I'm schadenfreuding so hard right now I think I might have to go lie down

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AAAAAAHAHAHahahahaha I will have to steal and use this, thanks :-D

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Yes. I might stroke out.

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Don’t. We need your vote!

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Me too!

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it's kinda like a mix between a caffeine high and brain freeze, but better...

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I can't stand up to go lie down.

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Fuck, the leopards are eating the leopard's faces now. Someone bring me more popcorn.

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'Fuck, the leopards are eating the leopard's faces now" — I may have to steal this for the title of a post someday

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And next time Trump barfs out a good word salad, consider mentioning his brain spurs. They should earn him a deferment from serving in the oval office again.

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Hahaha! You win!

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Haha be my guest.

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(Although I think technically it would be "the leopards are eating the leopards' faces now" as the latter instance is plural but I don't think anyone would care. Except, clearly, me.)

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I will die on the hill of correct apostrophe usage. (My pet peeve: Using an apostrophe to make a plural noun [e.g., one apple, two apple's]. ARGH!)

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Oh that one burns me. I become disinterested in typing at people who make that kind of error. I've seen it on many store signs too.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Freaking auto correct is frequently so wrong.

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My supermarket has a big sign for the part of the store where they sell brewski's. They bothered to make up a 3D greengrocer's apostrophe about a foot tall.

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You gotta be careful here. Lots of profesional writers and editors follow most of these serious Substacks. You'll get caught.

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Count me in as well.

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Leopards eating leopards' faces?

Well, leopards get hungry, too!

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Sooner or later, bad people will turn on other bad people because it’s just their nature. And I’m enjoying every glorious moment of it!

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A view whose quality is increased by distance no doubt.

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There must be some joy in backstabbing. Don't get it. The long knives are always out in Trump World. Read Cassidy's book. Eye opening.

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I want mine to be cheese flavored.

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Dear Jeff -first of all, thank you.

Secondly, this passage rose above all of the others:

"House Republicans are increasingly disenchanted with Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., saying his leadership of the Biden impeachment inquiry has become a “clueless investigation” at best and — at worst — “a disaster.”"

It's striking that GOP and "Leadership" can still be used in the same sentence. I would think the sentence would push apart and split in two like two magnets repelling each other. And speaking of repelling, one need only say "Matt Gaetz" to ruin an appetite or a moment of zen.

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Can’t wait for that tree jumping Diddler to get canned ,hey new fish ya sure got a purty mouth,baby rapers don’t seem to do well in the Joint!

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Don’t you mean when you drop water on the magnets? Orange Diaper Don said "Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets." Let’s keep the science real here folks. 🤪

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Apparently magnets make the anti-covid bleach delicious. :)

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Some days, I feel like I want to run around and tell the pod people to WAKE UP already!

But then I continue reading...

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That shot of Rudy looks like the sort of mannequin someone buys to scoot into the carpool lane.

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The frown on Rudy Colludy's face is so classic. I hope he never has another reason to smile for the rest of his miserable life.

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Sadly "Make Rapists Frown Again" doesn't condense into a catchy acronym.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Maybe "Make Rapists Sad Again"? It has the added benefit of being a deadly bacterium!

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Much like right wing men!

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Lol, true, MRSA no bueno in a healthcare setting-perfect double meaning acronym.

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hmm... well, MRFA kind of sounds like Marfa, which can be a highly entertaining place to visit. Not sure how it connects with Rudy's assholery, though, except for maybe the aliens part.

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That’s hilarious. 🤣

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Do people really do this? I had no idea 🤷‍♀️

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And some get busted, BIG fine. An artist lady in LA years ago said she was taking a sculpture to a gallery and the judge whacked her for more.

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OMG! Neal that’s hilarious 😂😂

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1. Lindsey Graham finally doing what he does best: covering his ass as the walls are closing in on Agent Orange.

2. Comer finally getting what he deserves: the ridicule of his own party.

3. Gatez finally getting some well deserved retribution for his many crimes against women.

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Still laughing at Congressman Plankhead. Another one of the GOP's accountability escape artist's who has been getting away with all kinds of shit for a long time unlike his partner in crime, who got the 11.5 years he deserved. Pervey McForehead needs to be brought to justice for statutory rape and his role on 1/6.

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Did I read he wants it to be “Governor “ sometime in the future? Hopefully he will be in prison before then.

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Yeah! Yes! Pervy McForehead wants to run for governor of Florida! 🤣🤣🤣

It's funny because it will never come true.

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Seeing him, I always think of Butthead... or maybe Beavis... no, def Butthead... and then I need to take something for nausea...

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those are Humpa Lumpa's sons....Bevis and Butthead....they look just like em.

