Here's my completely unproven theory on why Lindsey Graham keeps his head firmly shoved up the Orange Shitstain's ass even after all the mishegas: Trump has some serious kompromat courtesy of his mentor Vlady Putin. The Russians like to steal cell phones as part of their intelligence gathering. Graham's was stolen years ago. In 2016, Graham joined Trump for a round of golf. When he went in, Graham was a Never Trumper. When he emerged, his head was fully implanted into Trump's ass. My guess is what ever it is, it's existential. And it would probably get him killed in the big house.

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I have always thought the same. It's got to something really atrocious.

My guess, little boys.

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Oh yes!! I think so!!!

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Since nobody knows and we're throwing out unproven theories across the board, we have more history on Lindsey and his sucking ways than just Trump. At least McCain was a better fish to chew detritus from. But my theory is since Lindsey is never able to rise to certain levels of power, he remains the pilot fish forever. He's just had more practice now. Whatever big powerful fish allows him to swim in close and feed, that's where he'll be.

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Donald is an exploding shit disease and if you stand with him then you are covered in shit and contagion. History will name every public official who willingly and happily spread this plague and they will go down in infamy - I hope I live long enough to enjoy it.

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Especially a contagion when he happily spread his Covid around to all his staff.

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As do I Sarah!

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I like to reread some of your sentences I like them that much.

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I particularly like this sentence. "Linds is a man with one principle: figure out who has the most power, and attach your lips to that person’s ass."

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Me as well 😆👏

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Me too!! This was especially excellent.

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What a sick, disturbed mind 45 must have, taking pleasure at the dump he just took on his slobbering puppet, in front of Lindsey’s home crowd. I mean, it’s quite impressive...what a messed up motherfucker that orange blowhard really is.

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That’s true. And Lindsey didn’t just show up out of the blue - he must have been invited to give opening remarks (I acknowledge that he might have requested to give the opening remarks) but Trump adding to the humiliation was over the top.

If nothing else, I hope Lindsey takes a moment for reflection and asks himself if what he gave up to support Trump was worth it. Liz Cheney was correct - his dishonour will cling to him forever.

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Amen. Liz Cheney’s observations/convictions have been spot on. It may have cost her a career but her voice is as valid as ever!

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It may have cost her a career, true, but she did the right thing - she put her country and the Constitution ahead of the utter absurdity of Trump worship. And for this at least, history will remember her integrity.

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Her and Adam Kinzinger both.

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I agree Chet, and I don’t even care for republicans. I like that that they stood up for the country and the Constitution in the face of incontrovertible evidence of sedition.

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As it should!

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LG is literally the only 100% accurate prophecy I have ever seen given ("If we nominate Donald Duck...") and the dude still could not stop himself from sloppily slobbing Don's knob almost ten years running.

Fucking stop and take a breath, my dude.

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More of a “knoblet” from what have heard.

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I love how he and his Congressional ilk have painted themselves into a corner and the only way out is through quicksand. If they had just had the spine and the morals to do the right thing from the get go...

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Schmidt's assessment is right on the money, loved it when I read it the first time. Graham strikes me as someone with nothing in his life but his job and the status and access that comes with being a US senator. Take that away and what does he have? No friends as far as I can tell, no family, no hobbies, no interests, no other reason for existing.

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Lindsay Graham still needs to be gotten rid of. Of course his state is in existential danger given its coastal status and climate change. A neighbor told me yesterday that her mom had moved from Arizona to South Carolina. I could only think, she is going to encounter new problems. While they may be spending 2 billion to protect themselves by building seawalls, I wonder if they are building one like Venice did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFrZLbjlrRY



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Interesting. Thank you. I've been to Charleston, charming city if you can ignore its history as a slave port.

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I could give a fuck about Lindsay Graham; he gets what he deserves. The scary part of ALL of this are that multitudes of people standing by Trump no matter what he does or says. Those people who are booing Lindsay Graham, for somehow not supporting Trump enough, are the sickest fucks of all...what was that word again???? Oh yes, “deplorables”.

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At this point deplorables is an understatement.

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Sleep with pigs and you'll wake up with mud on you.

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Among "Other" things.

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It is really astounding to think of how in hell this guy (and others) do their flippity-flops, surely know there are videos, and still can get up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror with any degree of respect? Yeah, I know,, if he did have that, he wouldn't have said/done all the contortions. But even a person with less than average IQ would have to confront themselves at some time. The emotional need for power from compensating for his inadequacies has to be ginormous...

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Agree. It has been reported that they secretly loathe Donald. They will never be able to flip back to that publicly because, well, this rally showed us what happens when they do.

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All this must represent some larger thing going on, or some grand, enduring theme in the age-old human drama. But, honestly, this mug was meant to slink off into obscurity, ruined, befuddled, bedraggled and drunk.

