'The bad news for Trump is that this stake is not as liquid as it sounds. Those paper gains would be very difficult for Trump to translate to actual cash.
In fact, Trump’s shares in this company are in many ways even less liquid than his real estate holdings, according to Charles Whitehead, a law professor at Cornell Law School.
First, experts say the market is drastically overvaluing Trump Media based on the company’s fundamentals.
That means Trump would have a hard time dumping the stock or even pledging it as collateral.
“The stock price is clearly a bubble,” Yale law professor Jonathan Macey told CNN. “No rational investor would take the stock at face value, especially if they had to hold it for any length of time.”'
I wasnt as worried Susan, let him sell the stock for the Judgements, the stock will be on a downward spiral, and this might put a smile on your face, like everything he touched it turns to shit.
He is like a Big Ponzi Scheme.
Do you know why the stock got listed? The Original investors were going to pull the plug and get hammered with losses.
I will bet my last dollar, that they sell their shares, and get out, leaving a whole bunch of " investors" in their wake.
If those guys ( initial investors) didn't get this done, they would have been on the hook for hundreds of millions. Now they have a chance to recoup their initial investments. So so shady....
Another way to get his foreign investors (Putin MBS and the like) to get cash to him. It's another grift. Truth Social pulled in a whopping $1.1 million in February and spent $25 million. Who on earth would merge with them except bad actors?
Remember in 2015 trump’s Taj Mahal casino was fined $10 million by the U.S. government for laundering money for YEARS! It was the biggest fine ever imposed by the government on a casino— ever. Shortly afterwards the casino went belly up. So, this is NOT a new game by the grifter-in-chief…….
Yeah the Truth Social thing is essentially pulling the same scam on himself; he's selling it for a bajillion dollars but those dollars are essentially on fire and by the time they reach his hands will be mostly ash. It would be like buying a 2024 vehicle and getting it home and the 2nd 2 falls off showing you actually bought a 2014.
Yeah, Don'll get some money from this but it won't be billions and may not be enough.
Plus, he has to wait 6 months to liquidate it, according to an article I read this morning. I don’t remember where I read it, but it was possibly on Joyce Vance’s Substack.
Actually, he apparently can't sell or pledge the stock for 6 months anyway unless he figures out a way to get around the "lock in" rules connected with this kind of merger. If he did get around them, can the SEC disapprove the merger at this late date?
There is actually very little to seize at trump tower. The condos are owned by those who bought them. He owns the service areas (restaurants, garage) and the Incredible Shrinking Condo of his own.
The Seven Springs property is encumbered by a deed restriction that trump agreed to in exchange for a 21 million tax break. It can't be developed. I haven't been able to find info on what its current value is with that restriction. In this, it is it is like Mar A Lago, which can ONLY be used as a club.
Trump argued in the trial that James was ignoring the value of the Trump Brand. But that of course is not worth much to a potential buyer. And trump would undoubtedly charge for the USE of the brand anyway. Of course, if James forecloses the brand won't be part of the sale package.
She is going to have to foreclose on a LOT of properties to get enough to cover the judgment. So would any surety taking property as collateral. Yet another reason they won't.
I love the bit about the judge applying a crazy interest rate. He applied the LEGAL post judgment interest rate:
a gay friend of mine just visited a penthouse condo in Florida, at the insistence of his friend who owns a different condo in the building--she wanted him to see the view. He said the penthouse had a whole 'ROOM devoted to trump junk, and it was hard to keep from throwing up all over the expensive rug.
I am glad I got to see the St. Augustine fort and experienced a FL rainstorm. Ain't never going back there now that they have Trump shitweasels all over the place. I might reconsider if they turn blue in November.
This is a great article from Barron's on why it would be a super dum thing to buy into this IPO. https://archive.is/mf4al
The best line - and love that Barron's lists it as number 1 reason to skip giving anything to this Clown Show - : "Or, as the prospectus puts it, “TMTG expects to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future.”".
Thank-you!!! All I see are headlines about Trump getting $3BN in this merger. Plus, if he declares personal bankruptcy today, can't NY seize taxes out of it, as well as his debtors?
yes but he's not declaring bankruptcy, it's the last thing he'll do. well, if James was within hours of lowering the boom he would. i bet he's got all the paperwork ready.
Thank you Jeff. NY Times was just giddy about the potential “uuuuge” wealth increase for the orange moron (once in a lifetime increase). Your facts give perspective to that false narrative peddled by the Times.
Thank you for addressing this and easing the anger that he'd just float into the sunset on a pile of enormous cash for his crappy app-how the fuck is his failing crappy app worth that much? The evil scheme does seem like a brilliantly sinister-planned windfall.
How delicious that all three of the individuals mentioned in today's post are black. That alone should really burn his racist ass. As Jeff said, "tick tock." Somebody start popping that corn!
We sometimes say "people of color". I like that because it's inclusive. Where I live we have people in every shade except Scottish white (and that is truly, truly white). It's a bit startling when I see those blue-white people. I know they aren't local.
All I can say is my African American friends feel that that is the referral they like. Not trying to be politically correct here, just saying what actual people close to me prefer.
