No worries cause I’m sure Jeff you Will add to the OrangeDoucheforBrains post.. and of course it will be scathing and brilliant!! I can’t wait 🙌🏽 and off to my morning tea while I enjoy seeing that Orangetwatmuffinelectiondenierconmancrotchsniffinginsurrectionistpiglet get slammed by oh yeah everyone and anyone with a functioning brain. The Orange MagaT groupies don’t count cause they’re shityounot crazier than that OrangeDoucheForBrains. I’ve got buttered popcorn ready today cause I’m waiting for Michael Cohen and the OrangeMenace’s daughter Ivanka🙄 his only daughter who is distancing herself from dear ‘ol Daddykins and I just cannot wait to see what she has to say.. probably not much.. that lightbulb in her brain flickered out a long time ago.. good grief the entitlement of the rich and severely stupid..SMH
Well, here’s some info for your next newsletter. Dean Phillips has entered as a primary candidate against Biden. I’m posting here Rick Wilson’s video about that, wherein he tears Phillips to shreds.
He’s a representative from Minnesota that no one‘s ever heard of. I knew about him because Steve Schmidt had warned a while back that he might try to do this. He’s premising this on these polls that show Biden‘s age is an issue. To me, with the circumstances we’re living through, this is the most un-American, hateful BS act any other Democrat could do to Biden. Hopefully he will get nowhere with this and subsequently lose his seat in Minnesota. But he might do some damage and give a gift to the Republicans, this fucking guy.
I have no idea why he would do this, and maybe there’s something going on in Minnesota that we don’t know about. But I think this guy has a fairly safe seat, and knowing that he can’t possibly win (or can he?) one needs to ask why he would jeopardize the entire country for this stunt. Obviously he’s being led around by his ego. There’s been no news about this that I’ve seen. I wouldn’t have even known about this if I didn’t read Rick Wilson’s newsletter.
Way too much going on and all of it BAD FOR DONALD TRUMP. I’d pay to see that coward get in Joe Biden’s Face! Joes old yes but...and what have we come to when a person who was in the White House talks openly about punching the president in the face! What the actual fuck? I can’t watch the news and can barely read the authors I love like Jeff so damn sick of this “I don’t have the words of what to call him” this fucker given a platform to spew his filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! And only the worst thugs, the dregs of human kind come out to listen to this knuckle dragging, drooling thumb sucking piece of a shit stain that not even maggots will go near and the sad thing is that I remember a time of at least a pretense of decency when he’d have been booed off the national stage when he ran his mouth about John McCain a real and true hero because he stayed. Trump knows ZERO of anything real or even history in the abstract he’s entirely so ignorant of everything except believing he deserves the world in the palm of his tiny little hand that matches his tiny little other “hand” and his boisterous ugly tough guy bull shit is the cover up for the puny size of his male member. Some men go out and get a pit bull and a big GMC Denali but trumps mouth spewing absolute filthy bull shit is his weapon of choice. He’s a monster a monster built and powered by the worst of the republican party of today and republicans of old would never stand for this. Never! They’ve been falling down since Carl Rove initiated his dumb it down campaign strategy and that was ground zero for for what has culminated into the abomination that is filth incarnate Donald Trump.
No surprise Jenna Ellis was the next one to flip. If only she had done her due diligence! 🙄 I’m calling bullshit on that and that she has even an ounce of integrity. None of that felonious mob has any. If they did, they wouldn’t have thrown in with Agent Orange.
Notice she played the Xitian card. I'm such a good Xitian, I would nevah do anything the good Lawrd would disapprove of. It's all of those Devil-people who made me do it.
I don’t quite picture her speaking that way. Not all hypocrites do. “I’m a Christian but I practiced deception on the highest level causing many people to be hurt and inciting a regime change.” “But I’m a Christian even though I act opposite of the red letters, it’s okay because I owned up when my ass was on the line.” After all isn’t that what Jesus said, “go out into the world and reck havoc.” 🤣🤣🤣
Ya. Reading her statements to the court, I was rolling my eyes and there is absolutely no way the people in the court have heard stronger bullshit than what she was saying. She is complicit in every way.
Every time I think that you have outdone yourself, you come up with something even better!
