
note: after I sent the email version out, I was made aware of the Joe Biden little league coach photo, so I added it

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Thanks again Jeff. I really appreciate that you give the text to the video clips you post so I don't have to listen to the Orange Shitgibbon's demented babbling.

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I have no clue how anyone listens to this pile of 💩💩💩!!!

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I was just thinking that same thought he just rambles on about complete mind numbing SHIT

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I’m not sure how mental institutions pour into a county. Do they come on flatbed trucks with a WIDE LOAD sign attached? Regardless of logistics I truly wish they WERE pouring in, because almost half of all Americans are bat-shit crazy. And as far as all of the terms Trump has, the only ones I give a shit about are the back-to-back prison terms that he’s going to serve. He needs to fuck all the way off.

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Don’t forget the prisons that are pouring in right alongside the mental institutions! God forbid. He really is losing it BIGLY.

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Same--I can't listen to his voice!

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That photo gave me more perspective on Joe.

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Beautiful photo

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A most excellent addition indeed!

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Does P01135809 ever look around and say: And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?"

And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"

Apologies to Talking Heads

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You just reminded me of a scene from my youth in New York City. I was going to see the Talking Heads at the Waverly Theatre and this guy dressed in the “big suit” could not get through the door and had to squeeze in sideways. Those were the good old days. I’m sure David Byrne will not be offended by your reference. He’s a cool guy.

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Once in a Lifetime is probably one of my favorite songs by them. Great band.

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Agreed. Byrne is a genius.

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Byrne is a national treasure. He seems like a down to earth good guy...with a 1000 years of talent.

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Great TH song. My favorite is Slippery People.

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Can you believe it?

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You literally just made my day. Thank you.

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Hahaha. I was thinking the same.

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The song just let itself to Jeff’s terrific prose

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Kay and all readers here: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=5IsSpAOD6K8&si=_saZClcdhvHVUjBi

Brilliant reference. Thank you! ❤️

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Jeff, I always appreciate your including the text for these videos, because it’s really impossible for me to listen to this demented man’s voice. It literally makes me feel sick.

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Right there with you. Any time a clip of Trump comes on the radio, I have to turn it off. It’s like nails on a blackboard multiplied by a dozen leaf blowers.

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I am a mute button gold medalist - the second he appears, off goes the sound. Jeff is a brave soul, and I appreciate the text, since I won’t ever voluntarily listen to the Orange Fucking Menace’s voice.

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It really depends on my mood. Usually, I don't want to hear him, but when I do listen, I end up laughing every single time because what he invariably says is so, so, so, so, so stupid.

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Me too, Steve! So so so stoopid. You can’t fix stoopid.

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AfuckingMen🙌🏽 nails on a chalkboard 😵‍💫

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Your analogy, Carol, is perfect. I’d sooner listen to a leaf blower for two hours than hear his deranged voice for two minutes. And it’s not just the voice, it’s the face and body that goes along with it. Ugh.

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He does that stupid shoulder thing that annoys me to no end

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just saw a clip on MSNBC of trump. He said if God and Jesus came down from heaven and decided the election, he would win.


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My dream is that Musk invites Trump to take a voyage with him in one of those exploding rockets. Two for the price of one!

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Gonna need a bigger rocket if those two are in it, and they'll have to stay on their own sides of the cabin.

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and twice as much fuel to get their fat asses off the ground

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LOL, they truly are both looking worse than ever these days. Musk is starting to look like a really unfortunate Macy’s parade balloon.

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I like your thought process Janet! That is a workable plan 😂

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Or the jangling of cheap eating utensils in a kitchen drawer.

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Ditto, I feel sick, hearing his voice, seeing his face, and listening to the zombies who try to explain his word salad, that is not explainable!

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That’s why I always read the transcriptions instead

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This dude is easily the world's most useful idiot. There's absolutely no reason anyone this stupid and insane should have any power, any sway, any love from the court of public opinion. Somehow though he's got this hypnotic effect on idiots that make them jump on any sword to save him.

