Kudos to Biden on the off-shore drilling ban. I'm hoping he tosses in a few more "fuck yous" to the melon felon before January 20th.

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I hope he rules to protect Alaskan wilderness while he’s at it.

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will such protections stick tho - trump doesn't care about rules and laws

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The offshore protections are specified as permanent, so...

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like trump give a damn about laws, rules, practice

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By the time the orange traitors' efforts to thwart the environmental protections get anywhere in the courts, he'll be out of office.

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Rather dubious Gina!!

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The Orange Blob already said his "lawyers" are working on it!!

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He already did.

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I hope Joe pardons the brave patriots who testified before the Jan 6th committee. They do not deserve harassment nor can afford legal fees. Joe - the clock is ticking.

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Can’t pardon them- no crimes were committed.

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That's never stopped Republicans before,they make up the crimes as they go.

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Oh, yes. . .

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I’m hoping too!!

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Thoroughly disgusting…I’m not watching any news today (bday) as I cannot fathom that the nazi’s won and some idiots I know voted for it. Blah. Felon, grifter, rapist, asshole…..

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Today and every day for the foreseeable future when it comes to these greedy fools.

Recently I came upon a local news item about a man from South Tucson who runs a small business cleaning up what is a very under served area. He often hires homeless people to work for him, paying them and also feeding them. He noted that most of them work beyond the contracted time.

I’m going to focus on that guy, just a guy doing something for his community out of pride in his barrio. I grew up 6 blocks north of here and cannot express how awesome this is.


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Just sent their link to The Daily Beast - they sometimes run feel good stories. And these guys deserve all the publicity and support they can get. (Unlike some. . . )

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Got on mail list. Donating. This is beyond awesome.

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In Saint Paul Mn they are paying homeless people $20.00 per hour to clean up the city Marie, they have certain hours and days to work because of the volume of homeless people, but I love the idea!

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That’s wonderful. We need more creative ideas like this as implemented in TVA by FDA in Great Depression.

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Thank you for posting that link. I live in Tucson and got on their Instagram and Facebook page.

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"in Donald Trump’s White House..."

You mean he hasn't spray painted it gold yet?

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Don't worry. Melanie will soon be there decorating the place in Early Bordello style.

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I am sure Putin, who plastered her nude pics all over Russian television will be coming up with a show to mock Melania, or perhaps Trump. He needs everyone to know he is on top, not Trump and not Musk.

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The world waits to see what Putin will run on Russian State TV in response to notorious sex pest Brett Ratner's 'documentary' on Melania when it's released on Amazon Prime Video in the fall.

Be Best.

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Yeah, like with those godawful red Christmas trees. One thing you can say about that couple: they're definitely in unison when it comes to tackiness. She showed who she was when she took out Jackie's Rose Garden. Skank.

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And remember she put in a "tennis pavilion", like the White House was her forever home, not a transitory place they were passing through. I hope she never goes there again, and he drops dead before Jan 20th.

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Together they will make it look like a taudry brothel. If they live there. My thought is that Melania is going to live in NY, and trump is going to run business from Maga-Largo, so his every move, meeting and decision can't be recorded. Beware.

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Spray guns are probably filled and the White House sign will most likely be replaced with a sign with the motherf**ker's name! 🤬

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Give him a minute……….

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Jan 6
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Or "King Osric" (the usurrrrperrrr)

As an insurrectionist. he is not constitutionally eligible to hold the Presidency or any other federal office. The office will become vacant, and the constitutional republic in a state of suspension, if not death.

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Details of election interference and fraud are finally surfacing. It’s criminal the way the execrable wastrel has turned a certain prison cell into an ATM! Even more offensive to pardon the mob that beat police into submission to gain access into the capitol! The fact that the keys to the presidency are being gladly turned over to a career criminal and insurrectionist, flies in the face of the constitution! Thanks for laying out the truth Jeff. Forgive me for not smiling today!!

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Spot on Patrick. The orange turd from hell will continue to line his filthy pockets by grifting, taking money for favors and violating the Emoluments Clause. A proposed Trump Library which is a joke in itself will never see a cent from that $200 million. It's another example of blatant fraud and a library honoring a twice impeached, horseshit shoveling, treasonous convicted felon who never reads should never be built.

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Yeah, but look on the bright side - that "library" is going to be a boon to comic book sales. . .

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Or porn magazines with the first lady "gracing" some of the covers.

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I was thinking ‘zines’ written with Sharpies.

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His ‘Presidential Library’ could fit in a closet. Since we know Dumbass doesn’t/can’t read, it will be filled with unsold Chinese bibles.

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Rick, I wonder if inaugural slush fund, $ from selling merch, now $200 million for "library" is available for E. Jean Carroll & NY's $454 million?

