Juvenile Delinquent Vance is gonna be a scary MFer if he gets the prez post - which I expect he will, one way or another, within a year.
He's a Heritage Project (aka Project 2025) toadie and he makes Pence look normal.
With The Tangerine Terrorist, we've got a rambling nutbag with his buddies on his cabinet to stroke his ego. With JD Christofacist, we'll be in a world of hell.
I want a world without Musk calling the shots. I don't think Vance would tolerate Musk around for too long. Could be wrong. Trump is very easily manipulated because he's a narcissist and he's STUPID.
Worse than Musk, Vance is beholden to Peter Thiel, who is a real Nazi and more mentally organized than Musk is. I believe that Vance wouldn't hesitate to kick Musk to the curb in a heartbeat.
And Melanoma. Look at that pinch faced Slovak bitch with her squint eyes and thin lips. It embarrasses the living sh!t out of me that she will represent this Country to the World alongside Dipshit Donnie. As if he weren’t bad enough by his lonesome.
Anyone who believes Vance and Mush and Thiel et. al. are not going to be driving the Dumpty clown car behind the scenes from the get-go is missing the core fact.
Dumpty is a lunatic babbling fool with no plan whatsoever.
He is the distraction, the shiny metal object, an empty suit. The snake oil salesman with no product other than babble.
The billionaire Tech Bros are the power behind this facade and they have real money.
Not like Dumpty who has debt-'wealth'. They have m-o-n-e-y.
The only thing that'll be missing if Dumpty dies a week from now will be the charisma. Dumpty is a lame duck anyway. He has no future, he is no future.
Nah, sorry David, JD is Thiels protege, a tech bro venture capitalist, whose financials and influence created this Christo-fascist tossppot… no room for either Opus Dei, or old man in the sky watching over our everyday lives!
I agree he's about as bad as it gets, but he wouldn't have the cult, which would cost him at least some support in congress. I don't think he would be able to push anything through.
Who's everyone? Who really likes Trump that's in government? No one. His dipshit supporters may love him, but anyone with a brain can't stand Trump. They're afraid of him - big difference from liking him. The best thing about Vance is that he doesn't have and will never have a cult.
Everyone should realize by now that Trump is merely a useful idiot, Vance will certainly have his pals, the tech bros like Thiel, Musk, Bezos, Howery, Levchin the (PayPal mafia), coupled with a number of shaggy haired young billionaires of Silicon Valley, the Heritage and other powerful organizations behind him. That thought should bring pause Richard!!
At some point Vlad, Xi, or an unknown is going to tell jd and/or Thiel how things are going to be. Elump could become expendable if musk can't "behave" or CF goes further off the rails.
Brilliant!! I’ve been saying that for a while, but not nearly as well. Just Deviant Vance is MUCH scarier IMHO than tffg, because he has the same morals, more ambition, and is willing to be anyone’s tool who’ll let him have power. He won’t telegraph his punches (or not-Twitter them) nor make as much noise. He’ll just move quietly and set things up, and suddenly we’ll find ourselves cut off at the knees.
No David, I think the only reason it appears that Couchfuck would be better is the fact that he can actually string a bunch of words together to make a coherent sentence. But Couchfuck is far more dangerous in the long run. He’s young, smarter, and has the total backing of Thiel and Project 2025. I think in the end, the wannabe-dick-tator will inevitably be replaced in the very near future with Tyrant Vance, who may actually choose idiot boy Don Jr. as his VP to appease the Magats and keep him on a short leash.
David, I totally agree. Donald doesn’t want the job. I really wonder if he’s not going to resign and then get pardoned and all the benefits or something. It’s not quite clear to me, but he may be looking forward to pulling a Nixon. He loves the spotlight but hates to work. On the other hand, he is trying so hard to make the whole world. Hate him even more that the people who were on the fence about doing something about him just got off the fence. Plus, he looks like garbage and is old and falling apart. Something has got to give. I just don’t think he’ll make it the full four years And I would be OK with that. I hate him that much I would actually welcome the inexperienced way in over his head JD Vance.
Trump will never voluntarily quit the presidency. He didn't run this time just to stay out of jail. That's not why he ran in 2016. His narcissism and greed are the main factors that drive him.
Let’s not put the cart before the horse, anything can happen in the next four years. There’s another old saying; “the more things change, the more things change.” Meaning that nothing is normal about this person, or how he got into power, and this creates more anomalies. We should all buckle up for a bumpy ride.
