the thing is, I have made much more serious errors — along the level of "I misread this statute and the entire premise of my post is wrong" — and not gotten nearly as many corrections. the lesson is: don't go up against Big Power Tool
Of course! Most of us don't know any more about this statute or that government form than we do about quantum computing—but a LOT of people know the difference between a table saw and a band saw!
Even more of us know the difference between sawdust and cocaine.... 😁
Jeff, I’ve heard Gym talking about 4 fundamental facts until I’m about to throw up.. what Gym and the MSM do not tell/explain us about the 5th fact. The fact Gym cannot deny… Gym went to law school and yet he is unable to pass the bar because he is too fucking stupid……it’s great to act like an attorney Gym, but u just play one on TV. Dems get back to House majority the 2 Jim’s will be chicken fried extra crispy..maybe the 2 Jim’s will retain Habba Habba Yam Yam as counsel….. we can only hope😵💫
What's up with that damn "four fucked facts" focus group Matt Schlapp Brad Parscale regurgitation nonsense anyway. Wtf Gym. Gawd he will love prison TOO MUCH
I’m sitting in my doctors office trying not to have a seizure from laughter but if I do I guess I’m in the right place! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. “My uncle is a toaster oven.” 🤣🤣. I predict The Jimmys are gonna go through some things. ✌️
I sure hope so. But as history shows, they apparently don't have to show up when supoena'd... so if dems take over the house, does this still go? I've gotten used to no consequences no matter what's happened.
But it doesn’t change “the facts”. MAGA has its own facts. They’re Russian facts. They are Russian operatives. MAGA is not unwittingly doing Putin’s business. They work for him. They are funded by him. Along with Trump they launder money for Russia. They might be stupid/naive as well, but that doesn’t change Russia’s facts.
And that is what Putin holds over Congre$$' head. Russian money laundering. Wouldn't be surprised if it's also some minor boys and girls with Graham and Trump.
Homer and Gomer were given free airtime to humiliate themselves and that is literally the only thing they are proficient at accomplishing. It makes my skin crawl when I see their mouths sucking up oxygen and blowing out rancid toxins. But the sun is shining here for the first time in weeks and I’m not going to let those feces buckets fuck up my day. No nope no fucking way.
This is one reason the Dems need to take back the house. Yes, I know there are many (perhaps infinite) reasons we need this to happen. But today’s reason is that they heed to investigate the shit out of the Jimmies.
Can’t Fox be sued for slander for allowing misinformation to propagate on their channel, once again? If I were a member of the “Biden Crime Family”, it might be a worthwhile pursuit. Ask Dominion.
Good question! Why is it okay for “news” organizations to literally tell lie after lie and not be held accountable? How many people will die bc of these lies?
It's forced. He actually worked on that look. Imagine how his brain informed him that this was the look he should achieve. And rewarded him for reaching it.
That would be the epitome of a bullshit fest. If that were ever to happen, Tucker the traitor should ask that slimy treasonous dipshit why he ignored a subpoena and why he continues to kiss Putin's ass every chance he gets. Perhaps they'll partner up on a new venture like babysicle ice cube trays for storing embryos in Alabama.
hey, thank you to the seven thousand people who let me know that in yesterday's post, I misidentified a table saw as a band saw
No problem,Jeff ,a good chunk of the population has been misidentifying Russian agents as United States Congressmen !
Jeff Tiedrich: still more credible than MSM.
By a large margin!
At least it shows you have a HUUUGE following!
the thing is, I have made much more serious errors — along the level of "I misread this statute and the entire premise of my post is wrong" — and not gotten nearly as many corrections. the lesson is: don't go up against Big Power Tool
If the statute had been accused of snorting sawdust …
My guess is you would be pretty non-viral on this Substack if you misidentified a pick up truck.
Of course! Most of us don't know any more about this statute or that government form than we do about quantum computing—but a LOT of people know the difference between a table saw and a band saw!
Even more of us know the difference between sawdust and cocaine.... 😁
You're followers must be simple folk (including myself in this)
I was too busy staring at those big fat lines of cocaine to notice.
Cut with white pine.
well, THAT changes everything!!!...a fucking table saw???...for the sake of jesus Jeff, fuck were you thinking???
A saw by any other name would cut as deep. Or a saw is a saw is a saw. Just don't snort the dust.
Mac, you're a regular Magritte !
one of my favorites! Thank you.
Well, there ya go, all seven thousand of us in one Greek chorus “Wait? What?”
Wasn't me, Jeff. I wouldn't know a saw from a stapler. Lol.
" I know a hawk from a handsaw".
( the difference in the sound between a "loogie " from the sound of a carpenter sawing wood )
That Shakespeare, another clever wordsmith like our Jeff 😍
Isn't it nice to have readers who care? On the other hand, you may have received a visit from the Pedantic Pendejo Patrol.
Oh, we're ALWAYS here, John Steward!
Here's my License to Nit-Pick....
🤣 🤣 🤣 I didn't! You're welcome! 🤪
Oh geez 🤣 pick pick pick!!
😂😂 I didn't even notice.
Every good deed will not go unpunished. Or something like that.
