She covered up enough of his lies to know what a liar he is. She saw him first-hand throw other loyal subjects under the bus. She had to know her turn would come.

Trump must overestimate their loyalties, if he is willing to throw 18 co-conspirators who are witnesses to his crimes, under a fleet of buses.

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They are all stupid, naive, or both. This is Donnie Fuckface's MO since the 70's. Anyone who has paid the LEAST bit of attention to him knows this. I'ts why he's hated in New York, and anywhere else he's hung his hat for any length of time!

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And I just do not get it. He is not charming, or appealing. Even in his younger days I thought he was super-creepy. Is it the money? Because anything he has, he borrowed from someone. What did they expect to gain from working for him? Their 15 minutes of infamy? Well then, congrats, I guess.

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It's called "sociopathy."

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YES! exactly. you understand. as an old NYer been following his shenanigans for over 50 years. this is his MO. IT'S NEVER CHANGED. he fucks everyone. lets say it again: EVERYTHING. TRUMP. TOUCHES DIES.

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Yup! First it’s his renters. Architects, piano tuners, Deutche Bank, Trump University, Cáncer charity, wife 1,2&3, etc etc etc...now his devotees that did his illegal bidding.. oh the list goes on and on . A Tiger doesn’t change his stripes.. he just eats you .. Idiots hoping for gold at the end of his tainted rainbow.

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He doesn't care who ends up on the slag pile as long as it isn't him.

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Hey, as an aside, mind if I steal your pronouns, lol!

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He doesn't even pay his own lawyers--why would they think he'd pay their lawyers?

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I thought the same thing!

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"Rudy Colludy" 😂

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I think Michael Cohen gets credit for that one

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I was a professional copywriter for forty years. Kramer's Second Law of Creative Conservation was "always steal from good sources."

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what's the first law

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"Plagiarize, don't shade your eyes!"

—Thomas Andrew Lehrer

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Reminds me of "Good artists borrow, Great artists steal," lol

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Very true.

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I love listening to Cohen. He has what none of the others have. The prestige of having been screwed first, and most thoroughly (up to this point). He really thought things through and deeply understands how Trump maneuvers. You can believe his every word on the subject of DJT.

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...and to his credit he got off the crazy train and tried to open the eyes of others--while Jenna and their ilk are still sowing the seeds of discord and casting their lot with hooligans.

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I like Michael Cohen a lot. Dude has guts.

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He knows everything.

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New Yorkers have excellent insults! 😂

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I stole this from Michael Cohen when he was interviewed on MSNBC. I posted it a couple of days ago; it was too good not to steal.

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What did you post a couple of days ago that was too good not to steal. I don’t see a link but I vaguely recall it.

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Michael Cohen said *Rudy Colludy* in an interview.

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Oh yes, right.

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The trouble is, they fucked around without finding out anything before going into it. And now they're really fucked. "Surely he won't screw me!" Yes, he will. If he needed to, he'd throw Eric, Don Jr., Tiffany, and Ivanka to the wolves if it would let him stay out of jail and keep all the money.

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Fuckin' A he will.

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don't think for a ny minute that won't happen and soon. notice how melanii ivankii and jarhead are all keeping far away from the monster they know only too well. can't wait for the investigation of jarhead's 2+billion dollar payoff from the saudis or ivakiis investigation for doing bidness with the same firm as poor hunter. all the sharks swim in the same pool after all.

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Maybe that is one part of the narcissistic mind that snags them--the idea that what happened to others won't happen to them cuz they special? I mean, I seriously don' get it.

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Neither do I.

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Perhaps it is a good thing that we don't.

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Basic civics classes would tell them not to proceed. I feel everyone of them knew but expected to win and thus not be found.

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Ahhh... my very first prediction of 2016...I remember it well. I am really good about these things. I like to call it “Stating the obvious”. Clever, I know.

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That day is coming.

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Seems as though they made their bed when they thought the overthrow of the American system and the installation of a corrupt criminal organization was a good idea.

Generations ago the justice system may have been far more swift and brutal.

Orange is the New Orange.

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Maybe they were promised riches beyond belief. In exchange for what though? Methinks they are getting exactly what they deserve.

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They all listened to Steve Bannon. And where is he these days? How about Mike Flynn?

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They should both be rotting in prison. And Flynn should have his rank and pension removed via court martial.

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If she's such a good lawyer, why are her legal bills mounting?

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Oh, I know she probably can't practice in GA. Here's the thing people don't mention about "legal bills." Theoretically, Jenna Ellis has a right to representation as we all do. The thing is, she doesn't want that - a public defender. Apparently, she's broke, but she wants a crack team of investigators and lawyers to throw shade on the case and make this drag out for eternity. She wants OJ-level representation. She wants Johnny Cochrane, and Kardashian, and F. Lee Bailey and shit.

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Can she represent herself?

