
seriously, some days I wake up in the morning and I have up idea what I'm going to write about. other days, a great story just drops right in my lap like a gift from above

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What I loved about the entire thing was.......EVERYTHING!!!

A. The way he commanded the chamber when he walked in.

B. The way he sat, stoically, with his arms crossed , huffing and puffing like a bull fixing to charge.

C. How, when the illustrious MTG was about to speak, he simply gut up and walked out. Not a word said, uttered, nothing. It was one of those really special “FUCK YOU, MTG” moments!

Again, and most definitely as usual, our Republican House of Representatives looked like a bag full of fools! Looked like it. Acted like it. And was left with 💩💩💩💩smeared all over their faces!

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I read this in bed this morning (I know, I know), but it had me grinning like an idiot. It absolutely set me up for a better day.

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sitting in bed now reading it and howling with laughter. I wonder if President Biden knew he was going to this

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I wondered that too... I'm sure Joe is super proud of Hunter. It was a magic moment!

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Ms Spouse shares her bed with many morning readers, haha!

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I hope y’all know my mind has immediately flipped to the gutter! What I have traveling through it right now can’t even be put into words on any chat thread!!!

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I watched Aaron Rupar’s videos last night. I have to admire all the Dems that made the GOP look like bigger idiots than ever. Mad props to Hunter Biden for bursting Mad Marge’s balloon and Jasmine Crockett for telling it like it is: “y’all just lie”.

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Jasmine Crockett is destined to become a legend.

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She is already! One sharp, tough lady. We need lots more like her.

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Agree 💯

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She’s so good.

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Yep. I have such a girl-crush on her. REAL fond of Jamie Raskin, too.

"Jasmine and Jamie

Sitting in a tree.

Picking off Republicans,

One, two, three."

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HAHAH! I love this. 😂😂

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Jasmine is a badass.

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Well, sir....this was certainly the one. Well done! 👏👏👏👏👏

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Totally agree! Just wish I wasn’t busy all morning. I missed hours of the enjoyment! This was great! 😊

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I think the real gift here is everything the GQP is doing to vet Hunter preemptively for a Presidential run by airing his fairly minor dirty laundry.

Marge even gave him a free slogan; "Vote for the biggest dick to ever run for office!"

Thanks, jabronis!

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They lobbed this one over the net, Jeff, and you smashed it. Extra thanks for the clips. Have a good day. You brightened mine.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

If that had been a softball, you would have crushed it over the Green Monster wall, into Lansdowne Street.

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Same with me, brother. I quipped on another blog and by the time I was done I shared it over to myself to expand on it later after I finish my day job. Yippi always nice to have another one inthe can.

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Dear God. Your summary is yet again perfection. 😂😂😂

"hey assholes, get a load of me. anybody want to see my freakishly ginormous dick?" I'm dead. ☠️

I cant believe this is real life, that this crop of "republicans" are serious.

Hunter Biden, Jasmine Crockett, Raskin and Moskowitz are true heroes.

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I imagine after Marge was born, her mother was all "Ew. No. Shove her back in! Shove her back in!"

Sadly, one Hippocratic oath later, we were all stuck with her.

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when god said to Marge, "come forth," she came fifth.

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She also came with filth!!!

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At the very least the Doc should have slapped her momma !

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That or lead the mare back to the barn and home the foal got better with maturity. Not!

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Hope not home...

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Vets take that oath, too? Who knew. Poor horseface.

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Just to be clear per Marge zi was thinking veterinarians!

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

That's hilarious, meaning the delivery docs hippocratic oath to "do no harm" so he (or she) had to deliver her 🤣 lol!

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Poor Margie 3-toes peaked on FB before she ever got elected. Gave her husband an easy out.

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These are weird times to live through. Watching Republicans put their efforts into everything except governance and then going "Why doesn't everyone want us to rule them forever?"

Maybe because half of you dipshits wouldn't last two days at Burger King?

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Amen. That must have been a really depressing discussion some years back..." hey, we have to change our message to appeal to the youth, etc. Otherwise, we won't be able to win anymore elections. The mostly racist white guys, thought hard and long (sure they did!) "we won't be able to win any elections, ok, plan B, there's always cheating and morons on FOX for morons voting...that should work until we game SCOTUS and every other viable judge.

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Two things:

1. How in the fuck were the clowns who violated their subpoenas demanding that Hunter be punished for violating his subpoena?

2. Jamie Raskin is such a badass!

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Jim Jordan, will you please stand up and face the music like the rest of these lawless hypocritical assholes should.

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Here’s hoping 🤞 when fat boy’s hauled away in chains,there’s 10 Paddy wagons parked outside the Capital door and 20 Federal Marshals with a bucket full of indictments in hand!

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If you just have a bucket of fried chicken you could lure him out without the Feds!

