Joe should also issue as many protective pardons as he can to anyone at risk of being targeted by the fascists

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What the press and the American people should be worried about is the number of ways Trump is planning on selling everything that is pinned down or not that conceivably belongs to the USA. Like I can easily see him selling our military as a mercenary army to anyone who puts enough money into his crypto currency or any other business he has.

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One very interesting headline around this morning in my world was Putin's rejection of Trump's plan for settling Ukraine-Russia. Putin does not like it. Wonder if he's noticed the economic precipice his country is teetering on. Expect some more people around the world to fly out of windows or get murdered mysteriously somewhere. Nothing more dangerous than the cornered rat.

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Putin's merciless and illegal invasion has cost over 115,000 Russian and 57,500 Ukranian lives. To think that President Anus Lips is going to come up with a solution is pure unadulterated bullshit. The Russian army and economy is in shambles as it was recently reported that the sanctions are working. So with a cornered rat and a pro Putin demented imbecile getting ready to call the shots, what the hell could possibly go wrong?

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Imagine that Putin had thought about just leasing Crimea and the eastern parts of Ukraine. Imagine the highest cost Ukraine would have charged, and then compare that to the incredible loss of troops, ships, tanks, personnel carriers, artillery pieces, and all that stuff. What a bargain that leasing would have proved to be! But dictators never use their noggins to think, just to plan murderous shit.

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That's actually genius. It should be applied in the Middle East, too.

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Of course, if you put it in trump's hands, it automatically becomes a slum and goes bankrupt. AND he will not allow non-white people to live there. That could be a problem if we apply it to the Middle East. Otherwise, spectacular idea!

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Wait until half the Latino male population that voted for him and a quarter of the Black males. Where exactly do they think he's going to fit restoring them to their better lives in and if they think the elite have caused their problems, don't they see who donated to Trump?

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But Demented Donny will remove sanctions on Russia immediately

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You can count on it. That's probably one of the things that the Russian Foreign Minister was referring to as part of Dump's payback to them.

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IIRC the Senate approved Russian sanctions after they invaded Ukraine. turd still refused to act for months. The bill was "veto proof", as Senate GOP + Dem Senators voted overwhelmingly

for sanctions.

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First, It's good to see I'm not the only one who thinks Orange A$$hole has anus mouth! In more ways than one. And I agree totally with your post.

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Yes, it's funny how so many windows turn out to be faulty when they're connected to Putin in some way, or that clothing, food, doorknobs, whatever turn out to be deadly poisonous. Just uncanny, isn't it?

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After so many incidents of it, my laptop no longer puts a red "you're stupid" underline beneath "defenestration". It happened to one of their ballerinos recently, after he was critical of the Putinesca regime. (Spell check doesn't realize that ballerino is a real word. Sexist bastards.)

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trump has a plan or just a “concept” of a plan?!

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Drumph is clueless. Period.

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Mary, thanks, it's a no news weekend. Putin's playing vewwy vewwy hard to get. Poor donOld. 🪟🪟🪟🪟🪟

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Excellent observation Mary, it appears with wars raging on two fronts, the Russian people have had enough of the death, destruction and cost of Putins grievances. He may be the next to face an open window!

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With Trump, everything and everyone has a price tag affixed Linda! After he filches the power of the purse, what will be left of this country??

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What will be left? Massive debt, which will be our children and grandchildren’s burden to carry.

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And what shall we say to those idiots who denied he wanted to be king?

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Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter — and every Republican lost their shit

Well, it's our civic duty to keep those mouth breathers regular.

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Yeah - every single Republican has forgotten that George HW Bush pardoned the ENTIRE IRAN CONTRA CREW!

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Ford pardoned Nixon for potential indictments.

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I saw what you did there!

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Who? Me?

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Don't bother with them. Waste of time and energy.

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Americans seem weirdly ‘ok’ with it…?!

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Gen. Mike Milley needs protection. He spoke truth to power, and to all of us. I have no idea what the Generals can and can't do, but acting against citizens must be a hard no.

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Yes, this too.

