"Plankhead McSexpest" made me shoot my morning tea out my nose 🤣

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my work here is done

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On CNN yesterday Jake Tapper interviewed O'Brien after the dust-up in the Senate. Seems that O'Brien posted this pic to Twitter at some past date. Mullin big mad at him ever since.


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…because god forbid you look shorter than an Asian guy…

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How do these guys not see this picture with this caption is seriously sick?

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Dude is a dickless wonder.

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O.M.G. 😲😑

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Markwayne... White Trash.

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Big time!

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This explains everything! 😂😂😂😂😂

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And the Internet is more intelligent for it.

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Same. Tiedrich now owes me a computer.

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me too! hahahahaha so spot on

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Ms. Spouse is correct. I spent 12 years under the ruler at my Catholic grade school/high school. Nuns can throw your desk across the room, with you in it.

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My Yiayia had to be held back from the nun who smacked my 8 year old mom with a ruler. I liked that about her.

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When people ask me why I no longer buy the whole religion thing, I explain that certain nuns beat it right out of me.

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Responding to Patris and Cheryl: I know Jeff was kidding (sort of), but school paddling should be banned in every school, including religious ones. It's hard to overstate the damage it has done to kids and our country. https://mindsitenews.org/2022/01/03/why-school-paddling-is-legal-child-abuse-first-person/

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My husband was paddled in elementary school. I can attest it did no good whatsoever!

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My bride would agree with you!

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Famous for it. Maybe we should write them a thank you card. Seriously.

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I had my hair pulled by a nun in grade 2 and when I told my dad, he cancelled expensive convent tuition and sent me to a Catholic school with secular teachers.

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Recovering Catholic school alumni here -- in grade school there was a big wooden paddle displayed in the window of the principal's office that the students referred to as the "Board of Education." Those nuns could be mean AF.

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My school sisters of Notre Dame were quite nice. Although the principal, Sister Innocent (I am not making that name up), had the unique power to send you straight to hell with a side eye.

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They were the worst. I attended a convent with these nuns and it had to have been my worst experience. They were also in charge of Canadian “Indian” residential schools where children were abused, died and buried without appropriate identification. Canada is still finding the unmarked graves and we as a people will pay reparations to these families until justice has been redeemed. To this day, I cannot believe that these women used to call themselves the servants of God. To me they only served the devil.

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I've read about those stories, personal accounts from students as older adults who had life long trauma. And also the unmarked graves. It is heartbreaking and infuriating. 💔

Those kids should have been left at home with their family.

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It was a sickening event in Canada. Some of these children weren’t just physically and mentally abused, but also sexually. These women had the audacity to call themselves servants of Jesus Christ, and the only thing they served was their own sick and depraved minds and souls. May they have all burned in hell.

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Sexual suppression seems to result in violent actions. Look at the incels and most of the GOP, as examples, besides the nuns.

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Truer words were never spoken.

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They will also throw you out the classroom door while sitting at your desk. Jeff's wife is correct. They need to bring in someone like a nun to keep these assholes in check. Someone like "the penguin" from the Blues Brother's movie who wouldn't tolerate any bullshit from these idiots.

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Make them sit in the same desks as Jake and Elwood.

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"what the fuck is going on? did someone put meth in the Capitol Building’s water coolers?"

Hey they pay good money for that meth. I don't ask questions, I just put it in the coolers.

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at least it wasn't fentanyl

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At least? Or too bad?

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We could hope. Even legit RX meds coming in from China had fentanyl in these,. so it is not just the street drugs to be wary of nowadays

I know I have a little cruel streak, but I would love it if the Shitgibbon got some of his snortable Adderall mixed up with fentanyl.

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Yes, it’s not Christian, but I think we all agree that with respect to the orange menace, we would all welcome his death at the soonest possible moment, and by overdose would be cherry on the banana split.

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Nah, that would be too obvious. The dye in the rainbow stuff discolors the water.

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That was in their Halloween candy.

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All of 'em need to roll a fattie and just calm the fuck down. 🙄

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Or at least make a quick stop by the closest vape store! Indica fir all yins crazy bastards, a big comfy sofa and an extra large supreme pizza with ice cream for dessert.

