It's too bad nobody reminded Matt Gaetz, after he was screeching about the FBI accessing personal data on American citizens, that Gaetz and Greenberg searched DAVID databases 700 times for personal information about their lovers, political rivals and celebrities, including Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Greenberg pleaded guilty to using the system to 'investigate his sexual partners,' including a 17-year-old sex trafficking victim, and Gaetz could be under investigation again.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

He definitely needs to be investigated again considering his partner in crime and equally despicable human being

Greenberg was sentenced to

11 years and the clone of Herman Munster got away with it. His very influential father has been getting him out of trouble for years. In the meantime, Gaetz, along with Jordan and the rest of pardon seeking MAGAs need to be finally held accountable for their roles on 1/6.

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Clone oh herman! Lol! 🤣

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That made me lol too

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Herman Munster was far more likeable.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

He sure was and and would've been a much better Congressman.

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I couldn't even spell I was laughing so hard! 😂

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I was thinking more in terms of Eddie.

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DJT Jr is Eddie’s clone.

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Only the hair.

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I was glad that Lawrence O’Donnell compared these hearings to McCarthyism. That is exactly what the entire GQP has become, a bunch of stupid, lying, hypocritical, power mad, performance addicted, dick swinging, gaslighting, sick-o’s.

My main concern is what will actually burn through the toxic shit pile of their brains to make this insanity stop? The trump voters are too brainwashed or stupid to see the rotting vermin they’ve attached themselves to, but most of the GQP know they are defending a criminal. It’s f*cking crazy town and it appears that they like it.

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Jeff, please in the name of all that is good and pure in our country, plus my morning’s coffee coming back up through my nose...please do not post a pic of that congressperson from Wyoming... she scares the shit out if me...at 71 my heart just can’t take it anymore. Please....😳🤮 Terrific piece this am.

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She's a certifiable loony!!

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Hearing dimestore Cruella quote the horseshit Durham report made me realize that GOP has fully just embraced the infowars circular disreality loop that just uses mis ( or dis) information documents to bolster a conspiratorial point that isn't based on actual facts. So glad this is our federal government, we're really destined for greatness..

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She is profoundly stupid. Really, really stupid. The kind of stupid our parents advised us not to laugh at. Because she can’t help it. She’s just... stupid.

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A seemingly endless supply from the GOP.

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Nicole Wallace calls him, “Jacketless Jim Jordan.”

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She takes no prisoners and that’s why I watch her

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I imagine several people would pay her to take them prisoner.

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How about "Gym "Jacketoff" Jordan.

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How about Jackass Jim Jordan?

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That works too

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In my book, he’s Jacketless Jackass Gym Jordan

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Jordan is a cartoon character: Daffy Duck in “Duck Amuck”, frustrated by the actions of fate but entirely unaware of exactly why. He’s Daffy Duck without the charm. Without the humor. By the way, let this be a reminder that Warner Brothers was at one time a place where great writing and originality were once valued. Fuck Zaslev.

Back to Jordan. To have to spend an actual in-person thirty seconds with him would be actual Hell. Thank goodness that’s something I will n’er have to endure. Even thinking about him hurts my brain. Thinking about all these nazi buffoons hurts my brain. Ah, for a giant steam roller and a tarpit.

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Except I feel bad for Daffy Duck. I’ll go this far and say I’m actually fond of Daffy “Shoot Me Now -You’re Dethpiccable” Duck! I dethpize Gym tho. I read Gaetz’s stupid tweets sometimes and he said about yesterday’s clown shoes shit show he “never saw so many slam dunks in a row” I’m “wha-?” Was he talking about the dems wiping the floor with Coke-jaw Jordan? He does look like Heff to me teehee.

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Isn’t it possible that shouty- pants gets indicted in the Jan. 6 roundup? It’d be so sweet to see him and his fellow clowns hauled off to prison. Meanwhile, what ever happened to that George Clooney expose on Gym and his colleagues?

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Being fair, Jim probably needs to fuck pretty small targets. Reasons, you know.

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Similar reasons to Needle Dink the Bug F*cker? 🤔

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That sounds accurate.

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I don't know about others but I resent the hell out of my taxpayer dollars funding these idiotic faux hearings when there are REAL problems to deal with and legislate accordingly.

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Like climate change, Jesus H. Christ, the earth is burning and flooding (hearing crickets from the evangelicals about that ) and what the fuck are these fools doing?

As I've been saying for years, humans are too fucking stupid to live.

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Jesus, don’t give them any ideas! The next thing you know, they Evangelicals will be saying they’re trying to save our souls from climate change plagues that God is sending to Earth because Liberals’ are devil worshippers.

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That same thought did cross my mind....

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You don't get it. Fires and floods are the end of the world to them, which is what most of them want, the RAPTURE? Ever heard of that? For them to acknowledge that what is happening to the world concerning climate would be agreeing with the Democrats. These morons WANT what is happening to happen.

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Jordan and hi silk can't stop humping the chicken, because it's chicken humpers who vote for him.

20 years from now, presuming we've returned to some semblance of normalcy, historians looking at this period are going to need pain relief for their necks from shaking their heads so much.

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will the gerrymandered parasite ever learn his lesson?

Nope. He will keep churning out more batshittery.

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And, if not batshittery, then fucknuttery.

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I can no more not read your broadsides than not drink coffee. (My family knows what that means)

Becoming a great admirer of Christopher Wray - and the democrats are as usual what my granddaughter calls “fire.”

During elections maybe we should be able to know the iQ ratios between Dem and republican candidates.

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Fox will just tell their viewers that IQ points are like golf scores. Then they will have to explain to their viewers that low numbers are better than high numbers.

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Doesn't seem to be at the moment, give it a few weeks though.

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What??? Did Ted Cruz die?

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I don't think so...Oh, I forgot all about Ted Cruz.

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OMG, Wray just had his way with Harriet, right there on the House floor.

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Thanks for that unsavory image that popped up. I think I will skip dinner tonight..

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As in “Get me a bucket!” ??? (said by Monsieur Creosote)

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Gotta love the fact that FBI Director Christopher Wray chose to wear a nicely balanced white, blue, and red tie.

A fashion statement perhaps meant to remind the Republicans that he is an American Citizen first and foremost above all other political considerations?

I would like to think that is the case.

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Ok I just snorted at this

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