But for a cookie and two compliments, you too can talk Red Light Special Rapunzel into doing your bidding as long as it's evil or racist. Preferably both though.

And once he forgets Ivanka is his daughter he'll do anything for her number.

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The billionaires love him. He distracts the base while they steal the money & rig the government even more to their benefit.

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I need to be careful. I don't want to get run over by a mental institution or prison. After all, they're storming the southern border. (What the actual fuck???)

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Pretty sure I spotted one near Walgreens yesterday ..

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It does beg the question why UNAVISION gave him such unfiltered billing, and blocked Biden. That is a move that I hope the head of Unavision lives to regret. Then, Anchor Jorge Ramos of Unavision Speaks Truth to Power!


Thank you Jorge Ramos!

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Jorge’s daughter, Paolo, is as incredible as he is. The pronunciation of Univision in Spanish is U-nah-viz-eon. I was not aware of that until Paolo said it in an interview on MSNBC.

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I don't know much about him or his family except that he is a hero. It is not surprising to hear that he has raised a great person. I have watched world cup soccer on Unavision, so I knew how it was pronounced. Not having cable, I can only watch soccer for free on Spanish language stations. Even though I don't know that much Spanish, everyone can understand Go-o-o-o-o-l, and Ariba, ariba. Oley too! So, I am set. I don't need the commentary because I can see the action, and read the score. Still, not liking to support it for that.

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lol! Stay alert.

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A caravan of mental institutions and prisons marauding in from the south!

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I hate when mental institutions and prisons sneak across the border!

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It is DEFINITELY happening FAR too often now with Biden and his OPEN BORDERS!!!1!!11!!!!!!1!!

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Be sure to look both ways before crossing the border so you don’t get hit by a prison or a mental institution!! Who looks at that orange menace and says let me follow him?

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I remember after Trump was elected there were psychiatrists positing that Trump was unstable and that's when the buzz started about Trump being a malignant narcissist. When these same psychiatrists were questioned as to how they could make a diagnosis without ever sitting down and talking to Trump, they responded that psychiatrists go by how a patient like Trump ACTS, not by his words, because they don't tell their doctors the truth.

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And one of those psychiatrists lost her job at Yale University for speaking out about him. Yale should be ashamed of themselves.

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Yale is the university where the Frat boys say, "No means yes, and yes means anal!" This has been documented in several sources. Yale also graduated the not very bright Bushes, known as Legacies. So yes, Yale should be ashamed of themselves for so much, but Yale remains shameless.

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"Rhonda Santis" is a Yale grad as well as Cancun Cruz. So we know these guys aren't stupid. But for someone like Rhonda, who also graduated from Harvard Law, he really doesn't seem to know how to run a presidential campaign.

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DeSantis is socially stupid. This is evidenced in all of his public appearances. As for Cruz, it seems that he is not bright enough not to be a Republican, the party of big oil and BIG LIES!

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That's why he is a Republican....because Texas is all about Big Oil. He's following the money.

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The money that is destroying the planet for our species to live on as well as most others. So, killing off your lifeline is not bright! Counting on others to undo what you are doing is not bright. What if that does not happen. Just because he might suffer less in a near the tropical zone state, does not mean he will not suffer at all. Let us hope his air conditioning goes out since he makes laws like no outdoor workers should be able to take drink breaks during over an over 114 degree F heat wave. The man deserves to suffer from his own laws. And, hopefully, Big Oil is not going to be big elsewhere.

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And you are so right!

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Those psychologists were correct in their assessment. My ex has NPD. Once you've experienced someone like that, you can pick them out upon first meeting, or in the case of tfg, seeing and listening to them on TV among other outlets.

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I hear ya', Koko. After watching a couple of Trump rallies in 2015 I immediately saw that Trump was a sociopathic narcissist because my father was one. My skin CRAWLED. My so-called father was Trump without the yellow rat's nest hair, orange bronzer, golf clubs, Russian wife and tower on 5th Avenue.