Totally agree with you. I’ve decided to pay less attention to what he says and what pundits think is going to happen, and pay more attention to what he actually does. I think that will reduce my daily adrenaline load.
Me too. Before the election I watched MSNBC every day, even had it on in my car on Sirius radio. But no more. I can’t bring myself to listen to anything Trump/republican related. I have turned it on in the past couple days just to hear updates about the CA fires. I just have to bury my head in the sand and take a break from politics for my own sanity. Jeff is the only one I get political news from because he’s so damn entertaining, and I share his opinions.
I finally watched Lawrence last night. He lived in LA for a long time and I wanted fire news. His coverage was superb. A bit on turd's sentencing today.
How so? His sentence today was "unconditional" -- means he can NEVER be prosecuted again in the future. And while he's prezzident, all the crimes he commits while in office can never be prosecuted b/o the horrific "presidential immunity" SCOTUS ruling in June.
That is the right question. He's so used to getting his way he has no guardrails so he's likely to kill someone on camera, or - heaven forbid - get caught telling the truth.
I don’t think that's what "unconditional" means here, kd. I think it means that there are no conditions on his release. That is, no jail time, no fine, no probation requirements.
I got my info from Joyce Vance, so it's reliable. Remember that Jack Smith's cases were dismissed without prejudice, meaning that, theoretically, Smith could refile in four years. Not gonna happen, but legally, it's possible.
I have read a piece by Jay Kuo where he makes a not unreasonable argument that this sentence dramatically reduces the avenues of appeal tRUMP has. Which means that the appeal process should be mercifully short. The importance of that is that if he were to die BEFORE the appeals process was done, his conviction will be vacated. As is the law. While it might seem like a technicality, there is something to be gained by making sure that history CANNOT write that he died NOT a convicted felon.
He also has only 30 days to appeal? I wonder how badly he wants this felony vacated? Bad enough to take too many pills on day 29? We can only hope the drama queen is loopy enough to turn on himself.
Anne, horrors!! And miss his inaugural, parade, the formal dance? I hear The Nudge will perform a special acoustic version of "Cat Scratch Fever" during the formal ball.
I will never not be pissed that this fucking criminal sack of shit won't spend a single second in jail.
Yet. He just has to survive the next 4 years. That unto itself is a long shot.
I'm really hoping he doesn't make it to January 20th. Even Couchfuck would not be as bad.
Juvenile Delinquent Vance is gonna be a scary MFer if he gets the prez post - which I expect he will, one way or another, within a year.
He's a Heritage Project (aka Project 2025) toadie and he makes Pence look normal.
With The Tangerine Terrorist, we've got a rambling nutbag with his buddies on his cabinet to stroke his ego. With JD Christofacist, we'll be in a world of hell.
I want a world without Musk calling the shots. I don't think Vance would tolerate Musk around for too long. Could be wrong. Trump is very easily manipulated because he's a narcissist and he's STUPID.
No no no…Musk is as much his boss as Thiel is! These two white guys from other countries have no business futzing around in OUR government!
Or any other governments!
You are so right, and this is what pisses me off...two nazis from elsewhere forging the policies of OUR country.
I agree with that!!
Worse than Musk, Vance is beholden to Peter Thiel, who is a real Nazi and more mentally organized than Musk is. I believe that Vance wouldn't hesitate to kick Musk to the curb in a heartbeat.
“Tangerine Terrorist” is going on my list. Thanks for your contribution!
Mine too!
I hate that smug bastard!
And Melanoma. Look at that pinch faced Slovak bitch with her squint eyes and thin lips. It embarrasses the living sh!t out of me that she will represent this Country to the World alongside Dipshit Donnie. As if he weren’t bad enough by his lonesome.
Dude, my good lady wife is a Slovak. Melancholia is a SLOVENIAN. Know your Slavs!
You described that mean whore perfectly!
and what the fuck is up with her hair?
oh how I wish Pence was running the country, now....never thought I would ever see it get this bad.
I wish Kamala was
well yeah, of course
And that's really saying something!
I'm not close to that yet. But I don't think Pence would sell us out to our enemies.
Please, not pence the spineless pos that helped that orange fucker get away with a ton of crap!!
agreed ! but if I had to pick the lesser of two evils....
Where is Vance? Is the Felon keeping him in Mar Kardo's basement?
Anyone who believes Vance and Mush and Thiel et. al. are not going to be driving the Dumpty clown car behind the scenes from the get-go is missing the core fact.
