Pretty much a perfect piece here, mate. Well done!

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If the MSM spent 99% less time grifting off this despicable monster, and more time debunking his lies and seditious record as POTUS, our country would be healthier and more capable of preventing the harm he and his ilk inflicted upon us. Covering his indictment and subsequent trial is one thing, but covering his continuing, disruptive, circus is craven, complicit, and unmerited.

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Robert, you have summed it up perfectly. It's as though Drumph were free crack, and the 24-hour talking heads were crawling through broken glass in the alley to get more. They can't get enough; but I sure have.

All the free media they gave this guy in 2016 probably contributed to the electoral 'college' tossing him the Presidency. The voters sure didn't.

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According to some of these people, trump is a tattooed muscled up giant. To others he’s suffering Christ on the cross. I wish they’d make up their tiny minds.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Further down @Acyn 's post is a video of Lindsay in the past on CNN saying, "here's what he's [Trump] selling..." seemed like an audition tape followed up after with his true feelings.

And I loved the Cocaine Bear reference, but definitely hard to watch Jr speaking so much without saying anything at all.

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Cocaine Bear is so great that I burn with jealousy at not having thought of it first

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Trump plane takes off in Florida, heads to New York for court surrender

This might make me a terrible person, but I will say that if I were the NYC cop there, I would frog march Trump to a squad car and bash his head on the car roof while stuffing him in the backseat, and to hell with the policeman retirement benefits.

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I often wondered, what if..

While in Walter Reed he got saline & sugar pills instead of the best Covid care in the world? Just me thinking about the "greater good,," but of course there would be no court of law type justice he so richly deserves. And the morons that follow him like a trained lemmings? THEY have explaining to do.

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Delusional they are. Have you noticed that all of the hopes and dreams, (oh for fucks sake), of people ‘showing their better angels’ has just been the last words out of anyone’s mouths in years?? Anyone who ever bought that line of bullshit did not know how really bad things could get... enter the Trump clown entourage full of clowns and fools.

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The self deluded outrage-industrial complex has to keep it up till the bitter bitter end of the end which probably won’t even happen on their death beds. Most of them know that they signed on to follow their dear leader, lie lie lie lie lie lie for him, contradict themselves by the hour for him, embarrass themselves for history and all time. The lemming followers are addicted to Fuks not News and won’t turn it off. They like the rage-high they get and choose to maintain their delusions. It would be laughable that millions of people looked at this orange rotting fuckface and thought he would be their hero, but it’s just beyond sickening.

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"these guys. these fucking guys. how fucking delusional do you have to be to look at a deteriorating old garbage scow and see Rambo." Just the fact that so many articles like the online cards and the paintings and AI art are coming out with some 'superhero' body with a Trump head has to be one of the best indictments of how frantic his people are to cover up reality. The fact they feel the need to overhaul Trumps real image into these warrior costumes speaks volumes. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how this plays out this week. Are we watching the season premier of many episodes to come of the 'Trump Indictments-' reality show? I am guessing it will get better ratings than the last time he tried a TV show.

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The mental picture of Trump working out in a Crossfit gym just made me snort.

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I think Yellowstone Cowboy is hilarious! The scourge of Queens, does not have a set of bull’s testicles hanging from a nonexistent trailer hitch on truck he’s never driven. Does he know how to drive? I’ll bet that’s a big, fat NO. How about shooting a gun? That’s a negatory. Ride a horse? Don’t make me laugh!

Reality Trump is dead on the pot with his head stuck in a bucket of KFC, and his cell phone where the sun don’t shine. Melania with a satisfied smirk reflected in the gold vein mirrors.

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Is anyone else angry about Leslie Stahl’s softball interview of Marjorie Taylor Green? She asked no follow up questions and allowed MTG to control the narrative. She denied being antisemitic - Stahl didn’t bring up “Jewish space lasers.” She asked MTG about her embrace of QAnon but asked no questions about conspiracy theories that MTG embraced. (Hillary runs a child trafficking ring from the basement of a pizza parlor??) Stahl didn’t press MTG about Jan. 6th or her calls for violence against Democrats. I don’t give a fuck about Crossfit or her gym, I want to know why she called for red states to secede - and calling her a stupid piece of shit isn’t an answer.

This was such a soft interview that MTG could have written it herself, if only she had two brain cells to rub together.

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I think we're all pretty livid about it

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They just keep digging a deeper hole. I wonder if they've thought about where on the opposite side of the globe they'll emerge?

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I would love it if the NY channels would televise these clowns getting in a dust up with NYC policemen.

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I'd prefer all of them switching to Benny Hill reruns until it's over and Drumph is back on his golf hotel jet.

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But then, Benny Hill is too intellectual for them.

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“how fucking delusional do you have to be to look at a deteriorating old garbage scow and see Rambo.” Lol. Pretty fucking delusional. They sound like toddlers who found out Santa Claus isn’t real.

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You’re the fucking man!❤️😎

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Like Lindsey Graham tried to say trump should become a Heavy Metal Kid (Tri)

It's like a normal Times Square day on 42nd Street

I feel like trashing some windows and crunching some feet. I watch society crumble and I just laugh (hee hee). They soon will see what it's like to be the other half

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Reading DC Reporting news recently addressed the Waco Rally didn't have "thousands," but at most around 1500 people something that even NYTs could accurately have reported by - counting the cars and estimating the capacity. But no, better to keep that circus going I assume.

Sheesh pitiful.

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Fucking A+ well said!

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