this is probably the longest thing I've written. can the news please slow the fuck down and let me catch my breath

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I don't know about you, but I'm pretty happy at the accelerating pace of rat-fuckery from the Tangerine Turd's failed henchmen and henchwomen. Can't wait to see what happens when Rudy flips (assuming he hasn't been chirping to the feds all along)

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I thought Rudy already agreed to flip

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Rudy might be waiting for “last call” before flipping over anything…..

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You're doing a lovely job keeping up! My God...I'm scared to think what might happen today. 😂😂

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No Jeff. No vacation for you. Your acolytes, including myself as self-appointed chairman, demand that you continue your labors. Where else are we gonna get the truth?

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While laughing and spitting coffee...

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Exactly but mines hot tea and now I put it down before reading Jeff’s posts because I’ve burned myself a few times LMAO

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I was just thinking the same...,it’s almost old news already! But can we talk about that cranky old woman telling reporters to shut up and get the hell out of their Mickey Mouse fun house temporary love fest for Mike Mike Mike??? 3 cheers for the hick from the Loosiana sticks. Bitch!

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That cranky old woman is Virginia Foxx, N. Carolina's 5th District's Rep and is running for reelection. Her Democrat opponent is Chuck Hubbard. Today, I'm making a donation to Mr. Hubbard's campaign. She is the Boebert and Greene of tomorrow and it's time for her to go - today.

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Thanks for the info, I'll donate to her opponent too.

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Please, Please, and more Please

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Boebert is my rep, and if the little shit lives long enough, she will sound and act just like Foxx.

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My son lives in her district as well —- he is embarrassed by this handjob being his rep. Donate to Adam Frisch’s campaign!

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Yes!! Of course. I did that last time and I will continue to do it this time. Since you have family out this way, you must realize how enormous this district is and how poorly someone like her represents this diverse population. I think his chances of winning in 2024 are better than good. I feel certain he’s going to pull this off. I feel lucky to be in a small blue pocket in a very red county.

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I have donated to Adam as well, Chet. I may not live there, but she's an embarrassment not only to Colorado - but to the U.S.

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You're right... Similar in height too! Let's just make sure she still isn't in Congress by that time!

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We are doing that. Even long time Republicans are disgusted with her.

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I’m a cranky old woman but I have reason to be. Good lord this shit is beyond ridicule. However, I also have decorum when called for. 😂

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She gives us cranky old women a bad look!! Lol

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Cranky old woman here. I just figured out that using the first letter of those three words spells COW. Must flip the general connotation of that word from negative to positive.

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How about testy? That would spell tow as in I’ll tow your ass away if you test me.

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I like your mindset!! I like testy.. I’m Gonna use that on my adulting kids🙄

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Lol, I’ve got two of those too. Will see how they react to that!

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I’m just watching The View (bc of course I am) and I’m gratified to hear the women there are just as appalled at Granny Foxx as I am. Ugly is as ugly does.

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Good morning, Heartache

In a land of dreams, now turning to dust,

Stands a House where trust should be robust.

But lo, with Johnson, dark clouds now form,

A tempest of prejudice in every storm.

Oh, Heartache, do you see this man?

Whose steps rewind, undoing the plan.

The election's voice, he wishes to mute,

Democracy’s song, he tries to refute.

From hate he speaks, with fervor and glee,

A champion of bigotry, as clear as can be.

Against love’s colors, he firmly stands,

Denying rights, tying love's hands.

Heartsick, we watch the rights he erases,

For women's choice, he gives no spaces.

The elderly's safety, he casts aside,

With promises breaking and security denied.

"Covenant marriage", he pushes forth,

Narrowing love, reducing its worth.

A sorrowful dance, to this tune we sway,

For Speaker Johnson leads us astray.

Alarmed, we see, the extreme pulling strings,

As truth and justice lose their wings.

For in his reign, darkness descends,

And the dream of progress, it sadly ends.

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Thank you. You are the official Poet Laureate of this daily gathering.

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Gloria, you put it beautifully...Johnson is going to be a nightmare for all of us!

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Gather 'round, my dears, for a tale so spicy,

Meadows, once loyal, now playing quite dicey.

Three secret trysts with Smith's probing team,

Whispered confessions, making headlines scream.

"He's baseless," he purred, amidst claims running wild,

Turning from Trump, like a prodigal child.

"Dishonest," he hinted, when Trump took the stage,

Hours after ballots, stoking the rage.

"Not our win," Meadows teased, with a wink and a nod,

Tales of Trump’s claims, now feeling quite odd.

Once Trump's "special arm," in the halls where they'd dance,

Now, revealing secrets, giving truth a new chance.

While whispers grow, questions getting more deep,

Of election night talks, and promises to keep.

