Funny how none of the GOP hand-wringing has touched on arguably the biggest theme from last night: MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Don’t worry about who I love, don’t worry about my kids’ genitals, don’t worry about whether I go to church and don’t worry if I choose to be childless. It’s SO easy

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Also: hasn't that always been the GOP's favorite point? Get your government out of my house?? Man shit has gotten, errrr... weird.

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Wow, that would make for an EXCELLENT Harris/Walz ad. That WAS the hill they planned to die on and have since hoped they'd swept under the very large rug. Cap it with "Mind your own damn business."

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One of many brilliant zingers from the Philly rally, but I agree it sums everything up in a nice, easy to understand statement, no BS, just MIND YOUR IWN DAMN BUSINESS!!! I wan it in a bumper magnet.

My other favorite zinger was, “ Violent crime went up under Donald Trump, and that doesn’t even count the crimes he committed!” 💥🎤

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Lynn, You just caught my two favorites. Extra credit: Gov. Walz's opening line about Trump never having done a day of service in his life. And then nailing his little brat JD Vance to a "couch." Brilliant. Smiling the whole time. Just a natural.

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Exactly. What happened to shrinking government down to drown it in the bathtub. You do you Grover — btw you have the same name as a neurotic furry blue dude 😎

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GOOD POINT!!! D's should be SCREAMING that factoid DAILY... What happened - did we lose our focus when Carville went to work for PThiel? But he's still hauled out as a D 'strategist'... %$@*# WTAF

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hmm that i didnt know

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Me either. Seriously? Can you provide more info on this?

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Ooh let’s just take that talking point and let them stew about it!

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IKR? "Party of small government," "party of fiscal responsibility," "party of law and order," "party of the Constitution" are all slogans that mean nothing anymore. Maybe their party did actually believe these things, but that was eons ago in political chronology. Now they are just liars. Nothing more

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deletedAug 7
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Yup. Monitor women's menstrual cycles and ignore the nasty stuff that goes into our water, air, and sea as that would be government overreach and might do the country and the world some actual good. Ha ha.

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Yes it will, but rest assured Peter Theil’s company can do that. That’s why they got JD. See Democracy Labs posts on menstrual monitoring. Terrifying shit.

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They want a government so small, it fits inside your uterus.

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GREAT line!

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Unfortunately for women, whether they buy their tampons online or at the store by scanning the bar code on the package, tracking their menstrual cycles is well within Big Brother’s capabilities.

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So what if thousands of us - men, women, old people - went out and bought tampons, lots of them. I'd love to see the Period Monitoring Police handle that.

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What will they do about post-menopausal women? Are they going to accuse them of having abortions because they’re not menstruating?

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I never mastered period monitoring for forty years.

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Back when I HAD a cycle (I think I still remember that), I'd feel awfully sorry for whoever had to track mine. He (and you KNOW it would be a "HE") would lose his mind in six months flat, and wouldn't that serve him right?

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I believe maybe they might be consulting the chair sniffer again.

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omfucking god That guy!!! UNBELIEVABLE !!!

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A bit of discussion on MSNBC post-PA Veep announcement that this is the natural follow-up to "weird." Walz does have a penchant for distilling down to the core of a thing.

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It is a Midwestern virtue.

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This is heavenly! What a joy to have two normal, functioning, kind, intelligent, authentic people be at the top of our ticket. Everything they say is so simple. The clarity with which they lay out the case for our democracy is spectacular. THANK GOODNESS!!!

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I think it's the absence of all that 1984 Newspeak. Such a relief to have candidates running that aren't attempting to manipulate the public but instead are engaged in persuasion.

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And they behave like adults, too.

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Simple and it all makes a lot of sense. They want to continue the Biden path of making a difference for the people rather the controlling, put it in reverse party that supports a felonious phony and a couch fucking lunatic. The weirdos will continue to lose their shit as Jeff will provide us with more laughs and info about the party of daily Abby normal behavior.

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Paul Krugman gets funny about Bitcoin. From his column yesterday.

