This is beyond delicious. And I am SO here for it!

I just wish these racist, bigoted, lowbrow, uneducated, a-holes would stop calling themselves "conservatives". Fascist reactionaries is much closer to the mark.

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Now they need to wipe out all these folks and then start devouring each other. It's always so much cleaner when you can turn the rabid on themselves and let them do the job.

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These dipshits cry cancel culture as they simultaneously cancel everything. I hate to break it to them, but my Target in red Iowa still has their Pride display front and center right when you walk in the door. Bud Light is fully stocked in my grocery store and I saw a shit ton of people buying it in bulk last nite! These crybaby snowflakes can’t decide what to boycott by the hour. Manufactured outrage is their jam. I’m so sick of all their bullshit. Praying Gen Z helps vote all these rubes out in 2024!

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The schadenfreude is overwhelming

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I do not want to enjoy their suffering (Schadenfreude), I just want relief from their awful doings for the people who are suffering from their actions. Let us understand their audience. Anger and sick twistedness abound. Fox News exploits this. It is evil by definition.

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Thoughts and prayers

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they deserve to self destruct me thinks and keep their candidates far away from any real power I prays. universal retribution, hard at work.

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couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of fuckwits...

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Today I shall drink Republican tears and never thirst.

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Oh, boy, talk about a well-earned visit from Karma. May Karma do its best thing, take it all away, all the ill-gotten gains. This bunch is not one to mess with. If you're not going to hate fulltime all the time, you are OUT. May they all fall to dust.

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No one deserves it more - but it certainly shows the hypocrisy of the right as well

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They are showing they really hate everything. The most miserable frightened group on the planet.

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Here’s what I don’t understand.... On the con far right we are seeing a repudiation of the Enlightenment, we are seeing women declaring that women should not go on to higher education such as lawyers or doctors... the only behavior acceptable is for a woman to get married, cater to her husband, not have an outside job, and to pop out as many children as possible. I also viewed a con far right extremist pontificating about we should turn our American society back to about 1200, before the Magna Carte when only male property owners could make decisions for the country or the family. Reactionary is not a strong enough word IMHO... so let them eat each up....

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Chickens For McNuggets!

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You do know that at the birth of our country it was also only white male land owners or owners of something who could vote right?

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My sang is already froid af.

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it's a kind of blind justice when you spread so much shit all over everything that some of falls all over you. faux views should have been labelled as a terrorist organization 5 years ago, if not from day one.

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Seems to me that our Homeland Security could have shut it down under some kind of act or law

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Yo Bro!

Amazing news how sweet the sound.

To hear of Fox News, its crash and burn.

I once despaired, but now rejoice.

Fox News was biased, but it’s now diverse.

You sir, have made my day.

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It’s like throwing water on the wicked witch of the west all over again

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As long as there's a domino effect from them back through all their once loyal followers and enablers.

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It won’t really matter-they already have other morons picking up the colors and running with it

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74 million people voted for Trump. We have an over-abundance of morons, misfits,. racists, ghouls, bigots and aggrieved. I have no problem knowing and believing they will continue to pick up their blood-stained colors and run in lock step with their guy who we all know can't stand them. They're the grift target and always have been. He loves them because he pulls their little slot arms and out pour the dollars for him.

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And to add to the glee, fox fired the producer who added the “dictator wannabe” chyron under trump’s rant. Used to work for Tucker who was pissed about the firing. Producer said would stay for two weeks but evidently Fox said pack you shut and get out immediately.

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I thought the "dictator wannabe" was in reference to Biden.

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Yes it was.

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Really? Why? Never have I ever watched Fox News more than a few minutes as it induced vomiting but they really said that about Joe Biden?

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They showed Biden and Trump in side by side photos with this caption:

“Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested,”

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Brilliant! Yes, please - DO bring on the demise of F'ing Fox News!!!

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Better listen to those people-they have a blue check mark and everything. My question is; did they have it before Musky bought it-or did they ‘pay the required $8’ like ever other Joe Blow to get it.

I will never pay for a blue check mark that now makes you about as notable as a boot full of piss...go Twitter, you’re almost there, you and Fox News going down together, eating each others faces off...

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