Best SOTU ever!! 🎯🔥🥳

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YES!!! Can’t he say all of that in some form or another? That would be a huge relief to all of us who are sane.

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I fucking love this!!!! If only........

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You’re hired!

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

It would be wonderful if only the American people could make the connection between Joe Biden's Presidency and how much better off the country, the economy and people's health is since his taking office. There is no comparison between his accomplishments and the Orange Smear's epic and catastrophic failures IMO.

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All of that is actually not the case. More Americans are in medical collections than ever before, the number who have less than $1,000 savings has crept up since he was inaugurated, more than 100 million Americans are unable to access health care, life expectancy continues to drop, we are currently in conflict or on the brink of it with three nuclear superpowers, corporate profits continue to skyrocket while wages stagnate, and wealth inequality is at proportions not seen since the great depression. I mean we can cheerlead and love a leader as a celebrity and praise him as that party's media tells us to do, but what is the difference then between a disciple of Trump or a disciple of Biden. Neither think critically and neither push the party to do what is right.

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If you can't see the difference there is no point attempting to debate it with you. I remember when mobile morgues were in use...when NY had so many Covid victims, they were being buried on an island. I remember when the Oval office occupant was attempting to blackmail the president of Ukraine as opposed to attempting to help him save his country and its democracy. I remember when a fascist mob attacked our Capitol in response to being invited to do so by the last Oval office occupant due to his autocratic tendencies. I also see at this very second the fascist occupants calling themselves Republicans that are occupying our congress and are still attempting at every turn to reinstall the same Orange Smear...as they are busily working to deter any assistance or progress the Biden Administration might be attempting to offer to the American people in the way of alleviating their financial or physical suffering...just to make this administration look like it is failing...no matter at what cost to their constituents. I remember we had an untainted SCOTUS...and when women were free to make their own choices concerning their own bodies, just as I remember, when voting rights were exactly that...rights... to everyone...no matter the color of their skin...but then that's just me.

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Ok, Mr. Tiedrich. That did it ... That rant-and-a-half finally did it. You finally wrote something SO COMPLETELY and UTTERLY AMAZING and ON POINT and COMPELLING that I absolutely HAD TO SUBSCRIBE!!!!!

Everything you offer speaks to my heart *and* hits me in the gut. Perfect.

I sooooooo appreciate your razor sharp distillations of the CRAPOLA we are all trying to slog though, and LOVE your caustic witticisms.

THANK YOU, sir! And please! Keep 'em comin'!!!

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If only he’d say this!. And if only he could add accountability to his list of amazing accomplishments.

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Great speech and funny too. However, I heard the R's are going to bring up the Afghanistan withdrawal. President Biden should be ready, by noting the insane surrender agreement his predecessor and Insurrectionist Leader negotiated. Namely, the exclusion of the Afghan Government we supported for 20-years from the negotiations, the release of 5,000 ISIS and Taliban prisoners prior to the withdrawal, and the exclusion from the negotiations of the humanitarian issues the U.S. and our Allies defended for 20-years, including women's rights. With the writing on the wall, President Biden decided to leave vs. fighting another 20 year war, especially after Trump had already thrown in the kitchen sink and retreated, in favor of the Taliban.






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I love it but the damage to MAGAtZombieZoids is so severe if you held a fish in front of them & Tuckems said it was a cow, who do you think they'd believe? These are people living in Dealey Plaza waiting for JFK Jr., who think we eat babies but applaud in a church when one asshole w/a felony record & a perv for a husband wished for POTUS's death. And got applause. We already know this. I don't think, & I hate to say it, anything will change MAGAtMinds.

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I would pay to watch him give this speech! Someone sure needs to!

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One of your best!

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Love it! You mirrored what I would have said to the Heckel and Jekyll dumbasses. Seriously President Joe Biden gave one of his best speeches ever. Let those that love to underestimate him fuck around and find out!!

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You need to apply for one of his speech writing positions. Before you scoff, let’s not forget he loves the F bombs. (ACA big fucking deal hot mic moment) I’ve never loved him more.

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Jeff, I have always enjoyed reading your tweets, but this “speech” took the cake, - and got me to sign up for your Substack! I ESPECIALLY like your line, - (which is too seldomly confronted), - “if the media would do its fucking job and report on the facts and quit parroting right-wing talking-points and both-siding the shit out of everything”! The DEMS biggest problem isn’t their lack of accomplishments, - it’s the lack of MESSAGING about them. This ABSOLUTELY applies to Biden’s incredible list of all he’s done in just two years! Thank God our media doesn’t mirror FOX news, but damn, they could do a much better job by abiding by that one sentence of yours! I’m glad to be a subscriber, - I love your work!!!

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LOL! But outstanding SOTU address.

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I'm reading this a little late but I wish you had written the speech for Joe it's short and sweet and straight to the FUCKING point!!!!!!!!

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