Love that guy. Just love how he manages to get shit done.

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Me too. I really, really love Joe.♥️

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Dealing with Covid as well…It must really give tfg the willies…he got BEAT!!!

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Mr TOO DAMN OLD was multitasking with COVID!!!

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He's been multi tasking since before he was innaugerated. Name ONE task TFG accomplished besides fucking up the chances of a clean exit from Afganistan.

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I think Kathleen’s comment was applauding Biden

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I think maybe he gave Putin a blow-job in Helsinki?

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I’d have to agree to that line of thinking

He wouldn’t let anyone see the notes from that meeting. Hmmmm

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Yep. I still want that translator interviewed. Putin Strutted out of there, appearing taller than tangerine Scream, and Putin is a small man.

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And he's going to get beat again no matter what the delusional MAGA asshats like Johnson and Bergum are spewing. Sour grapes and bullshit never leaves a good taste in their mouths and a reality check is in progress. They just won't acknowledge the significance of the prisoner exchange and how Biden continues to do what the orange turd couldn't and wouldn't do.

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I'm 15 years younger than Biden, and when I had COVID, I could barely feed my cat or answer my phone, let alone negotiate a multi-level prisoner exchange. I would have ended up trading Harvey Weinstein for Marvin Gardens.

I love President Biden. I will always love him. And Bronzer McMushroom can go fuck Vance's couch. 🙂💜

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Gonna miss him.

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Love him more every single day! What an example of class, strength, empathy, and a sense of humor -- all of the things the MAGATs know nothing about!

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He gets shit done without bragging and giving himself credit. So much for dt boasting that he’s the only one who can accomplish anything. The only thing that he has done is to tear our country apart. Weird wingnut asshole.

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Piles of great 💩💩💩.

I just want to know how many ponies are buried under that 💩💩💩💩.

THIS COMMENT MEANS that Biden generates piles of great 💩💩💩💩and I'm sure there are a ton more ponies buried under it. His Presidential 💩💩💩💩is better than England's crown jewels.

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I don't follow.

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I see what you did there 😉!

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Me either.

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please reread my comment.

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Yes, there’s beautiful, great ponies. The best in the world under all that shit getting done from the WH but it reads like something coming out of the St Petersburg troll farm.

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How about making it clearer?

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If readers don't know the story of the pony under the poop pile, the comment needs clarification.

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Since Jeff recently used the pony under the shit pile metaphor, I thought people were familiar.

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Huh? What are you trying to say?!

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Betsy and Megan, if you read the original comment made by Neal Stiffelman, you'll get it. Neil loves Joe because he gets a lot of sh*t done.

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Everyday. Without the bragging

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And nary a “me” or “I” to be found.

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Right? Always giving credit to his administration

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He really is brilliant!

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He really holds his oath to us, the citizens of the United States, sacred. Bless him. <3

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One of the greatest byproducts of all this good news for democracy is that nobody is paying attention to the orange anus face. Try as he might to throw his reckless ugly self around to have us look in his direction, none of it supersedes the goodness of our president and vice president. So, orange man, Don OLD can just f*ck right off.

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I'm sure it's driving the attention whore, TRump, even more insane than he already is not having the focus on him for a change. I'm enjoying watching him completely melt down. I'm looking forward to 11/5/2024.

He's toast.

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And nice Nancy Mace dragged out her 'I'm a red asshole' shirt.

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She's obviously illiterate.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Her claim to fame in her southeast S.C, district is she was the first woman to graduate from The Citadel. A pre-Civil War military school. That's it. So F***ing What? It's not exactly a Stanford or MIT. I grew up in Charleston. Knew quite a few guys who went to the Citadel. Solid, competent people, some with a military career in mind, but not all - certainly no reason for getting elected as a congressional representative.

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I assume they have an honor code,just like West Point?? Maybe Mace should read it...

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No shit.

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Lol that's what I get out of that picture.

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Me too. Is Mace just completely unaware of how ridiculous she looks?!🤣

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She really is a nutcase. Another weirdo!

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That’s exactly who she is !

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The difference between MAGA and the rest of us was always there, but since the Kamalaganza started (starring Kamala but produced and directed by Joe), it's never been more obvious. There are smiles, there is enthusiasm, there is hope, and there are good things happening that have taken a lot of work that shows what happens when you have good, decent people like Joe and Kamala in charge.

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As a Gen X, that's perfect!!! 💙🩵💙🩵

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Even better! 👊

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But keep in mind that he's even more dangerous when he has been thwarted or feels extra-aggrieved -- as in summoning a dangerous mob bc he couldn't handle having lost the election.

