
"He's not eating." Seriously? That man could go a loooooooong time without a hamberder. Just sayin'

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i was going to write something about the ludicrous idea of Trump going ten minutes without jamming a burger into his mouth, but then I remembered photos of Trump in early 2021 where he looked like he'd lost weight, and people were speculating that he had some illness that was being hushed up. so who knows. good. let the fucker be that depressed. boo, as they say, fucking hoo.

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Jeff, my first thought was that McDonalds must have been on strike!

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He could always use Wendy’s as a backup.

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lol poor, starving donald

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A bit of intermittent fasting would do him no harm.

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To hell with him fasting, let him eat his way to a stroke.

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Now, that's an idea!

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He’s on that path. Give it some time. 😊

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That would require him to keep his repulsive mouth shut which isn't very likely to happen anytime soon.

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What a lovely way to express your thought. (LOL!)

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He could live on his body fat for a year.

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I wonder if Craven McCarthy brought him more pink and red starburst fruit chews.

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Comer or Jordan? Who gets the Oscar for best performance by a dumbass?

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I think Jordan is dumber than Comer. Jordan still wants to do public hearings

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Good point! Comer is at least self aware that he's a dumbass. 😁

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Inverse Dunning-Kruger effect?

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I don’t know, it’s really a toss-up

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Glad you said it.

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Yes, agree. I think, however, we should do a poll as to who is the biggest whiner. McCarthy could be added to the list.

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The House Republicans have a bad case of the Jimmys. And Jimmy Crack Corn, and I don't care. They're both high on stupidity.

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It's ridiculous to think these are elected officials whose purpose is to represent us. Assume, for some moment, that anything Hunter Biden does that isn't a felony matters. Since, you know, he doesn't hold office or anything.

Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

No one important outside their own heads, I assure you.

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Presidents Obama and Biden sure are living rent-free in some of their damn fool heads; aren’t they?

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SPW, don't forget Hillary (and her emails).

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Even if he committed a felony, it’s irrelevant. He has no role in government.

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It’s entertainment for the MAGA morons who keep sending these losers back to congress.

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They don't represent "us" at all. They represent gerrymandered districts or rather the billionaire patrons who subsidize the MAGA Party leadership & the state legislators & judges who ply this corruption.

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re: Trump is depressed, FUCK HIS FEELINGS.

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I don't really care. Do U?

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Yes, like Jimmy Crack Corn. I don't care.

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I liked seeing him cry in yesterday’s post.

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Always the best read in the game

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Your remark about Hunter offering to expose himself made me laugh out loud at the nail salon!! Too funny.

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I love you, Jeff. You made my day again.

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Wait! Everyone has already seen Hunter Bidens dick courtesy of Marjorie Three toes on the house floor. 😂😂 serve it up to them, Hunter! Ha! I want to read Liz’s book-and Cassidy’s too. Good stuff Jeff!

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I haven't seen Hunter Biden's dick. Darn, I miss all the good stuff. I hope he puts pictures of it in his book since it has been so publicly displayed.

I do think he's a decent looking man. I do hope the rest of him er...measures up to what his eyes and butt promises. Eyes and butt are the first things I look at.

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MTG Showing those images proved what a classless lowlife she really is. Hunter is indeed a fine looking man who has been through hell. If Comer has proof of wrongdoing then bring it. Otherwise, he needs to STFU. 🙄

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If Nancy P was still the speaker she would have punished MTG for that stunt. How far we have fallen.

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You are so right! Nancy took no prisoners.

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You are absolutely correct!

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I haven't seen it either! Perhaps Jeff will post it for us. As a public service. Enquiring minds want to know.

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You're in fine fettle today!

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Please, Jeff, just say no. (To Yooper's request)

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Isn't it in the congressional record??? Just wondering.

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It’s gotta be! And I’m sure MTG has the pictures!

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Plenty on shitter...

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😆😆😆I haven’t either & have no desire to see it. He does float my boat tho. Handsome guy...

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That’s all well and good but teeth surpass all other features in my book. Rotten, poorly kept teeth and nasty breath-total turn-offs for me.