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I have told many for a long time that his image exudes pure evil. Moreso than any I have ever seen.

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Yes, but it's STUPID evil, which may be the worst kind. MTG has it too, and so does Boebert. They just continually throw shit against the wall and say, "Come for me!" Well, now hopefully, someone is coming for Gaetz.

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Pardon my maybe sexism, but I have attributed MTGs vile behaviour to her stupidity for blaming the world for her just pure ugliness. Boebert? Ex professional escourt, call girl assholeness.

Cunning evil is much more dangerous than stupid evil.

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McForehead reminds me of the Butch Patrick character( Eddie Munster) from the “Munsters” tv show which ran from 1964-1966

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Add pious Johnson to the list, along with Gymbo.

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It would be nice to wash the republicans away and clean up our government. The same for any Democrat that chooses fascism over freedom. I don't know any Dems that have, though.

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Who was that guy screaming about Ghost Buses? He should be next in the barrel.

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MAGA idiot Clay Higgins.

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Yeah, that brother has to be next!

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"Lindsey Graham is what would happen if a hissy fit became a real boy."

Pulitzer Prize, right here.

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Agreed! That was my first laugh of the morning😂

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Lindsey, there is no shame in admitting you are gay. There is a hell of a lot more shame in stuffing your head up TFG’s ass. Glad to hear you may be coming to your senses, somewhat. A piece of advice, take his power away, tell him to fuck off and deny anything he says. Who knows, you might LEAD A REVOLUTION and save DEMOCRACY!!

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How do you know Lindsay Graham is gay? I don’t recall him coming out. Isn’t that the person’s choice to make to say if he is or is not? He may be a kiss ass Republican piece of shit (demonstrably many times over), but I don’t believe it is kind to call someone out if they aren’t out themselves. Maybe I missed his announcement. If so, I apologize.

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I think Jean's point is that no, Lindsey has not come out, but yes, everyone by now assumes that he is gay. And hopefully THAT'S not what Trump "has" on him, because it's a non-issue by now with all but his supporters...oops. I hope that if it is the case, he does come out, because it might give moral support to some Christian conservative gay folks.

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Thanks for the assist-you are right on target!

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1) It's so much an open secret that many think being gay is not what tfg has on LG but his use of underage escorts.

2) My mind was changed about this after seeing The Life and Times of Harvey Milk. Something along the lines of "As United States Congressman Barney Frank argued during the 2006 Mark Foley scandal, "I think there's a right to privacy. But the right to privacy should not be a right to hypocrisy. And people who want to demonize other people shouldn't then be able to go home and close the door and do it themselves."

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Get off the cross, we need the wood.

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What a great expression

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Ok, but it’s “kind” to call him a “Republican piece of shit”, vs gay? 😂😂

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I think what Trump has on Lindsay is more than him being gay. He’d survive just that revelation since it’s assumed anyway. Must be something quite damning.

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Since that day of golf for Lindsay, I've speculated that it's something to do with rent-boys, or maybe a dead rent-boy, or maybe even a dead 14-year-old rent-boy. But of course, it's just speculation based on Lindsay's COMPLETE 180 overnight.

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I suspect that what Graham has on Trump is just as bad as what Trump has on Graham. Why else would he now do a 180?

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Campaign finance shenanigans would be my bet. Wonder what he has on Haley.

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She doesn’t seem scared….

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Liberace, Rock Hudson, Paul Lynde, Roddy McDowall, Freddie Mercury, Raymond Burr, and Robert Reed never came out either.

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Which was their choice and no one else’s. Why is it so important to say what someone’s sexual identity is, unless you’re trying to paint it as something undesirable or abnormal? That is not what the Democratic Party or progressives stand for and I am totally against it.

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I don't care if he or anyone else is gay, it's about as relevant as being left-handed.

It's the hypocrisy, like voting against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to co-sponsoring the Defense of Marriage Act. Same goes for Sen. Larry "Wide-stance" Craig.

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and the problem with keeping anything like this secret is that it gives leverage to the unscrupulous (like tffg) -- I completely understand wanting to keep your private life private but if you're a public figure, there are other considerations.

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Because it perpetuates the false right-wing belief that a gay person CHOOSES their sexuality. It's that, and only that, that they base their hate and derision on. They don't think gay people should have "special rights" or be in a protected class because, they say, gays CHOOSE to be gay. To out someone, which I don't agree with in principle, IS called for when that person is using their powerful position to vote against gay legislation. That kind of hypocrisy needs to be exposed, and if their own sexuality is exposed in the process, even though they chose to hide it, then too bad.

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It's like choosing to be tall 😉

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Unless you are trying via your powerful political position in MAGA to paint all LGBTQ people as undesirable.