They used to be referred to as Afro Americans until the Afro went out of style in the 80's. Now it's making a comeback. 😏
And you're only considered an African American if you, your parents or grandparents are from Africa, @Kerbo. Ancestry isn't factored in. If that was the case, we would all identify from where our ancestors immigrated from. That would make me an Italian - Irish - Scottish - German American. 🤷♀️
Does that make Elon Musk African-American due to where he was born and raised and without considering his ancestry? Kind of a fun thought in some ways.
Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing! It must be killing this racist bastard to realize that it’s three black, smart, professional attorneys who are holding him accountable. 😁
Nice. Especially as the lower valuations submitted for tax purposes will permit seizure of more assets. And encumbrances will also enter into the calculus. None of this matters to the cult, nor to the wealthy grifters remaining in the GOP, but fuck them and keep the chuckles coming.
Out here in our state, the Assessor's value is the starting point when serving writs of collections. Don't know about NY, but chances are good that none of Orange Mussolini's figures are correct.
Jeff, a great start for festival of Purim to all who celebrate. Personally I would enjoy a search of Bedminster, dig up Ivanas grave to see what other state secrets are buried. Let the games begin fellow travellers.
What a difference a week makes! Fortune’s wheel seems to be grinding the Great Donaldo into the mud of the long road to Hell he’s been on ever since he was a tiny tot.
I like the idea of exhuming Ivana’s corpse so we can find the top secret government documents that were buried with her. A slice of pure American Gothic, long missing from this shit show. Watch: The casket doesn’t even contain her body, just tons of incriminating secret documents. He had some thugs from the Saudi embassy come down with their electric saws and cut her up into pieces, put her in hefty garbage bags and sink her in some piney woods bog in New Jersey, or the water trap off the 9th hole.
Yeah, that's where I was kind of hoping Ms James would start -- with any luck, she might actually get to dig up Ivana and end up with some of those documents Donny stole. Self-perpetuating schadenfreude!
The fact that he has to reveal where is bond money is coming from is extra yummy. Is the Truth Social deal announced this morning too little too late? I’m scared to death he’ll weasel out of this. When the fat fuck says he has $500 million in cash that should be used against him I would think ! Still hoping for a massive coronary. ✌️
That's what I was just telling my husband as I read Jeff's newsletter. I am not getting my hopes up for the property seizures because some idiot billionaire is going to eventually, at the last minute, loan him the money. I also don't think that it's wise to mock the pos on social since most of those billionaire own or are on social media and they MIGHT feel sorry for the poor con-man and rally behind him.
Omg me too Susan I felt like someone pushed me off of a mountain this morning reading about his windfall merger. What scares me is I feel these billionaires the SEC GOP SCOTUS DOJ know something very sinister that we dont
Such as they have a plan in full motion of the ultimate grift of all to grift the election to overturn it by way of all these people and organizations in his back pocket or I should say the many back pockets that trump is in.
And that it will be like smoke and mirrors w distraction and he will be on power before we have any notion of how it happened
Like slight of hand
I am filled with rage toward every lawmaker in government who have allowed and even encouraged it.
Communism in America? To be rightfully prosecuted for crime after crime is communism?
I think that what I have is worth a lot to me. I am not commiting fraud trying to get 50 times that for it. Trump pulled the worth zillions and not worth much crap for decades, not just recently. Trump Inc. has been a crime in progress since forever.
Trump's properties are worth a actual assessment minus what is owned on loans taken out on them. The loan institution would have the actual deed to the property.
The court should not allow Russian oligarchs to post the bond. Trump is guaranteed to try (and trying 24/7) any underhanded way to post the bond or get out of it.
Communism in America is what Trump and the Republicans promise. Trump as dictator, big business seized, all Social Security and military benefits stopped, millions of people "disappear", stores empty, unrest and killing in the streets.
Under Shitler we had over a million Americans disappear from his mishandling of Covid-19, people were killed in the streets by his flying monkeys (Kyle Shittenhouse), and the stores were empty -- remember trying to find TP? NFW can this monster get back in control. He needs to go to prison for the rest of his rancid life and learn something useful like how to clean a toilet.
Trump, on his knees with a toilet brush, cleaning a toilet...in a prison cell with like 12 more in line to clean. Now THAT is a visual! Thanks for that.
Let us enjoy the schadenfreude! Let us all celebrate together with the best champagne we can afford after working hard for a Biden landslide victory and (just imagine!) 4 years of Trump oblivion. I get giddy just thinking about it. Ah… the peace of mind, the lack of angst over losing our democracy, the security of knowing a madman is not in the White House and, if not in jail, is in the courtroom losing everything because we will have a new AG who will actually hold him accountable (I know, a girl can dream), the lovely whining of MAGA republicans who can’t shove through their extremist agenda because we have a majority in the House and Senate, actual fact based investigations of crimes (we’re looking at you subpoena-ignoring Gym) money for Ukraine, bodily autonomy, voting rights, respect for the constitution, our allies feeing secure, a bill to address the border situation. It sounds utopian and I for one can’t wait. Pop that champagne! 🍾
The company is allegedly worth $4 billion, and they did $3 MILLION in business last year. As with all of TFG's statements about his finances - he's lying.
But, cash-rich or not, isn't it supposed to be dependent on an IPO? Truth Social only has about 5,000,000 users compared to 300,000,000 for Facebook... I could see the IPO fall flat on its face.
I think it has more to do with musical chairs and people holding the bag wanting an IPO in order to get out with cash before the music ends. Good luck, suckers.
