Huzzah to Jeff, Swalwell, Schiff and Lieu!!!

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To me, this one hits the hardest. These are precious words:

“Trump’s campaign manager, felon. Trump’s deputy campaign manager, felon. Trump’s foreign policy advisor, felon. Trump’s lawyer. Trump’s political advisor, felon. Trump’s fundraiser, felon. it is not the fault of the Department of Justice that Donald Trump surrounded himself with criminals.”

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According to the Constitution the DOJ will indict law breakers. They, being law breakers, do not want Democracy to win. If they win they will look to harm Democracy lovers for whom crime is not a way of life.

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…and they will get pardoned.

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understatement of the year. But glad it is CLEAR!

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Excellent explanation of current events.

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He gathered the worst republicans to be in his cabinet, real shady guys who were so awful they were pushed out of power by "W"'s lot. The slime of the swamp. I'm just surprised he didn't hire Gingrich who was trying to get his nose back in the public trough like the swine he is . He did appoint his helmet-haired harpy of a wife to be the ambassador to the Vatican. Pope Francis looked miserable in having his picture taken, with one of the ghouls who was photographed smiling at Auschwitz.

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If he wins another term, his cabinet members will all be adherents to Project 2025. It will be much worse.

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If the pace of his disintegration is any indication, by the second debate, and certainly by the time of the election, he will have lost control of his saliva and will make less sense than my cockatoo. Who isn't a talker.

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Wonder of wonders he's an overweight swine.

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Great talking points, if only Democrats could bring themselves to get down and dirty--and effective.

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It physically made me sick.

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The accordion thing with his hands and the self-applause make me sick

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Yes. I think it began and ended with the strongest statements against Trump. He cannot go to all sorts of places as a convicted felon. It is amazing that there are so many places he can still go.

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A thing of beauty, is it not?

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All are Stated Truths, All are Factual Truths. Just Plain Truth !

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I'll second that, maybe third it!

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They all get my undying gratitude and if I die tomorrow, they’ll still have it. I’m putting it into my will.

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Let's hope it's not your death but theirs!

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Much appreciated!

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Now that's a high moral standard—if you buy something that doesn't work properly, do your best to sell it to someone else. Will she inform them that she's selling them crap?

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I know, right? not one lick of what Spartz said made any sense

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I grew up in KY... The politicians - even Republicans (old style) - used to be able to speak in complete sentences. Now they all go the Comer Fudd School of Post-Apocalyptic Grammar. I am really looking forward to our beating their socks off in the election and all of them getting together to secede.

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Republicans today want to sound like they are on the lowest level of the dumbest MAGAT. “I'm just like you!”

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The best example of that is the idiot (southern drawl sounds like he is channeling Foghorn Leghorn) John Neely Kennedy, from Lousiana. He is a Rhodes scholar and thus studied at Oxford. Yet always sounds like a total moron with a mouthful of marbles.

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He pisses me off the most, because he's the least genuine person to ever walk the Earth. He was a Democrat, well a Dixiecrat, until he decided he could make more money as a Republican.

AND, he graduated cum laude from Magdalene College at Oxford, yet talks like he just fell off the turnip truck out in backwoods LousyAnna.

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Thank you, DonP for "Lousyanna" 🤣 I have an idiot MAGAt neighbor from there! I can't wait to call her home state, "Lousyanna" to her face!! She is a retired RN who speaks like the kennedy idiot from "Lousyanna!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Oops! I spelled it wrong! Correction: LousyAnna. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Tried to like 6 times over substack wouldn't let me.

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I did not know that! What a performance!

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Yes, Wonkette is a font of so much background in these disengenuous slugs!

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Seriously?! He comes off as such a doof! 🙄

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Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas...

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She’s the flea in this case

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Obviously a graduate of the tRmp school of public speaking!

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Is that a course in Trump University?

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Little doubt.

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I read it three times, then had to stop because I was getting woozy.

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Yup. Somebody at Fox “Mews” probably developed a migraine trying to edit that piece of s**t!”

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shit for brains are immune to migraines I think.....

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These fidiots don't get headaches, they give them.

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One has to have a functioning brain to get migraines.

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Just like their convicted dipshit leader who's getting worse by the day. Their ability to speak about anything that makes any damn sense is on par with the orange turd's qualifications and leadership skills.

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He’s so Idi Amin! Twins from different mothers and eras.

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Meeester Gahrland

Duz D at Mean I cant nit sell mi A10 Vorthawg??????? If I Don t like ir anymore....


When is this going to stop?

History will look back at this time period and historians will not be too kind to us

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And not one teensy bit of empathy for the victims of the guns. 500 guns! Guns kill people. Guns turn human flesh into unrecognizable goo. If someone turned a gun on Spartz and blew a hole in her knee before holding the gun to her skull maybe all the Hollywood glamorous violence would suddenly slip away and that stupid, insensitive bitch would have some humility and appreciate why millions of Americans want gun control.

