Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, a con man, a financial fraud and cheater, a serial liar, a want to be dictator, a thief, a traitor, an insurrectionist, a man who pays off porn stars to shut up about his sex exploits. He suffers from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur, and age-related cognitive decline. No president in history has ever acted more stereotypically as a gangster than Trump. He owned casinos and has deep connections to the New York City construction industry. His son-in-law’s father did time for extortion. He calls people who inform on him “rats.” He bullies. He is best at stoking hatred, promoting greed and praising ignorance. He cheats on taxes He molests women He mocks disabilities He degrades the military He caters to nazis He is a grifter He is a traitor He is a cruel fascist He is a criminal magnet He continues to destroy human lives.
Did I miss anything? What more has to be said to the American voter to defeat this abomination before it is too late?
The only reason why Liar Fraud Con Trump isn't flat-out-broke is because of the 100's of millions of dollars Russian Oligarchs and Russian Mafia, at the direction of Putin, laundered in Liar Fraud Con Trump's condominium projects. (And all of that money was stolen from the Russian people.)
According to this New Yorker article, the Obama Admin thought they were already taking the needed actions against the Russian crooks. The Magnitski Act required them to make the banking restrictions and asset confiscations a public matter.
Read Browder's two books. Eye opening. Most Americans and journalists are ill equipped psychologically to understand these people. Browder and Magnitski thought they were dealing with an honorable justice system in Russia. Putin badly wants Browder. He would likely end up like Magnitski. Or Navalny. Or Prigozhin.
In America, the government fights against organized crime. In Russia, organized crime controls the government. From Trump's words and actions, it APPEARS that he is controlled by Putin. Why else would he side with Russia over NATO/EU? I'm not saying he is on Putin's payroll. But it APPEARS that he is. Why did Donald act like a whipped puppy after his private talk with Putin in Helsinki? Why did Putin complain about Bill Browder at that press conference? Why was Donald so worried about the documents he took from the White House? He didn't even trust his attorneys to review them. Donald's sons bragged that even though the traditional banks turned them down, the Russian banks welcomed them. The definition of Treason is: "Betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government; adhering to their enemies; giving them aid and comfort." Would we be surprised if the Washington Post or New York Times broke this story with evidence and interviews?
Burke, your comments are "spot on". When you read the books, which are basically investigative reports, about Trump's ties to Russian money and Putin, it is impossible not to conclude that Liar Fraud Con Trump is a Traitor and is Putin's Puppet.
Ah, yes the place that was nicked named, "Little Odessa " which may have been a good slam back then due to the owners, flipping units primarily because the buyers/sellers spoke Russian. The only difference now? Odessa, in Ukraine has come a long way to get rid of the corrupting influences of Russia, inspite being invaded by Russia. The corrupt condo seller? The same evil manipulator, just a broke " billionaire that has to grift his cult followers in order to pay his legal bills.
I need to buy a bottle of champagne for Friday. Maybe there is a special for multiple days of coming convictions?
Thanks, Hoyt. I went to the three little dots and was able to post it to my notes on Substack. I was also able to message it directly to a friend. So now I’m going to share it with a whole bunch of people. Keep spreading the word!
Well, he did try to cheat his nieces and nephews out of their inheritance , after his brother Freddie died. Ask his niece Mary Trump. And Mary helped the NYT get their Pulitzer for the story about Trump's fraud, whereupon Trump's sued and lost another $400,000 when the courts would not hear the case. Or how about the Craftsmen he hired when he built the Casinos in NJ and then did not pay them. He has a very long list that makes him the worst personative today. I know that is a qualifier, but he is alive and making many of us uncomfortable with where he says he wants to take us.
He has the vocabulary of a 5 year old, he pals around with Russian mobsters, he cheats small business owners and his own university students, his palate is as uneducated as he is, he shoves fellow world leaders out of his way, he has bone spurs that jingle jangle jingle.
An entire book written on that and nada from the country club set. they must all cheat i guess. They obviously all cheat on taxes as they continue to try to eliminate the IRS.
Good point. The Rules of Golf are founded on the Honor of the player. The Rules of Civilization are founded on the Honor of the citizen and the leaders. Dishonorable (dishonest) leaders are a destructive example for society. Manners. Courtesy. Mutual Respect. Self Control. Are all critical for a society to function. Imagine an America where everyone acted like Little Donnie!
I also know that he makes ridiculous excuses for not paying employees or companies that he hired.