I too got the NYT "Breaking News" about the "shell company" coasting in on the waves like some Botticelli birth of Venus gift from Olympus to save a bottom-feeder. Why? Because the USA has zero defenses against real, well established Kleptocracies.
Our country existed on "norms" for centuries. We say we are governed by laws not men. But some men are really good at identifying loopholes in laws. Since we are obliged to play by the rules, we keep saying, "Shucks, you got me there. Technically, we have no choice but to honor your see-through complaint."
So, on one side you have the judges who are terrified of being called political or moving too fast and giving Trump an opportunity to cry foul and have the whole thing dismissed. On the other side you have the "SCOTUS Steal Team Six"*, Cannon, and McAfee who drool at every opportunity to let the guy slide. Net: The bar for justice is sky-high and the bar for Trump is just a goal post that keeps moving in his favor.
I have to hand it to the bottom feeders, they are living up to the hallmarks of Arch Villain. The prize is the world's largest economy and the end of post WWII western liberal democracy. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to topple our country and world order.
If I play this chess game out, Biden better have three times the Secret Service resources working overtime to keep him safe. And he better have a back up plan. The other side, the Arch Villains, will stop at nothing.
I don't know. This just seems like more smoke and mirrors that only fools the rubes. Who have already quit donating in droves. Small donors down 69% compared to 4 years ago. And institutional money? They ain't paying top dollar on meme stock that will crash the minute those shares hit the market. It's the rubes that are stupid.
I hope and pray the retreat of the masses (small donors down 69%) will encourage more coin-operated Republicans to grow a pair and publicly remove their support from Trump. The problem is the lawmakers who support Trump have the access to power to install him. Trump doesn't succeed without the "enablers" as Mary Trump calls them. My point is that Trump has some powerful enablers who are happy to flex our norms and laws in his favor. This era of corruption is truly remarkable for its casual handing over of country to utter chaos. The SCOTUS Steal Team Six made it clear where they stand with their April 25th date to hear arguments about absolute immunity. That was the day I completely freaked out. Why? Because despite the bad press and low approval ratings for the court, Chief Justice John Roberts let everyone know they are on Team Trump and they don't give two fucks what the people think or our right to have justice served. I pray I am wrong. Please tell me I'm so beaten down that I'm missing something!
The GOP primaries last Tuesday showed that some of the rubes are fed up. That gives more of the rubes cover to walk away. With Trump's defamation suit against ABC for calling him a rapist the country will get to consider that they had a president who thinks it's perfectly fine to shove an unwilling woman up against the wall as he shoves his filthy fingers up her in a department store filled with families and their children. Personally, I predict more rubes walking away. Even if quietly.
Blue, I hear you! If a good percentage of the evangelicals finally feel the taxing pain in their necks of looking the other way from Trump's sadistic personality and actions, and even openly humble-brag that Trump has gone too far (especially if the SCOTUS makes Mifepristone illegal and by doing so basically the evangelicals get their national abortion ban), we could see the exodus of support that ends his presidential ambitions. As much as this whole affair is beyond tawdry and outrageous to play fast and loose with the nation's highest office, I would welcome the hypocrites washing their culpable hands of this vile man.
That SCOTUS would have anything to do with a ruling on Mifepristone is just way beyond the line. But that little blue pill you can get easily online. Gee, i wonder how that could happen? Or, what is next the entire formulary of all the drugs currently approved for every Healthcare insurance coverage or why even bother getting FDA approval if it can be taken away by crazy Republicans?
And Teflon can be effectively scrubbed off. I had a colleague whose father, who was suffering early onset dementia, stayed up all one night scrubbing the Teflon off their frying pan because he was convinced it was ingrained burnt food. He had succeeded in scrubbing down to bare steel by the early hours.
We just need all the prosecuting legal teams to keep on at scrubbing that Teflon off of Trump.
Seems like the master of handslaps, delays, deflect, distract and bullshit has found a way to come out smelling like a rose. Sure as hell hope not and still got fingers crossed for Monday to start the process for the seizing of his properties. If he does have dirt on the guys who could wave the restriction, isn't it time for the legal system's dirt on him to kick in?
Dude, I groaned at reading "DJT." F'ing puked. Most companies pick a stock ticker that resembles the name of the company. Truth Social would have been TRSO, right? But for the guy who had all his shirt cuffs monogrammed with 45 the second he got his new Oval Office toy, I shouldn't have been surprised.
Why Melania hasn't poisoned him yet is beyond me. In the "Murder on the Orient Express" chapter of Trump's miserable existence, she and Baron would be the first in line to plunge the knife through Mr. Eponymous' miserable heart.
Good God “Mr. Trump” this “Mr.Trump” that. The New York Times sure does love them some “Mr. Trump” “his wealth would be increased be billions of dollars” NYT Is not a trustworthy news source. I went off on them when they asked me why I was cancelling. “um cause you’ve become a corporate whore and a punchline”
OMG.. your wording is always hilariously spot on. Just to make things easy, house immigrants at the Westchester properties and homeless New Yorkers in Trump Tower. Also to make things easy, value all seized properties at what he valued them for tax purposes. It’s what the government has on record for property values and it’s also closer to accurate. By the way, I’m in NYS and want to know how the fuck I can choose the value of my property for tax purposes.
That is something I don't understand. If you're asking a bank for a loan on real property, don't they do their own evaluation? They just accept what you tell them? Seems like a bad business practice.
