A club I sure would want not to belong to -- crybaby white guys who got literally everything handed to them on a silver platter and still it isn't enough because nothing can ever be enough to fill that big hole inside. Him and Donald trump and Tucker Carlson...

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Would anyone be surprised if he stripped naked and ran through the streets Pamplona-style shouting "tweet tweet tweetie"? I wouldn't.

But I sure would like to see what the reaction would be from the Tesla board.

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You just made my day!!!!!

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I’m not sorry that I’m missing all of this except hearing it through you and others. I was kicked off twitter a few years back for saying that Kelly Ann Conway ought to be slapped and although I contested it, saying that the orange clown faced con artist was daily saying much worse things and being allowed to get away with it, I’m still barred from it. Thank Goodness. Although I’m no one and have no followers I’m eternally grateful to not have to be subject to it.

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I love my (pre Vision-only) Tesla and I'm in awe of what SpaceX is doing. In a million skillion years I just can't understand what he thinks he's doing with Twitter. And his political ranting. And hanging out with Rupert Murdoch. I. Just. Don't. Understand.

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Musk is seriously the Biggest Loser Ever.

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Millionty skillionaire I can get behind because it's hilarious and I've been know to make up words for emphasis as well. What I can't get behind is his new name- that's a terrible insult to the original little red, super annoying squak box Elmo!!! Wait...

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We live in a society where celebs are elevated to Queens, Kings, Geniuses, Shakers & Movers & seem to think they give the teensiest shit about us. They all get gas, boogers, the runs & eye gunk so let's settle that first. Second, just because you're wealthy does not make you smarter (esp those who inherited it) than the average bear, it implores you to be even more decent than the next person & work to make the world a better place. The biggest Musk Ghouls are those who walk around in Trump shirts, live in double wides or with mommy & couldn't afford a tire rim let alone the whole car. Good that he's finally starting to realize he aint "all that" & no matter how many he unblocks he's still a dick & hopefully will just slink away, do some damn work in his businesses & learn to treat people the way he'd like to be treated. <what a concept> 8 billion Musks doesn't come even close to one Dolly.

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Elmo's problem is he isn't really a millionty skillionaire IRL, he's only that on paper. He's WORTH whatever billions Forbes puts him at currently, but that's only because of the amount of stock he owns in his various companies. The only way he realizes that much is if he either sells the whole thing outright, or sells all his stocks. Either way he winds up with a buttload of REAL money, but can't say jack about how his former property is handled.

I haven't gotten no Twitter since Saturday, so I haven't seen his tweets, but I'm going on in a few, and if he's in my feed, BLOCK will be employed.

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If I had a millonty skillion dollars I would use it to try to do good in the world.

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Nailing it everyday Jeff....everyday!! Love it!!

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You make me belly laugh. Thank you

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