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You hope that he would have to give all of that cash to her and NY. Hell, they're nailing Rudy for contempt so his convicted boss should be as well.

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It damned sure should be!! 🤬🤬🤬

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if the evidence is telling and significant enough, I wish VP would delay certification of the election (if she hasn't already done so in advance) and halt the inauguration until a complete, thorough forensic audit is conducted on the election outcome.

And they should do it republican style, by taking their sweet ass time doing so.

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That would definitely cause the madman to blow a gasket or two. So disturbing that the White House is once again going to be headquarters for a major crime syndicate.

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yeah well, too bad, he would do the same if he lost..and yes everything for sale now...

Whitehouse is a world wide crime syndicate... yep

and no one wants to stop him... the only ones who care and concerned about all this are American democrats and some Canadians, that is all... no one is circumventing all this.. i cannot believe it.. this will be worse than Hitler.

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Sadly James the time limit has expired for a recount IIRC???

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You're correct, Patrick.

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All states have audited their results in the customary manner. There is no evidence whatsoever of any shenanigans. Please don't turn Trumpish just because you don't want to believe that half of America has joined the cult: that's the reality and we need to face it.

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Certification had to be done today. Also, it's too late for a recount in any swing state. I checked. 😡

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Birthday!!?? Well, thats something we can be happy about, Tess! Make it all about you today! 🎉🎉

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Thanks Susan! I already had a “shot” of red wine reading Jeff! But I’ll wait till later to enjoy another! lol

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Happy Birthday 🎂

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Be Best Today ❤️.

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I don't think I have any open wine, but I do have an open bottle of bourbon. Heading out to the kitchen now...

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I finished a quarter tea cup of bourbon and again Tess, a very happy birthday.

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Happy Happy Tess

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Happy Birthday!!

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Definitely a multi red wine day! Enjoy!

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Have a very Happy Birthday, Tess! 🎉

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Thanks Susan!

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💐💐💐I second the motion! 💐💐💐

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I third it.

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Happy Birthday! Today marks our 41st anniversary! We were getting ready to go out to celebrate our 37th 4 years ago when we made the mistake of glancing at the TV before hitting the off button. We cancelled our plans and watched in disbelief. The travesty that was unfolding in real time before our eyes and the eyes of millions of others was surreal. The throngs of Magats denigrating OUR capitol will never leave our memories. Shame on McConnell for not pushing for impeachment in the Senate and shame on Merrick Garland for not starting at the top. The BS of going after the low hanging fruit was just that...BS! We, too, know idiots who voted for the orange shit stain, including my own daughter. They've allowed themselves to be brainwashed. Attempting to discuss why voting for a felon, grifter, rapist, asshole (your description is perfect) was wrong on many levels just falls on deaf ears. Their "leader" is always right. WTF! As Hillary once said, deprogramming will be needed. My husband and I (ages 73 & 71) hope to live to see the day justice is done but after watching the motherf**ker get back into the WH, we have our doubts we'll live to see it. Sucks for what is to come for all of our children and grandchildren if the Magats are not stopped. Thoroughly disgusting is so spot on!

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Happy Anniversary to you and yours. Kinda hard to be jolly today, but best wishes anyway.

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So crazy! Well——Happy Anniversary—and let’s hope it’s not too late for the truth to sink in for our family and friends….🤞🏼

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I haven’t watched the news since Jan. 2nd!! I can’t look at that stinky clown 🤡 and his orange giant pores in his face…oh and the sphincter mouth!!

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Doreen, he does have the UGLIEST mouth, so puckery for his fuckery.

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Actually, today is the day to watch despite the crummy outcome. We have returned to the place we should be. An acknowledgement and acceptance of the vote despite how much we detest it. I can think of no greater rebuke to MAGA, we Dems cling to our Constitution. And, I will never forget nor forgive the GOP of post 1/6/2021. Trump returns solely from their craven lust for power.

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... and traitor.

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Happy Birthday Tess! 🎉✨🎂

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How many readers have canceled their Amazon Prime accounts? I really want to know...thinking I need to do that.

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Not me. I cannot get to stores so need Amazon to deliver stuff. I will not read New York Times, Washington Post or Chicago Tribune. I do not listen to NPR or MSNBC since they have joined the Big Three in giving Donnie's side the Truth side. Just Tiedrich, Legum, Heather Cox Richardson and Joyce Vance. That is my news.

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Yes, Mary, I'm in the same boat as you. My current lack of mobility has me using every delivery service possible to fulfill even my weekly grocery haul. It's an expensive way to live, but I have no choice. In the meantime, I'm as active on social media as I can be, constantly calling out Trump and his MAGATS wherever and whenever possible. Plus, my news now comes from the Internet, period. In fact, I haven't yet started ripping ABC and George Stephanopoulos a new one for capitulating to Dear Leader. I'd better get on that!

