I've been saying this for months. The media needs to seriously SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP AND SHIT THE FUCKING FUCK DOWN ABOUT THE AGE THING.

If the Adderall snorting Diet Coke mainlining Orange Turd wins, I'm going to seriously blame mainstream media.

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The media needs to shut the fuck up in general. They fellate the orange walking clusterfuck every day for ten years because he's good for ratings. They piss on Joe because he doesn't give them tens of thousands of clicks because he shuts up and does his fucking job.

The modern media (Maddow excluded) being a bunch of whores, they all line up to slurp that Orange Crush love juice rather than, I dunno, safeguard democracy or some silly shit like that.

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With you on this!I already partially blame them for delivering this orange sack o sh*t to the American people in 2016 and they are trying to do it again. Try commenting daily about TFG’s slob appearance and his sniveling lying every single day.How about his multitude of crimes against women and others? Enough!

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They were seriously to blame last time too.

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All too true. But Mainstream Media consists of large corporations who only, and I have to repeat this, only care about increasing quarterly profits. These come in the form of advertising dollars, which the corporations can charge a higher price for if they have more viewers, and if they learned one thing from the Trump experiment, it's that he's good for ratings.

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I took blame the media for this entire disgusting mess. How long did it take for any of " the enemy of the people" to use the term LIE. Every time tfg vomited out some Filth the media came in their pants.

No more!

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Every time I turn on the news, I see that ugly orange face. I’m so tired of him. He looks like he’s due for a myocardial infarction or a stroke any day now.

On the other hand, Joe Biden looks calm, cool, and collected. He’s physically fit enough to ride a bike, he takes to international travel like he’s 30 years younger.

There’s no comparison in the fitness of the two of them. I’ll go with Joe every time.

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Spot on. Biden is fit both mentally and physically while the only thing the delirious tangerine turd is fit for is a cell and the years of orange jumpsuits that come with it.

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Oh for sure! Does anyone here even watch the Sunday morning gasbags? I mean really? I can't remember when I totally stopped and it has to be at least 8 years ago. It was BS then. None of these shows are even relevant. Definitely not since Trump was elected. The GOP hasn't had a platform since 2016! The whole thing is a con job.

The truly scary is the New Right. Yes, I thought I knew what that was, some redo of the moral majority but no. These guys don't even pretend to want to work within a democracy because they openly despise it.Currently, I am trying to read the The New Republic's article on anti-democracy think tanks. So f-ing scary it is hard to finish. Eastman, yep one of those 19 in the Georgia coup is part but lots of names and annual dates where the rich fascists meet, while we most likely are not even aware of them and their agenda. Of course, they have a herd of swine & sheep to steer to the next election.

There's a topic for NBC.

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Next on my reading & sharing list!

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Yes, but he's going to be the republican nominee. He's going to booked on a ton of shows going forward. We all need to hold the media accountable to push back on his nonsense when he spouts in an interview. Thinking he won't be booked is a fantasy.

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“Biden is too old” is republican code for “If Biden dies, a black woman will be President.” And the media just ignores that glaring fact staring them in the face.

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Bingo! I have said this all along. The only thing worse than a black POTUS (Obama) is a black female POTUS according to the mostly male, mostly older ruling class. They know that Kamala Harris is fiercely intelligent and is quite accomplished and she would be their worst nightmare.A lot of what is wrong with this country stems back to racism and this is just another example. It's not Biden's age per se that frightens the good ole Congressional ruling boys, it's that his mortality is shorter than a younger man's is(maybe) and this would mean that his female VP would come into play.Biden LOOKS presidential in every sense of the word and can work circles around many men half his age.The media needs to STFU immediately!

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Let's be realistic here folks - most Dems don't like Kamala either. And it's not racism (we all got behind Obama). She's just not a good candidate which is how/why she ended up with the VP job.

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She’s not a good candidate? How so? Compared to who?

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Thank you. Is Kevin related or is his last name coincidental?

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Coincidence, but who knows?

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"I want a woman POTUS, just not that one." Now, where have I heard that before.

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No. The problem was we dems are likely to herd cats then get real behind one person. When some sense came into the race with Biden we FINALLY got real. Almost anyone in the primary would have done a good job, especially Harris. Look at shit for brains we had to deal with for 4 years!

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Nice glass ceiling there.

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I know. I’m curious what the Rs are thinking in their ridiculous impeachment inquiry because if they’re successful then a Black woman will in fact be President.

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OH MY GOD!! I never thought of that!!!!😉

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Why oh why is McConnell still permitted to hold office? Two TIA's right in front of all of us. Trump weighing 215 (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). Why are the doctors lying to us? Why are they protecting sick people who need care?