"Some think Bitcoin is becoming a form of digital gold, an asset people hold because they consider it a refuge in hard times. I have problems with this view. We may indeed be heading for a “Mad Max” dystopia, but if we are, do you think we’ll still have a working internet? But never mind. As Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal put it, “Bitcoin doesn’t look like the new gold. It looks like three tech stocks in a trench coat.”

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Does he think it’s an actual coin? Like gold or something. And even then, what good is gold if food and water (and gas in Mad Max)are the premium? I love your comment about the internet too. These guys need to watch/read some apocalyptic shit

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These are Paul Krugman's lines, not mine!

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I miss reading Paul Krugman. He was my favorite columnist at the NYT. But I got so mad at the way they were covering (or not) Pres. Biden that I cancelled my subscription. And told them so.

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Trump said you could "write a bitcoin check"--he really is the dumbest POS in public life! He doesn't know how anything works!

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Not Krugman, no, but the Orange Outrage sure does. Did you read Jeff’s last (?) piece, which had various snippets of stupid Don-old saying dumbo things? It’s when he “explains cryptocurrency” to a reporter that I almost choked to death from laughing. Do yourself a favor and reread and watch Trump at his Trumpiest.

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I think that's exactly what this ignorant lout thinks of Bitcoin.

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Don't forget that tRump said he wanted "all the Bitcoins to be made in America." Wow, is he ignorant. Didn't know what DEI stood for, either.

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JOY to the world- literally! Oh and also… your run-on sentence keeps getting better!

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JT has a gift for adjectives.

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Jeff, you made me lol again. I love you.

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The press and the GOP are so fucking pissed off that they can’t get any negatives to stick to Walz. We can just bat that shit away like a pesky fly. Orange Stain is melting into a puddle of goo as his dream of dictator for a day evaporates. Cleanup on aisle 45!

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😂😂😂 Aisle 45! It's gonna take several mops and gallons of bleach!

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And a sandblaster!😂😂

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For the really stubborn crud !

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Get that aisle 45 designated as a SuperFund Toxic Waste site ! Some of that shit isn’t even known on this planet 🌎 The BLOB IS BACK! Arrrgghhhh!

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I heard that Kamala gets out those stubborn orange stains.

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I think that will require calling in a nuclear strike from orbit, it is the only way to be certain

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Where are those damn Jewish Space Lasers when you need them?

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Need a cat lady to do it

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Best to suit up in Tyvek as well. That shit is poisonous.

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LOTS of bleach injected into the body 🤪. https://youtube.com/shorts/RxDKW75ueIU?si=o-iT40oEPKrt0Cug

Check it out.

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It's like they had a pile of notecards on Shapiro's issues - so now they are caught flat-footed, AGAIN :)

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They're 1-2 steps ahead of the GQP😆😆

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Oh the corporate mainstream news media will pound it in the sand every day until election time that he is such a horrible pick and bad for America.....They will force their news talking heads to lead with that narrative....

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Smart voters are wise to this game. The press is out of sync so will be laughed at or ignored.

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MSM are really and truly digging their own graves.

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Kay-El… 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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Those MAGA MORONS are hitting him with labels like: "far left" "communisms" "transgender helper" "dangerous"

all scare tactics -which some people might believe...but we know its crap.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7


It’s sad that they’ve turned our political discourse into a distorted parlor game:/ Really sad…

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The diapered man child is experiencing electial dysfunction. Miller looks like a used condom screaming like he has a vice grip on his balls. They just don't get it.

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Love that... electile dysfunction. My new favorite.

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They found one. His National Guard Service was a little different than he stated. Its nothing to get excited about but they will ride it, just like they did with John Kerry.

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I just love how they keep calling him a "San Francisco style liberal" or a "wannabe Californian" or whatever....meanwhile Vance lived in SF for four years very recently and wrote about how nice it was.

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The HARRIS-WALZ ticket will defeat donald & co. I find it troubling how the tech bros are tripping and falling over eachother to support the maga repubs. As a resident of San Francisco since 2007, I observe that tech bros seem to enjoy all the perks of living as as a “San Francisco style liberal”, but then financially support maga political barkers who’ll promise tax breaks and unfettered authority to capture people’s identities with their next “cool” idea. Unintended consequences be damned!