MAGA,Morons Always Going Apeshit,the GOP was a dying party anyway, thankfully Trump is hastening it's demise. History will remember 3 symbols of hate over the last 150 years,the Confederate flag,the swastika and a red hat...
I was with my very psychic energy healer friend on election night 2016 and literally puked when I realized this malignant monster would be my US Coast Guard son's new CIC. I was overcome by a deep sense of dread that I've rarely experienced. My friend "checked in" with the energies and then told me that his election would actually help speed up the evolution of humanity. It would be short term bad but ultimately good. Goddess, I hope she is right.
Well, his mass mediated public behaviour does seem to be directing a high spectrum floodlight into some very dark social and political corners. Positively Luciferian 👺
Shit is getting real for Emperor Shitstain. This reminds me of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when they had the posse on them. Sundance asks Butch: "Who are these guys?" They're the descendants of Bass Reaves and they won't stop until they take you down. Have a fun weekend, Shitgibbon!!😆😆😂😂
Shareholders are expected to vote today on whether to merge publicly traded shell company Digital World Acquisition with Trump Media and Technology Group, the owner of former President Donald Trump's Truth Social platform. If approved, Trump Media could go public as soon as next week, more than doubling Trump's $2.6B net worth.
Digital World Acquisition is a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, valued at $1.6B. It proposed merging with Trump Media in October 2021, four months before Truth Social launched. DWA's shares have climbed 145% to $43 this year, with Trump's supporters bolstering its status as a meme stock—an equity that gains popularity through social media.
The deal values Truth Social at $6B despite its financial performance. Truth Social generated about $5M in sales and lost roughly $32M since launching. Trump would own nearly 60% of the combined entity; his wealth is projected to rise by $3.5B at current share prices, though he's restricted from selling shares for six months post-merger per deal provisions.
from CNN on this merger thing:
'The bad news for Trump is that this stake is not as liquid as it sounds. Those paper gains would be very difficult for Trump to translate to actual cash.
In fact, Trump’s shares in this company are in many ways even less liquid than his real estate holdings, according to Charles Whitehead, a law professor at Cornell Law School.
First, experts say the market is drastically overvaluing Trump Media based on the company’s fundamentals.
That means Trump would have a hard time dumping the stock or even pledging it as collateral.
“The stock price is clearly a bubble,” Yale law professor Jonathan Macey told CNN. “No rational investor would take the stock at face value, especially if they had to hold it for any length of time.”'
Whew! Thanks for this. The very idea he could use this to save his sorry diapered ass pisses me off.
Oh I needed this news!!
I wasnt as worried Susan, let him sell the stock for the Judgements, the stock will be on a downward spiral, and this might put a smile on your face, like everything he touched it turns to shit.
He is like a Big Ponzi Scheme.
Do you know why the stock got listed? The Original investors were going to pull the plug and get hammered with losses.
I will bet my last dollar, that they sell their shares, and get out, leaving a whole bunch of " investors" in their wake.
Happy Friday
Thank you Mark! I hope you're right...and what you say makes sense. Happy Friday back at ya! 👍✌️
The First Trump Fire Sale!
And it opened at -12$ from previous price point. Mark, you are so correct. And Trump is most certainly cycling the financial drain!
I was so busy I didn't bother to check.
If those guys ( initial investors) didn't get this done, they would have been on the hook for hundreds of millions. Now they have a chance to recoup their initial investments. So so shady....
Another way to get his foreign investors (Putin MBS and the like) to get cash to him. It's another grift. Truth Social pulled in a whopping $1.1 million in February and spent $25 million. Who on earth would merge with them except bad actors?
And that's the bigger concern. How can people possibly elect someone who is CLEARLY owned by bad foreign actors?
Because they believe what comes out of Donnie’s mouth. They are impervious to facts
Even as the tackle of reality on all sides comes in. I think when they are standing in2 ft of water and Donald says it is dry land the gig is up.
That's what I'm thinking too. It would be a way to launder foreign money. Would the SEC be privy to any of this?
Remember in 2015 trump’s Taj Mahal casino was fined $10 million by the U.S. government for laundering money for YEARS! It was the biggest fine ever imposed by the government on a casino— ever. Shortly afterwards the casino went belly up. So, this is NOT a new game by the grifter-in-chief…….
They have a tendency to, how shall I put this, go blind in certain circumstances.
Remember Madoff?
The upside is thinking about what the final outcome was for Madoff! 🤞🏻
At least the official minder will know and so then, so will we about ANY funds paying his bond.
And yet another hit of dopamine thanks to Jeff. Thank you Jeff!
Yeah the Truth Social thing is essentially pulling the same scam on himself; he's selling it for a bajillion dollars but those dollars are essentially on fire and by the time they reach his hands will be mostly ash. It would be like buying a 2024 vehicle and getting it home and the 2nd 2 falls off showing you actually bought a 2014.
Yeah, Don'll get some money from this but it won't be billions and may not be enough.
Plus, he has to wait 6 months to liquidate it, according to an article I read this morning. I don’t remember where I read it, but it was possibly on Joyce Vance’s Substack.
Huh, a day late and $465M short, go figure.
Jay Kuo probably.
It could be, I subscribe to his too.
I read Joyce’s Substack today and got really nervous. I hope he’s kept from doing it.
