this post is for all the people who have been telling me that my recent posts have been stressing them out too much

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What a great clip! And the best part, it’s ALL true!

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😂 Thanks for sharing that!

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That was excellent!😂😂

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Perfect! So funny!

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Must see TV, that one!

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Thx, community 🇺🇸✨

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You? Stress people out? Howz that even possible? You only report on the thing that's happening or has happened, and put your take on it. I think you're Brilliant and funny has hell. Some people are just to comfortable and set in their ways, Jeff. Your top shelf to Most of America 💯💙🇺🇲💋

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That was funny!! I love him on The Daily Show too

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That's where I've seen him! He had the best facial expressions when he "learned" Harris & Walz are the same age😆

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I used to see him a lot on Facebook. Maybe Drybar Comedy? Then he joined The Daily Show, and I was so happy for him!

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Hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing! I’m now a Josh Johnson fan!

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Awesome. Thanks for introducing me to Josh. 😂

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Excellent! Fun to watch; a comedian with great timing!

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Yeah his face is must-watch and his pauses are impeccable!

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I love Josh. I hope that Madam VP sees this clip, it's pure gold.

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He's got me as a follower now.

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I have seen a number of Josh Johnson’s clips. He’s hilarious!

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Omg, that was great! Thanks for sharing ! 😝

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Josh Johnson is fantastic. And he nailed it here.

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I had to stop for a minute so I could share this far and wide.

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While we should be vigilant (as today's Hartman Report reminded us of Trump and his pet twerp Mike Johnson's attempt to pass the highly-misnomered SANE Act—https://hartmannreport.com/p/trump-and-johnsons-shocking-bid-to-1f1 ) and ensure we're still registered to vote (I've been checking every few days, and—yep, I still am!)? The wind feels at Harris's back, while Trump and Vance make a disaster of every public appearance or online post by pandering to their bigot base (do they REALLY think there are enough MAGAts in America to sweep them to victory?).

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Why is it legal to pass ‘creative voter legislation’ 50 days away from Election Day? AGAIN - asking for 330M friends…😒

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It wasn't, until Roberts & Co got rid of pre-clearance after decreeing that racism was over.

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The Roberts Court will go down in history as the most corrupt SC in history

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Breathtakingly so.

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Perhaps when it all comes out after the election and a new A.G.Is installed at the Justice Department….they’ll be the first prosecuted !😳😂

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We can dream but I'm afraid that the SC might be unassailable. The founders never imagined the possibility of such corruption.

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A lot of states I believe it isn't, Johnson is taking orders directly from Trump,(and probably will go down the toilet with him),so because Trump and JD can't open their mouths without being racist and stupid, they're reduced to political stunts and conspiracy theories.

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True enough. But on the 3d hand, was it NC? OH? - it's hard to keep up w the fuckery - took ol' brainworms off the ballot despite it being past the deadline to do so.

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NC? 100% underreported…

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Yes, it was NC. Deadine is tomorrow to send out absentee ballots to overseas troops, and thanks to brainworms and the galaxy brains at the state supreme court, they might not be able to.

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and creating confusion :/

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Seriously! I think the world of Merrick Garland as a person, but I do think he needs to be replaced, along with Dick Durbin in the Senate Judiciary Committee. They are too passive. The time is past for old-fashioned, respectful and gentlemanly confrontation. tRump and co. is a whole different animal, and needs to be treated as dangerous and volatile, in need of immediate throttling. We need a lot of changes, quickly, and a whole LOT of indictments that have a chance of sticking. That means Supreme Court and DOJ changes.

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I check frequently here in GA - and I get a screenshot of the Page on the Secretary of State's site, showing my registration.

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The screen shot is a good idea Stephen.

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Mike Johnson (not kin to Josh Johnson, thank gawwwd) is the architect of J6 and one of Leonard Leo’s disciples. A real piece of shit!

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Disgusting, ass-kisser masquerading as a holy man, like soooooooo many before him, and soooooooo many in the MAGA movement today.

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One of the more pressing reasons why we must get control over the House and replace this weasel with Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker.

Holy Mike gotta go!

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Yes indeed he is.

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Slippery sneaky little shit !🐍🦨🐀

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The funny thing is that they might actually be related from way back when. Wouldn't that just frost old Mike's apple tree?

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No. They're not going to do it by popular vote. They are all set up to cheat.

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And it’s like the country is just watching it unfold - bizarre

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I read that they have basically given up on getting out the vote and plan to rely instead on litigating "election fraud" - just gumming up the works as always. Itʻs a losing strategy in my opinion - Harris has a crack team of lawyers lined up to deal with all the pettifoggery.

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Dubious of a cogent thought in either of those two…sans frontal cortex melons!

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I follow Elie also because he’s been so right on with the issues. I love his attacks about the Injustices 6.

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The Plan👆

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Like you said "shoot that directly into my veins". ☺️🇺🇸

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I love your posts! They make me feel validated, I send them to my daughter and she loves them too!

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Same. Love U JT!

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Stressed! Jeff -I read you, Heather Cox Richardson, The Guardian, Pro Publica -and all with a blood pressure cuff attached to my left forearm.

