"Decomposing sack of lab grown meat". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ So funny. It's a superb question, one most sane and watchful Americans are asking...why do the rich sleaze bags roam free for their big crimes? What has to happen to ensure Justice for ALL? WaPo front page this morning: "Protests. A Trump trial. Raging wars. Historians confirm this is a troubled, exceptional era." No shit. And it's the insanely rich (IMO) who have created our mess. Not sure how we right the ship, except vote as blue as you can, up and down the ballot. πŸ’™βœŒοΈ

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The pursuit of great wealth distorts the whole economy and all of society. The last time society allowed fantastical wealth was the runup to the Great Depression. High marginal tax rates from the 30s to the early 80s lead to a period of a stable middle class and then along comes Ronnie Raygun and his happy band of tax cutters and they stuck a giant drainpipe into the economy and diverted a huge amount of the national cash flow into the coffers of the wealthy and megacorps and guess what? We as a society need to claw this money back and do some good with it. No More Billionaires!

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You know something is very wrong when a failed CEO can be fired and walk away with $30 million after losing the company he headed even more millions. But a worker who makes a mistake on the line that is mostly just a temporary inconvenience is fired and walks away with practically zero..

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As George Carlin once observed,

"It's a big club... and you ain't in it."

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Ronnie and the deregulaters cut a wide swath.

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Exactly ! Well said

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Reminds me of a 10 Years After song, "I'd Love to Change the World":

Everywhere is freaks and hairies

Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity?

Tax the rich, feed the poor

'Til there are no rich no more

I'd love to change the world

But I don't know what to do

So I'll leave it up to you

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YEEESH I thought I was the only one who remembered that song.

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I love that song!

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Same, it is just one that I go back to over and over in these times.

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tax the rich feed the poor till there aint no rich no more!!! YES!

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I have no problem with people being rich so long as they pay an equivalent share of taxes as their employees including into SS. Where's Teddy Rosevelt when we need him?

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Alvin Lee RIP and this amazing band had it right. These guys would've had a field day with the two-tier justice system enabling Sir Fuckface diaper load and his loyal servant Rudy dye drips. Who in the hell would ever think that the justice system would continue to allow these slimy, shyster fucks to operate at this level?

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Hear hear!

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Yes...never forget the down ballot.

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Well said, Susan...

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Or as Thom Hartmann calls them the morbidly rich.

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Thanks Jeff. It has now been almost 3 1/2 years since a violent overthrow of the U.S. Government was incited by Trump and his minions. How are they all not rotting in prison, as well as all of their accessories after the fact claiming all the deplorables armed with zip ties, tear gas, and other assorted weapons were overzealous tourists.

During the 3 1/2 years how many people who cannot afford parking garage lawyers were convicted and sent to prison on

minor property or drug offenses?

The hypocrisy and corruption of the former GOP, now the Trump Criminal Disorganization runs all the way to the so-called Supreme Court.

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Blame the feckless Garland. Trump would be in jail now if Garland hadn't dithered for 20 months.

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Yes. Would have preferred Sally Yates to β€˜Mr. Rogers’.

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I wanted her, or Kamala for AG.

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One of the few good points Bill Maher has made on his weirdly both-sides-formerly-funny-'show'.


My only correction is with which direction Garland is bending. I'll submit, 'forward'.

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We're too fucking nice, George!

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Right? We need to stop bringing Roberts Rules of Order to drone fights.

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Brass knuckles time!πŸ’ͺ

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I would be happy with actual criminal court justice as opposed to the extrajudicial variety. But figuratively speaking, yes!

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Is it time for a revolution of the masses? 😳

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It’s getting there quickly!

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Interesting fact about Henry Martyn Robert. He was born in South Carolina, but after graduating from West Point, he became an officer with the US Army, defending Washington DC as an Army Corp Engineer. Retired as a brigadier general in 1901.

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More like frightened and protecting Rudy, Trump, and others. We like to say we are a country of laws. Nope. Laws for me and then the ones for Rudy and gang.

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It's not widely known that the Nazis had two separate judicial systems with their own sets of laws.

The first was a system that applied to typical Germans.

The second one was crafted for, and applied only to the S.S.

In America we cling to the fiction that there is no one above the law; a myth that endures even while the proof that it's a lie is demonstrated every. damn. day.

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Do the Republicans and media think that if they say β€˜no one is above the law’ we will believe them?? We see every day it is a lie!!