"excuse me, what in actual fuck?
this shithead with fake teeth, lifts in his shoes, a girdle and an extra-large adult diaper, a quart of bronzer sloppily slathered all over his big dumb pumpkin face, and some fucked-up rat’s nest of who the fuck even knows what that cotton candy bullshit is on top of his empty head — he’s accusing Joe Biden of having a fake nose? (Jealous maybe?)
remember, every accusation is actually A CONFESSION with this guy — is there something going on with Donny’s adderall-ravaged nose that we don’t know about?" NO question about that! (And he knows all about fake noses. Just look at Invaka's.)
P.S. My apologies for posting 3 comments. A first for me on any of the writers I follow. But I just couldn't resist.
Oh, I get what you mean if we are talking a real sheep skin nor matter who's dissertation. My thoughts were more inclined with P.T Barnham (sp?). What
Trump has certainly laid a line of bs that worked on some people, all of the time. It is his true talent and maybe all the more so because he believes it himself. Natural born bullshitter and sociopath.
Someone forgot to powderpuff his puss before he started blathering to the crowd...Fuckface Donnie looked even more sweaty than usual. I wonder whether he and Junior are using some of the same reinforcements. They have the same pallor and shine about them lately!
I'm waiting for the end of this movie, "A Shitcar Named Donald", in which the central character, Donald DuBois, finally breaks down when he realizes that he has always depended on the avarice and stupidity of other people. Boo fucking hoo, Blanche.
"[A]s an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings." WTF???!!!
"As a Christian..." has to be one of the most annoying phrases in the English language. Right up there with "as a mother/father..." ...because those of us who aren't Christians have no moral compass, and those of us who aren't parents can't imagine feeling anything about children. Sigh...
Especially when they aren’t. My sister in law “was a Christian” when she kept her brothers half of their inheritance because she legally could. She went to church a lot more after that. She believes that will redeem her but it won’t in this world or the next.
I know, what a crock of shit. I love how her sweet little voice was breaking up as she read her statement. Poor Jenna is afraid of going to hell now. May the angels swoop down and save her.
Everyone should remember that part of these sweetheart deals is that the guilty ones tell the absolute truth about what went down. And Fani Willis has the receipts to double check what they say on the stand. If they lie, BOOM! Deals off and we go straight to trial on the original FELONY charges. Which means anyone who's a lawyer (and so far they all are) faces disbarment if found guilty.
And little ole what's-his-name is getting worse and worse. He's telling them not to worry about voting because he says they already have enough, as if the election is already in the bag, and all the votes have been counted. Or that they know they have all the votes they need at the right level to throw the election.
If he somehow pulls it off, DOJ better jump on the investigations of state level Rs.
Sweetheart deals indeed... pisses me off they aren’t disbarred. Slap on the wrist...“Texan Sidney Powell, Trump co-defendant, pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case. Under the plea agreement, the lawyer will serve six years' probation, pay a $6,000 fine plus $2,700 to the secretary of state's office and testify truthfully at co-defendants' trials.”
This is it?!? They didn’t rob a clothing store for fuck’s sake!!! They were front and center every day with the Big Lie and they aren’t front and center admitting their duplicitous guilt every the same people that need to hear it because they STILL believe it 😡🤬😡🤬
I'm still placing my bet on GHOULIANI. Old, broke, and no hair care in prison! Jeffrey BarkingMadClarke is a doofus and Marky Mark Meadows is an arrogant putz.
How could you even tell? There have been pictures of him when he's three sheets to the wind when he looks just like one of the extras in the Addams Family...or is it the Munsters?
OMG, I fucking love this one Jeff! I admit to being like a teenage boy when it comes to fart jokes. And, I also admit to watching the link to Rudy's fart video and Ellis's head whipping around to it, three times just for laughs!
I had lots more to talk about — Michael Cohen and Ivanka and more — but the Jenna news crowded it out. I guess they'll go into tomorrow's thing
Mark Meadows just flipped in DC. I guess that will go into tomorrow's thing, too. and if he flipped in DC, he's probably going to flip in Georgia, no?
Yes! 🙌
Absolutely loved every word of this one! 😝Had a couple of out loud chuckles! 🤭 Thank you for making my day!
what's the Ivanka thing? shit, I have to wait?
she's been subpoenaed to testify at her daddy's trial and she's trying to quash it and I HAVE BIG OPINIONS about it because of course I do
Gracias Jeff.
Now I can go about my day and not spend it googling her stupid name.