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Me, too. (Or me, three.) No mo WAPO, but I rely on Amazon to deliver items that are not available locally and/or which are too heavy and/or unwieldy for me to shlepp from shelves to cart to car to house.

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Me four. But there is guilt.

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Me five. As an author, I have few choices for my work. It reaches every part of the globe.

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Bless you for doing your part. I hope you will regain your mobility soon.

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George didn’t cave, his network’s owners did.

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From my perspective, George caved as well. He's a millionaire many times over and has been paid $15 million per year for his job at GMA and for, perhaps, hosting his Sunday political show (which he often doesn't host, Jonathon Karl does the job). Yes, the network caved first, but George had to also issue a verbal apology to Dear Leader. If I were George, I either would have resigned out of protest or, at minimum, I'd be plotting my exit at some point in the near future. He has enough money to continue his life style, plus he has his own production company. He could create his own new job and his next career move. Instead, he signs a new, multi-year deal with ABC for God knows how many more gazillions in salary. Perhaps he negotiated a sweet deal for himself since he (perhaps) was forced to capitulate along with ABC, so they gave him a consolation prize of a ton more money. Who knows. In the end, my mind is made up -- ABC and GMA suck, and George does too for not have a back bone and staunch journalistic principles.

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I’ve never watched GMA nor George’s other show at all. Didn’t know that much about him, just knew it was “the boss’s decision; but you are correct, he could stand up for his values & resign.

I so admire Medhi Hasan who continued to speak about Gaza, even when his views were unpopular with the msm & had to leave msnbc over it.

That is why, when I saw that he was starting his own production co, I immediately subscribed as a founding member. I’m hoping that good journalists, like Maddow, Reid, & O’Donnell will find a new home on Zeteo, The Bulwark, or Meidas Touch when NBC inevitably pushes them to tone down the anti-trump talking points.

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I also need Amazon, since I can no longer drive. I hate that. Like you, all of the major media is out for me (except Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC). It all makes me sick. In addition to your news sources, I also read Timothy Snyder, Jay Kuo, Rick Stevens, Steven Beschloss, Robert Hubbell, Dan Rather, and Dr. Bandy X. Lee, among a few others. People have suggested using other outlets which deliver, such as Walmart -- which makes me laugh: the Waltons are as disgusting as Bezos.

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Hi! I will soon in that category. I can rely on my sons .,but...that is also not so great..losing one's independence is hard...Thinking of you. 🥰

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Thanks, Ingrid! I'm glad that your sons can help you out. Unless one is unable to drive, it's difficult to realize how much our independence is based on our ability to drive, and makes sense why isolation and loneliness become such major issues for the elderly who are confined to their homes -- particularly those who live alone by choice or by circumstance.

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Check this young woman out on You Tube as well. Nothing but the facts well presented.


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She’s right, SPW. it will be chaotic, as usual. Miller is just salivating to take children away from the undocumented people again. His nominees are highly questionable, one, a crazed-eyed lunatic, another, a white supremacist drunk, and the other, a whore cozying up to Assad and Putin. Actually, their fearless leader is a whore too.

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Thanks for this reference!

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Getting old is not as fun as mom said. Sorry. Am in the same boat 😔.

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My mom never said it was fun! She was blind by 50 (two different eye diseases, one very rare), and had terminal lymphoma by age 64 -- died at age 66. Couldn't drive or read for 15 years. Couldn't get around well. Depressed (had been most of her life, anyway, but all that stuff didn't help.) Did you mother actually say it was fun? Or are you just joking? Sorry that we're in the boat together, although I must say that I love your company. xx

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Mom was always better than everyone at everything including getting old. I love your company too.

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How old was she when she died?

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Agreed KD’s!!

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Some may disagree, but for me, there's also the matter of carbon footprint, kd. Most things I get from Amazon are things I can't get locally (I've checked online). So rather than having someone drive me all over town, or to other towns, and use all that gas, I get things from Amazon, whose trucks are on my street almost every day, anyway.

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I use Amazon as a search engine. Find what I want/need and read the reviews and then buy that product from the actual company. Most times that works. Sometimes you have to buy from Amazon but a lot of the times you can find that product from another vendor.

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For me, the problem is the shipping cost + the difficulty with returns (including once again paying for shipping). Yes, I'm a prime member. It includes the prime TV channel, which is good (and therefore free). I admit it. Not happy to say it, but given what I need it way more than pays for itself.

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A lot of companies offer free shipping and returns. If you’re already online searching for stuff a few minutes researching what the actual company offers is worth it many times.

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Agree on all points, kd.

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