That is correct
..that he can't get any cash for six months at least
That’s hilarious about the 2nd 2. I could see some of the MAGAs falling for this!
It just gets more and more schadenfreudey.
Does this mean Kim Jong Uns love letters are no longer up for sale? 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you. I had a panic attack this morning about this!
Actually, he apparently can't sell or pledge the stock for 6 months anyway unless he figures out a way to get around the "lock in" rules connected with this kind of merger. If he did get around them, can the SEC disapprove the merger at this late date?
There is actually very little to seize at trump tower. The condos are owned by those who bought them. He owns the service areas (restaurants, garage) and the Incredible Shrinking Condo of his own.
The Seven Springs property is encumbered by a deed restriction that trump agreed to in exchange for a 21 million tax break. It can't be developed. I haven't been able to find info on what its current value is with that restriction. In this, it is it is like Mar A Lago, which can ONLY be used as a club.
Trump argued in the trial that James was ignoring the value of the Trump Brand. But that of course is not worth much to a potential buyer. And trump would undoubtedly charge for the USE of the brand anyway. Of course, if James forecloses the brand won't be part of the sale package.
She is going to have to foreclose on a LOT of properties to get enough to cover the judgment. So would any surety taking property as collateral. Yet another reason they won't.
I love the bit about the judge applying a crazy interest rate. He applied the LEGAL post judgment interest rate:
The only Trump brand I would buy is if I can pay a cattle rustler to brand his stank butt.
a gay friend of mine just visited a penthouse condo in Florida, at the insistence of his friend who owns a different condo in the building--she wanted him to see the view. He said the penthouse had a whole 'ROOM devoted to trump junk, and it was hard to keep from throwing up all over the expensive rug.
I am glad I got to see the St. Augustine fort and experienced a FL rainstorm. Ain't never going back there now that they have Trump shitweasels all over the place. I might reconsider if they turn blue in November.
This is a great article from Barron's on why it would be a super dum thing to buy into this IPO. https://archive.is/mf4al
The best line - and love that Barron's lists it as number 1 reason to skip giving anything to this Clown Show - : "Or, as the prospectus puts it, “TMTG expects to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future.”".
Thank-you!!! All I see are headlines about Trump getting $3BN in this merger. Plus, if he declares personal bankruptcy today, can't NY seize taxes out of it, as well as his debtors?
yes but he's not declaring bankruptcy, it's the last thing he'll do. well, if James was within hours of lowering the boom he would. i bet he's got all the paperwork ready.
That's a hell of a big relief.
thank you. the news was making me ill until i read your post.
Thank you Jeff. NY Times was just giddy about the potential “uuuuge” wealth increase for the orange moron (once in a lifetime increase). Your facts give perspective to that false narrative peddled by the Times.
Thank you for addressing this and easing the anger that he'd just float into the sunset on a pile of enormous cash for his crappy app-how the fuck is his failing crappy app worth that much? The evil scheme does seem like a brilliantly sinister-planned windfall.
Yes, thank you Jeff!
How delicious that all three of the individuals mentioned in today's post are black. That alone should really burn his racist ass. As Jeff said, "tick tock." Somebody start popping that corn!
And two are women. Let’s see if they let LDFF grab anything because he’s a ‘star’. Nope. Didn’t think so.
African American.
BLACK and there's nothing wrong with it. lots of Blacks I know hate the African American thing, it's sooooooo PC and dumb.
Then I should technically be, Swiss/Indian/English/Jewish American
We sometimes say "people of color". I like that because it's inclusive. Where I live we have people in every shade except Scottish white (and that is truly, truly white). It's a bit startling when I see those blue-white people. I know they aren't local.
Exactly this-I knew someone from Dominica and she did not like being called African-American. She said her people did not come from Africa.
All I can say is my African American friends feel that that is the referral they like. Not trying to be politically correct here, just saying what actual people close to me prefer.
No worries🙂
Out of curiosity, how do you identify Black people in the UK where they are not American and with a strong chance of not being African either?
They used to be referred to as Afro Americans until the Afro went out of style in the 80's. Now it's making a comeback. 😏
And you're only considered an African American if you, your parents or grandparents are from Africa, @Kerbo. Ancestry isn't factored in. If that was the case, we would all identify from where our ancestors immigrated from. That would make me an Italian - Irish - Scottish - German American. 🤷♀️
Does that make Elon Musk African-American due to where he was born and raised and without considering his ancestry? Kind of a fun thought in some ways.
White Afrikaner, if I am not mistaken what the Dutch and other settlers called themselves.
My American-born mother always referred to herself as Lithuanian. It used to be common to do that where I grew up.
Yes for recent ancestry but it would be “African” for every member of the human race er oops I mean species which is where our ancestors came from.
Thanks Donna. I'm English-Irish-Scottish-German. Personally, I've not heard African American in ages.
In England my understanding is people of color are identified as Black British, Carribbean, or Colombian, or a mixture.
Black is Beautiful.
They are NOT all from African countries.
I made that clear in my response .
I was thinking the same thing, the irony is the a la mode on Donnie's cow pie.
Good one Doc.
Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing! It must be killing this racist bastard to realize that it’s three black, smart, professional attorneys who are holding him accountable. 😁
It's about time someone does Michelle.
And two of them women. I love it.
Yep, that makes it even better Mara.
Please tell me the chickens are coming home to fuck back.
Chicken Fucker 2: The Fuckening. Coming to a political party near you.
