They aren’t releasing the footage yet because they haven’t had a chance to AI it!

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That’s gonna be a LOT of fingers.

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In a perfect universe 400,000 hands would have burst through the earth at Arlington to give Orange Shitler the middle finger.

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Speaking of Trump and the middle finger…True traffic story today in Irwin, PA. My sister and I were in the left turning lane at a traffic light on Rt 30 behind a PU truck with Trump stickers in the back window when we noticed the nice lady next to us had rolled down her window and was flipping off the truck and yelling. We pointed at the truck she shook her head “yes” so we rolled our windows down and started flipping off the truck. We were laughing and giving the Trumper the finger together when the car behind us inhabitants started doing the same thing. It was an impromptu moment that had us all laughing. Then the light changed and on we went. It was so quick and funny! But not soon to be forgotten!

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How about the earth opening up and the dead eating his brain? And then spitting it out because it tastes so awful?

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He has a brain?

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A light snack if that.

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"Where's Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s brain? Even THAT tasted better than this!"

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Oh, he's haunted alright. May it end soon.

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Or dragged him under

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I'm for the "drag him under" option!!!

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DRAG ME TO HELL II: The Trumpening!

It's a documentary of how Donald J. Trump was dragged to Hell by all the Veterans he insulted over the years.....

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Remember that scene @ the end-of “Ghost” where the bad guy Carl gets pulled off? That.

Google: Ghost carl’s end

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Neal, you are so correct as there is an extra hand around the waist of the women standing behind the gravestone of Moises Navas. Easy to miss, clear as day! This picture has been altered.

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Nah I think there is a woman in a blue dress attached to that hand.

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The lady in the blue dress has both her hands in front of her brown belt, so what lady are you speaking of?

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You are right! Still looks strange.

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I don't see it on her waist, but what is that on her left arm at the bottom of the sweater sleeve?

This must be an " Andre the Giant" sized suit. 🐖💩

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Nah, look more closely. There is no extra hand around the waist of the woman to the far left of the photo standing behind the aforementioned headstone. There is a woman in a very long blue dress to her left, her head isn’t seen. That’s whose arm is around the waist

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That’s quite funny. 😄

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Hands are notoriously difficult to draw/paint. Interesting that AI has the same difficulty.

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Yep, LDFF is a very special boy and Arlington National Cemetery officials cannot tell him what to do! The rule of law is Trump rules! Also, whenever Don-OLD breaks the law his thumb has an automatic erection!


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I posted this on all my favorite South Carolina representatives pages when they were commemorating the anniversary of the pull out! I just love poking at Lindsey, Nancy, and Tim. So embarrassed by all of them.

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Hey where can we berate belle Miss Lindsey?

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Great line! "Whenever (trump) breaks the law his thumb has an automatic erection!"

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Probably the only noticeable erection that he's physically capable of.

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Yes, he is getting visably aroused by the upcoming Presidential erection, so he wants to show his own little one.

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I hope they get charged with multiple crimes! And that this backfires on them and they lose more voters for disrespecting AC and the fallen heroes!

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Eeewwwwww! That’s stuck in my head now.

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Can you tell me what LDFF means, please? I’ve seen it a couple times and, it’s probably obvious to everyone else, but I’m having a brain-lapse and can’t figure it out. Lol. Thanks!

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Little Donnie F#ck Face

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Thank y’all! I read Jeff every day but for some reason could not think of that one when I was trying to figure that out. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol

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I just googled it - no answer - glad you asked here!

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little donny fuck face?

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Yes, that is one of Jeff's monikers for him. He has several others too.

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Jeff hasn’t used that one as much lately.

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Watch for the 6-fingered, 3-armed baddies having *checks notes* mental health episodes 🤣

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hopefully section 60 has some surveillance footage that they will not destroy

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Speaking of AI, note that all the people in the Arlington photo are smiling? Kinda makes me wonder if those mourners are AI generated for his thumb up shot. Hmmmmm....