It will remain until Trump and his co-conspirators are in prison, Aileen Cannon is under close supervision in traffic court, and Kamala is well into a highly successful second term.

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I love the world you paint, let's make it happen!

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With VP candidate Tim Walz having visited H&H restaurant in Macon, Ga. I hope he enjoyed the food there! As a forever Allman Brothers Band fan(since 1971) this spot is where the ABB hung out all those years ago. Mama Louise kept the band fed when the funds were low and a homegrown meal when it was needed!

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Not stressing over anything you’ve written Jeff! Trumps a birthright mobster, most of us here know that.

Malignant narcissist, felon and adjudicated rapiist is a label the rest of America, sans Nazi MAGATS have grown to realize. There’s no room in this country for vapid wastrels, chodes, or illiterate, ignoble poltroons! Thanks for bringing sanity to your followers!!

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SPIRO you’re alive !

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I wonder if SS General Herr Miller is going to share this with Orange Hitler?

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JD Vance has syphilis.

One of my main ladies directly told me this.

She's not the type of person who makes shit up.

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That's good enough for me. In fact, if I were a Republican politician, I'd go straight to Fox Noise and repeat it on air. ( oh, wait, I forgot - they repeat rumours on air, but not about Republicans)

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WHAT??? Someone needs to find out more about that. Might explain why he's such a delusional liar.

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Syphilitic spirochetes would explain the weirdness.

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Thanks Jeff! We do need to get back to talking primarily about our team rather than theirs, but I am here for ALL YOUR POSTS! 💙

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Thanks, Jeff...even though I haven't said it, and even though it really isn't you...it's that I am so sick of all these MAGA-MOTHER-FUCKERS that I cannot take it any longer. I am concentrating on the things I can do that won't stress me out.

I got my 300 Postcards for Michigan on Monday and have been writing them every spare minute instead of seeing what lies MAGA is spewing.

But, I'm not signing up for Oprah because the snark in me still sees her as the person who brought us Doctor Phil and Doctor Oz, and that's a bridge too far for me. I hope she's a roaring success tonight, but other than that, I don't care what she says!

Now, Taylor Swift on the other hand...🫶

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You are not alone. I think she's a good person but she inflicted a lot of damage popularizing those quacks! She does love woo stuff.

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Yay Deb for postcarding! We all need breaks. Movies,pets, gardening, seeing friends. It helps keep us sane. 👭🧑‍🤝‍🧑👫

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Despite the fact that I’m not putting too much faith in polling your post was a welcome positive break from the constant stress of this campaign but your work always gives my day a lift and puts a smile on my face, thanks for that Jeff .

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You da man, Jeff. Hook me up to an IV and put me on a continuous drip of that shit.

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This kind of lead would almost surely entail having substantial coattails... Dare we hope?

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I still believe we can surprise the powers of punditry with a trifecta. Iiiiif that happens, it's good that Walz is there. He'll lead on the notion of hovering up "left" legislative achievements. As he says often, Ds in MN had a trifecta in the 20 teens & wasted it by trying to bring Rs along. When they got the next opportunity in 2022, it was pedal to the medal. Free school breakfast & lunch! Legal weed! abortion protections, paid family leave etc.

Of course the state party didn't even dream that they'd get a trifecta, so it was a huge scramble after the election, but they pulled their shit together.

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Thanks, Jeff. I needed this!

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I am hoping and praying and pleading that these guys are right. Because I don't just want Trump to lose. I want him to lose BADLY. I want him to get trounced. I want him demolished. I want him fully and utterly humiliated. It will be DELICIOUS.

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May he lose so bigly we spit our covfefe.

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"I want him DUMPED ........ in front of the whole Western hemisphere. On the 6 o'clock news. OKAY? Then I want world peace." - Bette Midler, The First Wives Club

Thought it was an appropriate quote.

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I'm hoping for maybe a trials of Job scenario post election. What with him being such a religious guy & all.

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I want him to lose so badly even the troglodytes who are planning to steal the election throw up their hands and say "nope, sorry, can't do it." A loss by, say, 200,000 in each swing state would do it. I can't help, I live in a stupid solid-red state, but I'm rooting for those of you whose votes will count to get out there and trounce the moron.

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I'd like to see him lose a couple of "red" states too, and have all the Republicans scratching their heads "How did we lose Kansas?"

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Rs enjoy an Electoral advantage (the way the votes are spread out, as you know) - that is the only reason he is still ‘in this’. WE CANNOT LET UP

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Absolutely right. We’ve got to pick up every single rock we find for the fight ahead. Call, donate, write letters, write postcards, anything, everything and VOTE.

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Word to the wordy-word WORD!

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Then hopefully, he’ll be gone!

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Ditto Alison!!

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Pedal to the metal. Full bore. No brakes. Let's fucking do this.



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Absolutely! Cheers to Miller and the rest who are telling it like it is. There's one campaign that's fueled by joy and the other by hate. The numbers that MSM refuses to tell us are starting to show and as we all know, you can't make this shit up.

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