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I can’t imagine any job Orange Bumblefuck is suited for but it sure as hell isn’t president. He’s already tried that and his ass was fired.

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Cheating at 18 holes of golf is the job for him. In perpetuity.

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Totally fucking man-child with serious narcissistic sociopathic tendencies if not out right a straight up diagnosis.

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He’ll be suited for making license plates in prison this time next year

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Target practise.

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Excellent suggestion. Might I recommend rotten tomatoes to start? Oranges?

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Oranges are great. You might not even be able to tell he's been hit. All the more reason to keep throwing.

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You mean his mouth lol

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It is rather catchy.

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Mick Jagger just turned 80 FFS

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... Paul McCartney...Bob Dylan....Buddy Guy...all singing, moving and touring!!

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I remember Reagan's age being a big issue in 1980. He turned 70, which seemed super ancient to me at 15 and to the press corps of 1980, a couple of weeks into his first term. And he really DID fuck up this country in a big way. But not because of his age. Because he was a reactionary piece of shit.

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I suspect his brain was already unraveling; he wasn't diagnosed with Alzheimer's until it was obvious. He was easily led into the trickle-down financial con job that we're still trying to extricate ourselves from.

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I always make it a point to protect my children's furniture. 🤪

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Is a Yo Semite anti or pro?

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Yo, semites! Get over here!

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🤣 and the oranges....

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I think we’ve been saying that the orange festering zit wasn’t fit for office the minute he got on his escalator, wearing clown make-up, with his hair piece askew and his useless wife on his arm. Everyone in NY already knew what a lying POS he was, is an evermore will be. Apparently he has the health of a cockroach (I apologize to the roaches.). But his real health is that of a rotting, putrid port-a-potty at a chemical dump.

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Nice visual!

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...in the sun, in July.

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Haha! Yes, ultimate GROSS.

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Thanks Jeff, I’d like to rename your daily morning shout out.... Breakfast of Champions... because most mornings when I read your piece I’ve got my second cup of coffee coming out of my nose, so thanks for that... BTW, concerning the incident in Denver with My Favorite Attention Getter Congresswoman BoBo, when confronted by security at the venue she shouted “don’t you know who I am?” Well, in fact, yes I do know who you are.... You work the truck stop on I85 next to the Pilot Fuel store... yes, we know you very well.... Thanks Jeff.

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Can you say concubine? Sure, I knew you could.

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Ms Mattress For a Back, I presume?

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I've said this before, but I'd rather listen to Fran Drescher and Gilbert Gottfried having three hours of drunken hate sex than listen to Donald Dump try to stumble his way through another word salad.

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Be glad you don't live in my head.

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Just visiting...

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Nah, I’d find it interesting.

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Consider the things I do say. Now imagine what it takes for my brain to go "Nope. Don't express that idea in public." Now assume more thoughts fall into that category than do not.

Bumpy ride, is what I'm saying here.

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😂 I’d join that club

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Me three, but I’m sure. Can’t seem to decide which kind of pill I need today. Chemo officially done but the hells will keep on coming at least, that’s what they tell me. I do find, I’m trying to be careful.

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Hang in there. I have been done with chemo since mid-May but of course there was that 5 weeks of radiation, bonus round.

The year without hair or my I went to prison camp hair cut as it very slowly grows back.

Not fun but better than the alternative!

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Just cut it off you will feel better about it. I might be a pro at the hairloss...not the first rodeo.

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Can I get a fucking AMEN??? 🙏👌🙌

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Fucking AMEN!

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You’ve got it. AMEN!

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Amen, sisters & brothers...AMEN!

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I don’t even know how to comment on such stupidity!!

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you just did!

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

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Me neither. I'm just going to read and giggle at what everyone else says. *sigh, snicker and guffaw*

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"cheeseburger-gobbling dipshit"

this plasters a smile on my face that will last all day long

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Ditto, ditto , ditto. What the fuck is happening? Maybe we all need to cancel subscriptions to media that won’t stop this shit. I just canceled WAPO. Also i know we are all sick of marches and protests but maybe this is a good cause to get them up and running again. There’s a great quote by Martha Graham that I’ll post later when i get back home. Thanks Jeff for this very important newsletter today.

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I did. I don't regret it for a minute. I promise, you will survive without the money-grubbing media.

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Yep, no cable, no more NYT, but I can’t give up WaPo. I like to troll the trolls in the comments. One of my many hobbies.

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Mr. Borowitz at our service: Republicans Demand Biden Tell Them Why They Are Impeaching Him

In an angry letter, Kevin McCarthy and other G.O.P. House members said, “the White House has stubbornly refused to provide us with any reasons for our doing so.”

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Love Borowitz.

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