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Yep! And after they get all the tax breaks, etc., they depart for some other state. Musk is intent on destroying the wetlands in Boca Chica, TX now with his rockets after getting all he could out of California.

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One headline I saw said "Musk leaves SF for TX, and SF shrugs."

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I for one cannot WAIT for Elmo to pack up his rocket-fueled carpet bags and land in TX. Where there’s a half-ass jerry-rigged electric grid (courtesy of Gov. Greg Abbott and AG Ken Paxton [likely]) that frequently is on the blink when it’s HOT and very COLD.

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Tim Walz visited SF for the first time in July. He was left in awe, like many of us are, because again, like many of us used to, he ran through the Presidio to the Golden Gate Bridge.

I thought at the time, how wonderful!!!

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I first visited SF in 1986,lovely place, with friendly people.

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O/T: I cancelled subscriptions to the NYT and the Washington Post a while ago, but lately I've been barraged with e-mail pleas to renew. Is that happening to anyone else? They must be getting desperate, particularly the NYT. It is a real pleasure not to have my blood pressure raised by Maggie Haberman, Peter Baker, Ross Douthat et al.

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I still take WaPo because I like some of the OP/ED columnists like Jennifer Rubin, Eugene Robinson, Max Boot, Ruth Marcus, and Karen Tumulty. Their news coverage is spotty at best.

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I do miss Jennifer Rubin. But the WaPo might have a really unpleasant surprise coming, as Will Lewis is under criminal investigation in the UK for allegedly deleting thousands of emails and texts in the phone-hacking scandals. The Guardian has been covering this. Not a particularly good look for your paper, eh, Bezos? Should have done a better job of vetting your employees.

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Jenn puts out an email newsletter that links out to her columns which I think ar free. I haven't clicked the links because I still sub, but once the election is over and decided, I'm done. Also, she has a YouTube channel as well called Jenn Rubin's Green Room.

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It's also a podcast, which I listen to. She talks about stuff on there way ahead of the Post saying anything, like Project 2025 and Alan Gartner's warnings on Dumpy's dementia. That makes me wonder if the Post bars her from talking about certain things.

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I don't think it's so much that they bar her from talking about certain things, so much as she may not write a column about it. Or, it's included in one of her columns.

But, who knows how the editorial desk is being run at the Post these days? So, you may be right.

That said though, I think Jenn wouldn't hesitate to move to another paper, or other outlet, and lambaste the Post if that did happen.

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How do I find her email newsletter?

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I apologize. I thought it was a free newsletter, bu tit's for Post subscribers only. However, the YT channel is free.

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Thanks. I'll check her out on YT.

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Glad you cited Jen’s You Tube channel. I would have had no one mentioned it.

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My public library used to provide access to the WaPo thru a database called ProQuest, which we library patrons could access online, at home. Your library might have that, or something similar.

I realize that you'd still be providing indirect support for the WaPo; not sure how strongly you feel about cutting them out altogether. (I still read NYT columnists thru my library, although I'm becoming increasingly angry about NYT's coverage of djt, Harris, Biden, the 2024 election, etc. I'm shifting to The Guardian for news bc it's less poisonous, but it's imperfect -- it summarizes a lot from the NYT and WaPo, and it's loaded with gramm errors. But: To the best of my knowledge it isn't corp.-owned and seems not to be shilling for corps.)

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The Guardian is an independent paper that has been around for over 200 years. It isn't perfect but it beats hell out of most mainstream American rags. I recommend the Philadelphia Inquirer - they've expanded their national coverage, and Will Bunch, their political columnist, is terrific.

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I’ve been reading the Guardian for quite a while now the only complaint I have with it is the spelling of certain words you’d think the Brits would be able to spell English properly!🇬🇧🇺🇸🤪😜

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Switch over to the US edition. I read both the UK and US but haven’t noticed the spelling diffs. between the two. May just be reading through them though.