Jeff, I’ve heard Gym talking about 4 fundamental facts until I’m about to throw up.. what Gym and the MSM do not tell/explain us about the 5th fact. The fact Gym cannot deny… Gym went to law school and yet he is unable to pass the bar because he is too fucking stupid……it’s great to act like an attorney Gym, but u just play one on TV. Dems get back to House majority the 2 Jim’s will be chicken fried extra crispy..maybe the 2 Jim’s will retain Habba Habba Yam Yam as counsel….. we can only hope😵💫
That would be too much fun to watch.😁😁😁
She’s not going to keep her car suing career going ?
When it's all said and done, she'll be working the parking lot of a truck stop.🦎🦎🦎
Are you talking competition with Bobert at the truck stop on I-85? HabbaHabba Yam Yam..discounts if you wear a red hat🫠
With a complimentary case of crabs.
Doesn't she already have an OF for passive income? Or did she accident her way into constant duck lips?
What's up with that damn "four fucked facts" focus group Matt Schlapp Brad Parscale regurgitation nonsense anyway. Wtf Gym. Gawd he will love prison TOO MUCH
"Habba Habba Yam Yam" 🤣🤣🤣
I’m sitting in my doctors office trying not to have a seizure from laughter but if I do I guess I’m in the right place! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. “My uncle is a toaster oven.” 🤣🤣. I predict The Jimmys are gonna go through some things. ✌️
And my uncle is a deep freezer!😂😂😂. They're both fucking Russian assets. Leavenworth is nice in the spring.😆😆
I sure hope so. But as history shows, they apparently don't have to show up when supoena'd... so if dems take over the house, does this still go? I've gotten used to no consequences no matter what's happened.
In the day , these two morons wouldn’t be talking about toaster ovens ,electric chairs would be the appliance occupying their treasonous minds!
I was multitasking in a serious meeting and while I was on mute, people could see me guffawing and that led to a lot of questions in the chat...
I sure hope so!
They will indeed be going Thu things, namely tighty whities, I would stock up Jimmy and Gym
But it doesn’t change “the facts”. MAGA has its own facts. They’re Russian facts. They are Russian operatives. MAGA is not unwittingly doing Putin’s business. They work for him. They are funded by him. Along with Trump they launder money for Russia. They might be stupid/naive as well, but that doesn’t change Russia’s facts.
100% !!
And that is what Putin holds over Congre$$' head. Russian money laundering. Wouldn't be surprised if it's also some minor boys and girls with Graham and Trump.
I like Amanda Marcotte's take on this; "James Comer and Tucker Carlson aren't fooled by Russian lies — they're complicit"
So obvious.
Jeff Tiedrich on current events - It don't get no better!
Homer and Gomer were given free airtime to humiliate themselves and that is literally the only thing they are proficient at accomplishing. It makes my skin crawl when I see their mouths sucking up oxygen and blowing out rancid toxins. But the sun is shining here for the first time in weeks and I’m not going to let those feces buckets fuck up my day. No nope no fucking way.
"The Homer and Gomer Show".
We're gonna have the best crimes, YUGE crimes full of covfefe and hamberders! Some people have said they'll be the best crimes ever, comrade!
But we have nothing to do with Russia!
This is one reason the Dems need to take back the house. Yes, I know there are many (perhaps infinite) reasons we need this to happen. But today’s reason is that they heed to investigate the shit out of the Jimmies.
Can’t Fox be sued for slander for allowing misinformation to propagate on their channel, once again? If I were a member of the “Biden Crime Family”, it might be a worthwhile pursuit. Ask Dominion.
Good question! Why is it okay for “news” organizations to literally tell lie after lie and not be held accountable? How many people will die bc of these lies?
Hunter needs to go after them (FOX) and Congress for slander.
Abby Lowell is surely working on it.
Remember that Fox News is technically registered as an entertainment entity, so they can basically do whatever the fuck they want.
As accurate as that sounds because there's NFW Fox should be allowed to use the word "News" in its name, it's simply not true --
Thank you!🫶🏼
I expect to see Jordan interviewed by Tucker Swanson very very soon.
Tucker always has a 'who farted' look on his face.
And the secret is, it was always him.
It's forced. He actually worked on that look. Imagine how his brain informed him that this was the look he should achieve. And rewarded him for reaching it.
not much evidence
Hence the name FartFace !
Another Dick Tracy villain.
I think it looks like he sharted...
That would be the epitome of a bullshit fest. If that were ever to happen, Tucker the traitor should ask that slimy treasonous dipshit why he ignored a subpoena and why he continues to kiss Putin's ass every chance he gets. Perhaps they'll partner up on a new venture like babysicle ice cube trays for storing embryos in Alabama.
Fuck you, Tucker! Karma's a bitch!
But we love her!!
It’s verifiable that the two Jimmies have zero brain cells between them. Pass it along.
Too busy playing with their Jimmies.
Or bemoaning their lack thereof.
WOW——“treasonweasels,” “chickenfuckers,” and “shitheads”….sure you’re not missing a few??? hahahaha Totally spot on for the jimmies!
He's like burglar with a bell in his ass. He's not hiding his crimes. He brags about them, as only a malignant narcissist can.
I bet there's a site for that. Burglarbells dot com? Haha.
Phil Swift could hawk them on TV.
Only in the GQP does KFC stand for Kentucky-Fucked Chicken.
Has anyone checked Merrick Garland for a pulse lately? If he were any more inert, he would cease to exist.
Lol, agreed!