Then it’s Rocky and Bullwinkle on the big screen.

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I'm getting a visual here...HAHAHAH!!! Perfect!

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I believe I could hang out with you!

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Hey Mary...I'm in Philly...but isnt this a great place to meet like minded people? I have wondered what it would be like to have a get together of all the Tiedrich followers. I love you all! 👍😂

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The good people over at Wonkette have something called a "Drinky Thingy" where their readers get together in different places all over the country. Very cool.

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Oh that’s very cool!!

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I live right across the river from you, we could get together somewhere in the area.

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How did you go from Midwest farm to Philly?

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It's my family farm. Hubs and I built a grand house, he decided he didnt like country living-or me-so he bought a Harley and moved away. 🖕 My best friend now rents the house while I'm having my urban adventure. 😂 I've loved it.

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Me too

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We'd likely have a ton of fun! :)

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It would be a blast.

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You know it!

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Do us a favor, and keep that vape pen away from representative Boebert. To the extent she ever had any judgment, it seems to go away when she’s under the influence. Thanks

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Buzz Kill Boebert?

I put the weed in her locker, then told the gym teacher her locker smelled really weird.

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I’m a Pittsburgh Yinzer! You know, like it says on our Myron Cope’s Terrible Towel! All are welcome to hang out!

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Hey, are you from Philly? I recognize the ‘yins’.

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Look for the ones with the worst teeth. They are using what they are selling.

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O'Brien posted this pic to Twitter once upon a time. Mullin has wanted to punch him out ever since. 🤣


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We have to stop electing middle school cafeteria bullies.

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What's this "we" shit, kemosabe? I never voted for any of those dweebs.

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We are still a society, though it's hanging by a thread. We need to be engaging friends, family, and acquaintances,which makes up the "grass roots" movement, and show them what will happen if they don't vote for themselves. This is not about your vote.

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I agree that this is no time to be giving up, as crazy as things are. Every election matters. Every Republican victory since Nixon has been bad for the people of the US and the rest of the world in one way or another; Trump and the dweebs in Congress are just way more obviously horrible than everyone since Nixon -- and even Nixon didn't out himself as a Nazi.

I don't just vote in every election; I do what I can to support the non-bullies. I've protested. I've marched. I've written letters to our elected officials and representatives, which I'm sure they never read because they're mostly people like Cancun Ted. We even took the kids with us when we voted, so they would someday understand how much elections matter.

I even dream about it: after the 2014 election was called in TX for the current Gov, Lt Gov, and Felonious AG, I dreamed I was back in Houston at a sports bar Dan Patrick owned in the '80s (he became Lt Gov in the 2014 election). The dream quickly turned into a zombie nightmare, with our new elected officials as the creatures clawing their way out of the ground, chasing us. Silly but scarily appropriate, given that Gov Dr Evil Hot Wheels is now trying to rewrite the Texas horror show as a cross between the Handmaid's Tale and the next Saw movie, set along the Rio Grande.

Every election matters and this one is as important as they get. I don't plan to slack off just because it's getting scary out there. Just wanted to make clear for the record that I have never voted for any of the mentally deficient assholes who call themselves Republicans, conservatives, or Nazis, or whatever, and will do what I can to oust them, even if here in TX the assholes are larger and still in charge.

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There was a reason the young people followed Bernie! At 82 he still has what it takes without a ruler!

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You have a point.

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I love how the Senator Whose Name Sounds Like a Serial Killer’s got all Senator Tough Guy with the head of the fucking TEAMSTERS’ UNION.

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And an Irishman to boot. My Irish grandfather could sling a hundred pound bag of salt over each shoulder and walk up 3 flights of stairs without getting winded.

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I'd bet that O'Brien would wile the floor with him. There should be a line on it at the sports books.

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Exactly! While prob standing on a pedestal.

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I’m going to be laughing at “Plankhead McSexpest” all day. 🤣

And Ms. Spouse nailed it. 📏

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"Issa: 'Marge, you lack maturity and experience.'

Greene: 'yeah, well you’re a pussy.' " .....glorious. Truly, we are a model of democracy...and how not to do it.

