"Trump is a menace who only gives a fuck about Trump.

will Republicans ever wake up and realize what a nightmare he is?"

No, apparently they are so terrified of this POS, they can't get past him.

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Some people (a lot?) are not ... smart ...

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No kidding. Today a medical office I have gone to for years has a front office lady I got friendly with overtime. Nice but wow she has a lifetime case of republican ignorance. Even though FOX denounces it she confirmed to me today that Biden is using USA money and is being paid by the Iranians ( the $6B recently released from S. Korea, etc.) to facilitate the Hamas/ Israeli war!

Honestly, the ignorance and R-wing religious prejudice is totally overwhelming and probably pointless to even try to explain to. I did give it the old Girl Scout try, explaining how Qatar's played an intermediary role with past administrations like Trump's. This happened early in his 4 years but apparently actually ancient history for this person.

Occasionally, I try but will never break thru. Lately, I have been viewing documentaries on cults. The specialists in this field is likely the best source for understanding them or trying to communicate with them.

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The GOP in officeholders look at his hard-core base, say 25-30%, plus the rest of the follow any R-name no matter what and say, " we can work with that"!

Such cowards, they would never defend the country no matter the corruption and treasonous behavior and believe this disgusting self-serving behavior can be harnessed to keep them in office. Sometimes, you can see in the past when they wibble-wobble, when Trump does his worst; 1/6, multiple charges and then they breath a sigh of relief when Trump support continues. BUT, does it? I know what the polls but didn't half the crowd leave as Trump continued to vomit out this dribble? Or how about the crowd interviews, what were issues they wanted to hear from Trump? Answer, duh...

I am thinking the only reason they show up is because it's free and they want to be entertained. Isn't that why anyone listened to Trump before his political "life"?

It is hard to believe that this woeful ignorance is so large and prevassive throughout the GOP party and their voters, but here we are. Truly, I just don't think they could find their own asses with both hands and a flashlight so how can we expect any reasoning to the tribal Trump/GOP/FOX/ & other sources that fill their empty heads but most certainly ignite their emotions?

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Can someone please enlighten me as to how his cult members don't see this incoherent, rambling word salad as total derangement? The man is nuts. When you think about the thought processes that produced this babble, it is scary as hell to think that he was (and still might be) the next president.

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Those very toxic anus-like lips of destruction never take a day off. It's beyond frightening that this felonious insane bastard with no shame or common sense could end up in the Oval Office again. Mary Trump tweeted the other day that he's rapidly losing support and as much as we'd like to believe her, that doesn't appear to be what's happening thanks in part to the damn media. It is a dirty rotten shame that more people can't see through this very dangerous deranged shit show.

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I agree. I swear I thought I was going to fall over when I heard a neighbor who I know voted for Biden the last time say that she wasn't going to in 2024 because food prices are too high and 'Trump's telling it like it is!'

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Sorry, but that neighbor would not be my friendly neighbor anymore! I can’t carry on conversations neighbor or not with a total idiot!!! He/she drank the cool aid!!

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You are totally on target...she's the kind of gullible voter I always worry about! Thankfully, I only overheard her saying this shit to someone else. I backed away so that I didn't scream in shock. I figured I'd pull myself together and try to talk some sense into her at a later date!

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I’m afraid you would be wasteing you time 🤣 I think she guzzled the Koolaid and it has surged deep inside her body and brain.

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Ignorance is Tobit in that neighbor!

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Good grief ! Ignorance is robust. Where the hell did Tobit come from ???

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😂😂😂 WOW for real

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I do agree. The media are, and have been, complicit in his rise.

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do not believe what you hear in the media about him and his polls.

believe Mary.

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I'll believe the vote count and the arcane Electoral College. When he's defeated again, I'll relax a little. When he's left this world, I'll relax more.

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I love Mary but I’m not on twitter. Did she elaborate on why she thinks he’s losing support?

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It was in regards to Trump's endorsement of Jim Jordan for speaker meant nothing and it spells doom for those who accept it. She also stated that his grip on the GOP is eroding faster than his net worth. Perhaps this could be happening behind closed doors.

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i read all the time that the Evangelicals are losing interest in in him.

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Yeah, maybe but they got what they wanted didn't they?

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Polls are like balloon animals, can be turned into almost any shape. We could ask President Hillary Clinton, the "for sure" winner in 2016, according to 538. We will know about this "eroding support" in about 13 months. Probably not before.

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Oct 13, 2023
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I’m sure it is. I’ve read snippets but can’t subscribe to all of the Substacks I want to. I do need to listen to her podcasts though.

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Anus-like lips of destruction, beautiful.... 😊

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Media makes Lots of money from him so.

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The Media has no conscience. Not held to any responsibility. All it cares about is ratings, numbers, money.

It's a damn shame.

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That's what it's about.

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Because he has been anointed and appointed by God to be the next president. There's a few orange turd supporters I um...'stalk' on Facebook and they honestly believe this. Because of this, they can excuse him for anything. In their version of God's eyes, he is basically their new Messiah.

