Little Donny Headtrauma! For the win! 😂😂. I remember Devin Cow from the old Shitter days- that account was hilarious! And so was Devin’s mom. Why is everything so insane!? And why is Dump getting away with all this? It’s beyond F’ed up.

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Devin’s Cow is on BlueSky along with Weisselberger. Really missed seeing them on the Twit

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Oh, cool! I’ll look for them! Thanks KayEl!✌️

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Pretty sure Nunes had to register as a foreign agent.

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I don’t remember that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Which country?

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Turkey, Russia, and Hungary, would be my guess.

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Yeah, probably

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I'm glad they are back.

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I still have my ‘Cow’ tee shirt. 🥰

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I'm e extremely dismayed with our elderly President not creating a shitstorm over Grenell running around & sabotaging our foreign policy. Do you think the right wing would allow that to go unaddressed if the Dems did it??. MAGA didn't even wait till November 6. They were poisoning the well for many months. Biden let D be a shadow President for years..

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A.G. Merrick Garland fucked us. Biden picked the worst A.G. ever. He didn't learn from the Mueller Boy Scout pick. He needed an ass-kicker.

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You got that right, Eileen. :(

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Exactly Susan! Nunes knows much of Trump’s mobbed up, and Russian history, is rewarded with a seat on the most misguided, miscreant tour

of mooks ever assembled in the history of our republic!!

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It's already a shitshow and the worst reelected president in history and his supporting cast of numbskulls haven't even taken office yet. Between putting suckass Nunes in to head lack of intelligence for reporting to dear leader and interfering with the transition of power in Guatemala just like he did here, how much more of this fuckery will he be allowed to get away with? Hoping that with his pending sentencing in NY before 1/20 and the many civil lawsuits he's facing, it will help stall his evil, unpresidential agenda.

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Dubious Rick!!

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Mooks! Abound! Nunes and Gabbard in charge of Intelligence!

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"Mooks" reminds me of Moochie on Spin & Marty. Maybe we should call Devin "Moochie". He always gets in trouble from making bad decisions. Watch and enjoy!


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How can someone so completely unintelligent be in charge of anything, especially intelligence?!? This trumpian nightmare gets scarier every day.

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The khakistocracy is humming right along.

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Will it be more of a kakistocracy, or a kleptocracy? Impossible to tell.


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TRUST ME on this, If there were a mafia, those people would despise him. He's as "mobbed up" as Bugs Bunny

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"Little Donny Headtrauma" is going on the list!

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Which list Mary? The choke on a bucket of KFC, Big Mac, or defenestrated wish list or?

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Choke on a Big Mac is most likely.

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"Found objects at Fox News" is making me chortle today.

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It really fries me that no one in the current administration did anything about Grenell as a “Shadow Secretary of State”. WTAF? We all knew it was happening! Again, no consequences is why Donny FF was reelected

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I’m starting to think the higher echelon “Dems” are in on the shit we’re about to face. Why else didn’t anybody who could do something not bother? Like George Carlin said- “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”.

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yes ! and now it's making more sense why we lost this election. Democrats just dont have a grapple on anything....that is not good. that becomes costly.

Democrats need to assert power and stop with the play nice all the time card.

Those days are long over.

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I dont understand how our current admin allows such a travesty just literally unfold before us and it all goes unchecked, unchallenged, uncontested...no pushback, nothing.


this was the democrats doing this, Uh ho ho ho Boy....can you imagine.?

the Republikkkans would be doing everything in their power to stop it, doing things that the Dem party should be doing right now !! (I just can't, no more. somebody wake me up from this nightmare).

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Im SO PISSED at the Democratic Party for just standing around and not doing SOMETHING about all this.

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We don't know that Biden wasn't doing anything. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes. But they should have been arrested for the Logan Act.

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Biden has his hands full, there is no doubt...and we dont know everything...nor should we know. Time, however, is slipping by. I'm hoping for some sort of miracle.

