His story really would be a tragic one if he wasn't such an enormous douchebag that you know he deserves every single hardship he faces.

Because somewhere along the line, he makes all his own problems. Dude was born rich. Could have kept to himself, done anything, fucked off, had an easy life, and died happy.

But no, he wanted more. More money. More attention. More sex. More drugs. A little humility and appreciation for all that he was born into would have gone a long way. His own greed ruined his life.

And all along for the entire ride he's been a vicious prick. Some people still love that image or whatever but he still wants more attention every day. Even after being on the news every week almost ten years running.

There isn't enough suffering in the world to visit upon him that would make him experience all the grief his actions have caused others, so any little dose of karma like this is a delicious treat.

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Nothing to add just bravo

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Roger Stone. Speaking of vicious pricks.

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Schadenfreude is a beautiful thing.

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Perfectly said.

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I want to see Trump’s pardons overturned, especially to that whore Manafort, speaking of foreign millions.

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Absolutely. His legacy should be erased the way he tried to erase Barack's. The poetic justice would make my heart all a-flutter.

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I’d consider going back to church

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You couldn’t possibly know I was joking, but also how much this hits home for me. Feeling overwhelmed here.

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Do let me know if I can be of assistance.

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That’s a wonderful thought, but can that be done? None of them deserve to be free. His were definitely not the kind of usual criminals that are usual pardoned. I heard today that sporkie toes and McCarthy are both trying to get his two impeachments expunged. Yuck!

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The thing I find most disgusting about this entire interchange is not that Trump is a traitor, for I knew that long ago. It's the laughter. They are all literally laughing as he confesses to the commission of numerous federal felonies.

All of these people are sociopaths, and all of them need to be permanently removed from the stream of interpersonal commerce. In terms that you can understand Donnie, that means prison. Do you know that Jack Smith knows the names of every person in that room at the time of the recording? And that all of them have undoubtedly already testified before a federal grand jury?

OMG Donnie. You are too stupid for words.

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Sociopaths and racists.

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Well, this all proves so much about this illiterate, orange, 350 lb turd:

1. He's a snot-nosed, spoiled child in an old man's body

2. He is utterly addicted to victimhood

3. His vanity/ego is ravenous and cavernous and can never, ever be satisfied

4. He tells more lies than anyone can count

5. He is truly grotesque and stupid, in every way

6. He is his own worst enemy (delightful!)

7. When his lawyers tell him to STFU, he goes straight towards the closest camera or takes his fat, short fingers to his keyboard where, in ALL CAPS, he embarrasses and incriminates himself as a matter of course

8. He must have a Coke (and KFC and Big Macs--such a classy gastronome!) close by. His large girth proves it.

9. Some of his die-hard goons are finally putting a little space between themselves and him

10. Karma is catching up to and with him, and I hope like hell he keeps right on roaring, yammering, and snorting as he circles the drain.

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I think he’s about to go through some things....😎👍🏼

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Have some "feelings".

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What you said!

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I fucking love you, Jeff Tiedrich. You're the one voice that keeps me halfway sane.

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Also, the staffer-so eager to please the malicious narcissist that they bring up Hillary. And Anthony Weiner. Laughing. And trump thinking he needs to impress staffers and plead his case to them. Is this the American dream of working for the President of the United States? Your dream job ends in court testifying against your criminal boss.

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That douchebag should be imprisoned with him so she can glad-hand him perpetually till one of them keels over.

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Dead here

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Tragic. I was just getting to know you.

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An unintended side-effect I assure you.

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Donny leaves out the part where he tells Milley he wants to invade Iran and because he’s commander in chief, Milley has to come back with a plan to put dumbass’ wishes into action.

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I love Jeff’s annotations, they really spell it out without any tippy toeing around! Haha. Let’s hope this motherfucker can’t find a way out of this and the many other crimes that he’ll be indicted for in the coming months. For what it’s worth, I read someone’s interpretation of trump’s Vedic astrology chart who predicted his loss in 2020, his indictments in 2023 and who says he’ll be convicted in 2024. 🙏🏼

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I’m reminded of Hogarth’s series of eight plates, A Rake’s Progress. In the first, the young man’s father has died, left him his fortune. Next, he sets himself up in opulent furnishings.