Dumpty is a lunatic babbling fool with no plan whatsoever.
He is the distraction, the shiny metal object, an empty suit. The snake oil salesman with no product other than babble.
The billionaire Tech Bros are the power behind this facade and they have real money.
Not like Dumpty who has debt-'wealth'. They have m-o-n-e-y.
The only thing that'll be missing if Dumpty dies a week from now will be the charisma. Dumpty is a lame duck anyway. He has no future, he is no future.
Nah, sorry David, JD is Thiels protege, a tech bro venture capitalist, whose financials and influence created this Christo-fascist tossppot… no room for either Opus Dei, or old man in the sky watching over our everyday lives!
I agree he's about as bad as it gets, but he wouldn't have the cult, which would cost him at least some support in congress. I don't think he would be able to push anything through.
That's the point: he may be more wiley but everyone hates him. He radiates about as much daddy energy as a shaved hamster.
Props for the shaved hamster image, but that's a really mean thing to do to one of those cute little guys.
Who's everyone? Who really likes Trump that's in government? No one. His dipshit supporters may love him, but anyone with a brain can't stand Trump. They're afraid of him - big difference from liking him. The best thing about Vance is that he doesn't have and will never have a cult.
Everyone should realize by now that Trump is merely a useful idiot, Vance will certainly have his pals, the tech bros like Thiel, Musk, Bezos, Howery, Levchin the (PayPal mafia), coupled with a number of shaggy haired young billionaires of Silicon Valley, the Heritage and other powerful organizations behind him. That thought should bring pause Richard!!
Agreed. Vance has all the charisma of dryer lint. He's a terrible campaigner with zero personality.
At some point Vlad, Xi, or an unknown is going to tell jd and/or Thiel how things are going to be. Elump could become expendable if musk can't "behave" or CF goes further off the rails.
Brilliant!! I’ve been saying that for a while, but not nearly as well. Just Deviant Vance is MUCH scarier IMHO than tffg, because he has the same morals, more ambition, and is willing to be anyone’s tool who’ll let him have power. He won’t telegraph his punches (or not-Twitter them) nor make as much noise. He’ll just move quietly and set things up, and suddenly we’ll find ourselves cut off at the knees.
I don't think Vlad and Xi have the kind of compromat on Vance that they evidently do on King Osric.
No David, I think the only reason it appears that Couchfuck would be better is the fact that he can actually string a bunch of words together to make a coherent sentence. But Couchfuck is far more dangerous in the long run. He’s young, smarter, and has the total backing of Thiel and Project 2025. I think in the end, the wannabe-dick-tator will inevitably be replaced in the very near future with Tyrant Vance, who may actually choose idiot boy Don Jr. as his VP to appease the Magats and keep him on a short leash.
I just don't think the maggots love Drumpf Jr. that much.
Probably not, but then who actually DOES like Jr, certainly not Sr.
Wow! That's a horrible thought about DJT II, but you make perfect sense, Michelle. Ewwww!
David, I totally agree. Donald doesn’t want the job. I really wonder if he’s not going to resign and then get pardoned and all the benefits or something. It’s not quite clear to me, but he may be looking forward to pulling a Nixon. He loves the spotlight but hates to work. On the other hand, he is trying so hard to make the whole world. Hate him even more that the people who were on the fence about doing something about him just got off the fence. Plus, he looks like garbage and is old and falling apart. Something has got to give. I just don’t think he’ll make it the full four years And I would be OK with that. I hate him that much I would actually welcome the inexperienced way in over his head JD Vance.
Trump will never voluntarily quit the presidency. He didn't run this time just to stay out of jail. That's not why he ran in 2016. His narcissism and greed are the main factors that drive him.
Many of us have hoped he'd be gone by now.
Don’t any of the other countries he’s annoying have a Jackal they can sic on him?
Wish that had happened years ago!
Well, Russia could do for him but he's Putin's baby so that won't happen.
Me too but I try not to say it out loud
Let’s not put the cart before the horse, anything can happen in the next four years. There’s another old saying; “the more things change, the more things change.” Meaning that nothing is normal about this person, or how he got into power, and this creates more anomalies. We should all buckle up for a bumpy ride.
Lots of flat tires and broken suspension parts where we’re headed Laura!!
Totally agree with you. I’ve decided to pay less attention to what he says and what pundits think is going to happen, and pay more attention to what he actually does. I think that will reduce my daily adrenaline load.
I don't listen to the pundits anymore. That's why I rarely turn on MSNBC. Pretty much went cold Turkey the day after the election.