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exactly...time is slipping away

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I think he gets away with it by the sheer volume of his fucknuttery. It would take a large federal agency dedicated to investigating and prosecuting The Orange Oaf. That and Garland napped through most of this.

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absolutely, i think an international team of carefully vetted 'good and sovereign' people to investigate the Unites State's behavior and take necessary action for the good of the country and the rest of the world.

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This coming fascist government poses a clear and present danger, The Orange Blobs clown show of idiots is a great concern. Maybe, just maybe, those Jewish Space Lazers MTG warned us about, are on those drones with a mission to destroy all clowns!!!

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The space aliens don’t need to come over and fuck up our shit. We have the Republican Party for that, and they’re doing a fine job.

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I've got an idea for updated ET. The aliens come out of the spaceship and they're all wearing Donald Trump masks. And wearing Donald Trump hairdos. “We've come to rotate our agent on this planet!”

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My exact sentiments Stephanie!!

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Tiedrich is better at making up conspiracy shit than they are - it’s not just absurd, it’s funny. 🤪

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I lost it when my MAGA brother told my daughter space aliens were beaming mind control into video games. My daughter said, "Uncle xxx---, there are computer programmers working all day on the ground on gaming kids to be addicted to violence like its nothing to shoot some make believe virtual reality enemy, you don't need to go to outer space to blame some fictional entity...."....Q mind is out of the Closet and into the foolish minds of american people who are stuck in adolescence playing games with reality like its a sci fi movie. It's the Killing Fields with the Billionaires blowing it all up for fun and thrills and losing count of the coinage they have squirreled away from the people.

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I am convinced that there is a new disease running unchecked in the US--The Acquired Stupidity Syndrome caused by the A.S.S. virus...

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I really think long covid has caused a ton of brain rot.

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No they have always been vapid dumbs.

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BIC... babbling idiot cult.

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I've had long covid since May 2020, and I think these are people who didn't get covid and die from taking ivermectin etc. Before T people had never seen a president who acted like them.

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I like that!….(for them!) :)

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Joseph you just made my day!!

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Which RFK Jr. would make sure that there will never be a vaccine to help eradicate it.

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We need a vaccine for A.S.S. that can be distributed through the water system ( or beer ?) as we know that they are afraid of needles.

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Every day you think it can’t get more insane AND WAMMO IT DOES 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Chump is the bottom of the barrel. But he still manages to find a way to dig deeper.

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For the last 40 years I have been saying that the "bottom of the barrel" for Rethuglicans is through the molten Earth and out the other side.

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Well according to many of them the earth is flat so, but unfortunately, none of them have fallen out the bottom and into deep space, but a gal can dream.

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Mary..that’s sounds about right for the rescumliCon bottom of the barrel.

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1. That Nunes and Grenell have any business being around anything with “intelligence” in the title is laughable but also frightening. Two of the lowest common denominators in the upcoming festival of clowns.

2. There’s Larry Hogan being one of the the brightest stars in a constellation of fuckwits

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Ah, Larry. For a while I felt a little sorry for his losing the election, as he was a pretty good governor. But apparently republicanism is a progressively debilitating condition and he has reached the point of irreversible decline.

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Well stated truths, bravo KayEI!!

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Jeff, just one point concerning Nunes. Currently he’s on a tour with some shitty group that wants to restore freedom to our country. Among the stellar stars on this tour is disgraced General Mike Flynn, Putin pussy and apologist, another idiot who wants to “tear America apart brick by brick” as his Russian handlers continue to say on Russian TV. My worry and others is that Flynn will get back into government and assist in tearing our country apart with authoritarian, Christian Nationalist dogma. It’s seems Donald is setting up not a retribution tour but a purge, similar to Mao with his Cultural Revolution and his Red Guards with little blue caps. Now we have MAGAS with little red caps attempting to foment their own hillbilly Cultural Revolution, a Confederate Mafia with Donald as the Boss. Best to all.