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I saw that they dropped a person in a wheel chair in front in a related photo. That is obviously fake because Drump never allows a handicapped person to be in his photos.

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The only people who, commemorating a loved-one's death, would allow Trump to invade their gathering would be true Trumpers. And if Trump's photographer says "smile," you smile.

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Fucken Vampire assholes !

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Idiocy covers a multitude of sins.

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Lynn, 👍🏼

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Aug 28
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And one of them is twice the size of hers I like the floating arm wrapped around her waist

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I thought so, too but after awhile of looking at it, made out what is probably a woman standing on her left, standing just back far enough to be almost obscured.

You can see her skirt between the far-left woman and the pants of the guy with his arms folded.

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I see what you mean Doc. I retract my earlier thirdhand theory. Thanks for pointing that out.

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The ones “fucking around” as Jeff so eloquently describes it, is the Justice Department, the Supreme Court, and the courts. They have allowed this criminal to live his lifestyle, given him ‘perks’ which would NEVER be afforded to anyone else. Especially someone who’s been criminally charged with the crimes Frumpy’s been charged with! That person would be sitting in a jail cell awaiting his trial date! Not flying around the country trying to destroy our democracy, our Constitution, and strip us of all our freedoms!

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Every day we are reminded of how big the blue WIN has to be. We need Kamala and Senate and Congress to go Democratic Party so that we can address the multitude of scumbag manipulations the MAGATs have done to our democratic process. First orders of business - voting rights to stop the bullshit going on in state election boards, gerrymandering, dark money in politics, the electoral college, etc. , term limits for the Supreme Court and the addition of 3 new members and third change the bullshit filibuster rule, There is so much more, especially including moving all of the DonOLD indictments along to their correct conclusion. LET’S GO WIN THIS THING.

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In 1869 it was decided to have nine SCOTUS justices because there were nine Circuit Courts. By rights, we should have four new SCOTUS justices since there are now 13 Circuit Courts.

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Superb, irrefutable logic. Thank you Mary.

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One if Harris’ top priorities should be adding 4… Biden wouldn’t do it.

Then, force the two knuckleheads Thomas and Alito to an early retirement and replace them with two more Libs.

Good guys 9

Maga judges 4

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ooh, good point! Precedent!

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Makes perfect sense 👌

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Methinks our Corporate Overlords will not allow that.

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she's gonna have to replace do-nothing AG Garland, stat...like on day one if justice is going to ever catch up to these irascible scamp-criminals

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I would bet she knows who she's going to nominate for every single position. She has never been unprepared!

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I messaged her on her sm acct & begged her to please do that on day one. I encouraged her to appoint a hard charging, aggressive woman to that position. Someone like Dana Nessel.

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Agreed! We have to keep working - whatever sweat equity or donations we can manage! This is the time.

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True....I, as many that follow politics closely am aware how vital a Dem House & Senate is, or K will have her agenda neutered. MAGA is making a hugh effort in Maryland attempting to get Hogan elected to Senate. Angela Also rooks need to step it up as H was a popular former governor and white folks Like him.

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I heard she was leading.

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That would be wonderful. She did really well at the DNC!

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I’m a monthly donor to Angelo Alsobrooks & send an extra bump once in a while.

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Sarah, 🎯

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Yes! Come on Joe, do it! You’re immune!

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It has to be 4 more justices, you don’t want an even number.

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Agreed. On President Harris’s day one, I’m hoping that Merrick Garland’s termination is high-priority. What a dud so far……kinda like the guy in charge of the post office now.

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He's a lot worse than a dud. He has Federalist Society connections and has been at best a coward and at worst complicit. Garland is by far Biden's worst appointment, and should have been pushed to resign a long time ago.

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Garland will resign. That would be best.

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He may not even have a choice -- it's a cabinet position. Pretty sure that means as soon as there's a new president sworn in, he's gone. Can't wait.

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I think all the Cabinet members usually resign after a new President is elected...even if it's a holdover.

