btw, for a serious deep dive into Trump's trial delay fuckery, I recommend reading Joyce Vance's substack from last night https://joycevance.substack.com/p/late-breaking-trump-news

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Joyce wraps it all up nicely.

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Thank you for the heads-up. I was trying to decide what to read next; I subscribe to Vance and trust her take.

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She great at that. One of my favorite legal experts!

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Today is the Anniversary of Obama’s 2008 election-one of the happiest and proudest days in America. Also the day that kicked off the WHITE RACIST RAGE WAR, how dare a fucking BLACK FAMILY LIVE IN OUR WHITE HOUSE. And they still have not gotten over it. We must all keep fighting the bastards, thank you Jeff Tiedrich for all you do in this battle.

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I would put money down on Cannon being taken by Trump's lawyers in this, despite the Special Prosecutor's pleading and warning. She might even criticize the SP for Trump's lawyers' shenanigans.

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"Mrs. Aileen Trump." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Priceless, Jeff!

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That bitch is bought and paid for.

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Although on the surface she appears to be a moron, I think all of her moves are surgical attempts to assist Trump.

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I meant to write strategic attempts, but surgical will do.

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I am positive the Trump team is telling Cannon what needs to be done for Trump. Aileen being such a puppet is obvious! She is a disgrace to lawyers/judges everywhere!

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I’m really hoping Jack Smith comes up with some plan to get this woman off the case, because if not, this is going to be a travesty of justice.

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In the final analysis, they are the same. A biased simpleton helps The Defendant.

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Whatever happened to "the appearance of impropriety"? Doesn't that count with judges anymore??

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Sure looks that way.

However it's not likely the tangerine turd and his supporters are showering her with the same level of gifts that crooked cross-eyed Clarence gets from his far right gazllionaire friends.

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No coincident that she's in Florida. He rigged that before he was out of office.

Total admission of guilt if you ask me.

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In the notebook … Accompanied by many, many hearts and unicorns.

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On her notebook....

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I agree!!!

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Guess she craves every woman’s dream: a failed attempt at arousal by a flaccid mushroom followed by the promise of free burial at a rat-infested ex-wife cemetary / golf motel in Joizy.

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Well done! Tiedrich on Ivanka: “my three — or is it four? — no, it’s definitely three — small children will grow up without ever knowing a mother’s love if I have to leave them for one day to testify and please don’t ask me what their names are, it’s the governess’s job to know that.”

Love it!

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Well, that post was fucking brilliant! Thank you for allowing us a few minutes of not being terrified of these ridiculous yet dangerously treasonous motherfuckers.

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WELL said!

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LOL!! "... once she’s finished writing “Mrs. Aileen Trump” over and over on the cover of her notebook." Sure it's not the cover of her check book? Does she have off shore bank accounts or perhaps a joint account with one of the Supremes? Asking for a friend.

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Chris Kise: "I can't be misogynist, I sired a child of the female persuasion."

That's... That's not how it works, 5head

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shit, there's always something I forget to include. I meant to reference Kise's dumb remark, because yeah, it was a double fuckload of arrogant stupidity

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Chris Kise from the law firm of Dickhead and Associates.

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I thought kise was from Dewey, Cheatham & Howe 😂😂😂

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Oh I missed this one. Do tell?

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the "I can't be a misogynist" remark. you got it, and I didn't

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Kise then referred to judge Arthur Engoron’s principal law clerk which infuriated Engoron.

“Do not refer to my staff again,” Klasfeld reports Engoron saying.

In response, Kise said, “She’s a civil servant,” to which Engoron replied, “Sometimes I think there’s a bit of misogyny in you referring to my female principal law clerk.”

Kise then defended himself, saying, “I’m not a misogynist…I have a 17-year old daughter.”

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Hahaha yeah because no father has ever kept their daughters in metaphorical or literal cages until they were married off.

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Then, not to be outdone in stupid, lawyer Haba-daba said that she couldn't be a misogynist because she was a woman! I wonder whether they're now trying to give the poor judge a heart attack!

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I'll bet he's not a racist either because he has Black acquaintances.

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ffs. Really?? He said THAT?

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Holy shite.

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Anyone who refers to himself in that way must be a ...

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You just couldn’t make these stories up!!

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More like, he sired that tragically female child by his handmaiden.

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Ivanka’s “oh, not during a school week” crap infuriates me. She should try just once being a mom who has to go to work half-dead and contagious because she has to save her three sick days for when her children are sick.

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I would put money on Vanky's urchins being raised by a team of nannies, and seeing their mommy only for evening meals and photo ops. that's why I wrote it up the way I did

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Always reminds me of the rich, privileged society-type portrayed in the movies of 40s & 50s....2 minutes of mothering and, " runaway darlings, runaway" sends them back to nanny.

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Same! I was a low income single parent decades ago and spent my career at Social Services working with struggling families. She is so damn out of touch that I’m sure she thought the Judge would think her excuse was honorable. Who watched her kids while she was still accepted as a New York socialite? I’m sure she didn’t miss many parties because of her kids. Let’s pretend she doesn’t have a ton of nannies.. what about their FATHER who lives in the home? He can’t help? 😡 (Sorry for the rant)

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That guy is such a nothing that the electric eye door at Costco fails to open for him.

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😂.. Love it!

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Don't apologize. You're describing the real life of real people. Family money enabled trump to spoil his children. Ivanka has never known what the real world is. It's endlessly ironic to me that some of the same people, struggling on a low salary to raise children, are also so enamored of trump who they believe "cares about" them. I've come to believe that they truly don't understand that they guy is just a con man.