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I thought 7 years with one was bad, but having one as a parent? It's a wonder you survived it!

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Whether I survived intact without permanent damage is still debatable. I have a tendency to ventilate my anger on rightwing forums like USMessageBoard.com, the largest assembly of Trump ass-kissers on the 'net. If you know of one more rabid or larger, please do tell. I'm on "not-Twitter", too and love to use extremely foul language when addressing any post from Marjorie Trailer Queen, The Beetlejuice Groper and company.

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Sounds like you're venting your anger productively 😁

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Ditto on the ex 🙄

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My (not)Mother and siblings full NPD/BPD😵‍💫 dealing with them is like herding rats

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A lot of this was obvious to anyone who has studied psychology, but very importantly, he is surrounded by people just like him. In fact, this personality disorder is so rampant in the Republican Party that it is almost like a job requirement. If it is normal behavior, is it a disfunction? If it does not interfere in them keeping a job, and having friends, is it a pathology? They seem to think not. In fact, a lot of the American voting public seems to think not. Why is that? Because they suffer from it too, or they are unable to recognize pathology because they are so surrounded by people like that, that it is normal to them?

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There was so much evidence of speeches and behaviors that not a single healthcare person could gather in a one to two hour interview

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David Graham in "The Atlantic" writes that at rallies Trump is continually mixing up the Biden and Obama administrations and said he beat Obama "in an election everyone said couldn't be won." ?!?!?!?! He also said he beat "Bush", the leader "who got us into the Middle East." when he was actually referring to Jeb Bush. And also said that Kim Jong Un "leads 1.4 billion people" confusing him with Xi Jinping. Trump needs to be dragged off the stage and put in a rubber room.

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When he becomes the official nominee, everyday Americans are going to be hearing what this jibbering says. They'll pause as an image of the nuclear football passes through their mind.

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Yes, this is exactly why our major media's freaking out about daily 'polls' being conducted on a mostly tuned-out and apathetic public long before there are even two official nominees is so pointless. In America, 90% of the voters start paying attention to the presidential election when they start seeing the endless TV ads around Sept. or Oct., when the two parties have their two candidates. That's when it might be useful to check in with the polls. As you can tell, I don't have a lot of confidence in America possessing a "well informed electorate"!

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Agreed! 100%.

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It is well past time for Trump to have another cognitive test!!

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And there are humans that lap that shit up. Oy, vey iz mir.

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And will continue to do so no matter what. Demented word salad with all of the usual bullshit won't ever convince these misled lemmings how dangerous this felonious monster really is.

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That’s what I don’t understand about his followers. They really think all that bullshit makes sense? Blows me away still even after all these years.

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Unfortunately, it probably has a lot do with Fox News.

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Yes, and (yawn) "owning the libs." By now, fully 20% of most of their lives have been spent actively trying to "get back at us" for putting a Black man in the White House. I'm SO owned! 🤣

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I think a lot of people repeat what they heard on a podcast. I know someone who even acts like a certain famous podcaster while repeating it and doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s just repeating it almost word for word. It would be funny if it wasn’t really happening. It also reminds me of watching SNL in the late seventies after smoking a dobie, then looking over at the person next to you after a skit and asking: What, wait a minute, what did they say?

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Me too and some people I know who are otherwise truly wonderful and good people just blindly follow him and hang onto every word. Some of these people are in my immediate family. They are just taken with him.

I can't tell you how much it makes me crazy

It like he soul swindles people and they cant wait to hand it over. Makes me sick

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My father would have said Chump’s words were “hazarai” when we knew he really meant bullshit

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Exactly, and when you boil it all down, THAT is the problem. Without them, he would not be a threat.

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Oy vey, such a choleria!

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Many, unfortunately.

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About every other adult in America. HFS.

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There is a place in heaven (or where ever one goes after living on Earth) for saints such as Jeff who are willing to sift through the Madness of Orange Sudafed McTurdy's word salad.

Bless you for your service, Jeff.