Well, I guess she should be commended for not trying to dodge all of this by claiming spousal privilege. :-)
But I bet she would happily parade around in a bikini for all those guys to see what they are missing... and show off what money can buy.
Oh! Now that's BAAAD! LOL!!!
Very bad!!
we saw her a few days ago in Beverly Hills, partying with Kim Kardashian at Kim's 43rd birthday party...didnt know they were besties.
And of course we are eagerly waiting for it
Okeydoke, looking forward to thoughts that you slept on. Admire your daily output.
No worries cause I’m sure Jeff you Will add to the OrangeDoucheforBrains post.. and of course it will be scathing and brilliant!! I can’t wait 🙌🏽 and off to my morning tea while I enjoy seeing that Orangetwatmuffinelectiondenierconmancrotchsniffinginsurrectionistpiglet get slammed by oh yeah everyone and anyone with a functioning brain. The Orange MagaT groupies don’t count cause they’re shityounot crazier than that OrangeDoucheForBrains. I’ve got buttered popcorn ready today cause I’m waiting for Michael Cohen and the OrangeMenace’s daughter Ivanka🙄 his only daughter who is distancing herself from dear ‘ol Daddykins and I just cannot wait to see what she has to say.. probably not much.. that lightbulb in her brain flickered out a long time ago.. good grief the entitlement of the rich and severely stupid..SMH
Fine run-on words.
We will be right here, anxiously awaiting your next installment. Jeff, you are a fucking national treasure!
Well, here’s some info for your next newsletter. Dean Phillips has entered as a primary candidate against Biden. I’m posting here Rick Wilson’s video about that, wherein he tears Phillips to shreds.
Who the fuck is Dean Phillips?
He’s a representative from Minnesota that no one‘s ever heard of. I knew about him because Steve Schmidt had warned a while back that he might try to do this. He’s premising this on these polls that show Biden‘s age is an issue. To me, with the circumstances we’re living through, this is the most un-American, hateful BS act any other Democrat could do to Biden. Hopefully he will get nowhere with this and subsequently lose his seat in Minnesota. But he might do some damage and give a gift to the Republicans, this fucking guy.
What does he hope to accomplish with this bullshit? Does he have a primary challenger?
I have no idea why he would do this, and maybe there’s something going on in Minnesota that we don’t know about. But I think this guy has a fairly safe seat, and knowing that he can’t possibly win (or can he?) one needs to ask why he would jeopardize the entire country for this stunt. Obviously he’s being led around by his ego. There’s been no news about this that I’ve seen. I wouldn’t have even known about this if I didn’t read Rick Wilson’s newsletter.
I said the exact same thing Charlie!
He better have a primary challenger!!
A little tease?
Yes Sir!!
Way too much going on and all of it BAD FOR DONALD TRUMP. I’d pay to see that coward get in Joe Biden’s Face! Joes old yes but...and what have we come to when a person who was in the White House talks openly about punching the president in the face! What the actual fuck? I can’t watch the news and can barely read the authors I love like Jeff so damn sick of this “I don’t have the words of what to call him” this fucker given a platform to spew his filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Filth! Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! And only the worst thugs, the dregs of human kind come out to listen to this knuckle dragging, drooling thumb sucking piece of a shit stain that not even maggots will go near and the sad thing is that I remember a time of at least a pretense of decency when he’d have been booed off the national stage when he ran his mouth about John McCain a real and true hero because he stayed. Trump knows ZERO of anything real or even history in the abstract he’s entirely so ignorant of everything except believing he deserves the world in the palm of his tiny little hand that matches his tiny little other “hand” and his boisterous ugly tough guy bull shit is the cover up for the puny size of his male member. Some men go out and get a pit bull and a big GMC Denali but trumps mouth spewing absolute filthy bull shit is his weapon of choice. He’s a monster a monster built and powered by the worst of the republican party of today and republicans of old would never stand for this. Never! They’ve been falling down since Carl Rove initiated his dumb it down campaign strategy and that was ground zero for for what has culminated into the abomination that is filth incarnate Donald Trump.
Yes Dancing Fox: Right-on, write-on! Uh ... wax on ...
New musical group: "Donnie and the Dominoes".
HA! Good one. 😂
Yeah, sorry Derek. They needed a new lead singer. And the new guy can really sing! Even if he is off key.
