
yes, I did send this to the White House

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btw, the bulk of the research for this post comes from Politico's "30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed" — https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046

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Dear Jeff,

Should I ever be considered for a Nobel Prize, whether for economics, literature, or peace, please consider writing my acceptance speech. In fact, just as Saturday Night Live once had an interpreter for the hard of hearing, President Biden should really give two speeches, one dignified, the other, President Dark Brandon delivering yours.

I only wish Trump could be watching on his TV on his cellblock.

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Someone at the DNC needs to hire Jeff to write their everything.

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***An explosive Rolling Stone expose alleges that the Trump White House was rampant with the distribution of controlled substances like modafinil and Xanax, with little oversight. "The White House at that time was 'awash in speed”. A few of the quotes from people interviewed:

"The culture was toxic as fuck."

"You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol."

"These rules apply to everyone … except for the White House."

“Ironic' the White House was the place the war on drugs wasn't being fought.'"

Dumps go to drug is Adderall which replaced Reagans jellybeans on every desk. Snort, sniff, snort

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THIS is pretty fucking awesome, Jeff! I wish Biden would say any of this!

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And just like that I feel better.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Big event for President Biden tonight. This is always one of the most important speeches that a President will deliver to the nation. A favorite pastime to spice up the speech is to play the SOTU Drinking game which entails taking a drink or drinks at specific moments in the speech.

You will need a beverage to consume, whether that's water, juice, or alcohol. Create your own list of drink cues, here are a few choices:

Take one drink when Biden mentions job growth or Ukraine!

Take two drinks when Climate Change or student debt is mentioned.

Take three drinks when Biden says, “Come on man”, or “Here’s the deal”

Finish your drink if Marjorie spork foot Greene or one of her fellow Q-balls screams bloody murder., or if Biden says, "God Bless America."

Have fun and drink responsibly!

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“hey Comer Fudd, how’s my impeachment going? talk to any Russian spies lately?”I would absolutely love it if Joe used this gem in tonight’s speech. 😂😂😂 Oh hell yeah. 👍🏻

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I don't understand why dems don't paste this on bulletin boards and force the truth down the mainstream news media.

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A perfect State of the Union. Joe needs Jeff as his primary speech writer. Seriously though, the President needs to kick ass and take names tonight.

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If only this was the real speech. I think it might even change a few ignorant minds. I may not even watch tonight since Jeff beat Biden to the punch. Bravo and mad props

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Please send your version to Joe so he can secretly laugh while he mouths polite words while the Klingon sisters shout threats at you and gnash their teeth. He needs a good laugh today.

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Oh, man. That would be the BEST SPEECH EVER! Truth on all levels.

I hope we get some sassy Joe.

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Standing "O", Jeff Tiedrich!!!!! I read your missives every day, but this so hit the nail on the head, that I had to subscribe just to be able to comment. And for a year. Keep up the great work. Your voice of reason and (in) sanity and expletives (I thought I was cured of cussing; but I was wrong) is sorely needed in this F**king Crazyland of Chaos and Bedlam. (semi-cured?)

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Perfect! He really DOES need to come out swinging. I personally CANNOT watch it tonight because if any Republican (ESPECIALLY the two nitwit women) heckle him, I will have to throw my remote control at my dog, keeping in mind that my dog is more precious to me than gold.

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