I’m waiting for ‘Revenge of the Fucked Chickens’. Angry butt sore chickens are nasty🤣😂
Shhh don't give away the plot!
These are big birds, too. I might OD on schadenfreude and require medication.
🤣 🤣 🤣
Nice. Especially as the lower valuations submitted for tax purposes will permit seizure of more assets. And encumbrances will also enter into the calculus. None of this matters to the cult, nor to the wealthy grifters remaining in the GOP, but fuck them and keep the chuckles coming.
Fewer of them every day.
Out here in our state, the Assessor's value is the starting point when serving writs of collections. Don't know about NY, but chances are good that none of Orange Mussolini's figures are correct.
Amen. Donie the broke " billionaire"!
Jeff, a great start for festival of Purim to all who celebrate. Personally I would enjoy a search of Bedminster, dig up Ivanas grave to see what other state secrets are buried. Let the games begin fellow travellers.
What a difference a week makes! Fortune’s wheel seems to be grinding the Great Donaldo into the mud of the long road to Hell he’s been on ever since he was a tiny tot.
I like the idea of exhuming Ivana’s corpse so we can find the top secret government documents that were buried with her. A slice of pure American Gothic, long missing from this shit show. Watch: The casket doesn’t even contain her body, just tons of incriminating secret documents. He had some thugs from the Saudi embassy come down with their electric saws and cut her up into pieces, put her in hefty garbage bags and sink her in some piney woods bog in New Jersey, or the water trap off the 9th hole.
There's really not that much room inside a coffin. I'd like to see what's beneath.
Hey Doc, she was cremated. Ashes don't take up much room. ;-)
Lots,lots of pallbearers needed that were gurding their loins to lift that casket, just saying.
Yep. And ashes are not heavy, so what the hell was in that coffin?
Yeah, that's where I was kind of hoping Ms James would start -- with any luck, she might actually get to dig up Ivana and end up with some of those documents Donny stole. Self-perpetuating schadenfreude!
The fact that he has to reveal where is bond money is coming from is extra yummy. Is the Truth Social deal announced this morning too little too late? I’m scared to death he’ll weasel out of this. When the fat fuck says he has $500 million in cash that should be used against him I would think ! Still hoping for a massive coronary. ✌️
That's what I was just telling my husband as I read Jeff's newsletter. I am not getting my hopes up for the property seizures because some idiot billionaire is going to eventually, at the last minute, loan him the money. I also don't think that it's wise to mock the pos on social since most of those billionaire own or are on social media and they MIGHT feel sorry for the poor con-man and rally behind him.
If someone loans tfg the money and when LDFF loses his appeal the $$$$ goes bye bye anyway…….right?
Omg me too Susan I felt like someone pushed me off of a mountain this morning reading about his windfall merger. What scares me is I feel these billionaires the SEC GOP SCOTUS DOJ know something very sinister that we dont
Such as they have a plan in full motion of the ultimate grift of all to grift the election to overturn it by way of all these people and organizations in his back pocket or I should say the many back pockets that trump is in.
And that it will be like smoke and mirrors w distraction and he will be on power before we have any notion of how it happened
Like slight of hand
I am filled with rage toward every lawmaker in government who have allowed and even encouraged it.
I'm so fuckin angry I hope he BLOWS UP
Same! I wake up every day and hope I hear it on the news. He’s dead. There will be great rejoicing!
😂😂😂 me too!
Communism in America? To be rightfully prosecuted for crime after crime is communism?
I think that what I have is worth a lot to me. I am not commiting fraud trying to get 50 times that for it. Trump pulled the worth zillions and not worth much crap for decades, not just recently. Trump Inc. has been a crime in progress since forever.
Trump's properties are worth a actual assessment minus what is owned on loans taken out on them. The loan institution would have the actual deed to the property.
The court should not allow Russian oligarchs to post the bond. Trump is guaranteed to try (and trying 24/7) any underhanded way to post the bond or get out of it.
Communism in America is what Trump and the Republicans promise. Trump as dictator, big business seized, all Social Security and military benefits stopped, millions of people "disappear", stores empty, unrest and killing in the streets.
I refuse to accept that.
Under Shitler we had over a million Americans disappear from his mishandling of Covid-19, people were killed in the streets by his flying monkeys (Kyle Shittenhouse), and the stores were empty -- remember trying to find TP? NFW can this monster get back in control. He needs to go to prison for the rest of his rancid life and learn something useful like how to clean a toilet.
Trump, on his knees with a toilet brush, cleaning a toilet...in a prison cell with like 12 more in line to clean. Now THAT is a visual! Thanks for that.
NY has a lot of experience dealing with the mob. The money has to be legit.
The teflon Don is at it again - here's a headline from the NYT today: BREAKING NEWS
Donald Trump’s social media company merged with a cash-rich shell corporation, a move that raises his wealth by billions.
Mind you, he isn't supposed to pledge his shares as collateral, but he's probably got some dirt on the guys that can waive that restriction.....
“holy shit, two trials before the election. is it possible to die of schadenfreude twice?” YESSS, Jeff, donnies misfortune IS our pleasure.