In one case that I know of, a man owned a construction company and was hired by Czar Cheeto. This company had a multi million dollar contract with him. The company did the work and only received a few hundred thousand dollars. The man had to sell off all of his equipment. He also had a family. He killed himself. This story... This story made me sick. And I have been thinking about that ever since I saw it.
He is a con-man and retribution cannot come fast enough. And what he did to those poor people in Scotland and the historical lands, but Scotland's government has most of the blame for that for allowing him to destroy that land.
Unfortunately, the Deplorables still in his basket, either can't read comprehensively, or choose to let him tell them what they need to know. The ONLY think about your comment I dislike is that You wrote it and not me ;-)
You did just about cover it, Hoyt, but I also have to add that he doesn't like dogs. Surely a big, strong, he-man like Trump 🤮 isn't scared of them, so what's the deal there? Even HITLER liked dogs!
Objectively speaking (and I've tried), there isn't even ONE thing one can say that's positive about Trump. There isn't even proof that he loves anyone, including his kids, who he would toss away in a millisecond if they got in his way. I once heard a rumor that he's a good grandfather, but really? Can anyone picture that? No, there isn't ONE good thing to say about Donald Trump.
Good one, you better believe most of his supporters have pets but they would sacrifice their own children to their demon god, so why not their pets. Damn, even Nixon had a dog to kick around. Not literally, just figuratively, at least I hope, his name was checkers i believe.
I'm with you there -- there might be someone with a relatable reason to dislike cats and/or dogs (which probably has a lot more to do with that person's experience with other people as much as the pet) -- but jeez, even my asshole ex-husband liked my cat. But if my dog didn't like someone, there's no way in hell I'd let them anywhere near the house. (The cats are a little pickier than the dog, so I don't always take their advice on the subject. And I usually have to pay for that later lol.)
Add: Leader of the Republican Party of the United States of America.
Also add: Dishonorable, Disrespectful, Rude, Shitass, Military Veteran Hater, Animal Hater, Cult Leading Parasite, Confidence Man. Just when you think you have him pegged, he goes even lower. The boy who farts in church to get attention and then declares his allegiance to satan. Roy Cohn would be proud.
You have the beginnings of an entirely new list. Before it is all over it will take volumes to fully document his atrocities. No one ever could have imagined a more despicable person was able to exist.
I certainly couldn’t have said it any better. I am going to copy and paste this into a little doc I can carry around and whip it out as needed! Thank you for putting all these facts (no opinions!) in a clean, concise text!
"Jimmy HogHump." OK. Thats all I needed for the rest of the day. Jeff, you always snap me out of my news funk....I feel better now. 😂😂 Evidently, Robert Hur is ALSO Steve Bannon's attorney.... Did I hear that correctly? Cause, DAMN. I hope that New York Tom Suozzi's win is an indicator of things to come. America needs to come to its senses. 🤦♀️✌️
Definitely got a good laugh from Comer's very fitting new nickname. Last night's Suozzi victory was a big win and it really ruffled that ferret on the orange monster's twisted head. He's too stupid to realize that the NY victory was a result of his bullshit shenanigans, the phony ousted asshole who last held that seat and it appears some voters are finally wising up. November will be huge if this continues.
Seriously, how do imbeciles like Clown Comer get elected to our House of Representatives?
Biden is old.
Trump is old…….and Trump is a liar, a fraud, a con, a scumbag, a racist, a fascist, a traitor, a sex abuser, a serial defamer, a coward, an arrogant imbecile, Putin’s puppet and an all-around piece-of-shit.
He’s elected by people like him, incapable of any thought process, ignorant to the core, and UNEDUCATED. Comer lists one year at Western Kentucky U (1993). I’m sure he flunked the first year of the basket weaving program. 😆
It’s the old any pig in a poke story ! Jimmieboy ‘s an expert on pokes n pigs wheeeee!just ask Sporky the Pigress 🐽 she nose all about pigs n’pokes🐷wheee !
I saw Biden's attorney being interviewed by Jen Psaki. He was present for the interview and said that on several occasions, the President (who was being questioned by Dur) had to correct Dur. Does that sound like an old guy with dementia?
I actually had that stuff and now three stents and two years later am doing fine. But, I do understand the sentiment. I was lucky in that it was a very mild heart attack.
Jeff, there's a big parade today here in Kansas City for our Chiefs. But I'm not half as excited about that as I am about partying on Friday. Wish you and Ms. Spouse could be here!