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By the way, Jamie Raskin's "ok you're the expert" response to MTG's declaration that Hunter Biden's dick pic was not pornography was priceless. The man knows how to throw shade.

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...and Jasmine Crockett's "Seems like it" followup was great!

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It was chef’s kiss good!!!

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Pure solid gold!

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Reps Crockett, Raskin and Moskowitz are new national treasures.

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deletedJan 11
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Raskin is a justice politician, not a power politician.

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Yes, 100%.

And than there is Congressman Dean, in New Hampshire busy running for president- and yesterday at his "event"not one soul showed up to his party of one circus. Too bad be is my Congressman from MN 03. Sheesh.

Meanwhile, Steve Schmidt is laughing all the way to the bank. Delusional, apparently not a partisan issue.

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Meanwhile back in MN, crickets



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“Hunter Biden is fresh out of fucks, and he just grabbed the GOP by the scruff of their necks and rubbed their faces in their own clownish stupidity.” I am thinking that it wasn’t their necks that he grabbed.

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I’d guess their balls if they had any; clearly they do not.

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That thought crossed my mind, too, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

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One GOP-one empty nutsack.

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In my mind he ought to be saying, waste your time here, because my dad can pardon me. How effective are you gonna look then?

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Moskowitz’s Smurf tie changed me.

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Loved it!

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

The House GOP is a bunch of Chihuahuas that caught a pickup truck. And they're not even trying to drive it. They're licking themselves on canera.

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I’m picturing a bunch of chihuahuas in the cab of a pickup truck barking their fool heads off, jumping at the windows, and wetting themselves. Thanks for the image. Priceless.

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I’m getting a visual! Perfect!! 🤣🤣

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Brought to light by Politico, on 10 January 2024: (trimmed for brevity)

HUNTER BIDEN made a surprise appearance on the Hill today as the House Oversight and Judiciary committees gathered for two separate votes to hold him in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena requiring him to sit for a closed-door interview.

Surprising no one, chaos ensued.

During his short cameo, the president’s son sat silently in the front row of the Oversight Committee room as members spoke. Some, like Rep. NANCY MACE (R-S.C.), used the opportunity to fling insults and accusations.

[Of note: Mace earned a master's degree in journalism and mass communication from the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia after being the first woman to graduate from The Citadel. In 2008, Mace started a public relations and consulting firm called The Mace Group].

Mace speaks: “You are the epitome of white privilege, coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed,” Mace said. “What are you afraid of? You have no balls.”

Oh Nancy, so horrid, so disgusting, and along with your fellow trashmates, Greene, Jordan, and Boebert, disgracing the House of Representatives with trash talk to sound tough. I liked your ‘A’ sweater, though I would suggest it refers to the caboose you lug around. So obscure a reference, few even in your party understood what it meant. Let’s take a short digression here: But first - How proud her alma maters must be! It seems crazy Nancy has ingested by adjacency a bit too much testosterone from all those guys she hung with and competed against and so grew her own set of balls – oddly, malformed, and knotted. Oh, the pain. Must be what makes you so ‘bi%$+y.

1. White privilege: This requires no real explanation as Mace herself is an example of white privilege as she rose to her various elevations as an example of the ‘Peter Principle.’ Look it up, Nance. As an investigator seeking answers, a pro knows it’s bad form to convince a witness to respond to an inquiry when the interrogator concludes then shares she already had her answer—one that was force-fit from a narrow set of unproven allegations – then stops looking for additional facts as they may compromise her version of the truth. This is why cops go for the first reasonable suspect and let others slide even if a cursory look might reveal a more likely suspect. Same with lawyers – got some facts or strong suspicions based on experience, make them fit, have the evidence even if circumstantial, then load up arguments to support their theory of either guilt or innocence. Why, LAZY! Simply cast what is known, presumed, or assumed then build a block wall to keep out other potential facts or chinks in your argument. Concentrate on the poor sucker who was just stinky enough to wrap in foil and present to a jury or judge. Look up ‘confirmation bias’ Nancy – or was that not taught at AR-15 Maintenance and Field Use 101?

2. Ignoring a Subpoena: Not strictly true. Mr. Biden, still innocent of much of what your colleagues seek to prove is a private citizen. Your rationale for going after him with such fervor, once again a private citizen, dragged into a congressional quagmire – left critical House business to die on the vine – and making us all believe there is a Biden Crime Family and the President is either the Capo De Tutti Capi or at least the consigliere. Nice try. Weak tea – nothing there, there. And just to drive this home, have you ignored the actual “crimers” The Amazing Slithering Trumpsters” whose dissembling of every guardrail beginning on day one overrunning the emoluments clause to outright bribery, self-dealing and family indulgences based on adjacency to the (fat-ass) seat of power, self-enrichment and a little matter of TWO BILLION DOLLARS to an inept wuss who is neither an investment genius nor even a clever guy. He married well – maybe. Hey Nancy, re-calibrate your compass or GPS and you’ll find (as is said by your comrades) a target-rich environment, right on the front steps.