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Oh yeah, If Jesus had lived during Trumps presidency Trump would have hated him enough to have him killed, no question. He can’t stand being in the same room with an honest man.

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He IS their new Messiah. It is absolutely terrifying -- and blasphemous. https://news.yahoo.com/far-roadshow-trump-gods-anointed-100058315.html

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"....because sometimes God works with imperfect men..." Then they start babbling about King David.

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It's not that that DON'T see, it's that they don't care because Trump "owns the libs." That is ALL they want from him, to own the libs, which makes them feel better about their sad, sorry, sick little lives. "All of them, Katie. ALL of them."

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The enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

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Do you think that there IS actually a "thought process"? I don't.

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I agree. They do not "think" - they go by feel.

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Yes, they appear to only react from violent emotions.

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Hell no! He doesn’t produce enough brain cells!! Nor do his shrunken brain shlubs.

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A book entitled, "Predictably Irrational" takes an in-depth look at how humans deceive themselves.

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I don't think they listen to it. Fox is not going to play this nonsense in it's entirety. These people do not watch the news anyway. These are the q-anon zombies, conspiracy theory junkies who have no actual clue what is really going on. Trump knows he can just ramble a bunch of nonsense and they won't understand any of it. They don't know anything about Netan-yahoo, or hummus, or hez-bolus. It's willful ignorance with a big old serving of hate mixed in, wrapped in a confederate flag.

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and fake Christianity

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Garbanzo bean dip attacks Israel. Excellent! 😀 Drumph's babble in Cedar Rapids, Iowa at the KKK First rally was classic. "There's soooo many fish." He said. "They do this thing... called swimming.

Because they have no legs."

I sh!t you not. He said fish have no legs. At a campaign rally. Last week.

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Because they RELATE to his incoherent babbling. They think "gee, that's how I talk!" I wish I were kidding.

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Precisely because it IS a cult.

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Because they are very dumb.

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Holy Shit, Jeff Tiedrich nails it. Again. No one breaks it down better. No one.

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I agree!!

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Thank you Jeff. Very grateful for your insights, especially so I don’t have to listen to the future “Prison Apprentice” -you can summarize for all of us.

How can any ally take the U.S. seriously? After Reagan, W., and then Drumpf, as well as Congressional insurrectionists like Gosar, Biggs, Jordan, Treasonous Tom Cotton, Josh “Hauls” Hawley, and many more -any other nation must look at us and assume that no educated, informed people would elect these sociopaths, the U.S. has gone to a random draft concept for leadership.

I can only guess Trump handed out classified documents to his Mar-a-Lago guests with his signature and a 10% off coupon to Trump Steaks. Or Trump University.

Any other person who breached critical security would be rotting in a prison (or in Russia, would have had their ability to fly from a 15th floor office window tested).

In America he’s running for another term.

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They are deemed useful idiots by anyone who seeks to harm the United States, and no doubt bought at bargain prices.

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I believe it more than highly likely that multiple GOP reps sold us out before Trump & 2016. The B&E by the Russians into the DNC files is something many people are aware of. The "part2" of the GOP files? Not so much. The Republicans (and the press!) were very quiet about that. Trump has had money problems for decades. His biographies cover his "on a allowance" state of affairs with his banks in the early 90s. Of course, only "a great businessman" would go bankrupt 6x -with casinos no less, so his association with the Russian voy is no stretch of the imagination and likely a necessity since the 1980s when he took cash mortgages. Trump was only 1 of 2 real estate dev doing so in NYC then.

Earlier this year, Trump's accountant went to prison for the "2 sets of book practices" makes the speculation that Trump's main income for many years was money laudrying less a speculation than ever. That Trump Tower or the "Little Odessa" condos in FL were part of the chain of Trump Laundromats so to speak is especially more believable when DJT jr offers, my paraphrase, "we don't need banks with money from Russia in a interview ( approximately 2008-9, when credit was hard to find and more so for a serial bankrupt).

The GOP fundraising relationships with the same Russns? Check. When did that happen? In hindsight, the Citizens United SCOTUS case sure looks more like CYA for their dark money already flowing into political accounts.

These changes certainly explain the political U-turn from Reagan anti-communism to, "who our pal Putin?" and not because the USSR collapsed as governmentin 1991. The political culture and the nukes are still there, as an inconvenient history.

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Parts of the relationship were well-documented in the Mueller Report, and separately, rubles flowing into the NRA. And I doubt that nefarious relationships stop with Putin.

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He’s dangerous being loose in society and add the platform he’s been given, WTF do we expect to happen?? We KNOW he loves dictators and wants to be one. FFS lock his traitorous fat stupid ass up! We only have ourselves to blame for this BS of allowing him to have free rein of terror. The dumbfuck GOP is too cowardly to shut him down. Why are we - the Justice system and the humanity system - allowing, nay-encouraging his terrorism?

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Actually, I believe that he doesn't just "want" to be a dictator. He's PLANNING on it (see Project 2025).