I told my son, an avid Packer's fan, that I need a Mahomes jersey. He said, hmm. I think you need a Jones. And Jones is a great one, but fan appreciation takes me back to Mahomes. Cool under pressure, only 28 years old. And in St. Louis he and the Chiefs are our team too!
And to think of the ones in both houses we once thought really stupid. The New Stupid gives even them a run for their money. And about that Hur report with it's willful and willingness, that sounds like a crime in the works. Willful? Then how does he square that with no charges warranted as much as his black heart wishes he could. We just really need to put these people back in the minority, a very small one and put Biden in with a landslide and if you don't think that's possible, it sure looks like Dems in New York knew exactly how to get out a huge vote yesterday and take one more seat away from the Republican House, while Johnson wanders around in a fog of utter confusion but always with that fake Evangelical angelic half smile, like he knows the Rapture is coming any minute to save him from this hell he's in. Wonder if he takes his porn with him and enjoys it on the ride to wherever.
I'm beginning to think it's every single name they have. So we can spell it that fun way some of us grew up spelling Mississippi. So take Trump's name for instance. We could do it Donald-hypocrite, John-Hypocrite hypocrite, Trump-hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite Traitor.
If Judge Engoron does issue judgment on Friday, then I only have two wishes for Friday and the rest of this coming weekend:
#1 - that the judgment is in excess of $400 million
#2 - that the judgment causes Liar, Fraud, Con, Scumbag, Sex-Abuser, Defamer, Traitor, Putin's Puppet Trump to suffer either a massive debilitating stroke or a massive heart attack.
A what great fuckery justice Friday shall be. Popcorn time for the stretching shrill pigs like three toes, Comers and lest we forget the one man fuckery destroy our military from Alabama
Well, of course they can't. You've seen them on the Sunday political shows. They cannot and will not answer the question asked because they came all loaded with progaganda to disperse to the dimwits watching.
Kaitlyn Collins interview with Elise Stefucknut this past weekend on CNN had me saying all sorts of shit at the tv. Why CNN has the Maga trumpets on their show defies logic. How about some pro- Joe Biden news!!
She was hired to follow trump's 2016 campaign around and he nearly got her killed, pointing her out to the magas ,telling them she worked for CNN. She still won''t say anything bad about him, but watch her sneer everytime Biden's name comes up.
CNN is now owned by a Republican called John Malone a man so evil that Al Gore referred to him as "Darth Vader." He and his protege Zaslav gave us all the crap so-called "reality TV" because it is cheap to make.
"That billionaire is John Malone, a legend in the cable TV business and one who has deep and longstanding ties with David Zaslav, the CEO of WBD. People close to both men insist that Zaslav is remaking CNN because he wants to for both business and editorial reasons, and not because Malone has told him to.
But complicating that narrative is the fact that Malone has repeatedly wished, in public, for CNN to remake itself. And his prescription happens to sync with the new CNN agenda: a plan to steer the channel away from what Malone and others call a liberal bias they say muddles opinion and news. And to shift it toward a supposedly centrist, just-the-facts bent...offered some programming advice for the new company:
“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”
Malone’s comments didn’t resonate much beyond a couple of places: At Fox News, which responded with glee, and inside CNN, where they sounded alarm bells.
I recall that and Reliable Sources was one program worth watching.
Sigh, not great another billionaire wants to be in the "news" business, considering how essential the 4th estate is for an engaged public and the health of our democracy. With local newspapers disappearing and local TV news bigging bought up or managed by the likes of Sinclair the singular point of view becomes a lot easier for authoritarian messaging, unfortunately. GEE, we used to have laws against domination of a news market. We have been under attack for sometime.
They’re like the Keyston Kops of Congress. Seriously, did they just not lose another big election? And PA state government just turned completely blue, but let’s double down and do the same shit that hasn’t been working for us 🙄.
Is there any taxpayer recourse to these ridiculous Republican $exhibitions$ other than voting these shitweasels out of office because I sure as hell resent my hard earned money to pay for this mockery. It insults my and most other thinking Americans intelligence. Can we sue them?(I know the answer to that one but there has just got to be a way to stop this bull sh*t.)
The only way to deal with these empty morons is straight on. You can’t play their game. You can’t point out facts. You can’t show logic. It is a street fight. They are cowards at their core. Fucking COWARDS.
“Comer Fudd,” “Corn Pone Jimmy,” Nice!!!!! Trump really must be holding something over their heads to make them so desperate to spew lies for him! Keep up the good work Democrats-don’t let anything slip by!!!!!!