No surprise Jenna Ellis was the next one to flip. If only she had done her due diligence! 🙄 I’m calling bullshit on that and that she has even an ounce of integrity. None of that felonious mob has any. If they did, they wouldn’t have thrown in with Agent Orange.
I think when the question was raised in a comment thread a couple of days ago, the general consensus was that Jenna would be next
Joyce Vance put it out
there. Jenna won in a landslide.
You’re welcome. 👏👏👏
Notice she played the Xitian card. I'm such a good Xitian, I would nevah do anything the good Lawrd would disapprove of. It's all of those Devil-people who made me do it.
Lol, exactly. They thought they had a fool proof way to get Blob back in office. No one gets to claim innocence
You gotta have JEEEZSUS, I tell that's all!
A little bit from Ry Cooder
Right. These people sicken me....I'm always skeptical. 🙄
I don’t quite picture her speaking that way. Not all hypocrites do. “I’m a Christian but I practiced deception on the highest level causing many people to be hurt and inciting a regime change.” “But I’m a Christian even though I act opposite of the red letters, it’s okay because I owned up when my ass was on the line.” After all isn’t that what Jesus said, “go out into the world and reck havoc.” 🤣🤣🤣
Ya. Reading her statements to the court, I was rolling my eyes and there is absolutely no way the people in the court have heard stronger bullshit than what she was saying. She is complicit in every way.
Oh but she’s a “CHRISTIAN”.
Next thing you know Jesus will be suing for defamation.
As well he should
He has a slam dunk case.
Bullhorns for everyone!!!📢
I have three bullhorns (I'm an abortion rights activist) and if Donaldo Maximus ever comes to my town, you best believe they'll be getting an airing.
Also, sorry Jeff, but "extra large" adult diaper? That fat shitbag is a 2X at the very smallest.
Every time I think that you have outdone yourself, you come up with something even better!
"excuse me, what in actual fuck?
this shithead with fake teeth, lifts in his shoes, a girdle and an extra-large adult diaper, a quart of bronzer sloppily slathered all over his big dumb pumpkin face, and some fucked-up rat’s nest of who the fuck even knows what that cotton candy bullshit is on top of his empty head — he’s accusing Joe Biden of having a fake nose? (Jealous maybe?)
remember, every accusation is actually A CONFESSION with this guy — is there something going on with Donny’s adderall-ravaged nose that we don’t know about?" NO question about that! (And he knows all about fake noses. Just look at Invaka's.)
P.S. My apologies for posting 3 comments. A first for me on any of the writers I follow. But I just couldn't resist.
Putty and paint makes it what it ain't. Hard to think of anything that's real about this lying, forever phony felonious asshole.
He has a PhD in bullshit, no doubt.
Oh please, that would mean he “worked” for something- 🤮
Like writing a dissertation. He'd offer to pay someone to write his book of bullshit and then stiff them at the end.
Oh, I get what you mean if we are talking a real sheep skin nor matter who's dissertation. My thoughts were more inclined with P.T Barnham (sp?). What
Trump has certainly laid a line of bs that worked on some people, all of the time. It is his true talent and maybe all the more so because he believes it himself. Natural born bullshitter and sociopath.
And D list celebutard
Not a Goddamned thing.
Someone forgot to powderpuff his puss before he started blathering to the crowd...Fuckface Donnie looked even more sweaty than usual. I wonder whether he and Junior are using some of the same reinforcements. They have the same pallor and shine about them lately!
These statements were priceless. He outdid himself today. But your own little snark at the end about Ivanka's nose was icing on the cake.🤣
Why, thank you very much, Cheryl! :-)
I'm waiting for the end of this movie, "A Shitcar Named Donald", in which the central character, Donald DuBois, finally breaks down when he realizes that he has always depended on the avarice and stupidity of other people. Boo fucking hoo, Blanche.
Kerry that’s Boo FuckingHoo fabulous!! Great job with that Shitcar named Donald!! 🙌🏽
Good one!
Yep! Perfect!
Kerry that’s Boo FuckingHoo fabulous!! Great job with that Shitcar named Donald!! 🙌🏽
"[A]s an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings." WTF???!!!
"As a Christian..." has to be one of the most annoying phrases in the English language. Right up there with "as a mother/father..." ...because those of us who aren't Christians have no moral compass, and those of us who aren't parents can't imagine feeling anything about children. Sigh...