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If a mob is summoned by LDFF again this time around the result will be very very different. Dark Brandon ain’t fucking around. Beware Maga minions.

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EXACTLY my thoughts on this. Joe won't hesitate to use his new "immunity" to squash any chaos caused by the MAGAts.😁

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Yes. But he won’t even need that immunity to do his job, will he? Last time The Felon was in charge so there were no legit orders coming from the top. Or..is the president not allowed to call in National Guard?

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I looked it up.

Yes, the President of the United States has the authority to federalize the National Guard and deploy them to quell a riot or respond to other emergencies under certain circumstances. This power is typically exercised under the Insurrection Act, which allows the President to use federal troops, including the National Guard, to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion.

The process usually involves the President issuing a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse. If they do not, the President can then deploy the National Guard. However, the use of the National Guard in this manner is generally a last resort, often used when state and local authorities are unable to control the situation.

The decision to federalize the National Guard is significant, as it means the troops operate under federal command, rather than state control. This can have legal and political implications, and it's often a sensitive and controversial decision.

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Exactly..he hates it when anyone else is in the spotlight! 🤭 too bad, so sad!

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Joe will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents. What he's accomplished in 4 years without zero help from RepubliCons is amazing. The smartest person in the room is always the most compassionate one. He made the head and heart connection this country needs. The haters are going to hate. That's what they do. Fuck 'em. Talking to them is like pissing up a rope. Just vote.

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Well said.👍

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What Megan Ross said.

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I agree wholeheartedly! 👍 Joe Biden has been an amazing president!

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Lisa59, As always, you nailed it. Damn straight President Biden "made the head and heart connection this country needs." No wonder Jeff did a blog on France's President Macron at the UN meeting saying the equivalent of "What are you fucking talking about?" to a reporter when asked if he thought Biden was an old senile mess. The reason all of the world leaders worked with Joe Biden is because they believe in him. I could never imagine crying while watching a memorial service for a past leader, but when it's President Biden's turn to leave this life, I really think I'm going to lose it.

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Thank you. That was kind. Like the Chancellor of Germany said, when Biden asked him for help, he said, "For you, I will do this." Fucking awesome! That's integrity!! 👍

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This is something I felt Democrats did that turned out to be incredibly brilliant! First was the timing of the announcement that Biden would step out of the re-election race and VP Harris would step in. The timing made sure the RescumliCons locked in Mr Weird himself, JD Vance, or whatever his latest name is. Secondly, the move swept in young voters who were unhappy with Biden supplying Israel with funds and weapons. Third, this allows Biden to work on getting more good things done without using this precious time for campaigning. Biden can finish big and my hopes are that he will. There should also be a long list of pardons before Biden steps out. Meanwhile, we can all bask in the popularity of Soon-to-be President Kamala Harris. Momentum is unstoppable. We MUST get a big win in Congress to see the progress we’ve been waiting for!

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and he has a much broader spectrum of things he CAN do because he doesn't have to worry about jeopardizing his campaign, like going after the supreme court

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Hear hear!🇺🇲

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Ear ear !👍🇺🇸

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A good TEAM will always prevail over an individual.

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I know that Biden said he would not pardon his son, but hope he changes his mind.

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I am going to guess that Kamala will pardon him next year. To thunderous applause, I might add.

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If Biden pardons Hunter, hopefully it's after the election, right before he leaves office. That would cause much less of a stir!

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My thoughts exactly. Plus, pardon some worthless enema nozzle on the right. NOT STINKY BANNON! Maybe that gross, unwashed horned guy. He already served his time, but President Biden could still pardon him. 🤣💜

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Business Insider’s take on JD - his problem is the nastiness.


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That's a good point--it is not enough to elect Kamala+. We MUST secure D seats at risk and snatch R seats at risk in both chambers of Congress. THAT will help us greatly in reforming the Federal courts, including the SCOTUS. Not to mention all the other stuff we must secure. Fascism must be defeated, and we must keep them on the run for the foreseeable future. Take nothing for granted!

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Certainly the filibuster needs to go.

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Sassy Joe! I love sassy Joe. Thank. you, Mr. president, for keeping calm and carrying on. And I’m 100% there are some very happy families out there today.

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Sassy Joe is my favorite Joe.

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For all us old guys,who think it's time for everyone to get off our yard..thx Joe 💙

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“Republicans vice presidential nominee Couchfuck McGuillicutty” 🤣🤣

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😝 I loved that one too!

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What a complete doorknob. Dumber than a bag of hammers.

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I have and elderly friend who uses doorknob to describe idiots. Toilet brush, doily, a misfire is also among his favorite terms. Vance is all these things.