The ONLY thing he has over their heads is the voters. Republicans are ONLY concerned with remaining in power. They care about THAT over anything else, including what's good for the country, and most especially any INTEGRITY they may have once had. If they lose the base of ignorant, racist, bible-carrying, gun-toting fucksticks, they would have to get a real job where they'd be accountable for their work. Trump controls that base. That's it. That's all he needs to control them, even as a private citizen.
Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, a con man, a financial fraud and cheater, a serial liar, a want to be dictator, a thief, a traitor, an insurrectionist, a man who pays off porn stars to shut up about his sex exploits. He suffers from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur, and age-related cognitive decline. No president in history has ever acted more stereotypically as a gangster than Trump. He owned casinos and has deep connections to the New York City construction industry. His son-in-law’s father did time for extortion. He calls people who inform on him “rats.” He bullies. He is best at stoking hatred, promoting greed and praising ignorance. He cheats on taxes He molests women He mocks disabilities He degrades the military He caters to nazis He is a grifter He is a traitor He is a cruel fascist He is a criminal magnet He continues to destroy human lives.
Did I miss anything? What more has to be said to the American voter to defeat this abomination before it is too late?
Yes, you missed this:
The only reason why Liar Fraud Con Trump isn't flat-out-broke is because of the 100's of millions of dollars Russian Oligarchs and Russian Mafia, at the direction of Putin, laundered in Liar Fraud Con Trump's condominium projects. (And all of that money was stolen from the Russian people.)
Why, Why, WHY can't the Democratic Party make more of this!!
Why doesn’t the media make more of this instead of Joe’s age? Getting older is not a crime, but trying to overturn an election is.
Exactly. See Bill Browder and the Magnitski Act.
I read that book and it was REVEALING!
Great recommendations!
I read the Wikipedia article about it. Do you know WHY would the Obama Adm fight against it?
According to this New Yorker article, the Obama Admin thought they were already taking the needed actions against the Russian crooks. The Magnitski Act required them to make the banking restrictions and asset confiscations a public matter.
Read Browder's two books. Eye opening. Most Americans and journalists are ill equipped psychologically to understand these people. Browder and Magnitski thought they were dealing with an honorable justice system in Russia. Putin badly wants Browder. He would likely end up like Magnitski. Or Navalny. Or Prigozhin.
I absolutely broke down & cried when I woke up & the murder of Navalny was the first thing that I saw.
He was already something of a miracle by managing to survive the poisoning
In America, the government fights against organized crime. In Russia, organized crime controls the government. From Trump's words and actions, it APPEARS that he is controlled by Putin. Why else would he side with Russia over NATO/EU? I'm not saying he is on Putin's payroll. But it APPEARS that he is. Why did Donald act like a whipped puppy after his private talk with Putin in Helsinki? Why did Putin complain about Bill Browder at that press conference? Why was Donald so worried about the documents he took from the White House? He didn't even trust his attorneys to review them. Donald's sons bragged that even though the traditional banks turned them down, the Russian banks welcomed them. The definition of Treason is: "Betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government; adhering to their enemies; giving them aid and comfort." Would we be surprised if the Washington Post or New York Times broke this story with evidence and interviews?
Burke, your comments are "spot on". When you read the books, which are basically investigative reports, about Trump's ties to Russian money and Putin, it is impossible not to conclude that Liar Fraud Con Trump is a Traitor and is Putin's Puppet.
Which books? Red Notice??
I would. What's taking them so long?
Oh HELL to the NO !!
They’d rather publish 33 stories about Biden’s “mental incompetence” 🤬
Here’s a column!
Ah, yes the place that was nicked named, "Little Odessa " which may have been a good slam back then due to the owners, flipping units primarily because the buyers/sellers spoke Russian. The only difference now? Odessa, in Ukraine has come a long way to get rid of the corrupting influences of Russia, inspite being invaded by Russia. The corrupt condo seller? The same evil manipulator, just a broke " billionaire that has to grift his cult followers in order to pay his legal bills.
I need to buy a bottle of champagne for Friday. Maybe there is a special for multiple days of coming convictions?
Well, "presumed Republican candidate" but yeah. This is their champion. Their hero. Their golden calf.
Never has "do better" meant so, so much.
Or golden gaffe.
Oh, but Melania's "Be Best" campaign...fizzled after a month.
So, I think it's a fair bet that Trump and his wholesale takeover of the RNC isn't interested in doing better.
