably be 'I never met them'.
“I never heard of him. I don’t know who he is”.
Indeed, it did not go well for him.
They're done writing and want to act. A quick look at JD's background can provide a window on his motivation.
Without having read it, I can tell you that vance is rightly full of rage, having been raised by a neglectful mother and having been raised in chaos and sometimes with violence. But many people with rotten childhoods seek therapy, in order to face and dissipate their rage and pain so that it no longer seeps out as destructive behavior (destructive to self and/or to others).
vance is punishing every American woman because he can't act on his unconscious desire to kill his mother. And he's trying to turn the US into a nation of 1950s nuclear families, because he (wrongly) cherishes the fantasy that if *he'd* grown up in that kind of household, then everything would've been OK for him.
(Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation had a not-dissimilar childhood, per vance's forward to KR's forthcoming book -- and like vance, KR is punishing everyone in the country [proxies for his family of origin] *and* trying to build the fantasy-family US that he wrongly thinks would have saved him.)
Never mind the massive amount of literature on dysfunction in middle-class and affluent nuclear families. (In families of all types, but these two wrongly idealize the 1950s nuclear family.)
You summarized well Vance and Roberts and their bizarre, yes weird, and hateful and harmful attitudes about the family. I did grow up in a “traditional” one marriage family in the 1950’s and 1960’s, but as you stated, Dee, the non nuclear family situations have no monopoly on dysfunction and unhealthy relationships. The deification of the nuclear family and the demonization of single cat ladies, etc. is bizarre, creepy, unhealthy and damaging to our society. Plus as a Christian, it is mean, hateful and the antithesis of everything I have been taught and believed my whole life.
I thought I had seen it all over these past ten years with the horrible words and actions proclaimed proudly in plain sight (see DJT, etc.), but this Vance stuff (and Roberts too—-bloodless if the libs let it be!), is just creepily and scarily bizarre. They are super weird, and out of step with civilized society, and I pray some of the R cult can even see that.
Why do these damaged men inflict their own resentments on everyone else, including our union? Fix yourselves, you self-pitying assholes. I add Demented Donald to that list, raised by a cold, distant mother and a sociopathic, racist "father."
Gee, thanks, Fred Sr. and Mary Anne.
They think having power will heal their psychic wounds?
Who knows with these weirdos. Your guess is as good as mine
You can add to that the fact that Vance questioned whether or not he was gay. Makes me wonder if he was either approached by or abused by a pedophile. Such an event would make a young boy ask himself that.
Fine, his mother was an addict / alcoholic. So was mine. Get over it, JD, I did. Addiction / alcoholism is a disease. Go to Al-Anon. It will help immensely.
And he didn't grow up a poor white boy. His stepfather made a 6 figure salary and they lived in a nice suburb outside Cincinnati.
Inconvenient truths will detract from a compelling backstory. Without that somewhat fictional book, he wouldn't be a senator or trump's VP (for now) pick
Grandfather, I think. Vance lived with his grandmother & grandfather when his Mom became an addict
Yes, you're right. But they weren't the poverty-stricken toothless Meemaw and Pawpaw as portrayed in the book or the movie. Grrr....
Another obvious yet relatively minor conclusion that ca be drawn to indicate 2025 and shitstain are in lockstep. Thank you for pointing that out.
The Heritage Foundation has always been a domestic terrorist organization. The Felon has diaper loads of dystopian daydreams about becoming emperor and taking all the money and power away from the dreary do-gooders and siphoning it all for himself and his billionaire fellow criminals. The pretend emperor remains naked, obese and cowardly in spite of all the mobster props at his disposal. Kamala laughs at him, and he is fking livid. We are all laughing our way to victory at him and all the pathetic little man-boys who cry No Fair! Hahahahahaha and fk you felatious felon cksuckers.
Whew…that was my counseling session for the day. Grandma potty mouth is now safe to go forth with her beautiful grandchildren and enjoy our day.
This is exactly what Koch wants. They want ownership of it all. The US can be described as a bunch of corporations in a trench coat masquerading as a country.
Have fun with the kiddos today. Mine keep me sane.