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Being a Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan (MSTie), I get most of my joke and insult material there. And given that the show originated from our great Midwest, they have a Midwest slant to them. I take your reply as a compliment.

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Joel officially ruled that "dickweed" is not a swear word, in reply to a letter

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I was raised in Minnesota from age 6 months to 9. I definitely have a Midwest slant still.

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That's insulting hammers.

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Lazy Boy Lothario !😍😂🤣

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Of course VonShitzinpants made it about money. He doesn’t understand diplomacy and coordinating with allies to get shit done. I guess when you’ve lost Pootin, the handwriting’s on the wall, or perhaps an open window.

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What a waste of opportunity to show that Putin is not your friend or ally or you’re not his useful idiot. It’s just another example of the orange guy’s innate stupidity.

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Or a Big Mac with some "special sauce" from one of Daddy Putin's assassins... 😁

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The Polonium Big Mac.😂😂

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Maybe that's why Putin wants his assassin back from Germany so desperately . . .

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It's radioactive diaper time...

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Works for me! 😃

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or flight of stairs….

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A window seems to be the favorite means.

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Poison is another favorite of Putin...

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Is potato 🥔

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Everything in his world is transactional, everything. I bet the devil has already put money in his bank account and is licking his chops for a taste of the orange lunatics ass.

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Trump doesn't elucidate who might have neen paid in his admin to get hostages back. Hmmm I smell a grift.

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I like the “money” angle of LDFF..💵📦would the money be wrapped in a paper bag and thrown on the plane? How much would be enough to satisfy the exchange? 1 million? 50million? a hundred billion? Who keeps the money?

Donny ? or maybe he gives 25% to the exprisoners? so many questions

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Donnie thought 'Wall Street' was a documentary.

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You are dead on, straight to the truckloads of money!

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Always! He always makes it about money! Obsessive compulsive behavior to be added to his other maladies.

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Corporate media can F straight off. Those asshole click vultures were involved in running Biden out of the race and now they have to suck it up and report on all of the amazing things that Biden has done and is doing DESPITE the media continuing to inhale their own toxic polls exhaust.

I’m thrilled about Harris and was a fan in 2020. However, I will never forgive the press for how they treated one of the greatest presidents of our lifetime while holding up the worst gaseous Frankenstein nightmare president ever!

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I, and a lot of other people, have canceled our subscriptions to The Washington Post and the New York Times. I now subscribe to the New Republic and the Guardian. Both are much more based on factual reporting, without all the opinion BS. Hopefully the Washington Post and the New York Times will get the hint.

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I finally subscribed to the Guardian too. Honest media is invaluable.

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Game knows game, and Putin can read the globe, unlike Don Snorleone. Cry me a river you rapist traitor - you and your little oblivious-to-his-own-offspring’s-dual-heritage, eyelined, Project 2025-foreword-writing lapdog

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Don't forget dotard mcorangeface's mom is from the U.K. So is he eligible to be president?

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Fwiw, I doubt that vance is wearing eyeliner, despite all the ink dedicated to speculation on that. When people have thick eyelashes -- or even an ordinary number of eyelashes but lashes that are thick at the base -- that gives the illusion of eyeliner. (Google for pics of actor Nestor Carbonell to see what I mean.)

Also, vance's eyes are tiny, which is associated with untrustworthiness; eyeliner would make his eyes look even smaller, so he wouldn't go for that.

And: He has such longstanding contempt for women -- he wrote, of his long-ago blog, that it was "[l]ike a diary -- only far more masculine", and wrote in that blog of a day, in 2005, when he “felt more like a female than I ever have or will” because he was so emotional on that occasion -- that I doubt he'd use eyeliner, no matter what his handlers said.

Finally, the GOP is big on a big, muscly, aggressive, retro type of masculinity; for vance to use eyeliner would be off-brand -- and off-putting to many in the base.

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Their beloved leader wears tons of make-up and it doesn't seem to bother them. Big strong men with tears in their eyes come up to dear leader and say " Sir, Sir I love your makeup".

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When Sir Fecal Face loses in November, will we still have him to kick around? Who will be the butt of our jokes?

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Oh, so many of them. EmptyG. The Gropin' Granny. Nancy Face Mace *screeeeeam*.

Matt B. Gaetz. (The "B" is for Botox and sex brafficking, shutupNOW.)

I want my country back to when the GOP was sane. I want the days when virulent racists hid under slimy rocks.

But we now have hope! I worship President Biden. He was the right person for the job. And he kicked ass and probably still will.