Let us enjoy the schadenfreude! Let us all celebrate together with the best champagne we can afford after working hard for a Biden landslide victory and (just imagine!) 4 years of Trump oblivion. I get giddy just thinking about it. Ah… the peace of mind, the lack of angst over losing our democracy, the security of knowing a madman is not in the White House and, if not in jail, is in the courtroom losing everything because we will have a new AG who will actually hold him accountable (I know, a girl can dream), the lovely whining of MAGA republicans who can’t shove through their extremist agenda because we have a majority in the House and Senate, actual fact based investigations of crimes (we’re looking at you subpoena-ignoring Gym) money for Ukraine, bodily autonomy, voting rights, respect for the constitution, our allies feeing secure, a bill to address the border situation. It sounds utopian and I for one can’t wait. Pop that champagne! 🍾
I've had mine in the cooler for 8 years. Waiting.
Oh Doc, pop that sucker! You've earned it!
I want a sip from that bottle of your champagne, right on!
I’ve got a bottle chilling!
Yeps. And unused flutes, too.
Let’s make it happen!
The company is allegedly worth $4 billion, and they did $3 MILLION in business last year. As with all of TFG's statements about his finances - he's lying.
How could we have forgotten?
But, cash-rich or not, isn't it supposed to be dependent on an IPO? Truth Social only has about 5,000,000 users compared to 300,000,000 for Facebook... I could see the IPO fall flat on its face.
yes. my guess is it'll be close to worthless by July or August. but then I thought that about bitcoin too...
I think it has more to do with musical chairs and people holding the bag wanting an IPO in order to get out with cash before the music ends. Good luck, suckers.
I too got the NYT "Breaking News" about the "shell company" coasting in on the waves like some Botticelli birth of Venus gift from Olympus to save a bottom-feeder. Why? Because the USA has zero defenses against real, well established Kleptocracies.
Our country existed on "norms" for centuries. We say we are governed by laws not men. But some men are really good at identifying loopholes in laws. Since we are obliged to play by the rules, we keep saying, "Shucks, you got me there. Technically, we have no choice but to honor your see-through complaint."
So, on one side you have the judges who are terrified of being called political or moving too fast and giving Trump an opportunity to cry foul and have the whole thing dismissed. On the other side you have the "SCOTUS Steal Team Six"*, Cannon, and McAfee who drool at every opportunity to let the guy slide. Net: The bar for justice is sky-high and the bar for Trump is just a goal post that keeps moving in his favor.
I have to hand it to the bottom feeders, they are living up to the hallmarks of Arch Villain. The prize is the world's largest economy and the end of post WWII western liberal democracy. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to topple our country and world order.
If I play this chess game out, Biden better have three times the Secret Service resources working overtime to keep him safe. And he better have a back up plan. The other side, the Arch Villains, will stop at nothing.
*Jack Ohman coined Steal Team Six
I don't know. This just seems like more smoke and mirrors that only fools the rubes. Who have already quit donating in droves. Small donors down 69% compared to 4 years ago. And institutional money? They ain't paying top dollar on meme stock that will crash the minute those shares hit the market. It's the rubes that are stupid.
I hope and pray the retreat of the masses (small donors down 69%) will encourage more coin-operated Republicans to grow a pair and publicly remove their support from Trump. The problem is the lawmakers who support Trump have the access to power to install him. Trump doesn't succeed without the "enablers" as Mary Trump calls them. My point is that Trump has some powerful enablers who are happy to flex our norms and laws in his favor. This era of corruption is truly remarkable for its casual handing over of country to utter chaos. The SCOTUS Steal Team Six made it clear where they stand with their April 25th date to hear arguments about absolute immunity. That was the day I completely freaked out. Why? Because despite the bad press and low approval ratings for the court, Chief Justice John Roberts let everyone know they are on Team Trump and they don't give two fucks what the people think or our right to have justice served. I pray I am wrong. Please tell me I'm so beaten down that I'm missing something!
The GOP primaries last Tuesday showed that some of the rubes are fed up. That gives more of the rubes cover to walk away. With Trump's defamation suit against ABC for calling him a rapist the country will get to consider that they had a president who thinks it's perfectly fine to shove an unwilling woman up against the wall as he shoves his filthy fingers up her in a department store filled with families and their children. Personally, I predict more rubes walking away. Even if quietly.
Blue, I hear you! If a good percentage of the evangelicals finally feel the taxing pain in their necks of looking the other way from Trump's sadistic personality and actions, and even openly humble-brag that Trump has gone too far (especially if the SCOTUS makes Mifepristone illegal and by doing so basically the evangelicals get their national abortion ban), we could see the exodus of support that ends his presidential ambitions. As much as this whole affair is beyond tawdry and outrageous to play fast and loose with the nation's highest office, I would welcome the hypocrites washing their culpable hands of this vile man.
Better late than never I guess. 🙄 And to think that we got the PAB because he was trying to sell steaks. FFS. 😵💫
That SCOTUS would have anything to do with a ruling on Mifepristone is just way beyond the line. But that little blue pill you can get easily online. Gee, i wonder how that could happen? Or, what is next the entire formulary of all the drugs currently approved for every Healthcare insurance coverage or why even bother getting FDA approval if it can be taken away by crazy Republicans?
I've been worried about Biden and Harris's safety too.
Yeah, because look who is next in line? Little christo-crazy Johnson.
Yeah, but it's not cash. I want to see the IPO crash and burn. Bigly.
Just read it. My first thought was his commissary will never be empty.
🤣 🤣 🤣
Yep, just read about that on Jay Kuo’s site.