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I understand that to be so. All the time this man wasted. I honestly think he’s on trump’s side. How’d McConnell miss that by not letting Obama appoint him to the SC? Take DeJoy with him when he goes.

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Dejoy must go now it took me a week to get a package from Phoenix to Tucson and I made sure the company had the item in stock and ready to ship 🚢.

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They should at the very least seize his PassPort and give him some ankle jewelry! That might just be the final insult to rupture a major brain hose ! I never seen orange scrambled eggs ! He’d be past noticing at that point …that they wouldn’t clash with his skin tone !🤬🍊but he wouldn’t be as pretty with them leaking out his 👂ears ..👃nose and mouth 👅 I’m sure Kamala was sweating that he might be better looking !🤣😂🤣

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Love me some Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson CBS interview calmly calling out her bought and paid for Federalist Society hacks for legislating out of whole cloth and nothing to do with the constitution some rabid bullshit for one fucked up orange psycho.


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Spot on Daniel!

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Well said

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Frumpy. I like this nickname for the orange piece of shit.

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Frumpy Dumpty.

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I'm reading this with my big mouth hanging open because...I can't believe it. Every single day, it gets crazier. ”this is your favorite president, Donald J. Trump, with some very exciting news." WTF? Digital trading cards? And "Steven Cheung, the dime-store Bond villain" HOLY CRAP... is that what he really looks like? 🤦‍♀️ The Arlington thing is beyond disgraceful. I WANT THIS TO BE OVER!!

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Yesterday, my husband went to the local barbershop. The barber began talking about the fact that Agent Orange has the longest comb over he's ever seen. He uses the the entire mop to cover is whole head and sprays the hell out of it with AquaNet. 🤣🤣🤣 I don't think he can have a hair and pancake make-up team in prison. I think AquaNet caused the massive hole in the ozone during the 80s.

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😂😂😂 He's just a nasty, evil F*CK!!!!!

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Yep!! Watching his brain melt on the world stage is the gift that keeps on giving. I read that after an hour of his babbling at his rally last night, his supporters were leaving in droves. Some of his supporters said he was nonsensical. Some shook their heads and walked away. ☺️😁😂 Keep it up.

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Let Trump be Trump...ALL DAY LONG! REPUBS: Time to sleep in the bed you made, MFers!

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Lewendowski might be the best gift, given his strategy has been let frumpty be frumpty.

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Also contributed to the massive hole in his brain.

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That shows what a 2 bit cheapskate lowlife he is all that stolen cash ( he never earned any of it) ..you’d think the big shot would at least get a rug or a transplant! Problem is he thinks that we think it’s really his hair and he doesn’t want any witnesses to his orange naked pate !😂🤣🤬⬅️

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Oh, he had transplants, alright. Perhaps you haven't heard the story about the first treatment he had with hair plugs? He came home ENRAGED, because IT HURT!! He went upstairs to the bedroom, grabbed Ivana, pinned her to the bed, and began pulling out her hair by the roots. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT IT WAS GOING TO HURT!!!" When she was finally able to run away, she locked herself in one of their bathrooms for the night, petrified.

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Ivana was an abused woman. Her final "flight" down stairs to her death and mysterious burial at the golf course...up there with who killed JFK.

Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women

For his 1993 book, “The Lost Tycoon,” Harry Hurt III acquired Ivana’s divorce deposition, in which she stated that Trump raped her.

By Jane Mayer

October 17, 2016

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Yes, I remember how she had to lie and say in court that she wasn't really raped in order to get money. Serial rapist. Woman-hater and destroyer.

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Malignant narcissist/sociopaths are brutal, abusive and know where the bodies are buried. I've seen this first hand. They bring hell. They don't feel empathy, remorse or guilt. Never fucking ever!!

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"where the bodies are buried" may be more than a metaphor in the case of the orange sadist (as you well know).

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The barber said he wasn't talking politics and then went on and on about the biggest comb over in history. Pretty funny. When the wind blows, it lifts the whole thing up in the air. Maybe it's actually the hair on his back that does the job. I've eaten to many gummies this morning. 😅

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