I *really* need to remember to stop reading your posts when I'm attempting to drink my morning coffee....

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Jeff, since when did Nazis make any sense? We know Nazis hate anyone or anything that are not Nazis. Fuck em and the panzer they rode in on.

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These guys didn't ride in on a panzer. More like a Big Wheel.

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Great Blues Brother reference!

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Good for the Sheriff!!! On a side note, I believe it’s illegal for anyone other than the postal service or the owner to access a mailbox. I wouldn’t normally care about a flier, but I’d prosecute these guys for opening mine.

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The #GOP is the Party of the #Confederacy

This Isn’t Lincoln.

It was once a political party, now it’s a nihilistic, corrupt, fake populist scam.

#DavidRothkopf #RedditPolitics @thedailybeast


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It reminds me of a kid who is asking, since there is a Mothers Day and Father's day, "when is it kids day?" to which its parents point out that everyday is Children's day.

Every day in this fucking country - including this day because, Nazis, is "white people's holiday".

[Note to Jeff: I really like being able to say "fucking" in comments on your stack. Very liberating.]

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True on most of substack, true on medium (what's left of it since the TRAs took over), true on most comment sections outside major newspapers'.

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Florida. Can’t live with it …..wait, how does the rest of this go? Cuz, I think you CAN shoot it? Legally? Thank you dear Sheriff, you are def swimmin’ upstream.

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Sheriff Chitwood be watching that Blues Brothers scene on an infinite loop and chuckling every time they jump off the bridge. He's my guy.

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Well, Lordy be, a sane somebody with serious power in Florida saying something sane and NORMAL. We will forevermore be able to always identify the "Nazis" and Trumpsters if no other way by the way they spell the easy words, like "moran" and "santance" and most that are two syllables and up, but they do not neglect the really short words either so don't dispair. They'll let you know what whatever harebrained weird proclamations and warnings they give. One of these days, we're going to figure out exactly how to counter them and make everybody laugh out loud in their faces. We just haven't figured out quite how to be dumb enough yet, something they can understand.

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well, it is Floriduh

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This Juneteenth, Remember the GOP Is the Neo-Confederate Party.

The holiday isn’t just about emancipation, it’s about the defeat of the traitorous Confederacy. The modern Republican Party is its natural successor. #RedditPolitics @thedailybeast


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tRump, three toes, and boobert are still tied for first place as to having uttered the stupidest fucking things ever heard, but this does come a close second. Again, thanks for the hearty laugh, as usual.

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"find the enemy. Attack. Kill"

— Quarlo's helmet

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It’s making more and more sense for the State of Florida to simply snap itself off from the rest of the United States and float away.

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It will be the first state to go underwater.


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They should not have closed the mental institutions. Sigh.

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