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Instead of Mao's little red book these Christian Cultural Revolutionists carry their Trump Bible and a book of Trump Tweets.

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Now you’ve pointed out something I did not consider, instead of the 900 page P2025 we have the Trumpista Bible… You win the internets today Joe.

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And a trumpy trout for back up

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Yeah, no shit. Russian loving authoritarian religious zealots are loading up to fuck America over big time.

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How old are these people? Don't they remember the USSR? Stalin? Breshnev? I don't remember the Thirties (still being in the future then) but I've read all about what Stalin did to Ukraine. Loving Russia is not a strong point.

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Ellen you have made a great observation.. MAGAS don’t know what they don’t know, uneducated or under educated..that’s why Donald loves the uneducated.

JFC, the least they could do is crack open a history book instead of “doing research on the net” and getting tangled up in Russian conspiracy BS.

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Read? You expect these people to read and educated themselves?

We have a diehard MAGA neighbor (and sadly, a friend of my husband's). During the first 4 years of this nightmare, I made it my mission to educate this neighbor on the facts, on the truth, instead of the fox "news" propaganda he spewed. Made not one bit of difference. I would send him articles, and then ask him later if he had read them. Nope. Couldn't be bothered. Nothing penetrated the bubble, because he didn't want it to be punctured. Much easier for these people to just sit and listen to Hannity or Carlson (or whomever is their fave now) and regurgitate the garbage than to actually read and learn.

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It’s easier to be stupid, than work at being smart.

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They don't crack open books because they don't reed good

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Flynn will be part of the Ministry of Malice.

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Flynn will definitely be back, his brother Charlie’s as well Fastballl!!

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Donnie Two Scoops is a New Yorker.

Don’t be blaming the Confederacy for his actions

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And the billionaries backing him are not uneducated, nor are the tech bros who are paying their respects. Without their financial backing DJT would have run out of money.

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I’ll rephrase it to … an international crime syndicate masquerading as governments.

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This administration is going to have all the gravitas of a Three Stooges movie minus the talent.

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I swear to Cthulhu that if you add the combined IQ of Fanta KKKlaus and all his henchmen it would equal only half of Shemp's

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I'd take Shemp any day over any of these bottom feeding dirtbags.

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Shemp, a great stooge or the greatest stooge ? 🤔

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He's the only one with a Meditation Tape named after him!


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ROTFLMAO !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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DO these idiots not know Orion when they see it? Jesus H!

Here in Downeast Maine, in the late fall & early winter Orion shines very brightly every single night. When I get up to use the bathroom at 2 am, there it is, right outside my bathroom window - HUGE in the sky!

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Hogan had the rep of being a somewhat sane R when he was Gov of Maryland. Now that he's lost the Senate race to Angela Alsobrooks, has he gone over the edge and become a standard whackjob republican? Sure seems that way. The three stars aligned that comprise Orion's Belt are the most recognizable in the sky. Oh, and they do not move.

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Yeah...that's what got me...how the hell could he watch them for 45 minutes (if, in fact he actually did so) and not figure out that they hadn't moved in relation to each other in that amount of time. I would think that drones would move some... SMH

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He’s an Idiot. What’s not moving are his brain cells, they are firmly cemented in place.

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It was his head that was spinning … thus he thought the stars were “moving”, God help us all.

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There is the daily rotation, something he probably doesn't believe in anymore now that he's gone over to the Flat Earthers

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Angling for a sweet diplomat or other appointment (grift) I am sure.

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Gnewt Gingrich said he wanted to be the first Mayor of the Moon.

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I say we send him there now

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He is full of enough gas to get him there.

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Gingrinch should live so long. (well, no...he shouldn't. but he shouldn't mayor of anything, to be honest.

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You can't take 100 % of the REPUBLIKKKAN out of the ass kissers

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Nice nightlight KMD!!

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