Yeah I wonder what her stance on cyberbulling is these days.
They better pay her first!
Tricks gonna trick.
Where in the world is Melania Trump?
She's been gones-ville, man.
Grieving for her mama and probably for herself.
You said it all, Hoyt. Thank you. I will refer everyone I know to this comment if I can figure out how to do that.
Cut and paste and send it as yours. seriously. add and subtract to fit your message. Thanks.
Thanks, Hoyt. I went to the three little dots and was able to post it to my notes on Substack. I was also able to message it directly to a friend. So now I’m going to share it with a whole bunch of people. Keep spreading the word!
Yes thank you Hoyt I learn a new how to do it thing from you folks every day !
He takes children away from their moms and dads and cages them all.
Well, he did try to cheat his nieces and nephews out of their inheritance , after his brother Freddie died. Ask his niece Mary Trump. And Mary helped the NYT get their Pulitzer for the story about Trump's fraud, whereupon Trump's sued and lost another $400,000 when the courts would not hear the case. Or how about the Craftsmen he hired when he built the Casinos in NJ and then did not pay them. He has a very long list that makes him the worst personative today. I know that is a qualifier, but he is alive and making many of us uncomfortable with where he says he wants to take us.
He has the vocabulary of a 5 year old, he pals around with Russian mobsters, he cheats small business owners and his own university students, his palate is as uneducated as he is, he shoves fellow world leaders out of his way, he has bone spurs that jingle jangle jingle.
And he cheats at golf.
An entire book written on that and nada from the country club set. they must all cheat i guess. They obviously all cheat on taxes as they continue to try to eliminate the IRS.
Most of them do. You have to keep an eye on them on the course. Doesn't do them any good. I still beat their asses.
Good point. The Rules of Golf are founded on the Honor of the player. The Rules of Civilization are founded on the Honor of the citizen and the leaders. Dishonorable (dishonest) leaders are a destructive example for society. Manners. Courtesy. Mutual Respect. Self Control. Are all critical for a society to function. Imagine an America where everyone acted like Little Donnie!
Not to mention his pact with the Saudis and capitulation of the PGA. He makes everything dirty.
As a golfer, that should dq him right there. Stinking lowlife slug slime.
Tell us how you REALLY feel!!😂
The caddys say his nickname was Pele for all the ball kicking he does on the greens.
And if he gets the chance he will do it to any American family/children for any sick whim he has in his mind at that moment.
These throwaway kiss ass sycophants think
Oh never me especially his stooges on y
The supreme court....they will be the first people he will eliminate first
And then when putin has no more use for him
He will get rid of trump too
I also know that he makes ridiculous excuses for not paying employees or companies that he hired.
In one case that I know of, a man owned a construction company and was hired by Czar Cheeto. This company had a multi million dollar contract with him. The company did the work and only received a few hundred thousand dollars. The man had to sell off all of his equipment. He also had a family. He killed himself. This story... This story made me sick. And I have been thinking about that ever since I saw it.
He is a con-man and retribution cannot come fast enough. And what he did to those poor people in Scotland and the historical lands, but Scotland's government has most of the blame for that for allowing him to destroy that land.
That special place in hell is calling his name more loudly every day. Let it be so.
Loved the czar cheeto reference, Donna. I always say that if you escape justice here on earth that you won't in the next world.
Unfortunately, the Deplorables still in his basket, either can't read comprehensively, or choose to let him tell them what they need to know. The ONLY think about your comment I dislike is that You wrote it and not me ;-)
You did just about cover it, Hoyt, but I also have to add that he doesn't like dogs. Surely a big, strong, he-man like Trump 🤮 isn't scared of them, so what's the deal there? Even HITLER liked dogs!
Objectively speaking (and I've tried), there isn't even ONE thing one can say that's positive about Trump. There isn't even proof that he loves anyone, including his kids, who he would toss away in a millisecond if they got in his way. I once heard a rumor that he's a good grandfather, but really? Can anyone picture that? No, there isn't ONE good thing to say about Donald Trump.
The only “good” thing I could say about him is that he exceeded my expectations for how terrible a person/president he would be.
And after the embarrassment that was "W" (shrub) the bar was pretty low.
Good one, you better believe most of his supporters have pets but they would sacrifice their own children to their demon god, so why not their pets. Damn, even Nixon had a dog to kick around. Not literally, just figuratively, at least I hope, his name was checkers i believe.
I love my dog more than I like most people.