Yet, clear as a siren's seductive song's note,

Meadows confesses, making headlines quote.

Biden's win was legit, a truth Meadows did share,

While Trump’s tales grew tall, in the heated affair.

Long did he know, Trump’s claims weren’t so tight,

With votes in the shadows, waiting for light.

This scandal, darlings, is hot, juicy, and grand,

Trump's Goose, it appears, is now fully pan-fried and tanned.

With lawyers and gossip, and a fine wine so divine,

This saucy saga continues, with each seductive line.

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I've been scrolling through your notes — good stuff, you should start a substack

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Thank you so much for your touching words.

I haven't yet dived into creating my own Substack, but I've been completely captivated by the many voices I've come across there. They evoke laughter, tears, surprise, frustration, and often leave me utterly amazed by their talent and passion.

I've always wanted to connect with these gifted individuals, but it's not often I find someone who impacts my heart the way you do. Eagerly anticipating your posts has become a highlight of my day. Your words mirror my innermost feelings.

My immense anger is somewhat eased when I can yell, “Hell, yes. What he said!!”

I can't express how thankful I am for you and for all the incredible voices on Substack that have enriched my life in such delightful and surprising ways.

Navigating this world is no joke. Trusting folks face-to-face? Tougher than ever. You could genuinely speak your heart out and end up facing unforeseen consequences. Like being beaten to death or shot by a gun nut. No joke.

I've found my tribe on Substack, and I'm on the hunt daily to add more peeps to my tapestry of talent. The adventure's been wild – full of unexpected joys, and the kind of happiness I've been craving for ages.

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Beautiful! And I second your comments. The substacks to which I subscribe have truly been a lifeline for me for the past year.

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They are indeed, lifelines

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Same here. The Substack community has given me hope!!

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You have serious poetic talent.

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Thank you so very much.

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You're welcome.

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You should submit this to the Substack called Poetic Outlaws.

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Thanks! I will.

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Good cause I’ll subscribe!

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BRAVO! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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This is amazing!! You really should start a Substack. BRAVA standing Ovation 👏🏽

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Thank you so much!

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Beautiful Put

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Saucy saga !! Glorious Gloria. I think I have crush on you....😉

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Your image. hmm.

Have I mentioned I have 4 budgies and 1 conure?

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No. You haven't. But now that you have, it makes sense. I used to bird sit for my neighbor's two budgies (Oliver and Sunshine) and my renewed crush has a parrot that, although I'm not entirely sure, resembles a conure. 🤷‍♀️🙃

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Birds are cool pets. My two cats preclude me owning any.

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My 2 cats 3 dogs 1 leopard gecko and a partridge in a pear(persimmon) tree lol ( my daughter is a vet 🙄)

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Intrigued ...

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I do love this rhythm

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Beautiful job, Jeff. You are the best at sorting through the giant shit pile and re-capping it in a way that is slightly digestible. (I almost threw up on that image.) But seriously, everyone of these monsters take after Donald in their belief that they can say and do anything without repercussions. Thank goodness there are a few, scattered consequences beginning to sprout. Bill Barr, horrific scumbag destroyer, is still wandering about freely although he did as much, or more, than anyone to create the Frankenstein orange clown that’s looming over the world endlessly.

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Oct 25, 2023
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That has a lot of upside! -- a) would piss off Barr, but b) he's also off the Trump leash, which will piss off Trump. A true wealth of possibilities, unlike tffg's loan apps & financial statements, which are more likely to attest to "a faint chance of the possibility someone has some wealth somewhere around here."

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Egad! They at it again. I expect one of them will shoot one of the others. With a derringer. In the conservatory. If the Fates are kind, Boebert will wax MTG.

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I hope they kill each other.

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Hmmm. Interesting thought.

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As of this morning, Powell is claiming she took the deal under duress and she's spouting all the old election lies. Please Fani Willis, revoke her deal and put this crazy traitor on trial. Oh yeah, and Meadows claims his own autobiography is full of shit.

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Really? Man, Syd is nuts. I wonder if she’s been threatened?🤔

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I might be reading or watching too much SciFi but I think Jenna Ellis is the younger version of the Kracken!no, really look at them!

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😂😂😂. Any human being with a modicum of intelligence or compassion should have immediately known Trump is a poisonous creature. He brings out the worst in the most vulnerable among us.

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Yes. Also 1 ask, show me ONE act of empathy, ever? He IS a narcissistic sociopath. But they can charm...and look at what that political hangover in Congress. Very dangerous times!

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And yet, his fan base? Just like him, a 12-yr old mentality and therefore the same level of judeegment. Having watched the doc on HBO on The Insurrectionist Nextdoor... one can see the transmission of his/their belief system. It will take some time for the legal verification of the truth to set in. Where we are when it finally reaches full saturation-who knows?