Me too. Before the election I watched MSNBC every day, even had it on in my car on Sirius radio. But no more. I can’t bring myself to listen to anything Trump/republican related. I have turned it on in the past couple days just to hear updates about the CA fires. I just have to bury my head in the sand and take a break from politics for my own sanity. Jeff is the only one I get political news from because he’s so damn entertaining, and I share his opinions.
I finally watched Lawrence last night. He lived in LA for a long time and I wanted fire news. His coverage was superb. A bit on turd's sentencing today.
Me, too. I get all my news from the Substacks I can afford to support. Oh, and Netflix for entertainment.
I'm more of the mindset to unbuckle and make his life as f****** crazy as possible.
Taking the House and Senate back in ‘26 might set the stage for impeachment.
We cannot possibly get 67 Democrats in the Senate. Impeachment is a paper tiger when conviction will never happen.
I think the old saying is " the more things change, the more things stay the same." Unfortunately.
the Cinderella band song, The more things change the more they stay the Same.
Hell is waiting for him
Yes 🔥🧨🔥☄️
Ya gotta figure that, at some point, the hamberders and Diet Coke will work their magic, right?
Surprised they haven't yet. Install a Paunchburger ac4oss from the White House so he can get all the Greasy Lardbombs he wants
Also the Adderall and not sleeping at night as he hyperventilates while posting on x. And the extremely poor posture that is crushing all his organs.
If he tried to fuck with social security, the next guy won’t miss.
Or Medicare and Medicaid
Or veterans' benefits.
How so? His sentence today was "unconditional" -- means he can NEVER be prosecuted again in the future. And while he's prezzident, all the crimes he commits while in office can never be prosecuted b/o the horrific "presidential immunity" SCOTUS ruling in June.
Oh don't you worry. He'll find a way to push the envelope beyond what's allowed.
That is the right question. He's so used to getting his way he has no guardrails so he's likely to kill someone on camera, or - heaven forbid - get caught telling the truth.
"or get caught telling the truth" -- FOTF!!!
I don’t think that's what "unconditional" means here, kd. I think it means that there are no conditions on his release. That is, no jail time, no fine, no probation requirements.
I think it means both things.
I got my info from Joyce Vance, so it's reliable. Remember that Jack Smith's cases were dismissed without prejudice, meaning that, theoretically, Smith could refile in four years. Not gonna happen, but legally, it's possible.
You are grossly mistaken. Judge Merchan has no authority over other cases than the one before him.
No no no. This does mean anything to any future prosecutions.
I cannot shake the feeling that he won't. He will either die or be removed via the 25th Amendment because he's so obviously sick in the head.
Yet, in his mind, he dies winning. THIS pisses me all the way off.
I have read a piece by Jay Kuo where he makes a not unreasonable argument that this sentence dramatically reduces the avenues of appeal tRUMP has. Which means that the appeal process should be mercifully short. The importance of that is that if he were to die BEFORE the appeals process was done, his conviction will be vacated. As is the law. While it might seem like a technicality, there is something to be gained by making sure that history CANNOT write that he died NOT a convicted felon.
Joyce Vance and Harry Litman said the same thing.
If he dies within 30 days his conviction is automatically overturned…. May God protect his reputation! 😉
Maybe we all will get lucky 🍀 after the 30 days. Maybe after 2 failed attempts you never know 🤞‼️
He also has only 30 days to appeal? I wonder how badly he wants this felony vacated? Bad enough to take too many pills on day 29? We can only hope the drama queen is loopy enough to turn on himself.
Yeah, but narcissists never do. They just make everyone around them (want to) commit suicide.
Anne, horrors!! And miss his inaugural, parade, the formal dance? I hear The Nudge will perform a special acoustic version of "Cat Scratch Fever" during the formal ball.
🤣Gotta laugh. So I don’t sob for 3 days straight!
Or at least wearing an orange vest and scrubbing graffiti off buildings or picking up trash by the side of the road.
It would do him good to be dropped off alone in the middle of an unraked national forest.
. . . without a phone
No, with a phone so that he can misery-tweet his experience...
Okay — with a phone but with NO signal. It’s his grotesque mouth that has caused all the chaos, division, mayhem and sorrow.
Trump could be heard from Montana, with or without a phone.
I LOVE IT!!! A phone -- but with no signal!!! Can't stop laughing! First time in two days. Thank you!
In an unraked national Forest that is on fire!