3. After what Hunter Biden has faced in his personal life and the demons with which he is still dealing – and the lingering pain for putting his father in a compromised position, do you think what you unearth will give him the shakes? He has faced down his demons much more perverse than any of your invective. Jeez, your buddy, Three-Toes Greene revealed his entire anatomy on the house floor. Just for that she should have been tossed out on her broad bottom. Was she sanctioned for that? No, punished for mudslinging (your area of greatest competence) with the other dirt master, Lauren Boepeep.

As to the lingering mud-slinging Nanc, he has balls, he is a father. Your sham and more egregious statement that he has side-stepped the subpoena is ridiculous. That’s not only masking the truth for he said, once again, he would testify before the whole committee and publicly, so as not to be misquoted and his statements dissembled by jackals and hyenas behind closed doors. Once he agreed to a public hearing, that sniveling twerp James So-Southern-I-Swallowed-My-Tongue Comer, refused to conduct the investigation labeling Mr. Biden a coward. Hey. Jimmy, look to your right. See the short, dissolute big mouth sans suit jacket, the ex-wrestling coach, he’s ignored a House subpoena for 15 months I believe. Clean your closets before you look in someone else’s house. Your credibility is already minus 15.

So, Rep. Nancy Mace of the State of South Carolina, where many kids can’t read or compute, unless they attend private schools or live in rich districts—where schools are underfunded (I know because I conducted a state education audit to find money to provide tech labs that would bring ALL YOUR KIDS into the 21st century) – and had an inside administrator who fed me budget info) too many families live below the poverty line, and most Black folks and poor whites still endure de facto shortages of many staples you take for granted. When seeking out lawful adjudications when complaints are lodged against the entitled RICH – you know Nancy, WHITE PRIVILEGE, seeking justice and redress against the rich and powerful—the stench that still remains—segregation of course fouls the process.

These are some of the people in your state you are ignoring to go after the president’s son. While you turn over every rock on a beach of a zillion solid orbs hoping to locate grit from which to roll into a false narrative and prosecute the weakest impeachment of all time, your constituents wonder, what for?

I doubt this will mean anything to you – as we say in Brooklyn, bupkis – nevertheless you should hang your head in shame.

AND FROM OUR DUGOUT.. the Allstar...

“If the gentlelady wants to hear from Hunter Biden, we can hear from him right now,” Rep. JARED MOSKOWITZ (D-Fla.) interjected. “Let’s take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden.”

Mr. Biden responded with his feet – he walked just as MTG was warming up - so a slap down for the fang of Georgia, too. Why offer to testify, sit in the principal's office waiting to be meted out punishments, especially from someone so astoundingly unqualified?

To be continued…

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Thanks everyone for your kind endorsements. You might consider following me. I post about every 8 days unless I suffer a bout of righteous anger. It's free and I cover all sorts of topics - I encourage tossing ideas homeward just north of NYC Thanks.

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Bring it on Rich! You rock!

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My biggest laugh yesterday was Marge, the garbage barge, bleating about Hunter being afraid of "a strong Republican woman." She hasn't evolved one iota from the teenage girl who called the cops on parties she wasn't invited to. Her problem is she has an inferiority complex that has made her a penny ante bully and an assbag. No wonder she so strongly identifies with Donny.

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“Garbage barge” 😂

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She called the cops on parties she wasn't invited to?? This is news to me. Tell me more!

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Two peas in one ugly mutant pod. 🤢

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Fucked up Elmer Fudd on meth has me in stitches. Nothing against President Biden but man I wish Jamie Raskin was running against TrumpLost this year.

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me too! Raskin would rock it if he were CIF!

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For real for real...

I love Jamie Raskin. He’s funny as hell.

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Hunter Fucking Biden is a BOSS

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Hunter Biden needs some superhero theme song when he enters the chambers.

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hum... thinking.

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🎼🎶We are the Champions 🎶 by Queen seems appropriate to me.

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Imagine as the doors open and Hunter strides in to “We are the Champions.” Perfect. And the Dems rise and sing along. Mic drop

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Jeff, I for one LOVE LOVE LOVE when Democrats finally realize that THEY can play all the same games. And this one was brilliant! See, the smart people are on our side and so is the massive majority! Saying Hunter was White Privilege! 😂🤣🤣

Holding the sign up of the two rapists! 👏🏻

Many more trolls are out too, meaning, they KNOW they will lose.🎉

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When I read this story in the Post yesterday I smiled big. I also commented that Hunter should have said, very loudly, "I'm here. Ask your questions." and everyone could watch the clown caucus' heads explode.

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