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I would think yeah. In the end, anyone can represent themselves. I think it varies, but you have to sign a ton of paperwork stating you understand the risks and so forth. But being licensed in any state, she certainly should know procedure, etc. etc., and then familiarize herself with local law.

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If she goes pro se that would be pro stupid. She has proven herself not to be a good lawyer.

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But, she's a terrible lawyer...that's probably WHY she doesn't want to represent herself....PLUS, she's guilty as sin, and can't tell the truth if her life depended on it....and NOBODY believes her!!! WOW...how pathetic...she made her own bed!😊

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the first thing every lawyer is taught is to NEVER under any circumstance try to represent themselves. it's an immutable of the sharktank.

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She's not licensed to practice in Georgia.

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You don't even have to be a lawyer to represent yourself so does it matter?

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“Skeevy”..... haven’t heard that in years!😆

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skeevy was a last-second addition, typed in just before I clicked "publish"

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I think skeevy is a perfect adjective for this basket of deplorables.

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Skeezy is the perfect word for “he makes my skin crawl”

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Add moist to skeevy and your skin should be able to walk by itself! Ewww!

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Ace traffic court lawyer...holding my sides here. 🤣

Look forward to your postings daily. Thank you!

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Why anyone on this ship of fools thought Trump would help them is beyond me. This is the guy who stole from his own charity! He left investors holding the bag in his bankruptcies, and you can bet he didn't come out on the short end in those. Help indeed.

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He also put building trades out of business by suing his subcontractors into oblivion all so he wouldn’t have to pay them. That’s why they hate him in New York. His business model is to cheat everyone he can and then sue.

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He almost destroyed Atlantic City, that’s why most of us in NJ would never vote for him.

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To know him is to loathe him!

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Perfect Deb!

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That infuriates me.

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he was only paying for folks who could be witnesses against him. I guess some of the more broke types may soon become so.

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They never learn as the brain damaged MAGA support system keeps coming back for more. He could give two shits about anyone no matter how far they've extended their senseless loyalty. We can only hope that this will help set the pace for many of the rats who have long supported the no rewards of the tangerine turd movement will finally start jumping that ship.

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And let his nephew without healthcare when the Trumps had coverage thru his crappy real estate business. His brother Fred's son. Talk about a mean SOB or what?

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The nephew was a baby with serious medical issues that needed ongoing care. Not that Trump gave a rusty fuck.

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Thanks for adding more information to this one of many references to his sociopathic disease. That anyone would think for 5 seconds that this guy cares for anyone or anything but himself amazes me, still. What kind of feeling/sensation/moment would it be to have that fact sink in? That your "hero" is nothing but a conman and a narcissistic sociopath. With that knowledge and the way they identify with him it would have to be a nervous breakdown or total collapse.

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To paraphrase the great Maya Angelou...'when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them'. But MAGA's too interested in owning the libs to recognize good advice when it hits them on their stupid heads!!!

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This is what the rest of us know:

If you don't want to do the time,

You shouldn't do the crime.

Now you're ass deep in slime,

The orange turd won't give you a dime--

And lawyers* are fucking expensive.

*good lawyers, anyways. Crappy lawyers are cheap.

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Put that on stickers! I’ll buy one immediately!

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It just dawned on me that Rudy & Co. must not have leverage via buried bodies anymore. Maybe all their dirt is already been discovered and charged by to Smith, Willis, and Bragg.

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Marvel comics, HERE is your new band of American Heroes: Smith, Willis & Bragg. Too bad the name “the Justice League” is already taken. Maybe “Trio Justice” or “The Trio of Righteousness” ?

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I thought Rudy had “insurance”

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The rest of us thought that too. Maybe his policy is expired now that we know everything. Or and this is likely, he's still hoping Trump pays the legal fees he's being stiffed.

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We're gonna need a bigger bus.

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You win.

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Or at least one that sits higher from the road.

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I wonder how their GoFundMes are doing. So far one has raised about 3800 of a requested 500K.

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probably their own money and family donations to get the ball rolling

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

First Law of Creative Conservation: never throw anything away. If you can't sell the concept to one client, you may be able to sell it to another.

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I worked in advertising for a skillion years, so these laws are not foreign to me

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Took me a few years to learn that. Also goes for selling concepts to creative directors.

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"Proper noun. Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. (Internet slang, sarcastic, politics) A notional political party supported by people who ignore or downplay its cruel, unjust, or extreme policies and rhetoric, and are then shocked or displeased when these policies and rhetoric have adverse consequences to themselves.

https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › L...

Leopards Eating People's Faces Party - Wiktionary, the free dictionary"

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I heard about her from Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube this morning. Seems she responded to comments by invoking her strong belief that Almighty Dawg was in charge. Well, bitch, send the bills to him. :D

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I wonder if Jesus is gonna testify in court.

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I'll go look for that, thanks!

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