Jeff, I don’t know what the hell I would do without your written support during this hellish period in American history. FUCKING FUCKERS. Thank you Jeff!

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now I have performance anxiety

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You consistently outperform yourself. Don’t worry.

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We’ll get over it, we need you😂👍♥️🎄

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I won't ever get over it, but I WILL get through it with Jeff's help.

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It was f’ing spellcheck-it was supposed to be WELL. 😞

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Happens to me all the time .

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Me too😂🙄

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Mavis, not to worry. It didn’t quite make sense with we’ll. We all survive spellcheck. Can’t wait for the real AI to take over the grammar algorithm.

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Well, it was funnier the first time 😂

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I have shame that I rely on you for the news because I can’t tolerate watching or reading it.

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Not shame, PRIDE. Jeff is one of the few who reports the news with an appropriate attitude.

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Agreed. Even my 19-year-old daughter knows when I am looking at my laptop and start laughing it is probably Jeff, and she will look up from what she is doing and say, "Tiedrich?" I will laugh and nod!

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Karla, pls let go of shame. It's self-care, staying as mentally healthy as we can.👬👬👬

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WELL, not well! Damn spellcheck

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Auto MIScorrect!

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I love this : Fuckoffistan

I hope I spelled it correctly.

Thank you Jeff for putting these fuckers of the highest order in their proper place.

Actually I like the PennyWise the clown in the sewer joined by all of these fucknuts!

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I promise another episode of Golf with MAGAS, very spicy, tomorrow my friends.. so much news from the MAGA silo I never knew.

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I can't wait, Fastball Fredo!!!

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WTF is the complete bullshit about including Drumph in the list of pardons??!! Just NO

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Jeff delivers the news with secret sauce. How about we all go occupy the NYT building and put out that G*d damn paper? The critical sentence is: “What has changed since Biden made that promise?”

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Let’s use the acronym NYFT for that formerly respectable rag. I’ll also accept FNYFT.

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The NYET, cause I swear a Russian oligarch is calling the shots!

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I second this, especially if we go with FNYFT. Or even FNFYFT-fuck-them-all-esp-fucking-Sulzberger.

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Fuck the New York Times.

PS. whatever time was left on my WaPo sub ran out today. I've been inundated with offers to resubscribe.

Cry more, Bezos.

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Wasn't he also in the running for a second term at that time? So, yup things change.

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My 1st thought was, "The media has brains?" Not that I am aware of.

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Should of been alleged

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Except for these posts that I super depend on

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Exactly Kathleen!!

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Was about to write the same thing!

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All of the Democrats that are complaining are no better than Marge three toes. They should be gloating and ridiculing the MAGApublicans. The American media is doing a fantastic job of keeping Putin entertained, but a shit job of keeping Americans informed.

How was attacking and trashing our nation's Capital not a crime? What is wrong with Comer that he no longer lives in the real world? What can Joe do before January 20th to further fuck Trump's shit up more?

Excuse my language but I stole the words from Jeff.

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It made sense that Biden pardoned his son on the way out. So many of the people who are worried about it being a stain on Biden’s character or his legacy aren’t correctly anticipating the shit storm that is coming - an all out war against the orange felon’s perceived enemies enabled by his horde of moron/monsters. After Biden is out of office will be too late to do anything to rightfully protect people from being scapegoated and wrongly punished. Even if Hunter did commit crimes and sabotaged his father the politics that have already played out have been punishment enough. In a show of good conscience and consistency Biden should free prisoners who are being wrongly held on bullshit charges (i.e. marijuana, wrongly accused, etc.)

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I wish that there was a way that Joe could protect Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, the Clintons, the Obamas, and all of those on the Trump/Musk/Patel enemy list. MAGA voices have advocated the slaughter of registered Democrats. When they come for me, I will take as many of them as possible with me.

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There is a way he can totally mess with Trump. Resign and make Harris president for the last month

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I’ve read that hateful stuff on various platform comments. There are many who do, in fact, advocate for outright murder of all Democrats. Hegseth being chief among them.

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Dec 3Edited
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Best add Trae Crowder to the "pardon" list....

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100%, he needs to get cracking. Do we have any idea what happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Murdered in custody you say? By whom? People who spent time on fantasy island? Dems who are complaining clearly have either a lack of imagination or are as stupid as maga for thinking shit does not roll downhill. Hunter Biden would have died in custody. People need to stop thinking about norms and the rule of law and wake the fuck up. The Russian mob and a band of untouchable rich people are now taking over our government and are normalizing the concept of unfettered capital punishment like this is a banana Republic. Biden needs to start pardoning now and not stop till he's out. Dems with any influence need to wise up and put their heads down and figure out how they are going to bullet proof whatever they can so it survives the next two years.

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Bill Barr only took the AG position to get the kompromat Epstein had on his dad.

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Interesting...I hadn't seen that. Uugh. It's all like one weird orgy of shit.

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Exactly. Epstein was trained in kompramat techniques by rogue UK Intelligence. Who, in turn, quietly admired, so slavishly copied techniques deployed by Stalin’s infamous criminal Intelligence head, Beria. In many ways what has been occurring for decades and is now being increasingly exposed in the ruling classes in the US and the UK is a working out of tit for tat atrocities from the Cold War and before. For those who live within and profit from these circles of lawless Hell, however heinous, no crime or cruelty is off limits.

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Thank you for that link--Biden's move makes even more sense now than previously and it made plenty of sense then.

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Someone noted that they are the same Ds that pressured Joe to step down from running... interesting

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Money does strange things to people. I vote for fun so that is what my money goes for.