Amen to that Yooper
Especially when they aren’t. My sister in law “was a Christian” when she kept her brothers half of their inheritance because she legally could. She went to church a lot more after that. She believes that will redeem her but it won’t in this world or the next.
LOL! Good luck with that, SIL!
Jenna, you are a great example of a pseudo-Christian. Sit down and maybe it will put out that pants-fire.
I know, what a crock of shit. I love how her sweet little voice was breaking up as she read her statement. Poor Jenna is afraid of going to hell now. May the angels swoop down and save her.
The Anti-Christ wouldn’t pick up the phone and pay for her legal.
And neither would Jesus. :)
Convincing no one!
Five words for Jenna: fuck you— you lying bitch!
Self awareness is not her super power
Nor is honesty!!!
She's trying to use her religion as a shield. Blasphemy, I believe.
Yeah, that's pretty fucking funny....
Pay-per-view? I’m in! So much bull and shit!!!!
The betting action alone on a Joe Biden-Donny Fuckface bout would allow us to finally buy Greenland.
I laughed hard. 😂
Wait, they cut to a My Pillow commercial? 🤣
who else is going to advertise on RBSN
i guess they don't care if they get stiffed.
Didn't know he had any more money to hawk his foam-rubber nightmare pads.
I really wanted to see the mango mussolini's response to being bullhorned at close range, rats
I know!!! lolololol
No way!
Everyone should remember that part of these sweetheart deals is that the guilty ones tell the absolute truth about what went down. And Fani Willis has the receipts to double check what they say on the stand. If they lie, BOOM! Deals off and we go straight to trial on the original FELONY charges. Which means anyone who's a lawyer (and so far they all are) faces disbarment if found guilty.
And little ole what's-his-name is getting worse and worse. He's telling them not to worry about voting because he says they already have enough, as if the election is already in the bag, and all the votes have been counted. Or that they know they have all the votes they need at the right level to throw the election.
If he somehow pulls it off, DOJ better jump on the investigations of state level Rs.
Could be they fixed the results
I wouldn't put it past them. Lie, cheat, & steal all seem to be the motto of the R party these days.
Sweetheart deals indeed... pisses me off they aren’t disbarred. Slap on the wrist...“Texan Sidney Powell, Trump co-defendant, pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case. Under the plea agreement, the lawyer will serve six years' probation, pay a $6,000 fine plus $2,700 to the secretary of state's office and testify truthfully at co-defendants' trials.”
This is it?!? They didn’t rob a clothing store for fuck’s sake!!! They were front and center every day with the Big Lie and they aren’t front and center admitting their duplicitous guilt every the same people that need to hear it because they STILL believe it 😡🤬😡🤬
When you tell the crowd you were never indicted and bullhorn guy immediately reminds you that you’re going to jail 😂.
As a someone who enjoys an occasional gamble I would like to place my bet for the next major flip.
For the Win: Jeffery Clark; Already considering his Place: Rudy Giuliani; And most likely to Show: Mark Meadows.
I am a winner any way this plays out.
I'm still placing my bet on GHOULIANI. Old, broke, and no hair care in prison! Jeffrey BarkingMadClarke is a doofus and Marky Mark Meadows is an arrogant putz.
Spot on Sharon!!
Sharon you nailed it!!!👍🏻
Side bet on a suicide in that group. (Clark)
Interesting. He does seem a bit tightly wound, so to speak. I hope he seeks help.
Quite possibly. Never thought about it but, he doesnt seem very together.
He's a dead-ender. Frankly, I figured Sidney for that. I was surprised that she flipped.
I agree with your assessment. Rudy needs to drink as much as possible before he heads to prison!
No hair dye either.
I’m getting a visual... 😳😂
Scary isn't it....🤣
Halloween is coming! LOL!
I seriously wonder how many people will dress up like Rudy! 🤣
How could you even tell? There have been pictures of him when he's three sheets to the wind when he looks just like one of the extras in the Addams Family...or is it the Munsters?
"My advice to you is that you drink very heavily"
Animal House
😂😂😂😂😂😂 you've got to love a hero with a bull horn!!!
OMG, I fucking love this one Jeff! I admit to being like a teenage boy when it comes to fart jokes. And, I also admit to watching the link to Rudy's fart video and Ellis's head whipping around to it, three times just for laughs!
I know, we are pathetic. Got to go watch that head flip again-priceless!!!
If only we could add the fart noise, haha