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The paper you refer to has been known in the UK for generations as ‘The Grauniad’. I’ll leave you to work out why. 😂

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It was long famous for typos, earning the nickname "The Grauniad"

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I unfollowed WaPo (among others) on Xtwitter but still follow Jennifer Rubin and a few other mainstream news reporters, like Ryan Reilly and Scott Macfarlane.

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One of the top reporters in the country, Carol Leonig, works at WashPo. Just published the story about Trump and 10 million from Egypt.

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Jennifer Rubin is also on (MaryTump's) Nerd Avengers panel on youtube - excellent discussions, FYI

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She has her own channel too. Jenn Rubin's Green Room.

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I didn’t know either of these things. I also left WaPo. Thanks!

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Same with me Stephen. Also

Dana Milbank with his sense of humor

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I was trying to get out the door and left him off my list. His book about why he is no longer a republican is telling and a good read!

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Don’t forget Alexandra Petri. She is on it!

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I've gotten some, but much less since I sent them letters telling them to FUCK OFF!

Their scared because lots of people have cancelled their subscriptions. So Sad.

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I cancelled my NYT subscription when Maggie Haberman went a bridge too far one too many times a few months ago. Since then they have inundated my in box with renewal pleas. I have called and emailed telling them to STOP, but to no avail. Desperate times, I guess.

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Pro tip from an old IT guy. If you mark them as SPAM, you never have to see them again. 🙂

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I hear you and did that early on. But it still irritates me since I’ve told them to stop in correspondence that has gone from politely asking to “I would NEVER reconsider this decision” (but in uglier words).

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Same here. I haven’t seen one from either WaPo or NYT

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I've also asked them to stop - no luck. The e-mails just get deleted. They'll give up at some point, I hope. I'd love to see the NYT lose enough subscribers that the Sulzbergers finally figure out that the nasty little brat Arthur G. is toxic and a liability.

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Can you set up your email account so that it automatically sends those money-begs into the spam folder? That’s what I’ve done with the ~6,000 messages I used to get daily from Kamala, “vote blue” organizations, the DNC, Obama, Doug Emhoff, Joe Biden, and other worthy entities to which I donate monthly anyway already so stop begging me for $$, I’m donating as fast as I can as it is!

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Just did that today. Poof, into spam they go.

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It may take a bit of time for your filters to work thoroughly. Also something else to consider, these campaign begs use different URL’s so that spam blockers still let them through. It’s maddening.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Hmm pls dont do that if you support the DNC etc becuase their email sending reputation will be damaged and those emails increasingly wont reach their intended targets.

Better to simply auto forward them to a folder you never open

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I'm just sending the NYT and WaPo emails to spam. I still get Democratic emails in my inbox.

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Maggie's a modern-day Leni Riefenstahl

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Woof! Nice one.

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They've been spamming me for a long time.

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Same—I ditched the NYT years ago and have never looked back but boy they sure want my money!

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Yes. Same.

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Happening to me. Easy peasy. I press delete.

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Yes! Discounted price! 🤢

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I haven't gotten anything, but it's only been a few weeks.

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Give it time. It took a while before I started getting deluged.

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Great news! Walz is just like Jeff (but his act is PG). Definitely will be our first comedian vice president!

🙃🥨🙃🥨🙃 They're both upside down and kinda twisted. 🙃🥨🙃🥨🙃

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Look up his statement on YouTube where he calls tRump a bastard and says he'll wake up and know a black woman kicked his ass.

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Maybe that's still PG these days.

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He gives a little Jack Benny vibe, great timing.As Jonathan Last wrote Tim Walz is comfort food, or as we say ,

a " Hot Dish " 🔥

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Rather feed kids than use them for target practice is a brilliant line that the Dems should use. One of your best columns.

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And Jeff don’t forget, once again on FAUX today, that Jews in America should “have their heads examined” if they vote for Harris.. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of someone who is not Jewish, who hosts Jew haters for dinner, who proclaims Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people” telling me how I should vote.. and FU too VonShitsinpanze. Best to all fellow travelers.

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Isn’t that irritating! As someone who is half and half, I really resent being maligned for my ancestry. I like having come from the stock which produced Hilllel, Spinoza, Marx, Einstein, and even purportedly Jesus. We don’t need our heads examined.