Even Teflon has a life cycle. Looks like this one could be finally and fully worn out. Just keep reporting the news Jeff.
And Teflon can be effectively scrubbed off. I had a colleague whose father, who was suffering early onset dementia, stayed up all one night scrubbing the Teflon off their frying pan because he was convinced it was ingrained burnt food. He had succeeded in scrubbing down to bare steel by the early hours.
We just need all the prosecuting legal teams to keep on at scrubbing that Teflon off of Trump.
Seems like the master of handslaps, delays, deflect, distract and bullshit has found a way to come out smelling like a rose. Sure as hell hope not and still got fingers crossed for Monday to start the process for the seizing of his properties. If he does have dirt on the guys who could wave the restriction, isn't it time for the legal system's dirt on him to kick in?
This gives good information on the meme stock status of DWAC, now DJT (seriously). Great info:
Dude, I groaned at reading "DJT." F'ing puked. Most companies pick a stock ticker that resembles the name of the company. Truth Social would have been TRSO, right? But for the guy who had all his shirt cuffs monogrammed with 45 the second he got his new Oval Office toy, I shouldn't have been surprised.
Why Melania hasn't poisoned him yet is beyond me. In the "Murder on the Orient Express" chapter of Trump's miserable existence, she and Baron would be the first in line to plunge the knife through Mr. Eponymous' miserable heart.
She's his soul mate. God help us now!!! 🤣
Waaaahhhh! HILARIOUS! Soul mate where no souls are involved!
Thanks for this update.
He will remain teflonish until November.
Good God “Mr. Trump” this “Mr.Trump” that. The New York Times sure does love them some “Mr. Trump” “his wealth would be increased be billions of dollars” NYT Is not a trustworthy news source. I went off on them when they asked me why I was cancelling. “um cause you’ve become a corporate whore and a punchline”
This will be a hot, hot, hot summer. Not just the weather but two P01135809 trials. I have A/C and I make great lemonade.
Lemonade and some nice cold revenge to snack on. Sounds tasty and refreshing to me!
A perfect combination
I make excellent popcorn and seven-layer bars. It's a party!
I’m coming to your house for those bars. I promise I’ll only eat two.
I'm on the way! Bringing Margaritas and home-grown salsa!
DT’s new theme (400,000,000 hits): “IN HELL I’LL BE IN GOOD COMPANY”
“When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change. The devil changes you.” ― Amanda Hocking, My Blood Approves
I love this song and band - Cajun Kletzmer 🎶
I hoped i would find a fellow traveler that liked the band/song. I play it almost daily - very snappy.
OMG.. your wording is always hilariously spot on. Just to make things easy, house immigrants at the Westchester properties and homeless New Yorkers in Trump Tower. Also to make things easy, value all seized properties at what he valued them for tax purposes. It’s what the government has on record for property values and it’s also closer to accurate. By the way, I’m in NYS and want to know how the fuck I can choose the value of my property for tax purposes.
That is something I don't understand. If you're asking a bank for a loan on real property, don't they do their own evaluation? They just accept what you tell them? Seems like a bad business practice.
I live.
Have fun in court Bankrupt Donnie. Couldn't happen to nicer guy. Because a nicer guy wouldn't have FAFO like you did.
MAGA,Morons Always Going Apeshit,the GOP was a dying party anyway, thankfully Trump is hastening it's demise. History will remember 3 symbols of hate over the last 150 years,the Confederate flag,the swastika and a red hat...
Right on about the symbols Bruce!
I was with my very psychic energy healer friend on election night 2016 and literally puked when I realized this malignant monster would be my US Coast Guard son's new CIC. I was overcome by a deep sense of dread that I've rarely experienced. My friend "checked in" with the energies and then told me that his election would actually help speed up the evolution of humanity. It would be short term bad but ultimately good. Goddess, I hope she is right.
Well, his mass mediated public behaviour does seem to be directing a high spectrum floodlight into some very dark social and political corners. Positively Luciferian 👺
"Get a brain Morans!" Instant classic.
Shit is getting real for Emperor Shitstain. This reminds me of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when they had the posse on them. Sundance asks Butch: "Who are these guys?" They're the descendants of Bass Reaves and they won't stop until they take you down. Have a fun weekend, Shitgibbon!!😆😆😂😂
From 1440 Newsletter today:
Truth Social Merger
Shareholders are expected to vote today on whether to merge publicly traded shell company Digital World Acquisition with Trump Media and Technology Group, the owner of former President Donald Trump's Truth Social platform. If approved, Trump Media could go public as soon as next week, more than doubling Trump's $2.6B net worth.
Digital World Acquisition is a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, valued at $1.6B. It proposed merging with Trump Media in October 2021, four months before Truth Social launched. DWA's shares have climbed 145% to $43 this year, with Trump's supporters bolstering its status as a meme stock—an equity that gains popularity through social media.
The deal values Truth Social at $6B despite its financial performance. Truth Social generated about $5M in sales and lost roughly $32M since launching. Trump would own nearly 60% of the combined entity; his wealth is projected to rise by $3.5B at current share prices, though he's restricted from selling shares for six months post-merger per deal provisions.
Can you say, " pump and dump"?
The stock dropped$-12/per share from I believe, $46. And that is one day! Hot IPOs go up in price and not dropping like a dead man off a pier.
Exactly! 🤭