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I keep thinking about that whenever a MAGAt brings up the name of the GA woman who was killed by a suspected undocumented immigrant. So one person is killed by an undocumented immigrant and we should expel EVERY SINGLE ONE, and yet they whistle past the graveyard when the topic of the thousands of people killed by our unfettered access to and obsession with guns. Hypocrisy isn't a bug, it's a feature for them.

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School shootings are their brand of post-birth abortion.

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Or as I phrase it: retroactive birth control. That’s the only kind the Repugnants permit.

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It's not hypocrisy - they just believe that only the "right people" - ahem - should have guns.

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Lol! Of course... She will be happy to screw another maga member! This shows their ethics and true personality. They do not respect each other. Thank you!

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Maybe she can sabotage a crime spree by selling the defective gun to a BLACK MAN or IMMIGRANT!

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It shows her lack of ethics and they only have fake personas

As well as they are unable to speak sensibly…ever…


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She proves thinking can hurt.

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I love the laidback lifestyle of Indiana but horribly disgusted/disappointed at any congress person from there.

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I can't help thinking that if Garland had gone after Trump and the J6 conspiracy traitors full throttle when the GOP Senate refused to convict, instead of wasting YEARS on hand wringing and going after foot soldiers, we wouldn't be dealing with this nightmare now, staring down the barrel of another election that the GOP is doing its best to subvert and rig.

He held himself well yesterday, but he bears part of the responsibility for how this has gotten so out of control, with timid prosecutions and far too much deference and preferential treatment towards tRump and his capos.

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I ask myself that constantly. Why weren’t the Congress critters who texted “it’s 1776!” and refused to certify the election results, arrested on 1/7 & held pending trial???

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Yes, I agree.Those members of Congress who were aiding and abetting Trump on J6 need not to have their jobs and need also to be held accountable as much as the Orange Convicted Felon.What did the cameras that are all over the People’s House show about who was where etc on that nightmare of a day?Who rigged the place?The most ghoulish of the MAGATS who are foaming at the mouth about the results of the trial are also probably the biggest hitters on J6 including Holy Mike who is in his own class of pious, criminal creepery.

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Why indeed. And why are they allowed to hold office when they were up to their necks in the insurrection? We need to get tough on these miscreants.

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That was Lauren boebert’s work 🤬

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I agree and had it not been for the Jan 6 Committee, I wonder if anything at all would have happened.

If Garland had gotten right on it, trump would not have been an official candidate yet which is a huge part of the problem.

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I don't know how much inefficiency was involved, but I know that you have to sweat the foot soldiers first before you get good evidence against the mob bosses.

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There is a mountain of evidence that we know about, and god knows how much more we don't know about yet. He sat on it for 2 years before appointing Jack Smith.

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Feckless and scared to do his fucking job.

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He's a republican what did we expect?


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What if Biden offered to pre-pardon any foot soldiers who wanted out? What would happen?

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Absofuckinglutely!! I am happy that Garland stood up against the maga-maggots yesterday, but he is not free of guilt! He waited FAR TOO LONG to hold people accountable! 😡

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And now Biden is pussyfooting it around the conviction. The DNC told Democrats in MO running for state office not to run on it.

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To me, this one hits the hardest. These are precious words:

“Trump’s campaign manager, felon. Trump’s deputy campaign manager, felon. Trump’s foreign policy advisor, felon. Trump’s lawyer. Trump’s political advisor, felon. Trump’s fundraiser, felon. it is not the fault of the Department of Justice that Donald Trump surrounded himself with criminals.”

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“deranged half-wits” is right! I wouldn’t even say “half…” maybe 1/8? 1/34? lol. Great job to the Democrats who aren’t taking any of their shit! (I have to stop swearing….pretty soon! hmmmm) lol

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No, we don't! I am a liberal user of really descriptive adjectives, you know, like fucking assholes, bitch on wheels, fuck off and die, just things I've picked up in my 73 years. I get up every morning, choosing profanity, to get my day off to a good start.

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are we related???!!!!!🤣🤣🤣

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We fucking could be!! 😂😂

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And we are a mighty sisterhood!

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I agree I don't trust anyone who doesn't ocassionally drop a well place F-bomb!

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Fucking A! Ethereal fairy Natalie!

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'kna, Sistah!

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I like your style, Cheryl! I blame my foul mouth on a career in advertising. 😂😂😂

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Mine came from 10 years working in a residential psychiatric hospital. I found out on my first day that FUCK is a noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, dangling participle, proper name.......