The sooner the better.

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Hee hee hee, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

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Integrity is like kryptonite to politicians.

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So right on, hard to say much else.LG is the posterchild for our currently failing political terrain. Maybe they’ll vote his ass out.

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It’s truly anyone’s guess what Trump/Putin have on old Lindsey. We now know Leonard Leo owns the Republican Party. They put themselves up for sale when Ronald Reagan was elected POTUS. Dumb ole hayseed capable of running the USA? Of course not. The hijacking of our democracy became a real, live action underground political movement. The waters already tested by Ford’s pardon of Nixon, seems to indicate American’s were worn out over the Watergate scandal and needed a break from the drama. Meanwhile, operatives for the Republican Party were making back room deals in Cambodia and Viet Nam to destroy Jimmy Carter’s chances of reelection. Again, it worked. No one seemed to notice the “coincidences” until 2000 Bush/ Gore. Where the bought and paid for SCOTUS was activated to steal the election from Gore. People started noticing. The 2013 Harper vs Moore, the Robert’s court began removing voting rights from Americans. The purpose of the court is to protect our rights, not remove them.

For 10 years we’ve suffered very heavy losses of Constitutional protection. This last session showed open hostility towards all Americans. Rounding us up for total control of an oligarchy. Get used to having no rights. Women, especially if the SCOTUS declares women do not have a Constitutional right to vote. I know this history lesson has been repeated over and over, but it helps with the confusion and anger we’re collectively feeling to be able to explain when it started and to know time is running out to fix it.

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Agreed. And you left out Newt Gingrich.

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I think you meant back room deals in Iran. The deals they made in Vietnam torpedoed Humphrey.

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I do . Thank you, stand corrected.

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All true- all scary. The Supreme Court contrary to Bidens misread needs expansion, and now. Somehow their ravaging rights must be thwarted. Which indeed is the opposite of their purpose- to protect our liberty, Justice, and pursuit of happiness. Bidens deaf ear to this, and fear of polorizing removes what should be his first priority and that is protecting our democracy- taking the power away from a stolen majority, means doing more than giving the man from who one seat was stolen a high-powered job he shouldn’t really have. This majority is one stolen from the American people, and it is THAT which needs retribution, not Merrick Garland, who deems his role NOT as a protector of democracy, while of course, Rome is burning.

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First, I’d like a correction of my earlier post, I did mean Hubert Humphrey not Jimmy Carter being a victim of back room deals thwarting his election.

I agree with expanding the court, we need to have a solid majority in both the House and Upper Chamber. I think that will happen in 2024. Meanwhile Biden should get on with the business of expanding the SCOTUS.

Also, do not expect any partisan help. It doesn’t mean there won’t be any, just proceed as this is a Democrat majority flexing it’s muscle. We’ve resisted that for far too long. We are the majority, meaning there are many more Independents willing to vote Democrat. SCOTUS is openly hostile toward the majority of Americans.

Lastly, why the hell is Donald Trump moving freely among us??! I see him being cheerfully served at restaurants and ice cream parlors. These people are risking their business by catering to the Russian, illegally elected, convicted sexual predator, wife cheating, father of 5 from 3 women, indicted on 37 counts with more piling up, lusts openly for his daughter, by treating him as a celebrity. This should NOT be broadcast around the nation as it being a traitor to our country is treated with glamour and a desirable goal. Traitor’s now fashionable? Will there be designer “Traitor wear”?

Jr. stopped at an Ice Cream/Candy company in my neighborhood in 2016. People were so pissed off at the company they received a lot bad press. I’ll eat their candy, but I won’t buy it.

Why is Donald Trump not in a jail cell??

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Republican bastards arranged the release of the hostages in Iran at the exact moment Reagan was sworn in. Carter was screwed by treasonous GOP pricks who later colluded in the Iran Contra plot. Reagan should have been impeached.

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Nobody has to have something nefarious/sexual/criminal against Auntie Lindsay. That only applies to people WITH scruples, standards and principles. Auntie L has none of those. All it takes to win allegiance from L is saying, “Lick my taint, you big strong masculine man” and he’ll roll over so you can rub his tummy.

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And what are the Democrats doing? What cameras are they scrambling to get in front of to combat the deceitful shrieking of the GOP Chaos Caucus and their dangerous and idiotic vendettas? I don't see them pushing back. Is it because the media only wants to talk to the bomb-throwers? If so, then the Fourth Estate will be an accomplice to the death of our democracy.

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TFG has a big 'something' on Ms. G...wonder what that is and if there is video?

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I love this! Graham is about the biggest suck-up in Washington - and that’s saying A LOT!!!

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