"it's Sunday, I'm going to write a short one," I said to myself as I sat down to bang this out. four hours and 1704 words later, here you go. and I didn't even get to half the stuff I intended to talk about

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How you can continuously stream words and thoughts about this blustering bag of rancid wind is remarkable! You write it, I read it.

May the remaining hours of the day provide relief from toxins smothering this country. Be well.

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Perfect Deb 💙

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Thank you. Your loyal fans can't get their day started until your column drops. Also, thank you for printing the texts of his "speeches" so that we don't have to listen to his dead voice.

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A big AMEN to that! His whining, awful voice is as repellent as his sweaty orange face!

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And did you notice his hair now glows lavender in those videos? LOL! It's starting to look a lot like Halloween's come to tRumpville!

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YES, I’m glad to hear that someone else noticed the lavender glow on his hair!! Did he use a different brand of blonde coloring than usual & there was a weird chemical reaction??

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I am so grateful to not be required to hear that demented voice.

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Ditto The 4 years when he was in the Whitehouse were agony from hearing his near daily coverage! I had to hit the mute button to keep my sanity. Sheesh, nails on a chalkboard would have been music to my ears by comparison!

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That Queens wheedle and croon. He's out of his fucking mind. I'd love to put an apron on that fat bag of ordure and set him to the french fries. I did it for six months, and I'm sure I remember the method.

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I don't think they hire sex predators at McDonalds.

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What about convicted felons?

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IDK about that,but Frump would probably send Alina Habba in to lie for him...of course with all the Trumps, I guess every interview they've ever done was with Daddy...how special!!!

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they wouldn’t be able to fit an apron around his fat twat. XXXXL not available for fry cooks

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I like the text so I can understand exactly what is in the word salad

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Is there an app for translating word salad?

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That’s becoming a real statement for me.

I read early. And I always do Jeff last because he drops here at about 8:30 am. So if I finish the majority of news before then, I don’t quite get up and get going until it drops. I fiddle around, read books instead of news, get another cup o’ Joe … and THEN!! There it is!! Yaaaay.

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I second THAT. I don’t even like saying that motherfucker’s name, and most of the Meidas Touch videos I watch now, I mute him.

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Well, when a tornado of shit is flying, you can't grab every piece.

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Especially when Trump is splattering, not aiming.

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Good one Hanna!! Many gold stars to you!!

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Well-you always have stupid week on Saturday to add all that shit! Speaking of McDonald’s….YOU deserve a break today…(as the McDonald’s commercial goes!) lol

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On behalf of the god botherers among us, GOD fucking bless you jeff Tiedrich!

BTW, it's way past time you learned how to use voice typing, a dictation program. It's only drawback is that it turns our favorite words into this: ****. **** and ****.

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Surely you can train it to autocorrect, no?

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I'm using Microsoft voice typing which is free and already installed on my laptop. You don't tell a Microsoft program what to do. My computer is loaded down enough with software that I don't wanna put anything else on. You access the program with WIN + H. I suggest you turn off auto punctuation, which is one royal inaccurate pain in the ass.

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I love “this week in stupid’

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Well, I loved it. I hope you write many more of these “short ones”. I can’t stand SCROTUS so much. I can’t believe we have been soaked in his malignant bullshit every day for nine and a half years. And he is becoming more and more threatening and menacing with each passing hate rally.

What is the purpose behind Comer Fudd’s investigation of Zelenskyy now? WTAF? Comer is pissed because Zelenskyy visited an arms factory in PA? Is that right?

This is a grim and demoralizing era. You’re making it livable. Thank you.

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Comer is the epitome of 'weaponization of government' against political opponents, just like Bill Barr.

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But he's so fxxxxxg stupid. Comer Fudd wants an investigation of were taxpayers' funds used for Zelensky to travel to PA? 🤬🤬🤬. But no word on what he wants to do about Zelensky's travel to NYC to see #OrangeTurd. 🧐

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The little girl's face in the picture was worth a thousand words.

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So glad you wrote more! You just made my Sunday that much better!!!

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Too much crazy to resist isn’t there?

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Weeeell, that's cuz the crazy train provides you with so much material.

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You knocked this one out of the park Jeff!

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Your sampling of sane-washing was splendid. Thanks for your Sunday paper scroll of illuminated manuscript!

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Am going to invest in a case of air sickness bags to get me through all the gibberish from the Republicans.

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I think you should double the word count every day and then bring it in here and shoot it all straight into our veins. Except you wouldn’t get to sleep hardly at all, and that would be bad.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sure Jeff. As if….

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He dumb. That whole klan is dumb. Box of rocks dumb. In a just society, they might find some useful tasks, nothing that requires a forebrain. But… here we are.

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He is the son of a snowplow father, and his spawn have a snowplow father (clears all the obstacles out of kids' paths, including inconvenient arrests, overcoming bad grades to graduate, unwanted pregnancies. Matt Gaetz's daddy, too. Probably Empty Greene)

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Definitely Marjorie Traitor Goon, the poor little rich girl in Aaalllferayta Jawja.

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When the news shows profile shots of Roger Stone, you can see he is missing frontal lobes.

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He does have the strangest sloped-back forehead. Like he had major surgery and things went south.

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He looks like 'Zippy the Pinhead'.

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He’s actually a pinhead (with apologies to others so afflicted- but not him)

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A lot of his “stuff” has “gone south.”

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Zippy is Albert Einstein to the 10th power compared to this dolt and his cult of lemmings.