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Decades ago, I heard a story on NPR about a guy witnessing two kitchen workers who had an entire conversation using only the word "fuck." It was how it was said that implied the meaning. It is a word for all seasons and reasons.

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Hey Susan! I hear that Dominion still has a pending defamation suit against Newsmax. Just FYI.

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Thats excellent…I forgot about Newsmax. 👍

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Me, too!

Spent the first half of my career in advertising and the second half in network television.

I'm soooo fucked!

I have a story, though. I was studying Italian and the professor told a story. He was in class (in Italy) and they were discussing the usage of the word, 'fuck' or its Italian equalvalent. A classmate said that she, being Roman had a column of expressions that used 'fuck'. He replied that being from Calabria, he had six pages.

I'm a NYer. I say fuck like I breathe.

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Awesome! 😂😂😂

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Love your attitude! I also am 73 and didn’t start swearing until Trump appeared! It’s the only way to cope with this fucking madness!

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Me too, at 74, and in Mormon Utah... I have to choose profanity or die. I would explode!

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My cussing has increased exponentially, s?in a Samuel L Jackson manner, since the Orange Diaper Load oozed down the escalator in 2015.

Keep speaking out Tess, it's a stress reliever, like Everyone's Entitled to My Own Opinion!

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Nah, the gqp has brought out the nasty words in us 🤬

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I find I’m enjoying it.

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Right?! My evil twin has emerged from its cocoon and it has facts and fangs.

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Ha, ha, ha. Me, too. Probably after November.

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Tess, let's make this a thing: "deranged 34th wits" hahahahahahahahaha

It's meaningful! 😁😄😉

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Sold! 😂😂😂😂😂

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I would put Jordan more in the junkyard dog category than yapdog but that’s just my personal opinion.

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How about a staggering junkyard dog with an obvious case of brain worms?

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All those fuckwits have brain worms. They feed them to each other.

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The worms crawl in

The worms crawl out

The worms play Russian Roulette

On his snout.

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The worms all eventually die due to lack of oxygen,

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Leaving them without a brain at all

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Yes plenty of cranium space for more worms.

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I’m with you, Mike. He is scum and needs to STFU! What an absolute degenerate he is and has been for years. Come on America, we have to do better than this!

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Fun fact-He is chairman of the judiciary committee but never passed the bar exam in his state (or any other state).

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And spokesmodel Steve Bannon said that Shitler, Jr. should be Shitler's AG. Oy!

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Why isn’t that mf’er Bannon not in jail yet?????

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When he does get there, drying out and dt's are going to be a bitch in jail. Stroke comin' on while incarcerated.

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Perfect scenario for the POS! Bring it on!!!

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We can only hope!

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And so gerrymandered into his district that he’ll always torment us with his stupidity

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It looks like a duck!

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Jordan is the junkyard dog that's always licking his ball sack.

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Yes and that ballsack is my Congressional district in Ohio that he is responsible for legislating.

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and still can't get it up

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A toothless junkyard dog.

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The most mean spirited people on this planet.

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Thank you Eric Swalwell! He continues to expose the Trump cult in Congress to save our democracy and I resent anyone on here who has tried to tear him down.

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Just wish it mattered

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rebel rousing does matter because it inspires us to fight and go on. it is unifying at a time in our lives we'd rather just say fuck it and not get out of bed. it's good medicine.

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We need now, more than ever before, to illustrate the stark contrast between the Dems who actually want to govern to make our lives better and the Rethuglicans who want to rule and fuck us over stealing whatever they can.

Democrats care about people. Rethuglicans care about money. Period.

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money and i'd add revenge

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..and I’d add to avoid being indicted should they lose the election.

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A truly salient point.

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And criming.

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Folks from the East Bay don’t play.

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Eric Swalwell represents the district next to mine. I couldn’t be more proud of him and his continual and successful attempts at proving the hypocrisy, the lies and the vileness of the republican party. Kudos to Reps Schiff and Lieu. California is proud!

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Jeff, I take offense at you comparing that half dressed, half baked, brain dead, x rated wrestling coach and all around idiot dick head… with my little Shih Tzu Miss Victory… why yes ….she whines and barks but has nothing over Jordan and for that I’m thankful. Jeff, keep up the hit parade, keep hitting these idiots because a cult is a cult is a cult… Just ask anyone in North Korea about cults.

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My beagles are whiny and annoying but they’re nowhere near gym’s level of whiny and annoying. I want to punch him in his stupid Gollum face! He’s so gross 🤢

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He's an embarrassment to we Ohioans!!

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I agree that Jeff has gratuitously insulted Tiny Yappy dogs, but I would be personally indifferent if all Chihuahuas disappeared from the face of the Earth.

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My grand chihuahua takes offense to that! He could chew trump's leg off from the ankle down in 2 minutes!