Kudos to ms. spouse for the nun reference. My elementary school principal Sister Mary Katherine would approve.

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Decorum schmorum. Those fuckwits are the rudest and ugliest human-like creatures ever to grace Congress. Mullins is a Neanderthal, Comer is 12 IQ points under imbecilic and McCarthy is a ten year old bully. Marge is in a class(less) all by herself.

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They are a walking, talking cartoon caveman comic strip.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Reminds me of those cavemen character of Gary Larson's The Far Side, named Zog and Thag. But those were likeable cavemen. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/65/Thagomizer.png

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Honestly, I wish that Bernie had just let them go. Let them roll up their sleeves and come to blows. Let the world see photos of a US Senator with blood on his face, eyes swelling up. That's juuuuust what we need right now.

I am a licensed professional, and I would lose my license if I got into a fist fight in public. And yet a SENATOR, it's fine. wtff

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

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"But he's seeing the big board!!"

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There are a lot of great lines in Dr. Strangelove.

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Gotta wonder if all the MAGA supporters tolerate this insanity from their own children. Do they allow their kids to whine, scream, lie, threaten, etc. whenever they don't get their way?

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Absolutely not! They reserve all that behavior for themselves.

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If one of my parents or kids pulled such shit in public like that, I’d die of embarrassment but not before I changed my last name.

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My mom’s all time favorite threat, “If you’re going to act like a little asshole, do it at home because if you embarrass me in public....insert various threats that never ever got carried out”!lol

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I carried out my threats a few times..... no, not beatings, I’m not a monster. But I did put things back on the shelf (some were things they wanted) and walked out of the market. Another time my eldest sneered at a cute hoodie I bought at Target because it wasn’t from some overpriced store. I took it back. When a popular kid at school wore the exact same jacket soon after, she begged me to buy it again. Nope, learn the hard way kiddo.

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They learned it from somewhere, probably their parents. And they're undoubtedly passing it down to their children.

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"my god. and they say that women are too emotional to be in government." <=== 100%

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Oh Jeff my sweet favorite wordsmith. You did it again and I love the buffoon. I've got to remember that. I'm gonna write it down so that I can refer to her always. "Never before seen on the Hill" describes the Republican's perfectly... in the last I don't know, maybe 8 years well. No one ever saw January 6TH exhibition either and republicans are showing their true colors. They've always been like this and and they have hidden it well. From most people, but they are no longer able to do that. And so here it comes and they are the ones that are having to write ethics morale policy etc. Etc, just add BS here. They're trying to self police and it is never going to work. Thank you, Jeff, you're the best.

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I actually have a notebook entry on my phone where I write down all the best of Jeff’s comments. The Rick Wilson has a few entries too.

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Man, that clip of Comer and Moskowitz. 😂 "Bakersfield Brawler" 😂 And who names their kid "Markwayne", anyway? Not one of these assholes deserve to be anywhere near Washington. This will be one of your best columns, Jeff, because while our government has hit rock bottom (or have they), you have found a way to make me cry with laughter.

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Many Irish names are combos…I have a MaryKevin and a RobThomas cousins.

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Ahhhh..... got ya. My deceased partners last name was Mullin. And he was an Irishman. Makes sense.

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We may as well start watering the crops with Mt Dew now

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All I can say is, I've been calling them reTHUGlicans for years and this week, they vindicate my choice of terminology.

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Me too!

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Here I was, eating my delicious Polish leftover golubki & mashed potatoes for lunch, when along comes a Jeff post that makes me laugh so hard, I'm coughing and can't eat. Thanks Mrs. Spouse... the visual of the nun with a rural triggered flashbacks to my 2nd grade self gossiping with the other kids about whether or not Sister Carmelita shaved her head in the summer because of the veil. And I can't even type "Plankhead McSexpest" without laughing some more! Awesome work!!

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Sorry for you. I learned earlier this year not to ever put food or drink in my mouth when reading what Jeff has to say!

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Well, at least it wasn't in my mouth at that point, but... WHEW... my sides hurt so bad from laughing, and I had to re-heat the re-heated stuff, lol!

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