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It constantly blows my mind. They're like little kids, fighting over a piece of candy. There's only one piece, and the Mexican kid is getting it. Therefore we hate Mexican kids because they are taking things away from us.

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Who was with Ivanka’s children when she was traveling the world as her father’s representative ??

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Once you start with MTG, how can you go anywhere else? An unfathomable lode of witless shit, quadrupled infinity. I do admire your perseverance, my brother. And it’s simply impossible for a human brain to absorb the many levels of idiocy, the dark caves of bigotry and menace. I lived way in the country in my twenties, and with the aid of a snake stick managed to capture two timber rattlers (on separate occasions); lifted them into 5-gal buckets and got them to the local hospital to be milked to produce antivenin. These fuckweasels remind me of the powerful rage those muscular vipers produced when they realized they’d been pinned down. It’s all amygdala. Ladies and germs, your modern Republican Party.

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Your Modern Fascist Repugnican Party



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You may not be a herptologist but you sure know your snakes...they certainly slither their way into government!

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Sorry, what the actual fuck is that dress she's wearing in the picture from Osaka? It's like she popped in after a shift at Moulin Rouge. It's too bad there's no cameras, or at least audio of the trial. I do SO love when she goes into her breathy, whispery, Jackie Kennedy voice. There is not a lot that offends me anymore, but every single one of the cretins in the Trump family make me puke. The Karma, it is a-comin'.

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Concubine chique.

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HAHAHA!! Good one Charlie!

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Thank you

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Oh dear gods....😂

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“She has 6 nannies, 4 babysitters, a live-in staff, a mother-in-law who lives 2 blocks away and a sister-in-law who watches her kids whenever she needs her to," Andrew Wortman wrote on X. "But yeah, better pause the trial for Princess Ivanka because 'it's a school week' and this creates 'undue hardship'."

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"Vanky" ... I'm snorting coffee out of my nose!

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according to Noel Casler, who was Ivanka's handler on The Apprentice, that's her nickname

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Rhymes with “Skanky”...

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Now THAT is snort-worthy!

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👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 😂😂😂

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This was the comment right after Neal Stiffelman's comment about using a snake stick to wrangle 2 timber rattlesnakes. That is a good wrangle management image for ol' Vanky that I will cherish forever.

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Because of course, it is lol

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Love Noel too, he's a great guy. His stories about the Trump's are eye-opening, and insane! He has all the details. Noel helped so many of us get through the years of the Mango Mar-a-lago Mussolini Presidency. Both of you helped us to survive all of this - with your wit and humor!! 🔥🔥🔥

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I will never forget Noel's story about Trump soiling his diaper on the set to the point the poor boomsman who had to stand close to him was literally crying. ughhhh

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That's what I've been calling her!

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Now THERE'S a guy who has seen all manner of crazy behind the scenes!

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Whenever I see a picture of the supremely unqualified nepo baby Ivanka at, oh, I don’t know.. let’s just say the G20 or some other political summit with the most powerful leaders in the free world to offer her profound “wisdom”, my head still explodes. Yes, my favorite picture/event was the one where they all ignored her (as they should have) but my point is...WTAF was she doing there in the first place?

So now the princess and, in my opinion, the ultimate grifter of the three adult “kids” testifying is going to more than likely commit perjury as she tries to distance herself from daddy’s company and her actual role there. When she does, my hope is she will be charged criminally because as Glenn Kirschner likes to say, justice is coming...and it would be just oh so sweet in her case.

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what I love about that photo is how she's too arrogant and self-absorbed to realize that she doesn't belong there

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That's like saying that she is too stupid to know how stupid she is. AKA as the Dunning-Kruger effect. That is a major aspect of the entire Trump family.

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There's that!

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Yeah. Kind of sad really. Embarrassing. For someone who has any self-awareness I guess. She's a chip off the daddy block.

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Do you think committing perjury in your whispering, sexy-talk voice scores points with a judge?

I can't imagine being so obtuse that you don't understand how big a joke you are on the world stage.

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What was Ivanka doing there in the first place? She was there to distract from her father’s glaring ineptness and his fear to be around his betters.

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Hey--Elizabeth Holmes was another scammer rich bitch. Didn't do her any good to play the "my kid will grow up without a mother" card. I'm sure she tried....

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Beware of vaping gropers!

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It sounds like a script idea for a horror movie.

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I cannot think of anything more valuable Ms Sporkfoot can contribute to this country than to troll the shit out of all her ex-friends.

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I think it has to do with who she sees in close proximity around her during her day that catches her attention, such as the disabled, or someone not her color, or some left wing politician or.... in this case, it had to be Tlaib and her fellow ex-friends. Trump is even more this way, and is even more predictable. Whatever he knows he can heap hate on, to his followers' delight. You could even arrange for this by putting someone close to them and wait to see what they post about at 2:30 a.m.

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This long continual whinge that "I've committed so many crimes I can no longer do normal every day things like run for God-Emperor of three worlds" is somehow getting old faster than Drumpf himself is.

I got news for you, cowboy - in the words of our own Jeff here - _you built that._

Take that motherfucker to the show and get every prize you can for building it because that is the only comfort you are getting.

I got some more news too - Project 2025 isn't going to save you. The stress will get you before then. It's already working. At best, it will set the groundwork for your inheritor. Probably Mike Johnson. He's evil and apparently in good health and young enough to rule awhile.

Best hope you got, fuckshiner.

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Sporkfoot needs to go! As do the rest of the maggots. Can’t come soon enough!

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