I'm with you there -- there might be someone with a relatable reason to dislike cats and/or dogs (which probably has a lot more to do with that person's experience with other people as much as the pet) -- but jeez, even my asshole ex-husband liked my cat. But if my dog didn't like someone, there's no way in hell I'd let them anywhere near the house. (The cats are a little pickier than the dog, so I don't always take their advice on the subject. And I usually have to pay for that later lol.)
I'm sharing your comment on TRIBEL, theyve never " jailed " me for TELLING THE TRUTH ! Like Zuckums, or the Space Nazi
This s needs to be on billboards across the nation.
YES! Like 16 billboards in a line on rural roadways!
Billboards on I-70 in western Kansas would be a great place to start!!
"Burma Shave"
Good list Hoyt!
Add: Leader of the Republican Party of the United States of America.
Also add: Dishonorable, Disrespectful, Rude, Shitass, Military Veteran Hater, Animal Hater, Cult Leading Parasite, Confidence Man. Just when you think you have him pegged, he goes even lower. The boy who farts in church to get attention and then declares his allegiance to satan. Roy Cohn would be proud.
You have the beginnings of an entirely new list. Before it is all over it will take volumes to fully document his atrocities. No one ever could have imagined a more despicable person was able to exist.
Even Roy Cohn got taken.
Can we have a billboard with that? Also, full page in newspapers?
I certainly couldn’t have said it any better. I am going to copy and paste this into a little doc I can carry around and whip it out as needed! Thank you for putting all these facts (no opinions!) in a clean, concise text!
Looks like you covered all of Fuckfaces achievements! Anything negative to add?
Always knew he smelled like a mob boss
"Jimmy HogHump." OK. Thats all I needed for the rest of the day. Jeff, you always snap me out of my news funk....I feel better now. 😂😂 Evidently, Robert Hur is ALSO Steve Bannon's attorney.... Did I hear that correctly? Cause, DAMN. I hope that New York Tom Suozzi's win is an indicator of things to come. America needs to come to its senses. 🤦♀️✌️
“…may have enjoyed sexual congress with the pigs” is the one that got to me.
Jimmieboy Ziffel,Arnold’s illegitimate Pappy !Wheeee ,wheee,wheeee !
You are a bad boy Robert.
Ok, who was Arnold’s mother then, with whom Jimmieboy had sexual congress? Did they eat her to keep her from ratting him out?
Possibly,Sporky the Pigress ? She likes pictures of big hogs,must be an animal lover !
🐷 Moi !?
Mamie said," he grabs me by the ear" and then we heard squealing... as reported in the biography.
Ditto 🤣
I snort-laughed at that, I admit it!
Ethereal fairies snort?
They do when reading Jeff Tiedrich!
Ha ha ha 😂
“….may have…” 🤔🤔🤔
I hear banjo music in the background when I read that!
Like, Deliverance, the movie.
Definitely got a good laugh from Comer's very fitting new nickname. Last night's Suozzi victory was a big win and it really ruffled that ferret on the orange monster's twisted head. He's too stupid to realize that the NY victory was a result of his bullshit shenanigans, the phony ousted asshole who last held that seat and it appears some voters are finally wising up. November will be huge if this continues.
Yes, I take comfort in seeing this as a yardstick
I don't see how he could be bannon's attorney. He works for the justice department. Bannon would have to hire a private lawyer
OK. I got that wrong. From Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter yesterday:
"Oh my God. It was just revealed that Republican Special Counsel Robert Hur’s lawyer was... Steve Bannon’s lawyer."
Verb tense
Hurt’s lawyer WAS !
It "hurts" either way, hahaha
Careful, Jimmy! They'll squeal on you.😂😂🐷🐷
You're in good form today, Charlie. Yee haw!
Seriously, how do imbeciles like Clown Comer get elected to our House of Representatives?
Biden is old.
Trump is old…….and Trump is a liar, a fraud, a con, a scumbag, a racist, a fascist, a traitor, a sex abuser, a serial defamer, a coward, an arrogant imbecile, Putin’s puppet and an all-around piece-of-shit.
Not a hard choice 😂🤣😂
You know if the media wants everyone to stop giving us such old candidates maybe they should have fucking propped up Kamala.
She's too melanin-enhanced for them they shot her down pretty fast.
Gosh, Black people getting shot in America? You don't say.
Poor phrasing on my part.
Oh I knew what you meant. I play with words any chance I get. My favourite toys!