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Pardon everyone that would piss tRumpy off to no end.

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Joe should issue pardons for everyone on rumps hit list. EVERY one. Rump pardoned 144 during his tenure. Let’s break the record !

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1. I wonder which will win the most coverage contest: Hunter’s penis or his pardon. 🤔

2. Toobin’s beat the meat too much if he thinks Biden dishonors the office. I think Orange Fuckwit gets that (dis)honor.

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Is Marge mad because now she won't have an excuse to drag out the posters of Hunter's junk again? Although I'm sure they're just fine decorating her office.

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He must have penile banjo elbow from all of that ongoing weasel slapping. These dipshits never stop with their daily piss poor coverage rather than reporting the insanity that's scheduled to start on 1/20. An ex coworker who's as MAGA as they get posted her usual Facebook bullshit yesterday by saying "Liar liar pants on fire". But it's OK to have a felonious traitor who lied at least 30,000 times during his first term as he pardoned some of the biggest bottom-feeding dirtbags in history. Funny when you call them out on their blatant hypocrisy, they rarely have a damn thing to say.

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Sounds like you need to tighten up your FB security settings.

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I told her today I wouldn't post on her page anymore. It's not worth the time or effort to argue with them.

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3 toes is definitely more focused on covering his uncovered monstrous appendage. She can also go F off with Bigfoot if he can stand her.

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LOL! #1. 😂😂😂

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You got it, yah baby you got it…Kay-EI!!

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It's sick. The Media has absolutely contributed to the demise of democracy.

I'm thrilled Biden pardoned his son...and I hope he does the same for many in Dumps retribution plans. Do the Dreamers next, please. And John Dean? Wut? 😂

But the Elvis picture ..... Dump is insane. Bat shit crazy. I cant believe this is real life?

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We can only hope that T**** dies on the shitter, just like Elvis.

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He won’t since he wears diapers.

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True dat Marty!!

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But…Trump is merely a useful idiot to Peter Thiel’s protege JD, why hasten a religious right Christofascist agenda on the country Derek?

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Elvis is alive!!

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Well that's not good.

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That is my daily prayer, Mr. Smith (a myocardial infarction or a CVA; I'm not picky, just as long as he checks out).

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I agree, the media didn't do us any favors. Yet, all the information was out there for those who did even a modicum of research. January 6th was visual, no explanation needed. Trump's fecklessness was on full display during the pandemic--Ivermectin, seriously? His unhinged rants and dance moves, no secret that. Here is the hard truth we Americans betrayed ourselves.

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Perhaps if Americans hadn't been fed a daily diet of convincing propaganda for decades, we might be a more thinking bunch. How far we have fallen.

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Also the dumbing down of K-12 education.

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Pretty far, perhaps too far.

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David, I think 48.4% of the voters did not betray our country. There’s that. I hope Trump’s 49.9% and all of the no-shows live to realize what they have done. Not holding my breath, though. But our descendants will feel it.

Two Guardian headlines today: Trump allies begin attack on EPA and rules protecting US drinking water. Coca-Cola accused of quietly dropping its 25% reusable packaging target.

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Carol C; The biggest group in the election were the folks that didn’t vote. About 85 million people.

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Half the country is toxically poisoned with ignorance is the way I see it David!!

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It’s actually less than a third. More than a third stayed home, and under a third voted for Kamala. The ones who didn’t vote are just as much to blame as those who voted for the felon.

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I'm still grappling with the fact that +70M ppl voted for a guy whose fbi director candidate has an actual 'hit list' vs us citizens who simply exercised their 1A rights - and even calls it that. And ppl SEEM TO BE ok with it? wut

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I noticed that ivermectin was NOT on the list of meds given the Orange Asshole when he got covid... it was just another con job, right up there with the bibles...

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China manufactured bibles none the less! Fake silver coins, vodka, steaks, gold spray painted sneakers, ultra-hero trading cards, perfume along with today’s release of bitcoin certificates. The doddering career criminal dotard is a con man poco!!

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it could be argued that he was never anything else.

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For fun, check out the list of his prior grifts. My favorite is the urine tests !

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Speak for yourself Kemosabe

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Susan, you got this going in my head now, as it often does, these days:

🎶 Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality

Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see …

- thanks to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

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Everybody Sing! 😂😂😂

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Thanks. This is one of the worst earworms in existence lol.

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That’s a long way from my Shocking Blue “Venus” line I was tapping while typing my comment to Susan FT&FP!!

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Bananarama sans the Fun Boy Three did the cover “Venus” that I covered years ago Susan, you likely remember both versions of tune!!

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I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy…

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Maybe he wants to show Elvis how to play his knock-off Trump Gibson guitar. It's obvious what demographic is being targeted with this ridiculous image.

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I’m not sure he could even name an Elvis tune, even though Genovese mobster Tony (fat) Salerno gave him the nickname “Little Elvis Sharon!

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Elvis couldn't play either, in his movies the strings were painted on!

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I hope Joe can do something to protect all of the completely innocent people that LDFF and Kash have threatened. They can’t be stupid enough to actually believe that BS they’re spouting, can they?

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Count on it Sharon! What’s all these crazy questions you’re asking me? This is the craziest party that could ever be! Don’t turn on the lights ‘cause I don’t wanna’ see!!

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So Donny Dumbass brought Elvis back from the dead so they could be in a photo together?

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I’d highly recommend a couple of Xanax daily until this insane fuckery is over Susan!!

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I’d recommend 1 mg. qid. 2 q hs. If you have problems sleeping !

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