The only redeeming thing about this interview is that he destroyed his own legal defense coz "I made the decisions, it was me."

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Couldn't watch another shit show and listening to that voice of his is pure torture in itself. I did read during his ratings generated lie fest that he claimed he's not afraid to go to prison. Isn't this the main reason why the felonious phony dirtbag is running in the first place?

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Me too! I’d rather read the transcripts than listen to that voice of his. But everyone is laughing behind his back. Everything he saying is the same lies that have proven to be false in a court of law. He’s too Toopid to know we’re laughing at him. Everyone but him. I know he really hates this so I think it’s time we keep reminding him of how Toopid he actually is.

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The problem with us all laughing at him is that Putin is getting the last laugh as our democracy crumbles under the weight of Donald and the entire Repugnicant (p)sycophants.

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Yes. Everyone is laughing, including (I believe) those who claim allegiance. This is the crux of the problem. That a large number of lost souls will vote for him despite their understanding that he’s a liar and a loser.

Why? Because they are lost in some god forsaken quest to supplant their emptiness with a fantasy avatar.

I think this explains the variability of his supporters. That anyone can be an empty suit wrapped around an empty soul. You can be an ignorant red neck tabaccy chewing misogynist, looking for the next biggest “mericun flag for your F150, or you can be the wealthiest of wealthy living in what appears to be luxury ... yet still empty because you’re only worth $19B instead of the $500B needed to top musk.

I have no idea how or if this nation will ever turn around.

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As apparently the Senate did after he'd come for a little "Worship Me I'm so Special" visit and giving him a standing ovation and then laughing loud at him after the door closed as he's leaving. Talk about corrupt, phony, hypocritical and all that.

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When was this?

I have tuned out of 90% of televised news.

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And 90% of it is not news anyway.

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He can’t shut up. Which is great in a monstrous watching Godzilla eat Tokyo kind of way.

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Beeeee-yoooo-ti-fulllll image!

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He sure did, in technicolor with all its stunning aspects.

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You nailed it with: "The overstuffed trash bag of personality defects that is Donald Trump burst open and every fetid pathology came spilling out." I can't imagine WHY we can't get more airtime for the guy who is actually getting sh*t done, the REAL President./s

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That should be the crawl whenever he is on TV. Perfect description.

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And we thought Chuck Todd was bad. Do better, indeed, NBC. I refuse even to watch the clips.

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Same, I won't watch him.

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I had hopes that were obviously much too high that Meet The Press would be watchable again.

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Yeah, me too. Kristen falls on her knees right out of the gate. She's got years to serve viewers before attempting to be Barbara Walters.

NOTE: A day layer, upon further reflection, it is possible Welker created a forum for T to hang himself on his own red tie. Let's see how it plays out.

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I have one better, Carol. I refused to watch the interview. Even the damn rerun on MSNBC Monday morning early!

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Why torture yourself with that sociopathic personality, right? What, we might miss a new version of his many lies? Only the cult can listen to this. It is embarrassing as a country that he ran for office, was elected and is back, like an incurable STD.

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He’s definitely an “incurable STD”. I love that analogy RV! But, he’s not back. Hell, he’s never left, like a bad wart!

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True. He does look like a wart. I can see it now, him the spokesperson for wart remover...

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I couldn't watch this show but I did watch some people that did and the specific Q&A that was provided. After that I was looking at it more like a public service for evidence in his trials. On that basis I hope it works. As far as journalism? Yeah,I doubt those who would still support him will be even slightly informed but one can hope. I don't need any further information to tell me he is a danger to the public good and to not reflect that concern with a weak day later too late "fact check" online no less. Yeah, I call BS on that.

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Is there a way we can petition fir him to be locked away, and forgotten?

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It is time for a national boycott of ALL MEDIA that not only allow him to spew his unspeakable shit

but those news shows and online papers, etc. that won't quit their non-stop coverage of him.

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Don't click on their bullshit 'news' stories!

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right but what about news on TV. you can't even write a complaint on their fucking web sites.

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I can't help you there. I quit watching 'news' on TV way back.

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Yes you can complain: contact.nbcnews@nbcuni.com

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Just sent:

Memo: What were you thinking of??!

An "interview" with a narcissist who is incapable of having a conversation with ANYONE -- let alone your interviewer?

It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$ for you. Obviously. Disgraceful.

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John Prine had the only solution to this 50 years ago - "Blow up your tv, Throw away your paper, Move to the country, Build yourself a home". And it was just as unrealistic back then! (though the last part was still possible in those days)

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Sure, for some. Awefully hard for the folks without savings or another way forward. The shame of it all is these are victims of the corporate & morbidly rich in this country that reallyneed the truth and the message of their Trump victimhood and subjugation. A 1984 reality where a boot on face forever is no fiction.

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totally disagree. all is quite possible.

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All about the Benjamins.

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Tell ‘em why.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

They ought to offer him a Diet Coke laced with quick-acting diarrhea-inducing agents and acid. Not that anyone would be able to tell, but it’d make for a nice chapter in someone’s memoirs.

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Love your creative thinking Neal!

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Well, I used to teach HS.

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Oh those kids!

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That would be some kind of " carpet bomb"! Or maybe just in the diaper. Poor Walty, rough day on deck, that.

Trump, on acid...what a thought! With 3 or 4 people telling him he is a loser, an idiot and a fool. Then watch him melt kind of a Wicked Witch of OZ kind of moment.

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The only good things that came from that god-awful interview, if one can call it that, is Orange Fucknut implicated himself and admitted crimes that can be used against him in court.