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Yup, a whole steaming pile of detritus, served up with increasing regularity by the painted shitgibbon. I hope, and - yes - even pray, that he and the entire freakin' GOP lose disastrously in 2024 so that we don't have to hear this crap ever again.

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Detritus is one of my favorite words. It can be applied to so many things

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I like detritus but I really love SHITGIBBON🙌🏽

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Someone told me that it's mean to apes, but I think the qualifiers let everyone know there's only one we're discussing! :D

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The media ignores Orange Jesus's dementia and harps on Biden's age, and that makes me want to slap someone into next Wednesday, preferably a network, Washpo or NYT reporter. I have a little list.

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I never hear LDFF speak so I’m grateful you post the clips ... man, he’s really waaay out there. Had to listen twice to be sure I heard it right. And I agree with Neal Stiffelman... it’s beyond comprehension that people are applauding this nutbag. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting! ✌️

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I wonder what the squirrels in his brain will eat next. (They might starve)

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True, there can’t be much left up there.

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they will!

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I actually DID have squirrels who chewed through the wires on outdoor landscape lights. After happening three times, I finally gave up and took them down. Squirrels are a major reason we can't have nice things.

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I am not sure what is more pathetic - his very obvious cognitive decline - or the fact that anyone would actually consider voting for him after listening to this.

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I vote for the latter. He’s beyond any meaningful help at this point and voters have a choice.

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I am with you on that. It is pathetic that there are millions of people in our country who will vote for him because they need a strong man daddy

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Strong Man... that Orangegirdledtwatmuffincrotchgrabbingtweedledumbassmotherfucker is NOT a strong man.. he wears lifts in his shoes. He can’t drink water without both hands like a toddler. I’m thinking behind closed door’s he’s using a sippy cup. A full combover and dying his hair to appear younger: news flash: we ALL know you’re balding. Diapers cause he’s incontinent and in a couple of AP pics you can see the diaper outline.. what a droolingdicklesspusfesteringsyphiliscardcarryingSTDtwatmuffin! How’s that for my adjectives for the day..🤤🤭

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Personally, I love "twatmuffin" all by itself. I just added it to my dictionary because I hate the red squiggly line!

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Twatmuffin works brilliantly for MagaT🫡dickheads

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I truly think the reason all republican "leaders" are so scared of trump that they say the stupidest things is that when putin handed him the presidency, he had a party for all r. "leaders" in which he provided drugs, alcohol and hookers, along with rooms that had cameras. If they don't say the right thing, or if they turn on him, he reminds them of the party and what he's got on them.

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Those cocaine-fueled orgies that Madison Cawthorn misses... Let's hope Santos comes with receipts if and when he offers up sacrifices to the gods in hopes of staying out of prison.

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I don’t think you’re wrong

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Putin’s got something on them, that’s for damn sure! IMHO

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Hey! I am as ‘freakishly tall’ as Barron.

The kid has enough problems being Trump’s son. Don’t make it worse by implying that there’s something weird about above average height.

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I pity that poor young man, for reasons that have nothing to do with his height. That’s the least of his worries. The picture of him and DT walking up the stairs of that plane says it all. No wonder Melania has disappeared with the young man.

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If she weren’t trying to collect the last nickel she can,she would, take her son back to her country, change their last name, put on a babushka, and live a quiet life for HIS sake! It must be jarring to have a father, that you know to be unloving, have a cult of followers, who thinks he cares about them! trump is a bad joke!

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I'm pretty sure that's the plan. Why else would he speak fluent Slovenian, taught to him by his mother?

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Since she and trump signed a new agreement a few months ago, why is she still here? She is draining every last dime she can out of her own scams! They should investigate her as well!

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He’s going to be sworn in as President.

Yeah, you didn’t believe it the first time either, did you?

After January 6, I told a friend the country wouldn’t survive a second Trump presidency. Since then I have come to believe we didn’t survive the first one - we’re just in the ‘denial’ stage.

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Ouch. That’s a painful truth

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I pray that we as a nation can overcome I do

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