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The problem is there’s 81 million of them.

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Check your numbers, I dont believe you are correct.

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I stand corrected, 74.2 million Magats

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That is a good one Stephen! But it holds true for many others too

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Weird heads seems to be a common trait of ultra right wing fascists.

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He's authentically, astonishingly good at getting people to buy worthless shit— but that's got nothing to do with a just society.

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But wait ! Eggs are $2.99 ! Wahhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhh

“Sure want one of those $100 thousand watches though so I can be aware of when my time is up”

Knock, knock…

Mr. Darwin is here to collect republican rubes, get in the truck we got sneakers, watches, coins, flags,custom diapers and ignorance, a bumper crop of willful ignorance.

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Well, more Republicans died of COVID than Democrats. Some wondered if that would help to tip the election.

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It's not real leadership. It's salesmanship, and you're right, that's his strength. Getting backing and $$ even after a string of questionable ventures, convincing banks to not not foreclose on him

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I believe that a lot of the "investments" were actually money-laundering exercises. So maybe not that surprising?

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Oh, the $100,000 watches and crypto scream money laundering, and selling influence

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Sure, he’s a sort of good salesman, also kind of a funnyman. I think after he loses he should consider the standup circuit

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Beyond dumb,they realized the guy who was supposed to be 'fighting for them' isn't,and hasn't ever,now the MAGATS are just a another hate group.

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He might be dumb but his followers are dumber yet. SMFH!

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"most people don't know..." is Trump-speak for "I didn't know until a second ago"

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Donald is sun downing rapidly.. His scattershot comments concerning the mental acuity of our VP, his rant concerning the “foreign fly” buzzing around his head, his answer to the question of the economy talking shit about an award he never received, denying the fact people are leaving his rallies, ordering FAUX not to broadcast our VP visiting the border and her comments. BTW, Harris has released 20 years of tax statements, Walz released 15 years of his tax statements… Vance- Donald? Still waiting. Donald has been informed of the material in Jack Smith’s 180 page motion…..IMHO, that’s why he is flipping out…it’s extra crispy, just like his burned steaks… He’s losing it in real time folks..and we are here to watch. So if Donald flips out and is unable to run, who will JD pick as his VP? Best to all.

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the thought of Justa Dick Vance as POTUS is enough to get me on a flight to Switzerland. JFC. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Warning…Susan!!! Everything is incredibly expensive in Switzerland, but you can eat off the streets, because they’re incredibly clean! The spectacular drive into the clouds and mountains are well worth the price of admission!! Come to think of it, I might have to tag along, Sla’inte!!

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I heard that. My friend has a friend who said, come to Switzerland and stay with me. COOL! I gotta at least check it out!

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Feel free to join me in the 4 BR VRBO I've rented in lovely Thunder Bay, Ontario for election week...I'm not terribly interested in sticking around, particularly as an immigration attorney, if the roundups start.

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Tempting. I love Canada so much. I love cold weather, too. It was meant to be!

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What w all the health care and no guns, I've heard it's a nice place.😉

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Do you enjoy snow shoveling as well Susan?

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LOL Not so much...but I do it in Missouri.

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Just make sure you have your woolies and snow boots. Winter can come early to that part of Ontario. 😉

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Closest drive from MN, but maybe I should our my snow tires on now that you mention it.

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That would be a wise decision. Enjoy election week in Northwestern Ontario.

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Bring chains as well, I think they’re still legal there…

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No, unfortunately tire chains are illegal in all highways of Ontario. Sorry to be a party pooper.

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I feel much better w the Harris ticket, but I'm telling you folx - whether you're the 1st or the last to board the St. Louis, it's already too late.

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ARGH, JD as president? I thought being a real person was a requirement.

He is a cheap AI robot made in a garage.

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And u are being too kind🤮

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I know. Feeling oddly calm about these idiots today.

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He is an alien in a skin suit. ( Men in Black -Edgar)

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Rumor has it Hannah…JD is alien life form spawned from a giant blood sucking xenomorph!!

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JD 'Hock-tuie!!' Vance.

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Did you just spit, Bruce?

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That’s JD’s only goal. Must be the “GOP’s” too bc they aren’t defunding him. (Not even sure they can do that?). I think the GOP, as it were, has this plan.

Big Daddy gonna melt down soon.

Keep him on his feet long enough to take the oath.

The minute he’s in, start the 25th amendment cha-cha.

Ok. JD—you’re IT! Put your hand on that Bible—and hope up hell it doesn’t go up in flames as you touch it.

JD? Um Mr. Prezi-dent. Shut the fuck up and sit down. Lara will have your script ready in a minute.

And the whole swarm of hand picked trumpers will insert their evil god damn family and friends and billionaires into the so-called cabinet.

And it’s That’s All Folks for democracy.

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Too scary for me 😲😵‍💫😳

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Good point fredo.....Tax return procedure used to be a big deal....I haven't heard a word about that aspect from the media. I know I have a mind like a steel trap, but the media AINT gonna ask Trump/Shady about theirs huh??

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is every Republican a sociopath? THAT is the question of the year.

Dump is a lunatic.

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Breaking news: every MAGAt is a psychopathic sociopath. In other breaking news, water is still wet, and sun continues to rise in the east.

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What’s your source?

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Observable reality - it's our side's secret weapon.

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I mean for the water wet and sunrise parts. I know where you got the rest.

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NWS? I assume.

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