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Yes, that's what Jay Kuo is saying, too.

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“Many people are saying it” (apologies, lol) but I’ve actually heard/seen that in several places.

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He also provided another reason for being locked up prior to trial, by saying he hoped Meadows would stay loyal to him. Witness tampering, anyone?

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Tampering, intimidation, lies, he’s got a whole smorgasbord

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It's 2016 all over again. tRump 24/7 with no attention being paid to any other candidate unless it's some long winded analysis of their campaign.

I'm getting sick of it, frankly.

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Hillary Clinton all over again.

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Jeff, as always, you nailed it!! I truly hoped Welker would do a better job. Boy was I wrong!!! My husband got it right when he said it would be same ole shit different “interviewer”. All I kept thinking was here we go again. Have Welker et al learned nothing over the last 7 years watching this 🍊💩 spew nothing but bullshit or is it just all about the 💰💰💰? I’m guessing the 🍊💩 would never agree to an interview with anyone who he couldn’t steamroll, i.e., Mehdi Hasan.

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Oh would we all LOVE to see Mehdi shred him to smithereens… Except as someone noted, TFG steamrolls & does not let one get in a word edgewise. As Vivek did with Mehdi.

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I don't even want to hear from him in prison. Just lock him up.

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He's a gameshow host, so make it a gameshow, with a buzzer that buzzes when he lies, a gavel that bangs when he's out of order, fabulous prizes for audience members who see through his bullshit, a point-board that adds up his petty grievances, and sequined 20-something he can grope. And heeeeeere's your host, Howard Stern!!!

That's all we've got left. Oh yeah... unless he should ever be interviewed by a real journalist who can to toe-to-bone-spurred-toe with this lie-spewer and expose the 'mister president' who has no clothes.


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I love the buzzer idea!

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It should be loud enough so his Polygrip comes unglued.

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And so that yellow squirrel on top of his head goes flying off.

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These are all great suggestions! The buzzer should work like the beginning of Ghostbusters where Bill Murray is interviewing the two college students for ESP. Shocking the guy for every wrong answer! Pay to watch that! (Has to be Bill Murray on the buzzer)

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Would be one long continue buzzer which would be more tolerable than listening to him.

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So true Jeff. Why interview this fucktard in the first place? The media which is trying to be so ‘balanced’ is fucking up big-time. TRUMP SHOULD HAVE BEEN PUT AWAY UNDER THE 25TH AMENDMENT! HE’S FUCKING NUTS. THIS INTERVIEW IS FURTHER PROOF OF HIS PATHOLOGY. HE SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO RUN FOR OFFICE NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT, BUT THE 25TH ALSO!

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Proof of his pathology? For his voters that is his attribute! And just like the laugh after gone Senate, he serves their purposes. The only difference from 2016 is the idea they could control him. It is full speed ahead on the US Titanic!

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I was so excited to learn Chuck Todd was leaving. I was so excited to learn Kristen Welker was taking over the seat. And, again, I was so disappointed in her first interview. Why does MSM keep giving airtime without, at the moment the lie is spoken, a stop and fact check? Don’t they realize yet that the viewers’ attention span only lasts for that moment? An after party fact check does nothing to erase what they heard in that moment. Also, an in-depth article means nothing after a headline is read. The public believes the headline. The public believes President Biden has accomplished nothing because the headlines don’t speak of accomplishments. The headlines keep up with the “he is too old” and the public comes to accept that as truth and sees nothing else. If MSM thinks they are accomplishing reverse psychology by saying trump and Biden are polling in a tie, they are wrong. What they are grooming is an apathetic voter base that will stay home.

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I, too, had high hopes for Welker. Major disappointment! So true about the fact checking and the polling BS! Feeling more and more that this election cycle is Groundhog Day.

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Really asking why, how? If the GOP had discredited him at ANY point we would not be here. If they had impeached him but since not enough stood up to this the nightmare continues for everyone.

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“do better.

I don’t want to see another “interview” of Donald Trump unless it’s from a fucking prison cell.”

My thoughts in a nutshell.

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I couldn’t even continue to watch the clips of this dipshit. The news media will be responsible if this despot gets re-elected. It’s so gross!

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Personally I haven't watched US television news except in a crisis of immediacy, and you're reminding me of why this is. I could not bear to sit through such an interview. Of course, now that I don't have to sit in huge-insultingly-waste-of-time work "meetings" under bosses who make the words "dumb" and "incompetent" stand-ins for "overachieving," I just don't have the time for listening to idiots. We can blame this whole dystopian nightmare in part on the Oligarchs owning our mainstream media, in part on the bots of disinformation that Trumps' favorite countries love to spread here--including Iran, who is doing a lot better under Biden today than under Trump, and in part because too many American people think that thinking is for egg-heads and not for participating in a democracy. I am still struck by reading the posting of Jessica Craven of the Chop Wood and Carry Water Substack yesterday, where she talked about doing some political calling and talking to a waitress who made $2 an hour (I assume plus tips), and did not have health insurance or use it or try for medicaid because she has been brainwashed to think she does not deserve a handout.


This is what these billionaires, and the Reagan/Trump club did to a lot of people, and I don't know how one undoes 40 years of sheeplike conditioning of not very deep thinking people so that they rethink what a government should be like. I am in Germany right now, the land of self-righteous demands of government. There are a lot of problems here too, but expecting too little of the government is not one of them. In the USA, there needs to be a little more of this. How can one help these people to realize that their country should serve them too, not just the obscenely wealthy.

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