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That would definitely transform my opinion of Chihuahuas.

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And we could sell tickets and erase all student debt🤣🥰🤗

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No dissing dogs - ever!

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That's not kind. I take care of animals, and chihuahuas are smart and sweet. You probably knew horrible chihuahua owners!!

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I freely admit it's a personal prejudice. I just haven't ever had a positive experience with a Chihuahua. My neighbor two doors down the block has a few that can be heard quite clearly from inside the house. I'm sure there are wonderful Chihuahuas out there, but they remain a rumor to me. Also, my first encounter with a Chihuahua is when one humped my leg when I was 6 years old and ejaculated on me. There's a history here.

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Sounds like you have presented an appropriate amount of facts to justify your opinion. I stand by you!

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Let's all stay Higher Mind here. And acknowledge what happened to you. Jeff Tiedrich is doing an amazing job. In my heart ❤️ he was using YAP as metaphor.

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hey I live in Mexico, and I agree!

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they are our little ones

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My Birdie Sanders is half chihuahua and half Italian greyhound... a greyhuahua.

She would take Mr. Whiny Gymshorts right down, and eat his face!! 😉😁

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Please, just stay in higher mind and be effective.

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Fuck Jeff, I think you forgot a fuck, as in rat fuck fingers......

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fuckity fuck fuck

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Don’t get fancy now 😆✨

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I'm looking forward to a day when it will make sense for you to write a column that consists only of the word fuck. Just as you so brilliantly and amazingly wrote a column that consisted just of the word ha. I think the day may be the day that Trump reports to prison.

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That’s the column I’ll personally write if LDFF gets elected.

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If ldff gets sentenced a real prison, on whichever charge it may be, I may write Hallelujah 50 times. In as many languages as I can muster.

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All the trials have been ‘postponed’ until after the election. The chances of them ever happening is about 50%.

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I’m still partial to fuckity bye. That just killed me.

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That's better!😆😆

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No rants today from me! What a pleasure watching Orange Judas' monkeys drop from their perches. Thank you for always bringing their latest act! For a second, I forgot they're holding the nation hostage with that nonsense. Bravo to Garland. Wasn't sure he had in him.

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Ah, but Congressman Swalwell, those countries that felon Trump can't visit? He won't be going there. He's going to fuck off in Fuckoffistan, where all the fuckweasels gather to fuck themselves.

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and the fucking horses they fucking rode in on.

(i love horses btw)

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All hail Eric Swalwell!

and when is jimmy jordz going to explain what happened when he was ass coach for THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY'S wrestling team?

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I don’t know how to say this but I’ll go one word at a time.

All this stalling by the judiciary and all this time wasting and ‘lookie here’ by the House gets me to thinking that it’s not to defend Trump at all, nor is it really to get even. It’s to give them time to arm and organize themselves because they know they won’t win the election. They most likely intend to say it was stolen again while influencing the vote in several effective ways. Mail, intimidation at voting places, gerrymandering, even tampering with voting machines or trading them out for their own machines.

This stalling and red herring hearings is a strategy. I can’t help but conclude it’s a well planned takeover in the offing.

So many MAGA believe the 2020 election was stolen and believe they are defending their beloved country even if it means arming themselves. So of course the strategists will use that.

Something to consider.

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Agree that one party can go ahead and do the unthinkable while the Democratic Party is tethered to the rule of law. Dems fail to think like criminals and miss the thread or respond to the threat too carefully. If I were the Department of Justice, I would go after any and all members of Congress who broke the law. No fucking around these people test the boundaries don’t obey subpoenas and are getting away with it. I would do shock and awe law enforcement tell them bite me.

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What would you do about the Supreme Court?

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They have violated their own ethics standards. Senator Durbin needs to get in front of the cameras and explain everything that is going on. How Justice Roberts refused to meet after Alito lied. They need to hit them relentlessly until Alito and Thomas recuse or resign. The impropriety is too overwhelming to be ignored. They should have a camera and updates every day they are ignored.

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disagree, i truly believe all this is to distract from trump's conviction. it's a "hey, see how bad these guys are and they're punishing our guy?"

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I used to think that. But Trump knows where the bodies are. He himself is willing to blackmail every one of them. They don’t love him. They love their own selves and families. Him going down means their own secrets could surface. Things they did for Trump. Maybe other things like accepting money from ‘sources’. So yeah they’re desperate.

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Maybe Trump paid them to lie, cheat and steal for him and they agreed. See Jay Kuo’s Substack for today.

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“all the while waving his arms and pointing his rat-fingers, oh reallying this and point of ordering that.” 👏👏 headed to the archives.

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Clowns on one side, serious and intelligent people on the other side.

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And stuck in the middle? The Rule of Law.

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