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I absolutely adore that you wrote exactly what I was thinking!👀

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I’m currently sick as crap (RSV) and have zero tolerance for any depressing never ending ffg (fucking former guy) dribble coming from mainstream media. But bless your good heart Jeff for this refreshing article, complete with yummy graphics slamming the fat-faced repugnant comey and his little band of miscreants, exposing their sick ass bs. I don’t need to see Hunter’s dick pic when I’m reading about the gop pencil dicks exposing theirs. And McCarthy’s bending his gross ass for the ffg to drill completes the vision of losers losing.

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I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and just another reason I'm getting my RSV vaccine this week. I hope you're feeling better soon... Sending you virtual chicken soup... 🍲

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YES please get the vaccine! I kept meaning too…ugh

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I just started with something upper respiratory...sheesh waited to long up date my vaccines.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

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And please keep stirring that big GOP pot of bs. Jeff's delightful posts and my fellow comments community really make me feel better and I hope to feel like my old prissy self soon!

Wishing everyone a big spoon for Christmas!

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Thank you for me and anyone else feeling off!

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McCarthy’s bending his gross ass for the ffg to drill completes the vision of losers losing.


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I am soooo sorry. Hope you have a speedy recovery. My neighbor meant to get the Shingles vaccine too...now he has it and is in agony, according to his wife.

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Thank you for those stellar clips of Moskowitz and Crockett. Anytime I have a few minutes at work & I know they're having one of THOSE hearings, I do my best to listen in... comedic GOLD for days. :D

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Moskowitz is a keeper

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For real!! Wish he was MY Congress-critter, that's for sure. But nooooo MI redistricting shunted me out of Slotkin's district and into Lisa McClain's (R). :(

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I’m sorry! My House rep and both of my Senators are Dems. They fight very hard for all of us.

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And MINE are: Miss Lindsey, Timmy Scott, and Nancy Mace. Three strikes, you're out!

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A trifecta of insanity

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YIKES!!! Crossing fingers that the folks in your area wake up at some point soon! <3

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Not counting on it on a state-wide level. Thankfully, where I live (Charleston), is Blue.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

I'll match you with Rubio, R. Scott (WAYYY worse than your T. Scott), and my 'who-gives-a-fuck-what-his-name-is' generic House Repub. down here to your south.

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Yeah, we're tied, at the least.

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The scarlet letter woman!! What a royal imbecile she is. As you know mine in Boebert, but CO has 2 great Democratic senators. Mace seemed normal at first but is now giving MTG and BooBoo a run for their money.

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She's embarrassing herself for $$$$.

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It's weird, because even though Nancy is repugnicant, I always respected her. She was the first woman to attend the (in)famous Citadel, a highly respected military school here in Charleston. She stuck it out and graduated with honors. I have been so surprised to see a woman who endured the terrible hazing that occurs at the Citadel be intimidated by her colleagues in Congress.

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Wow you hit the trifecta ! Sorry!

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I'm glad for you... and working to increase the number of people inclined to vote for Democrats in my district. Rural, farm land, lots of ol' white folks... many who vote R cuz they always did. Some, though, are persuadable, and I'm working on it! :D

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I’m very lucky all three of mine are Dems too. I’ve left them so many messages on their office phones that they probably know my name by now.

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I send an abundance of emails

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I drew the brilliant and hilarious Rep Raskin

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Oh, YEAH, I *love* watching Raskin take the GOP apart, piece by itty bitty piece! <3

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He’s the best thing to come out of Florida and proves there are still some sane folks down there.

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Both Moskowitz and Crockett are dynamite!

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"now, Liz Cheney is not our friend. she’s a hard-right Republican and she’s not above pulling shit like lying about how Democrats love “post-birth” abortion. " In fact I put her in the same category as Chris Christie & Ms. Lindsay Graham. Flip Floppers.