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FFS!!!! I lost my teaching job, because I have Spina Bifida, and got behind on the taxes on my DISABILITY(thank you Ronal Fucking Reagan) and they threatened to garnish $300 of my $1600 monthly pittance! This fucking asshole almost gets these poor women, and many other innocent people killed, and fuckface vonhairdye can’t live on 43,000 a month! My gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwd! I fucking cannot with these troglodytes! I am so fucking sick of their bullshit! They keep calling for β€œcivil war”, they better fucking be careful because β€œlibtards” own guns too! I’m just saying! JFC! Have a good Sunday everyone! I’m on the west coast, but it’s always five o fucking clock somewhere! Margaritas are flowing already!!!

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I’m so sorry about your disability, Lisa. πŸ₯Ί I live with one too and fortunately was able to get Social Security disability from the government, but I can’t live on it alone.

The moronic MAGAts are screaming that the American people should not get so much in SS payments and definitely get too much in disability benefits. One of them said that we are getting $45K a year! WTF?

Holy shit, I wish!! I’m joining you with a Margarita. 🍹Cheers.

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Poorly educated maga people don't realize, I guess, that every single paycheck has $ deducted for SS! WTAF? It's OUR MONEY being paid back for retirement! maga doesn't look at their pay stubs?!

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$45k a year? In what universe? These fucking people think they know so much. I make more than most on SSDI and I still live below the poverty line.

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I’m sending you quiet strength Susan! These magas have no idea of the hell they are unleashing on us and themselves. Cheers to a great week!πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Thanks so much, Lisa. πŸ’™

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Von hair dye!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Tequila for breakfast. Enjoy!πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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Bonus - if you start drinking early, you're almost guaranteeing a good midday nap! Win-win!

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Excellent talking point Steve!

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Lisa, sorry you are going thru this. FFS is right -- disability TAXED?! 🀬. I am a peaceful person, but the racism, income inequality, livable wage struggle.. I have

wondered for years why tens of millions of us are not out in all 50 states protesting en mass. Bezos, Amazon, so many uber wealthy pay no taxes, but we, the poor /middle class ... smh

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Thanks Teri and it’s taxed; just like every damn thing we have!

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Nice touch with the fuckface von hair dye πŸ‘. Wish I had thought of it.

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Spinal bifida is no joke, and it's shameful that you are helped by a measly $1600 and have lost your job on top of it all. There is something awfully wrong with this country's priorities.

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You go girl.....!!!! Yay you!!!!!!

Or a good single malt scotch.

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That's right. Giuliani, Jones, Bannon, Trump, all of them. They were fined millions of dollars and haven't paid one dime. They still have their podcast to spread the same crap that they were fined for. They still have their motorcade or luxury apartment. They still get to run around and spit in the faces of the people that they wronged.

If you or I did even a tiny bit of wrong, we would have to pay; either money or jail time. People here in Arkansas worked hard for $15,000 a year for decades. How much money does Trump go through? How many Palestinians would that feed? What about the people here affected by tornadoes or flooding or hurricanes or wildfires? Maybe all of the scoundrels should be in prison and their property seized so it could do something for the American people.

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Be sure not to leave your criminous governor off your list of lawless skanks. She’s right up there with those you’ve named.

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β€œcriminous”. This might merit an honorable mention in JT’s HOF Museum.

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That’s what happens when Jeff’s β€œcriming” gets autocorrected one too many times to suit and you resort to the 😱dictionary😱. IKR.

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Absolutely. I don't understand how none of them have been gagged. As you mentioned, they just keep spreading their filth to their rabid supporters and it's disgusting.

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The pledge of allegiance is often more honored in the breach.

The MAGAts and fake super patriots recite the words without any clue or interesting what they mean

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Trump sees $1500 blown away by the time his plane lifts off the runway.

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Rudy has money hidden overseas.(Cayman Islands, Russia, etc.) Is there a forensic accountant in the house? Lock his fucking drunken ass up!! And while you're at it, drag fucking Bannon to the gravel pit. They're all walking and talking piles of shit.πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

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And now we know why Republicans hate to fund the IRS...the only government agency that brings in more than it costs to run.

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Simply, why is he not in jail until the settlements are paid to the ex wife and Ruby and Shea?


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Civil cases- not criminal, I think.

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Sell that fucking condo. For $43k a month that pus bucket Ghouliani can do his shitty podcast from the Four Seasons and I don’t mean the landscaping company, though that would be poetic justice.

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When I woke up and read about the gig at the landscaping place I thought the Far Side had come to life. I’m pretty sure Rudy arranged that while in a drunken stupor. They had to disallow him to go to the late talk shows because he was always drunk by dinner and would accidentally tell the truth.

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I still wonder who answered the phone at the landscaping place and just went right along and booked a press conference. I hope they were rewarded for thinking fast that day because I'm still not done admiring them.

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Their website looks very swanky and there is mention of a 2nd store! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


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My favorite thing about the Four Seasons (Landscaping) debacle was that it's located between a crematorium and a porn shop.

