Mar 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Two thoughts: There’s a cartoon series to be made about what it’s like to live inside this fuckwit’s skull. A dark, dark cartoon. Drawn by Botero or Grosz.

Also, didn’t Kash Patel, who paid those three, commit betrayal of office when he handed secret intelligence documents to Nunes back in the day? This whole operation is fodder for the like of Jimmy Breslin. Political reporters can’t handle it. Give to the crime beat.

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Kash Patel is up to his ears in corruption. at some point I'll have to write a thing about him

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You bet I'm here for that.

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Section 201(b)(3) of the federal anti-gratuity statute makes it a crime to corruptly give, offer, or promise anything of value to any person with intent to influence that person's testimony under oath in a trial, hearing, or other proceeding. A person who violates this statute may be fined, imprisoned, or both.

Also: https://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/ethics/Opinions/1997-149.htm

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thank you! I'm not holding my breath that Gym will be charged with anything any time soon

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There have been two recent train derailments in Ohio, but they've been outside the boundaries of Jordan's 4th district. Let's see what legislation Republicans bring to bear on the train-chemical industry? With a few more incidents, maybe R Ohioans will start scratching their heads before the next election?


There's probably more hope of legal action against Jordan for his role in the1/6/21 Insurrection, but Cash Patel may have crossed a line in his role with these "witnesses." It looks like he was working overtime to concoct this group.

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Shit roofing nails???? That vision is going to stay with me all day!

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I was pretty sure this was a common expression that I heard a lot as a kid but it seems that most of the google results for it all link back to me, so I dunno

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Jeff is very descriptive, isn't he? I love it!

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Everything the wingnuts are doing in their fake committee bolstered by their fake news output gets way too much media time. The corruption of this bullshit, lying, fascist, insurrectionist, grifting, bribing, (did-I-say-BULLSHIT) group of right wing lemmings is the story and the only one the media should be focused on every single day.

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My Dad used to say ( jokingly) "I'll be a witness! What happened?"

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"Hannity would have shit roofing nails on live television five nights a week for year" was worth getting out of bed and crawling to the Mac for after being up way too late playing a drinking game with friends. It was my misfortune to have drawn dipshit Jimmy in "which repug did the most harm to democracy this week?" He gave my smartass, smart af friends plenty to work with, although Sporkfoot came in a close second. I'm going to need a new liver after two entire offing years of this.

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Gym “Gollum” Jordan needs to go back to the slimy cave he crawled out from. He is a putrid vile piece of garbage. He has a turd where his brain should be. I’m glad to see his looking old and frail and malnourished these days.

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When nincompoops get elected what else can we expect? They're going to run themselves right over the Karma Cliff, are no match for the Dems & as we watch them eating each other alive they're killing their own possibilities to get more voters, fulfill campaign promises & eventually the GOP will be a dinosaur of history. And when the food lines get longer, the SS age gets higher, the health care becomes unaffordable they'll have no one to blame but themselves. We've learned much about some of our fellow Americans. They're fucking morons who vote for spite, revenge & as they claim to love this country are destroying it.

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They lost and the Bullshit Brigade keeps pumping out more lies and condemnation about Hunter Biden’s dickpics. Then the derailment that was actually their Melted Orange Messiah’s decision.. not to repair broken tracks.. These non original vomit inducing idiots can’t come up with anything original just vomiting out pre chewed crap. And they still don’t get anything done. They are completely incapable of moving forward because they’re still living in the past with Dumb and Dumber.(The orange douche and douche Jr.)

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Well Jeff, I’m sure once the news got out about Jimmie’s witnesses getting paid, I’m sure Jimmie had a “20 megaton dump” in the men’s lounge in the House. You just can’t make this up... these guys want so badly to be important, but it ain’t going to happen now or for the next 2 years. It’s what we were promised, a grievance, victimhood of howling monkeys everyday.... As my grandfather would say “fuck um”and the horse they rode in on... BTW, every time I hear these folks mention Hunters laptop I consume a hit off the pipe..... can’t drink booze anymore🤠Keep slapping these idiots.

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Your clarity is your superpower

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Jim "holy bat shit" Jordan is a crazy and represents all of the people of his district in a maddening, sleazy way that should turn all of our collective stomachs!

Here is a man that does not deserve redemption.

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