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Oh yes! I have a list. Harris, Kinzinger, Cheney, Rick Wilson, Pelosi, Schumer, and on and on it goes. Nobody is safe from these asshats.

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Biden should pardon everyone who voted Harris/Walz, after a proper recount of all the votes is finished!

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He may not be able to pardon all of us who voted for him (or Harris) but he should certainly pardon all of the election workers who worked on the 2020 election (except the ones already charged with tampering on Trump's behalf). Those names should be available.

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Truly, a great idea, but because of the secret ballot no one can prove it. What a bitch...

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Hard copy of all voting is mandatory because recounts are a right given to candidates, et al. Kathleen, as is your right to see if your vote was cast!

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Love it!

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And also, any Capitol Police or DC police officer who spoke out against Donald’s “J6 was a peaceful protest” propaganda. They’re on his enemies list, too.

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Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell. Nicole Wallace & her DH Mike Schmidt of the NYT (Mike is the reporter who convinced Gen. John Kelly, former turd C of S to be recorded for recent interview). Suzanne Craig & David Farenthold (sp?) both of NYT, who have stubbornly dug for turd tax & documents for decades.

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Don't forget Kate and me for agreeing with you.

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If tRump gets lucky, some of them may be in enough danger to need to seek sanctuary somewhere else.

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Dr. Fauci will be harassed in his golden years. That weirdo Senator Rand Paul is already ginning up more hearings. Dr. Fauci should move here to Hawaii with his family. Our Governor is an MD and a former ER doc and respects the rule of law. We will protect Dr. Fauci from the MAGA fuckwads. [Tulsi Gabbard is an unfortunate aberration from the usual spirit of aloha].

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Yes, those in maga's cross hairs may have to leave the country for their security. turd can't travel to most countries. magas are so stupid they couldn't find good people, or even locate their new homes on a map.

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Love that Trudeau had to come here because Trump is a felon. I worry about the Vindmans

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Don’t forget Schiff & every Democrat involved in the 2 impeachment trials

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Seems kinda UN-American(?), but we’re just gonna sign up for Season 2 - wow.

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I think Joe should just go full-on Dark Brandon on everyone's asses and do whatever the fuck he wants to do between now and noon on January 20th. Like showing up at a press briefing wearing aviators and a black suit, stepping up to the mic, and saying, "Kiss my ass, you pathetic whiners - I am the Walrus, coo-coo-cachoo," and walking away flipping the bird. Seriously.

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Biden should definitely pardon every single person on Kash Patel's Deep State list.

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Joe absolutely did the right thing and the pearl-clutching critics be damned! And yeah, pre-pardon those who have already been threatened. When the Evil Orcs and the Kash Patels are about to be unleashed across the land…you gotta protect your people.

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😂😂😂 I’d love it!!

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Permission to repost anonymously on Bluesky? I love this comment to pieces.

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Of course.

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Like arresting tRump for treason

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I was going to say this, but you beat me to it.

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I root for Biden to redefine “lame duck” and go fucking ballistic with Executive Orders and all sorts of other shit that will be hard for the incoming evil cabal to unravel!

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SCOTUS gave permission, so I say go for it.

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Like throw really big turds at the wall. Break some glass.

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Absolutely, Trump issued pardons for a price$$$! We all know there’s a lot of people that need protection from Trump’s retribution campaign, hopefully this is just the beginning of the Biden party parade Jeff!!

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Which is practically everybody in the country.

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1000%....what the fuck is wrong with the Ds and supposed 'left leaning' news publications???....the whataboutism and both-sidesing is making me want to shove my hand down my throat and puke!!!...all this insanity and hypocrisy is why we have king fuckface the first AGAIN to begin with!!!...fucking shit is maddening!!!

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It's the whole attitude that Democrats are supposed to uphold the "process" and bring a butter knife to a gunfight while the Republicans get away with playing with hand grenades.

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Agreed. Also, because of the unremitting Repug assertions that Biden is the head of a “crime family,” and the numerous Repug vows that they will be seeking “retribution,” Biden should issue a pardon of himself. Then we can hope that the “retributors” will commit to a position that a President cannot pardon him/herself and attempt to prosecute Biden for his supposed crimes, Biden will fight the allegations, citing his pardon, and the so-called Supreme Court will adopt the position that a President cannot pardon himself thereby foreclosing #BunkerBoy from trying to do just that.