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Guys heading to the porn shop first couldn’t park on the same street for obvious security reasons and then they saw the national news trucks and figured they could live another day to yank the pud.

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I heard that with 401K money & pensions, Rudy pulls down @ $550,000 yr. Why haven’t the 2 apartments been sold?

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I've got a cardboard box that he can have.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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I'm not a lawyer, but on behalf of all cardboard boxes, I must protest your offer! Rudy for Gitmo. Peace πŸ™

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It was an edible thumbdrive.

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oh snap

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Forty-three THOUSAND dollars a month. EACH and EVERY month. I’d love to be the person who sets a REAL budget for him, one that would send a check to these two fine ladies every month. He’d be screaming for mercy when I got done with his β€œbudget” - not one cigar, grocery store brand vodka, NO β€œApple products and services” - let me at him, Judge! I can fix this in a New York minute …

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Oh, and I would be happy to do this as a Public Service, by the way. I would be glad to make sure every thin dime goes to the ladies he slandered. I know what I live on, it would be a cakewalk to write a budget for Drunk Rudy.

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it's totally obvious that I need to go bankrupt in New York right this minute. I need a serious upgrade to my lifestyle!

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I don’t understand why he was able to take his multi million dollar NY home off the market. Why aren’t they forcing the sale of it?

The system has forced two innocent ladies out of their home and are being forced to live in hiding, yet this piece of shit can continue his lifestyle, own two homes, and is going to be able to file for bankruptcy to avoid paying these women, his ex wife, and his attorneys. The system benefits the rich and I’m disgusted by it. 😑

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I do not understand… what’s the point of the judgement if nothing happens and he just goes on living his merry life while his victims still suffer? At the time I thought it was such a great victory, but of course he could worm his way out of it.

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I’m with you…I just don’t understand it.

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Any normal person would have their assets seized & liquidated

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I know he has said he was going to appeal the judgment for the election workers, but don’t know if that’s been done and if the appeal pauses the order for him to pay.

As far as liquidation of his assets…does his bankruptcy filing avoid the liquidation? I don’t know, but it certainly ALL feels incredibly unfair.

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Rudy Colludy ruined their lives & yet, NO consequences! He’s been spending $120,000/mo. Where is this jusge? Is he nuts??

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The question is, who appointed this judge?

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Amen. What happened to our vaunted β€œrule of law.” Oh, I know the newer: It only applies to poor people. Moneyed interests are apparently well beyond the reach of the bought and paid for system of Justice we now have.

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Peggy: nailed it!

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Today, kids, we study the word fuckedupitude.

I worked for America starting at the age of nine (paper route) and kept up a good three decades. I worked until I died. Six times. Then I got back up and worked another year before finally being told to go on disability.

From which I get $470 a month. About 1/84th of Rudy's salary. I have no criminal record. Nothing worse than speeding tickets. I don't get drunk. I don't try raping people. I don't overthrow any governments.

Now what kind of fuckedupitude produces a society where a flagrant criminal gets 84x better treatment than someone who fucking died working for their... well, company. I said country earlier.

But it's not like the company pays taxes.

I'm a little annoyed to be the only one playing by the rules and getting the smallest, most rotted carrot.

...not just me, is it?

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I’m so sorry about your situation. No, you are not the only one. Blessings to you πŸ’•πŸŒ·

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Context: My meds are about $1,700 per month after insurance. I would never again be able to live alone in this country without massive debt forgiveness from pharmaceutical corporations.

Hence why I am fucking off. This country used me, shat on me, and then stabbed me in the back and charged me for it. 0/10

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No... you're not alone. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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β€œfuckedupitude” …we might have to bring the linguist in for a consult on this one, but it has potential for an honorable mention in the Tiedrich HOF. We’ll have to see what the experts say. Decision pending as they say in the court system. Hard to say how long it will pend.

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Well if it's the courts, we know it will be fucking years.

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It's not just you. πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬πŸ‘«

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What a corrupt nonjustice system? Name and shame the judge who protects this condemned cheater and liar! Phew

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And check the judge's bank accounts...

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What? I'm sure, like most judges who get 'assigned' any cases involving Trumpies, he's totally impartial and morally upstanding! (Seriously, does the Heritage Foundation get to pick these trump-adjacent judges for the Trumpies On Trial?)

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I think they get to vet every judge on the list for consideration by a Republican, yes.

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$60K on cigars! He’s blowing through his money so that no one will get anything. That’s his plan and this to his creditors πŸ–•πŸ». Seriously, seize his properties please!

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That's been done before.

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Someone needs to write a "Dictatorship for Dummies" so Shart's cult can study up on how they are dooming their children and grandchildren.

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