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The "Let them speak" strategy is working beautifully. The more Republicans talk, the bigger the hole they dig for themselves. They're coming off looking like the hateful, ignorant assholes they really are. And the final descriptor in today's column is PURE GOLD. 😂 Let's kick their asses!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

even THEY are starting to notice how empty they sound...!? maybe Walz broke the spell :)))

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Digging their graves with their tongues.

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I believe Democrats are going to pants these silly little boys,and take their lunch money.

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And run their trousers up the flagpole !

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And probably exposing the depth of their shame...

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I like the idea!!!

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"Helping bats to geolocate?" Oh, Jeff, I heart you so much. ICYMI, even Trump's ppl know he's one Walz zinger away from a strait jacket. They pulled him off the campaign trail. He's at his golf motel all this week except for one rally in ... Montana. Speaking of Walz, he's cuddly and lethal at the same time, a cross between a Muppet and Don Rickles. Fantastic ticket.

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you know Nikki Haley DID say that the first party who 'drops their 80 year old candidate' is gonna win... hmmm

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She's craven and two-faced, but in this instance, not wrong.

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She also said yesterday Democrats support open borders, she's just another bootlicking moron.

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What got me is the "Nosferatu McGoebels". 🤣

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And describing him as shrieking. Nails on chalkboard visual....

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Coolest description of Walz as a cross between a Muppet and Don Rickels, to whom he does beat a certain resemblance!

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I'm dying for someone to make a Muppet of him.

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Some Federalist Society judges said yesterday Trump should be removed from the ballot because of the 25th amendment, automatically, according to the Constitution,no impeachments,no votes from the House or Senate or intervention from Congress at all. And Supreme Court,and especially Neil Gorsuch,who threatened President Biden because of his proposed court reforms?? Kick rocks...

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Interesting. If Trump loses The Heritage Foundation, too. . .

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I think the brief is going to be filed today,these guys are 'originalists'(sic), I guess they're signalling to the current court,if you really are an 'originalists', that's what the Constitution requires,called Trump a 'loser' who participated in an insurrection, disqualifying, period. I'm not mistaking this for 'ideology',(I believe there's only 3 or 4 of them signing on to it), it's probably more about their carefully crafted court being destroyed by the radical extremists inhabiting it now, making them all a shitstain of history.

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I love Tim Walz, such a wonderful and normal guy who does normal things and speaks about normal stuff like a real life human being! Holy shit MAGAS!! Does he scare the shit 💩 out of you? Good!! He actually can complete sentences without any nonsense babble about sharks 🦈 and has very intelligent conversations and answers! He’s a good man not an evil loser like JD puke goofy as hell Vance 🤪 he is a WIN WIN in my mind!!!

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What they hate is that he's a normal guy, who likes to hunt, likes state fairs, and yet he doesn't hate on trans people and thinks women are capable of making their own decisions.

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The combination of ingredients is beyond their comprehension. It’s paradigm-shifting, and there’s something goin’ on here but they don’t know what it is.

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It's also important for us to emphasize his accomplishments in MN. *****He has made life better in a lot of ways for ordinary Minnesotans,***** who WANT the programs that desperate MAGAts, beholden to billionaires, deride as "socialism" or "communism" -- programs or policies that are active in every other developed democracy, where life expectancy is longer, where people are more prosperous, and where self-reported happiness is far higher.

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Jeff, you and Heather Cox Richardson are the national treasures keeping me sane and out from under the bed.

I’d be happy to proofread your masterpieces free 24/7; I’m at your service! (Tiny typo triggers me.) 🤗

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This was a good one, Jeff. That run on last paragraph is epic.

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I want this tee shirt!

"And make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump," Walz continued. "That's not even counting the crimes he committed!" To used a word from the movie "Friday" - DAAAAAAMN! (You know you can see it in your head)

Watching the right, and their enablers at the NYT, melt down in real time is just a bonus.

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Yeah, that made me roar with LOL!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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I scared my cats out of the room I laughed so hard!

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