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Under duress??? What, a firing squad?

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That would be nice. For her and the rest of them.

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My constitution can't handle tffg on "Truthers" so I don't go look, even when I want to know something. (I fear my brain will melt, which would be bad, since now and then I have some use for it. Besides, why would you go to tffg's platform to learn something? Seems unlikely.)

So did tffg post something, like maybe "Sidney Powell is So Not My Lawyer, NEVER EVER and she's a Yuge Danger to Me, I mean My Country. I would Never tell her to wear a Bikini."? She might be backtracking because his minions could already be wandering her neighborhood with GPR, a walkie-talkie, and a suitcase nuke, trying to find the alien signals coming from the tunnels under the streets. Not all of the nutjobs are going to be completely freaking incompetent.

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Ms. Abdominal Snowman in a bikini??!!??🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤢

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geez, once you say it, it's really hard to unsee, isn't it?

now tffg in a bikini... would be fucking hilarious! Unfortunately, recovery from that experience would probably require washing your eyes out with, idk, bleach or drain cleaner or something...

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I was afraid this would happen but thought it would be after all was said and done.

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1. Those of us in the Deep State know that Meadows’ book is a satire. 🙄

2. Nobody in the Rethug House has the votes. Jeffries would win if a few people on the craven side would put on their big boy/girl pants. They can always find another job.

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Even if a few Republicans just didn’t show up for the vote, Jeffries could win. But nah, they won’t do that. They are political barbarians (who “eat their young”) in the immortal words of their moronic leader. 😂😂

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Hahaha! True that

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They're all gutless bastards. They're already toast politically.

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I was really surprised at the news about Meadows. Gratified to know that while he is appealing in Georgia, he isnt off the hook there. He's such an elitist liar. 🙄 And I'm especially excited to hear what Daddy's Little Girl has to say. 😂 The hits just keep on coming, dont they!?

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Yeah, down to the top 40 hit list. Kasey Kassum anyone??

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Mark Meadows and Trump. A real love match. Meadows always looking for someone or something he can get some leverage on or at least $$ from. They are both so crooked they need a corkscrew to put their pants on in the morning. What will Meadows next book tittle be? No, really I am a liar?

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The fact that so many people still prefer him for president in light of [waves hands wildly] all of this blows my mind and makes me fear for the future of our country.

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Agreed. I’m counting on the younger generation to vote us out of the quagmire. I just feel bad that the idiots among us failed them in so many ways.

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There is no way that orange bag of cat shit types those posts. Does anyone really believe he knows how to properly use punctuation? 🤣🤣

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And "Stollen". 🤣 Spelling isnt a GOP strong suit.

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Nor is selecting a speaker who isn't a tangerine turd MAGAt loyalist. As it was mentioned on Twitter today,

Johnson is just like Jordan with the full suit. He does possess a law degree but is also an election denying asshole who would also further the bullshit MAGAt agenda. Hopefully the info about Johnson having up to 40 GOP no votes is accurate.

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Some much for the no votes.. Wishful and sensible thinking has gone to the very dark side. A Christo-fascist, election denying, anti democracy SOB has enough votes to be the next speaker. Once again, the despicable tangerine turd calls the shots and gets his way.

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Nor is any semblance of "classy".

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It's the Keyboards Fault!

I tell my wife this all the time!

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Picked up that one - stollen????

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I've seen him use that more than once...he must be hungry. 🤣

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Stollen is a delicious German bread made with dried fruit -- the only bright spot in the Tangerine Turd's post.

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Is that a Christmas "stollen", with fruit?

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Well he sure can't spell "STOLLEN" - which he does in every damn post from his Mistruth Social nazi site

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He used the Oxford comma in a recent, so obviously he didn't type it out himself. Or maybe he had Stollen it from somewhere...

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My thoughts especially after all the old crappy twitters we had to know, daily for 4 years.

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Just when I'm about to collapse in tears and utter despair along comes Jeff's Own Opinion, hauling me out of the Slough of Despond. Thanks, Jeff. I always feel better after I read your hilarious take on the overwhelmingly bad news.

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You had me at Slough of Despond. Brava!

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Lesley: XOX

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If Ivanka didn't want to testify, she should have married Don when he asked.

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I don't think Meadows suddenly had a revelation because he was under oath. He suddenly had a revelation because otherwise his candy ass would end up in prison. His "truth" came because he got caught being the switchboard operator for the insurrection and had NO problem "praising the Lord" with Ginni Thomas over the "stollen" election, and how all the Dems were going to be on a barge at Guantanamo Bay. I hope his immunity deal is limited. He needs to do some serious time. He's one of the worst of the piles of garbage that SERVED Trump.

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