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Agree. However, in Lindsey’s case he comes from an era and belongs to a group of Politicians who do not support gay people.

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They weren’t in cut throat Politics

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Gayna: I am in total agreement with you. One’s sexuality is one’s own private matter.

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Lindsay?! Ya kiddin me!?? Lindsay??!?

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What can I say, I try to have hope.

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Can't wait for the headline, GAETZ GETZ GONE

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Nice one!!

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Re Trump's golf cheating, Fun Fact: Caddies at a certain golf club refer to Trump as "Pele," because of how often he kicks opponents' balls into worse lies, or his own into better ones. Remember, too, that once Trump played a kid who was, like, 13, and cheated at that, too. Can you imagine the psychological warping it must take, to cheat so much, and still believe you "won"? No, you can't.

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Taking the kids cancer money gave me a pretty big clue🪳

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I'm trying to imagine how one would gain satisfaction from "winning" by cheating?

All I can say is that his locus of control must be 100% exterior, outside of himself. I think this is one of the keys to the Mango Mussolini's personality.

From Wikipedia:

"Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives. The concept was developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, and has since become an aspect of personality psychology. A person's "locus" (plural "loci", Latin for "place" or "location") is conceptualized as internal (a belief that one can control one's own life) or external (a belief that life is controlled by outside factors which the person cannot influence, or that chance or fate controls their lives).

Individuals with a strong internal locus of control believe events in their life are primarily a result of their own actions: for example, when receiving exam results, people with an internal locus of control tend to praise or blame themselves and their abilities. People with a strong external locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such as the teacher or the difficulty of the exam."

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Did you mean LOCUSTS?? 😂

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What happens when you combine Dunning-Kruger with an external Locus of Control? You are convinced you know something when you don't (magnets don't work when they get wet) and have no accountability for telling everyone these lies because you have no internal control. It's all someone else's fault.

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LDFF perhaps breaks the mold on that loci thing. If it’s something that turns out really good, he believes he did it & nobody could have done it better; but if an event turns out badly or he’s accused of wrongdoing, then it’s always from forces beyond his control, they’re out to get me, it’s not fair, etc.

I just finish the book his niece, Mary, wrote about him. It is so revealing of his personality & how he got that way.

If you believe what she has to say, & I do, boy is that ever a dysfunctional family. Mean, vindictive, greedy

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He believes getting over on others is winning. He is such a loser and so is anyone who follows him.

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I've dealt with his treacherous kind on the golf course. It usually doesn't end well.

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Charlie had to hide some bodies on the green! Damn, they told me Charlie was bad news in Vietnam!

(Not actually but I had to.)

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All good. I've been in fucking $10 pot games where people cheat. I don't abide cheaters.

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"Democrat: because I don't abide cheaters."

Nice sound bite there.

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"Agolf Shitler." Priceless!

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The hissy fit thing 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously, though, him ass kissing Fani Willis just means he’s in this up to his eyeballs.

Whenever you see a Republican eat another Republican, you can bet they’re deflecting attention away from their own wrongdoing..which seems to be the theme of today’s post.

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...And if Gaetz gets in jail for rape...so should dipshit trump (among other things obviously!)...and should have been in jail a long time ago....I’m rambling....thanks for keeping us posted on all this shit!!!!!

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Is it just me, or does it seem like the GOP is finally, truly beginning to beautifully implode right before our very eyes? I'm so happy to see this and it's great to know that I'm not alone in my jubilation! Now if this could just continue, if it could really unravel by November, that would be awesome. Thanks Jeff - for helping this process along so amazingly, each and every day.

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I just don't dare to really hope.

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I'm starting to feel a little glimmer of hope. I truly would like to hear just one thing good that the Republican House has done for America.

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I tried replying to you before and my computer went a little wonky so I'll try again - I believe that we have to find ways to keep our hope alive. When we lose that, they win. We can't afford to become bored and blasé by it or a lot of bad things could happen - like Dirty Donny winning the election

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You're right! And thank you for reminding me of that. I know we all feel so beaten down and just beyond trying to comprehend one more ludicrous event that CAN'T be real but is...but yeah, we have to stay in the fight and not give up. Onwards!

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Just more proof that the leadership of the Republican Party actually HATES Trump. It makes what they are doing EVER WORSE.

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And so it goes. On and on and fucking on....

Rudy in a car,

Miss Lindsey spilling the goods,

Finally! Gaetz is looking down the barrel of a shotgun,

Comer Fudd 🤣 finally hits his feet.

And merrily we fucking roll along... 🤣🙄😳

At least it's all vaguely entertaining.

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"Congressman Plankhead" -- Wordsmithing at its best!

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