Sorry Jeff, I'm not buying Liz Cheney's book. I'm not even going to borrow it from the library or suggest they buy it. Send me an invoice for what you'd get as a commission and I'll gladly pay it. But I am not enabling any Repugs in any way, shape or form, especially one who doesn't stand up for women's rights.

Liz Cheney reminds me of this song by Al Wilson:


I have the budget to purchase one book a month or donate to my local library. What can I say, I live on SSDI - in the USA that means you live below the poverty level. I'm not going to waste a cent on a snake like Liz Cheney no matter how much she postures herself as a Constitutional protector and a trump hater. A liar is a liar and I have no use for them.

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your anger is valid. I'm not saying that everyone has to go run out and buy Cheney's book

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Thank You Jeff. I am grateful you understand.

Do you have any plans for a book? I'd purchase yours.

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Omg, I HOPE Jeff writes a book. I'll preorder it before he even starts writing. :-D

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Yooper, You are as much fun today as one of Jeff's articles -- and that is a VERY high compliment!

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Hahaha! Ditto

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Well Jeff, if you subscribe to the old adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” then right now Liz Cheney is our fucking bosom buddy. She’s still one of the only republicans willing to stand up to that lying, fraudulent, felonious, piece of shit--so right now we need her. If she is ever again running for a position where she could pass legislation against women’s reproductive rights, I will donate to her opponent as if my life depends on it. But right now, Trump and his sycophants need to be brought down. And if the success of her book will make Trump’s head explode, I will line my bookshelves with multiple copies. And of course I’ll buy it here. Helping you will make me feel like less of a sell-out! 😂

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BUT, if inclined to buy it...why not here?

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Gotta agree! I haven’t bought or read any of the Chump admin goons books either. I’m not giving any of those asshats money.

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I checked out "Enough" from the library, and found it to be interesting enough that I finished it the first day.

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"Send me an invoice for what you'd get as a commission and I'll gladly pay it." LOL!!!

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I am grateful that Rep. Liz Cheney lived up to her oath. She also voted regularly to kill Democratic proposals and promote tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. She is a "profile in courage" for standing firm as her political party abandoned her, but she is no hero.

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Liz is a mixed bag. She is her father’s daughter for sure but it’s possible all this, plus her exile, may have given her a new perspective on life as a far right humper. Im going to read her book(thanks Jeff for the link)and see if a different light shines from her eyes. If it’s still red, then she’s still a republican, just not a trumper.

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She did say she gained a lot of respect for Pelosi when she agreed to put her on the J6 committee. Look, she was vice chair with Bennie Thompson serving as chair. I would not doubt that her eyes were opened wide. Yes, she’s her corrupt father’s daughter, and yes, she’s had some hardline issues that I have never agreed with, but I too, will not be purchasing her book. i am certain it will be a best seller, just without my money.

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Jasmine Crockett for the win. Thanks for including that video.

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I can imagine the scene at Mar-a-Lago when Kevin McCarthy tries to get trump to eat...holding a cheeseburger up to him and saying, "C'mon, Mr, President. Take a bite. Just a teensy teensy bite. You know you like cheeseburgers. Mmm...yummy yummy...just one bite. It'll make Democrats cry..."

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That’s hilarious, but it’s also a scene that makes me want to retch after I’m done laughing.

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K.M., “Here comes the wittle ear pwane...open the gweat big hanger...zoom...🔁🔄.”


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Love it Jeff. Interestingly you could write software in which you simply had a list of elected GOP ‘leadership’ and a


printf { GOP Name } is a gutless f’ing coward;

The only evidence they have is, apparently, a Magic 8 ball. And even that says “answer cloudy, jim jordan screams loudly.”

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Jeff you illuminate the darkness with the light. It blows my mind when in conversations with my wonderful intelligent friends, and I mention Rachel Maddow, they have no idea who she is. The good part is that one of them after hearing me on so many things has purchased her Prequel book. 😍👍Keep it up, Jeff! U R flooding the world with the light!!

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Her book Bag Man about Spiro Agnew within hours of becoming president when Nixon was forced to resign, was also forced to resign because he was a giant criminal accepting cash in envelopes at the vice president's desk!

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