Then he begins his debaucheries. He descends deeply into debt and debtor’s prison. Sprung from debtor’s prison, he gambles and again loses everything, friends, family, and returns to debtor’s prison. Finally, the rake is pictured sitting, baffled, decrepit and lonely, in the madhouse of Bethlehem Hospital, called Bedlam. That’s the guy.

And I for one cannot wait.

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Can someone explain what the "Socks Case" was? Did the Clintons' cat puke up a hairball in the Oval Office? Shedding on Kenneth Starr?

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“Now let’s examine the famous CLINTON SOCKS CASE, which Trump insists exonerates him. Key point: The case is not about Bill Clinton’s cat named Socks, who generally avoided litigation and partisan controversy (with one exception). Rather, it involves tape recordings of conversations between President Clinton and historian Taylor Branch intended to serve as a personal diary of sorts, and which eventually formed the basis of Branch’s 2009 book, “The Clinton Tapes.” According to Branch, Clinton would store the tape recordings in his sock drawer for safekeeping and to ensure that staff didn’t find, and possibly leak, the tapes.”


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Yeah, Donnie. It's just like sharing war plans you stole from the White House with four bozos who have no security clearances. OMG, you are the dumbest son of the bitch alive.

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Susan left off the relevant, and salient part of the quote below. Which is that NARA was sued by Judicial Watch (another "conservative" cabal) over the tapes. They wanted NARA to declare the tapes as presidential records under the Presidential Records Act, and demand Clinton give them to it so JW could then put in a FOIA request for the tapes. They were basically looking to discredit Clinton.

This is from the case itself: "The Court will grant the motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) because plaintiff's claim is not redressable. NARA does not have the authority to designate materials as “Presidential records,” NARA does not have the tapes in question, and NARA lacks any right, duty, or means to seize control of them. In other words, there has been no showing that a remedy would be available to redress plaintiff's alleged injury even if the Court agreed with plaintiff's characterization of the materials. Since plaintiff is completely unable to identify anything the Court could order the agency to do that the agency has any power, much less, a mandatory duty, to do, the case must be dismissed."

It's here if you want to read the whole thing: https://casetext.com/case/judicial-watch-inc-v-natl-archives-records-admin

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bear in mind that Judicial Watch is run by Tom Fitton, the moron who told Trump it was totes cool to keep classified documents in a golf motel shitter. Tom Fitton is not a lawyer, in case you couldn't tell

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If tfg wasn’t so horrifying, I would have enjoyed the link to the Socks the cat scandal where an Indiana republican protested the use of WH postage to answer children’s letters to Socks.

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I resisted listening to this because to be honest I just HATE the sound of his voice. It makes me sick to my stomach. But your post made me finally listen, and I'm glad that I did because reading the transcript (as I'd done several times) just doesn't do justice to the moment. The sycophantic, smarmy banter and laughter from the "assistant" are just plain gross, but Trump's weird "oh look, here's something right here on my desk, amazing isn't it? It's just right here, like, I thought of it and it just magically appeared!" gives yet another example of how fucked up his thinking is. This kind of grandiose magical thinking is evidence of a psychotic core -- in addition to his malignant narcissism and well-documented psychopathy, we can hear how delusional he is. I used to think this kind of thing was a frequently rehearsed performance on his part, but I am thinking more and more that he actually believes the shit that comes out of his mouth. He is one profoundly sick man.

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Trump is so goddamned stupid. It’s beyond insane that this guy was ever president. How embarrassing for this country. To think he had access to the nuclear codes…😳🤯

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Makes a grown man want to cry.

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Been waiting for this Substack and it didn’t disappoint.

I love that they weren’t even secretly recording him; he gave them permission and then told them it was a secret 🤣 🤣🤣.

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Can’t fix stupid.

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omg, I didn't catch that.

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Crimes Go Better With Coke. Deceased!!

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Somebody call a necromancer! We got a dead one!

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He gives his confessions in lurid detail. And then comes the blame, and the completely ridiculous interpretation of laws and rules and regulations. I think he doesn't understand, Smith prosecutes War Crimes and Criminals and wins. You are a cheap two-bit accidental fool who got in the White House on a sleight of Electoral College which keeps putting people in that don't win the popular vote, oh, and you didn't win that.

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“New Jersey golf motel and wife cemetery”: best Google Maps review ever.

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"Shabby" made it over the top! :-)

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