Ya think?!?!?!?
Often. I wish it were more popular.
Yeah. “But her emails!!!” Built-in misogyny.
He’s elected by people like him, incapable of any thought process, ignorant to the core, and UNEDUCATED. Comer lists one year at Western Kentucky U (1993). I’m sure he flunked the first year of the basket weaving program. 😆
Imbeciles git elected by idjuts it's that simple, Joel.
It’s the old any pig in a poke story ! Jimmieboy ‘s an expert on pokes n pigs wheeeee!just ask Sporky the Pigress 🐽 she nose all about pigs n’pokes🐷wheee !
Good one Robert.
I saw Biden's attorney being interviewed by Jen Psaki. He was present for the interview and said that on several occasions, the President (who was being questioned by Dur) had to correct Dur. Does that sound like an old guy with dementia?
Who is Dur?
A sound effect. As in "hur dur".
I think Don A is being sarcastic. Instead of saying Hur, he's saying Dur is in "Duh-urrr".
Some days I'm just so dug in I can't see the fun parts. Thank you. LOL. And I'm a proofer/editor and boy, has it been a day with that.
I wish I could be so optimistic. Honestly at this point the only thing I’m rooting for is arterial plaque.
I actually had that stuff and now three stents and two years later am doing fine. But, I do understand the sentiment. I was lucky in that it was a very mild heart attack.
Apologies. Heart attacks? Not funny. Mango Mussolini dying of a heart attack on the toilet eating a hamburger? Fucking hysterical.
No harm, I took it as a joke and an apt one at that. Eat your oatmeal and avoid it. LOL
I can still feel bad about it. And happy you’re doing well. And hoping for the demise of the orange baboon
Yes, as the protester's sign said: Cholesterol, democracys best hope!"
Jeff, there's a big parade today here in Kansas City for our Chiefs. But I'm not half as excited about that as I am about partying on Friday. Wish you and Ms. Spouse could be here!
Wait.. they’re parading in Missouri?... I thought it was in Kansas City, Kansas.
I told my son, an avid Packer's fan, that I need a Mahomes jersey. He said, hmm. I think you need a Jones. And Jones is a great one, but fan appreciation takes me back to Mahomes. Cool under pressure, only 28 years old. And in St. Louis he and the Chiefs are our team too!
And to think of the ones in both houses we once thought really stupid. The New Stupid gives even them a run for their money. And about that Hur report with it's willful and willingness, that sounds like a crime in the works. Willful? Then how does he square that with no charges warranted as much as his black heart wishes he could. We just really need to put these people back in the minority, a very small one and put Biden in with a landslide and if you don't think that's possible, it sure looks like Dems in New York knew exactly how to get out a huge vote yesterday and take one more seat away from the Republican House, while Johnson wanders around in a fog of utter confusion but always with that fake Evangelical angelic half smile, like he knows the Rapture is coming any minute to save him from this hell he's in. Wonder if he takes his porn with him and enjoys it on the ride to wherever.
I don’t know that his uncle Moses would let him tag his porn along with him…😂
Listen, these fake Christians know how to do bad things and pretend they didn't.
Oh I know. I live in the desert I’ve been listening to their craziness for a long while.
You know you have my deepest sympathies. I'm a Southerner and have always lived in red states and it is challenging, ohwee, it is challenging.
It is challenging.
Hypocrisy is their middle name.
I'm beginning to think it's every single name they have. So we can spell it that fun way some of us grew up spelling Mississippi. So take Trump's name for instance. We could do it Donald-hypocrite, John-Hypocrite hypocrite, Trump-hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite Traitor.
Very good Mary!
Going DOWN!
If Judge Engoron does issue judgment on Friday, then I only have two wishes for Friday and the rest of this coming weekend:
#1 - that the judgment is in excess of $400 million
#2 - that the judgment causes Liar, Fraud, Con, Scumbag, Sex-Abuser, Defamer, Traitor, Putin's Puppet Trump to suffer either a massive debilitating stroke or a massive heart attack.
Absolutely. 🤞🤞🤞
A what great fuckery justice Friday shall be. Popcorn time for the stretching shrill pigs like three toes, Comers and lest we forget the one man fuckery destroy our military from Alabama
These idiots couldn't investigate their way into the paper bag in the first place.
Well, of course they can't. You've seen them on the Sunday political shows. They cannot and will not answer the question asked because they came all loaded with progaganda to disperse to the dimwits watching.