(Fuck you, donOLD!) ❤️

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OMG! Now that’s hilarious! 😂

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Well, I've compared pictures of JD Vance from over the years and he is definitely using eyeliner in some of those photos. It's not unusual for politicians to wear makeup. But sometimes it really looks odd.

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My question is why? Why does he use eye makeup? It DOES look odd!? 🤦‍♀️

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But IT LOOKS like he wears eyeliner, so


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He LOOKS like he fucks couches, too

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Absolutely ! 🤣

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Yep, he's a couch fucker if I've ever seen one.

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What a difference two weeks made. We are led by a decent, accomplished man leading our country before passing the baton to a decent, accomplished woman.

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Thank you Jeff for giving me another great start to my day! I've gotten to the point where I just have to laugh at the Republican Party these days. They're such fucknuts it's just unbelievable. #GoKamala!🇺🇲

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Fucknuts is correct! OrangeFucknuts was in my hometown the other day to make a campaign video FOR Kamala Harris! Can’t wait to see his psychopathic remarks to the black journalists replayed over and over! 😀

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LOVE it!!

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Great writing! And Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell just said the same BS. Let's send our hostages back? These rethugs are thugs!

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I never thought I'd long for GOPs like Bob Dole and Reagan, who were principled enough in at least one way: They'd never do or say the shit that McConnell says. Mitch wears a reasonable, gentlemanly facade but in his way is as bad as djt.

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It’s because of Moscow Mitch we have the SCOTUS we are presently stuck with. Fuck him.

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I hope that Jeebus calls him home soon.

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I doubt Jesus is gonna be calling Mitch anywhere. Think he’s in for some hot pitchforks up the ass, and it is more than deserved.

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Reagan and McConnell might not have said the shit that the Republicans say, but, they not only thought the same things, they implemented many of the policies that wiped out the middle class.

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McConnell can go fuckity fuck off- he and Drumpf were a perfect tag team doing LDFF’s time as El Presidente.

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Dole wanted to poison everyone. I’m from KS. Just because he wasn’t outright racist doesn’t mean he was a good guy.

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I’d prefer crossing Reagan off the list. Trickle down has been our Sahara desert. No oasis in sight. Still waiting for the rain clouds.

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Been waiting since 1980…

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The Grim Reaper, survived Polio, but it didn't make him empathetic to other people who suffer.

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Well, on the fucking breaking news, the WaPo has finally engaged in journalism with the report that Egypt Prez Al-Sisi took $10million US dollars out of Egyptian bank, in $100 dollar bills, and had that 200 lbs of cash delivered to Trump just before the 2016 election. Trump was recorded as saying that he contributed $10million of his own money to his campaign at that time. Bill Barr and others in the Trump admin judiciary dithered and kept it secret, closing the case after 3 years. Now Trump has immunity and you know his dick suckers on the SCOTUS made that immunity happen. BTW, TRUMP then sent way more than a billion dollars to benefit Egypt.

These criminals of Motherfuckistan need to be in jail and suffering in ways I can't get into right now. Thanks WaPo for FINALLY doing your fucking job.

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I shared this WaPo article on my Facebook page and I would encourage others to do the same! TRump is dirty, and everybody needs to know it. 👍

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Share widely, friends.

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According to the article, the $10 million was actually delivered right before TRump became president, not before the election. I reread it carefully to make sure.

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Thank you, Megan. I need to go back and reread. I was so aghast and increasingly outraged that I missed and/or am confused about that cash-handed- over time frame.

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So if this ‘gift’ was delivered before Fecal Face became President, then he would not be able to argue that accepting this pile of money was an “official act.”

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Hmm, didn't Menendez have an Egyptian connection ? 💰

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I believe you’re right. Thank goodness he’s resigning-not a good human.

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It is amazing that Menendez got away with it for so long. As a Democrat, no less. Shameful. Corruption in politics has become so pervasive and outrageous that I am forced to question MLK's observance that "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice". I have a few doubts.

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I can: “ling chi.” Look it up. In daylight.

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That is fantastic to know, thank you, RiveG! We need us some of that.

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Got my knife sharpener out. 🤣

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I like Motherfuckerstan. No, I love it.

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Joy and rapture! This was perfect and isn’t it nice to not feel like you have the entire weight of the planet bearing down on you! Thank you Joe! Thank you Kamala, thank you Jeff! Let’s keep this party going! 🥳

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Fantastic work, and Trump’s whining is icing on the cake.

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Bden and Harris: Dignity, compassion, intelligence, diplomacy, and hard work got it done.


A senile old man with orange make-up, a haystack on his head, who can't read past 2nd grade level, whose every word is a lie or an insult, and who would not recognize those qualities if they bit him in his ugly fat rear end.

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Huzzah!! 🙌

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