LOL Grandma Pottymouth! 🤣💙💙💙
The no swearing rule was officially suspended upon hearing my sweet daughter go into high &$@! gear about the Felon in front of them … my second seeds will be brought up in the same chaste environment as their mom was 😉
Being in advertising all my life, I think swearing was part of the job. I dont see my two grandkids very often and now they are teenagers, so...if they do utter an F Bomb, it wont be my fault! 😂😂
I told my daughter I will take all responsibility for them if a word slips in polite or academic company. GramCracker keeps it real 😂
Just like it happened in Russia. Putin & his criminal oligarchs stole all the country’s money for themselves
"It will not end well for you." For me, THE critical main point in the novel, "The Godfather" that the movie totally missed on purpose, was author Mario Puzo's strong conclusion that the mafia and organized crime was not a sustainable structure for governing. The book illustrates this: When Michael is in Italy, the local doctor wants to repair his jaw, but Michael refuses upon discovering that the guy got his medical license, not from skill, but from paying off the local Don. (Sound familiar?). Michael ruminates that such a society, based not on merit, but loyalty to one person, only leads to pain and suffering, and is ultimately doomed because of infighting over who is more loyal, while the guardrails of trust are gone.
I know that the NYT is loathed by many here, but just in case this might interest you or others -- a link (no paywall) to Michelle Goldberg's 6-7-24 column, "Donald Trump’s Mob Rule".
One relevant sentence; "A fascinating new book by John Ganz, 'When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s,' offers a useful way to think about the value system undergirding MAGA’s romance with the mob."
Thanks! Great article - it also confirms for me that Puzo compromised his original theme with Coppola to get the movie made and took the focus off the fact that such systems don't work. Instead, they focused on how family loyalty overrides everything. Too bad. It's like what happened to Oliver Stone's "Wall Street." He meant it as a cautionary tale and people watching it, especially brokers, thought, "How cool!"
I’m done with mob movies- Hollywood has glorified the Mafiosa- tried to make them look like “family” people- when its in fact the direct opposite… cold hearted
thieves, con men, and murderers.
I love Michelle Goldberg
Always the non boss.
The Trump campaign on Project 2025 reminds me of Emily Litella:
“Oh . . . never mind.”
Kamala Harris was outstanding yesterday. What an audience! Energized and inspired!
And we should trust in the demise of Project 2025 just like we trusted Roe v Wade was “settled law”. Not one tiny bit.
Project 2025 is indeed alive and well. Facebook is still shutting down sharing of links to information on it.
Yeah, why would that be, I wonder?
They may be but I’m still posting about it so I’m keeping them busy from here.
We have to understand that they have a whole lot of backup for P2025 already written and just waiting to implement. The Orange Oaf is just the demented figurehead for an organized movement of crazy but disciplined fanatics who plan to end Democracy in the USA. As I said on Status Kuo just now, I fear that they have a plan to do to the US what Maduro just did to Venezuela.
“and his weird running mate polls lower than anal cysts.” Currently under review by our Tiedrich Hall of Fame committee.
Hi Jeff, this am I became aware of a conference in Kentucky in June… The title was The Jewish Question and The Final Solution.. I’m sure they were all MAGAS. So is this 2024 or 1935 Germany? Best to all fellow travellers.
this thing? holy shit.
Have to wonder which way these disgusting folks would view me. The Quaker side that helped in the American revolution and was friends with George Washington or the Jewish side, where my great-grandfather went to Europe and saved many Jewish children. We wouldn't take them, so he fostered them in Canada. Fuck 'em!
Scary shit. These people live among us ???!
Yeah Jeff, I read the same thing before writing to you… this BS coupled with Donald at the Black Journalist Q-A today… well he was so disrespectful, so pissed, would not answer direct questions, insulted the interviewers, insulted members of the audience…. He’s unraveling… as predicted…I just don’t see how he is going to make it to the finish line… So much bitterness….
Its like inviting Hitler to the Chicago
Rabbinical Counsel.
HOLY SHIT! I knew they were out there, but...this is scary AF. WTF is wrong with these people??
whenever there is opportunity to hate a minority group, white Christofacists will pounce on it
It certainly is scary. We don’t need “solutions”, we need to fight these anti-semites like we fought the nazis.
You’re so right. Thats exactly the situation we’re in.
This is surreal.
Holy shit! How is it that there are so many fucking broken people in our country? I wish there was a place where all the haters could go and just hate on each other all day long, and leave the rest of us alone to live our lives. Oh yeah, there is a place...the fires of hell. Ugh.
Jesus H. Christ!!😡😡
I just don't get it. I have several hobbies I try to make time for...welding, guitar, a foreign language, but burning through a day in a Kentucky Ramada Inn banquet room griping about "others" is not on my list of faves.
The Dems. should be pounding the message that trump still/again claims that he returned abortion decisions to the states, while simultaneously saying that if Congress sent him a national abortion ban, he would sign it.
The fascist weird director stepped down... but who cares? Old trick that does not change anything because the fascist weird project 2025 remains alive n kicking although a bit on the backburner for the time being! Lol. Fuck weird maga. Von trump belongs in a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane. Nowhere else. Kamala, kamala!