Kaitlyn Collins interview with Elise Stefucknut this past weekend on CNN had me saying all sorts of shit at the tv. Why CNN has the Maga trumpets on their show defies logic. How about some pro- Joe Biden news!!
Kaitlyn hates Joe Biden, and is a Tucker Carlson protege.
I did not know this about her. Appreciate the info and I am almost done with CNN..
She was hired to follow trump's 2016 campaign around and he nearly got her killed, pointing her out to the magas ,telling them she worked for CNN. She still won''t say anything bad about him, but watch her sneer everytime Biden's name comes up.
CNN is now owned by a Republican called John Malone a man so evil that Al Gore referred to him as "Darth Vader." He and his protege Zaslav gave us all the crap so-called "reality TV" because it is cheap to make.
"That billionaire is John Malone, a legend in the cable TV business and one who has deep and longstanding ties with David Zaslav, the CEO of WBD. People close to both men insist that Zaslav is remaking CNN because he wants to for both business and editorial reasons, and not because Malone has told him to.
But complicating that narrative is the fact that Malone has repeatedly wished, in public, for CNN to remake itself. And his prescription happens to sync with the new CNN agenda: a plan to steer the channel away from what Malone and others call a liberal bias they say muddles opinion and news. And to shift it toward a supposedly centrist, just-the-facts bent...offered some programming advice for the new company:
“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”
Malone’s comments didn’t resonate much beyond a couple of places: At Fox News, which responded with glee, and inside CNN, where they sounded alarm bells.
I recall that and Reliable Sources was one program worth watching.
Sigh, not great another billionaire wants to be in the "news" business, considering how essential the 4th estate is for an engaged public and the health of our democracy. With local newspapers disappearing and local TV news bigging bought up or managed by the likes of Sinclair the singular point of view becomes a lot easier for authoritarian messaging, unfortunately. GEE, we used to have laws against domination of a news market. We have been under attack for sometime.
My 2 cents...thanks
For the rest of you, try to get stock in a company that sells alcohol before Friday.
They’re like the Keyston Kops of Congress. Seriously, did they just not lose another big election? And PA state government just turned completely blue, but let’s double down and do the same shit that hasn’t been working for us 🙄.
Keystone cops were funny. These guys are not funny at all. They are the equivalent of 1939's brownshirts. HOW ARE PEOPLE NOT SEEING THIS????
They’re not funny, but they’re bumbling. I should have been more clear about the comparison.
We are lucky AF that these evildoers are so incompetent and stupid.
Exactly! Not that they are harmless, but they’d be a lot more dangerous if they were competent.
Stupidity and arrogance are a very dangerous combination. Wars get started that way.
Historically, the brownshirts always get put down, like the mad dogs they are. But they hurt too many good people in the meantime.
Is there any taxpayer recourse to these ridiculous Republican $exhibitions$ other than voting these shitweasels out of office because I sure as hell resent my hard earned money to pay for this mockery. It insults my and most other thinking Americans intelligence. Can we sue them?(I know the answer to that one but there has just got to be a way to stop this bull sh*t.)
The only way to deal with these empty morons is straight on. You can’t play their game. You can’t point out facts. You can’t show logic. It is a street fight. They are cowards at their core. Fucking COWARDS.
"get ready to party on Friday night. will be wild." I've got steaks, potatoes and CHAMPAGNE CHILLING!!
I may dance in the streets.
me too!
What time should I come over? 🤣😂
I eat early! Old lady time, 4:30/5 pm! LOL!
If anyone needs a designated driver I will oblige!
“Comer Fudd,” “Corn Pone Jimmy,” Nice!!!!! Trump really must be holding something over their heads to make them so desperate to spew lies for him! Keep up the good work Democrats-don’t let anything slip by!!!!!!
The ONLY thing he has over their heads is the voters. Republicans are ONLY concerned with remaining in power. They care about THAT over anything else, including what's good for the country, and most especially any INTEGRITY they may have once had. If they lose the base of ignorant, racist, bible-carrying, gun-toting fucksticks, they would have to get a real job where they'd be accountable for their work. Trump controls that base. That's it. That's all he needs to control them, even as a private citizen.
Agree wholeheartedly!
“….holding something over their heads….” May I refer you back to the pigs?? 🤔
WHEEEEEEEEE,, ouiiiiiiìiii,🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖❣️Happy Valentines 💘 Day Jimmyboy & Ms Ziffel 🦶🐷❤️🔥
Robert, do we have to send you to your room without supper?