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Oh, this is a great idea. I hope he will because Trump's list of people to destroy is not insignificant.

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If they haven’t been convicted of a federal crime, he can’t issue a so called “protective pardon” in advance per Joyce Vance.

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Au contraire:

The president has the power to pardon people for any offense known to the law, before legal proceedings begin, during proceedings, or after conviction. The president's pardon power is unlimited, except in cases of impeachment.

President Gerald Ford pardoned former President Richard Nixon for any offenses he committed or may have committed during his presidency, before any charges were brought against Nixon, for example.

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That is why Ford, a normally decent guy, lost the next election. Instant karma.

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Yeah he did, big mistake he should of fried him as a warning to anyone following his tactics

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Wrong. Nixon was never charged with a damn thing. SCOTUS gave Biden the power to do whatever the fuck he wants.

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But will the pardons be honored if Trump suspends the Constitution?

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If he does will anyone’s pardons be “safe”? Looking at you, Stone, Bannon, Flynn.

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Perfect response Kay-EI, anyone with a pardon would become fair game!!

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That was my question also. The King of the world is not above disregarding ANY pardon given by President Biden as he simultaneously dismantles America on all levels.

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I would imagine they’d be safe. They happened before el Dumpo regained the Presidency.

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Start with General Mark Milley and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

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Kathy Griffin, Jimmy Kimmel, Rachel Maddow, Marc Cuban, AOC, Taylor Swift, Adam Schiff, Dr Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Lt Col Vindman, Billie Joe Armstrong, and so many others need protection from this fascist dictator.

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Joe should also forgive all student loans. This is another area they are after - get the ones who tried to further their education. tRump is already talking about going after those with student loans - they'll probably bring back workhouses so they can pay their debt. They want to keep the masses uneducated.

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He just didn't like that Biden was trying to help people.

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Agreed!! Starting now until 11:59 am on January 20.

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Last night I wrote this on my private Facebook political page: "Good on Biden for pardoning his son. My take if I were him...I lost my first wife and a daughter in a tragic accident. I lost another son in his prime. I do not know how many years I have left, and you folks already buried me. I will be damned if I am going to spend the rest of my life with my only remaining child in prison for minor shit. Screw all of you in MAGA and in the media."

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I was a drug and alcohol counselor for decades. I've worked with every demographic. It's time for the Bidens to heal as a family. Enough is enough. Most people don't have their addiction displayed on the news 24/7 for 5 years. Hunter has survived. Most don't.

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You’re so very perfectly placed response Lisa!!

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Do you think donny jr has a plastic lined front pocket? I saw what I saw and I know where I saw it before he is in dire need of intervention and I elect you Lisa59!

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OMG!! He is so fucking obvious. He might as well do a line on camera. His girlfriend looks rough. That's what they have in common. They're fucked up. A shit ton of them are using. King Shitpants hates drugs and his team is higher than a kite all around him. 😅

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To be fair, I'd have to be high to be near that demented assmouth too!

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Right!! 🤣🤣 High As Fuck!

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I agree!

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Bravo Keith & others 🏆🏆 turd & maga would have jailed Hunter on walking down the street. He manned up. Is in recovery - a huge step. He's paying or has paid back taxes.

Hunter to maga/GOP what they did to Hilary over Bengazi. Bravo, President Biden! Bravo Hunter!

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Hunter better get out of the country though.

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Gotta figure out how to NOT give that tired old playbook oxygen… srsly:/

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Exactly. Those MFs can shove it up their asses if they don’t like it.

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Well said!!!!! Perfect!

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Poignantly stated Keith!!

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Hunter's skull was fractured in the accident that killed his mother and sister, and he surely suffered some physical brain damage aside from the trauma. Then he had to grow up in the shadow of a brother who did all the things to make Dad proud that he could not. It is unsurprising that he has had addiction and impulse-control issues. It is amazing he has managed over 5 years of sobriety under these conditions.

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Thank you! Well said.

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