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OMG... I knew the Heritage Foundation was far right but there it is. Thank you for enlightening me on Project 2025. This certainly clarifies what we are fighting against for me. How did I not know this!

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I would love to hear an intelligent answer for your question, because every day that goes by and I see that orange blob bastard still walking the earth I want to puke!! Wtf? 🤬

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Maybe Garland looked at 130 odd GOP in office after 1/6 and also fans in the DoJ and thought he couldn't do it, finding justice for the country. Bringing that traitor and past president was also too much until Congress brought it to light and embarrassed him further.

And why it's okey-dokey to hand the country over to evil foreign interests? Especially Russian, wtaf?

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Among the many, many horrific things that would happen should he somehow win the election is this: no country would share intelligence with us ever again. Nor would any country join any alliance with us. The rest of the world sees what the Republicans refuse to: the man has a significant mental health problem, coupled with an inability to self-censor himself the way normal people do. On top of that, he has no moral center whatsoever. His relationship with the world is purely transactional. All it took to trigger this egregious bullshit is for Netanyahu to thank Biden for his support.

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this is what putin wants... no country to share intelligence with us or any

allies to join any alliance with us.

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JFC America!!

Can you please get your shit together?

The world needs you!!

And now I will call the former president, by his Real Moniker : Agent Orange

Because like the Chemical used in Vietnam it destroys and kills everything it touches, and continues to kill after my causing cancer, Birth defects and do on.

In this case it's America and Western Democracy.

And Agent Orange as in US Classified Sub Documents. Openly telling an Australian every little thing.

Top Secret Information that had The CIA scrambling to save Field Operatives from assassination and torture.

And don't get me started on Israel, the slaughter.

Or the Two Billion Dollars the Saudi's gave Ivanka and Jared ( him)n

Mabey Jeff knows someone who had access to more information on Agent Orange

Where are the billboards? Where is the FING Outrage?

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What is JFC?

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Jesus fuckin Christ

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Damn and all this time I thought it was Jersey Fried Chicken to rival KFC.

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I may start using that in place of JFC on sites that don't like the bad words. 🤣

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I wish I had thought of it sooner. It has so many applications!

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Been using it awhile so as to (sometimes) avoid what my grandkids call « the Big One ».

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Oh. Thank you:)

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Sorry Mary

It is short for a Christian Prophet supposedly born about around 2000 years ago?

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Thank you for the new anachronism. I'll have many uses for it.

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This nut bag is certifiably insane. It's so fucking obvious. Who will be the grownup in the GOP and say so? He cant go to jail fast enough. I'm so tired. 😳

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Why the fuck isn’t Trump in prison yet?

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Doormat Democrats.

I'm a Ninja Dem.

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Ninjas unite...

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“Will they ever realize what a nightmare he is?”

Some already do, but haven’t the spine to say so out loud.Real profiles in Chickenshit, those.

Others (who represent gerrymandered AF districts) love the nightmare. They have long dreamt of electing an unchecked Id and keeping him in power because their souls are made of decayed chicken parts.

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Profiles in chickenshit! Nailed it!!

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Lindsey Graham did, before he didn't. He went on The Daily Show and trashed tffg very effectively. I remember it being pretty hilarious.

And then he drank the koolaid.

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What is in that fucking kool-aid? What is it? What flavor is it? All I can see is that creepy fucking dancing pitcher ...

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Then someone showed him his secret file the Russians got?

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Chickenshit fells offended by this insult!

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The irony of him saying to his supporters “Con job..you know what a con job is”.

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Is that like a blow job? Is he secretly promising them all free blow jobs? Maybe from Ivanka ?

(That name never made a lot of sense to me, there's not much blowing going on.🤔😏🙄)

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Why? Why? Why? Stop giving the slick mobster a live mike!

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Correction: sick wannabe mobster* He ain’t slick, he ain’t smart enough to be a mobster, but he is sick and he desperately does want to be a mobster. All he’s managed to be is a sick orange monster https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/77/Gossamer_restored.jpg

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He complained about the mic at that rally too!

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Honestly, I'm kind of surprised it's just mental masturbation. I fully anticipate that Donny will deteriorate to a point where he's humping the podium in front of his cult followers so they can puff up his tiny mushroom with their adulation.

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You're probably right, but EUWWWWWW!!!!!

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I've been around a lot of demented patients. Their modesty/decorum goes out the window pretty quickly as they slide downhill.

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good to know. does extreme, extreme stress help exacerbate the slide downhill?

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do narcissists/sociopaths feel stress?

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Very nice use of hyperboles! Creating a vast array of crisp visuals!

Is it possible to laugh and and blow your $8.00 lunch special at the same time? I’m thinking yes, yes it is.

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Honestly, hyperbole died a slow, horrible death around 2020. If you can imagine it, Donnie will probably do it.

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🤣 nice image, Susan. Thanks for that!! 🤣

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I miss Stormy Daniels.

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Don’t we all?!

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those days seem so tame now, don't they?

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If I was ever one of his teachers (I wasn’t)...I would be so embarrassed by his stupidity!

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