
Evan Hurst at Wonkette refers to James Comer as "Pigfuck McHeehaw" and I'm sorry, I cannot top that

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These hooligans. I just don't get how allegedly thinking people can look at Hunter and Jim/James and decide Hunter is the villain here.

I am supposed to have actual respect for beings who believe Republicans can perform (or have any interest in) actual governance.

I'm brought back to that moment when whichever of Donald's idiot male spawn said "Democrats aren't even human."

Every accusation from them is a confession.

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You go, Hunter. You are no saint and fucked up in life just as much as any other person fucked up in life, but you are a fucking haloed Saint compared to that Colossus of Rho-Fuckup-des of Dolan Trump. And my hat is off to you, Sir, for standing up to and fighting your demons. Fuck those MAGAts, they are not worth the dogshit you scrape off your boots, James Comer included.

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Hypocrites R Us is doing a fine business this holiday season.

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🏆First of all-your trophy for best run-on sentences of any writer in history! We could throw in “fuck” for most usage-but fuck it. Good for Hunter Biden-those dipshits have no clue who they are dealing with-all they do is lie. Have a pleasant Thursday everyone!

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As my now 102-yr old mother used to exclaim when my brother would get into one of his many escapades, "Jesus Christ on a bicycle!"

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Hypocrites without moral integrity have zero business being in Congress. Fuck off, Gym.

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God, I love your poetic use of the English language to stick it to whoever needs “sticking it to”. You are a #1, Jeff. You deserve a Pulitzer, in my opinion. Please keep on keeping on, and thanks for the many grins I get every day that you practice your wicked art!

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Almost fell off the damned treadmill trying to read this so, like the cautious senior citizen I am, I jumped off to finish the best read to date. And, As you may know, Jeff brings people together. Yesterday Margot and I met for the first time for lunch and both of us took a break to read EIETMOO. Watched Hunters press conference too! Well played! Thanks Jeff!

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Hunter Biden stands tall in his accountability while little snort-it-if-it’s-white donnie double dip loser jr lays in a heap of shit on a 120 degree steaming sidewalk. I can’t help but think of the comparison as this BS plays out.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

Love you man keep up the good work. Best five bucks I spent this month. 👊

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I have a hard time watching little Mikey. He looks like the elf on the shelf. His smarmy self-righteousness is so disgusting.

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So Jeff, are you saying that all the time invested in Benghazi is now totally forgotten? I for one am so grateful that was the all-consuming focus of the sociopathic GOP for awhile. During that time they couldn’t concentrate on more tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. They could only barely focus on trying to take healthcare away from the millions who gained access under the ACA. They couldn’t focus on all those Antifa’s causing chaos in the streets while fighting the fascist GOP base.

So sad. After Hunter Biden and an evidence and factless impeachment ‘inquiry’ into President Biden I have to believe Chelsea Clinton will be called in front of a House Committee on Jewish Space Lasers, determined to find out if she was abrupt with a cashier at Duane Reade at one time or another. My eyes are perpetually stuck rolled back in my head.

Please voters. Make it stop!

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Does Satan do raptures? Time for these MAGA folks to get called home.

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Jeff. This was an especially good one! Love it. Hey Jordan, because fuck you that’s why!

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“How’s that shoe fit, Mike?” Well, good question, Jeff. It would fit perfectly, wedged about four inches up inside his rectal cavity.

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