I’m scared to put our “Stop the Donald STD” and “Biden/Harris” yard signs out. I can envision terrorists roaming city streets to randomly take out the rest of us. I wish I were joking.

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I have a lot of bumpers tickets on my van including one making fun of the Gadsden flag (it's the snake but with Bobby Hill's head and it says, "That's my purse! I don't know you!") I find it hilarious but I'm waiting for some local yokel to take issue with it. I've become careful where I park. As sad as it makes me, I think I should cover it up.

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Lol! I have the "no step on snek" sticker on my car.

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I have one, too.

Had one of the ribbon loop magnetic ones that ordinarily said, "Support our troops" but mine says, "Just pretend it's all O.K." stuck on the back of my Prius.

A guy came up to me to confront me about it at a stop light, but then he quickly went back to his car when he saw my Colt 1911 .45 sitting on the passenger seat.

Now that 'sticker' is on my refrigerator.

Repubs aren't the only one with "friends". ;-)

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LOL same. I don’t often put magnetic stickers on my car, but when I do it’s usually “He LOST LOL” next to a Glock Firearms sticker. No one says anything to me 😂.

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You'd certainly be inviting vandalism of your property or car if you live in an area that's mostly Trumpies (Trumplandia?). You'll know if you do by seeing Trump signs and flags on every pickup and SUV or every third yard in the neighborhood. (or here in Florida, Desantis signs). If you don't see any corresponding Biden signage, your property could be singled out. They don't face that risk because there's safety in numbers....

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They are called magats.

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We’re in Denver and there are a couple of Biden voters near us, but most people (I guess) don’t care or don’t bother with public political statements. Trump is chilling our free speech.

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They don’t face that risk because progressives and true American patriots don’t threaten Trump followers with death and war.

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I don't mind a little F.A.F.O. though. "Mess with the bull, and get the horn" is my unofficial motto.

As The Ghetto Boys once said. Gangsta-ass n****s don't flex nuts, 'cause gansta-ass n*****s know they got 'em.

Some folks don't know the difference between a threat and a promise.

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All true, and there isn't one single police dept in the country that would care about any vandalism except to take a report and leave and within hours it is totally forgotten about no matter how destructive the crimes may be

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Yes, same here. You are not alone

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Yes, agreed, especially in trumplandia of stupids where I live, even the meeting of trollops for trump at the grocery store main road every Friday night proudly waving idiotic flags. I cannot risk my home or vehicle unfortunately. As I drive through the backwoods, I see the shooting clubs packed to the gills with mediocre men thinking they are militia on the weekend.... so sad for them

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... and for us

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I agrée. Luckily the younger generation has a more FU attitude about it, though I’m not convinced it’s safe for them either.

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In 2020, every time I put out a Harris/Biden sign it was gone within a few hours - my mailbox was also vandalized in the process. When I called the sheriff to report it, he told me he was a Trump supporter, but he'd make a report. WTF. That was here in Kansas.

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You had me at “the family of raccoons living in Trump’s head...”. Another winner, Jeff!

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Jeff, this morning my husband WOKE ME UP to quote that line to me. I agree it's one of the funniest things I've ever heard, but I need my beauty sleep!

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or bats and snakes!

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So true. Put a smile back on my face reading it again.

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Frankly, in his J6 trial, part of his defense to get out of consequences is the "sincere belief" bit. So, he goes on these rants, and says specifically, "I won the election. That's what I believe", because his narcissism tells him that if he says it everyone will take it at face value.

But what I hope is Judge Chutkan will look at him after being found guilty, and say, "Mr. Trump, for anyone to sincerely believe that they won an election despite being told by multiple people, in multiple places, at multiple points is time that you lost that election, smacks of a form of insanity that needs treatment, and positively disqualifies you from being the President of the United States."

Then the MSM runs with "Judge calls Trump insane!!! Says he's unqualified!".

No, it'll never happen, but it is my current pipe dream.

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Well if he puts up that defense and continues it, he should be examined for delusions. A psych eval should be ordered. At least the personality would show up. But delusional thinking? That would render him incapable of serving in office. Is that what he wants? I doubt it. But you know fuck around and find out.

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Unfortunately, the diagnosis of "Malignant Narcissist" (or, as it's now diagnosed, "Antisocial Narcissist") does not keep anyone from being President.

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There are many people in positions of power throughout history that are narcissistic. Also sociopathic. They rise to power by walking over others, and continue to do so.

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Yes, and in fact the narcissism part often seems to be a prerequisite. The malignant part, there are far, far too many to be counted throughout world history -- including the history being made throughout the world at present.

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And fascist.

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I like this scenario….will his minions accept the verdict and sentence? I think not. The damage to this republics core beliefs might be beyond repair due to this one demented individual. Jeff’s long introductory description of the former president is spot on…..

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So I heard Glen Beck ( a paragon of sanity, no?) asking little DFF if he should have "locked her up" after playing his statement, " we don't do that here ". Of course little DFF said he would have to lock them up, past & future I guess upon being president again.

So the justice system and rule of law, the same one should be used or are we just going right to the firing squad?

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Or the current running joke that Donnies' lawyers demanded he be returned to the Whitehouse on grounds of insanity.

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I appreciate your ‘split reaction’...popcorn is okay, but our guards still need to be up. This IS the time where violence can be incited by this orange schmuck. Nothing would be better than to see him on a dolly like Hannibal Lechter, - with the muzzle on his mouth!

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usually when I write these things, I start out with a premise and know where I want to end up. today, I really did start out intending to write about how amusing it is to watch Trump lose his mind, and then halfway through I realized "oh no, shit, actually this is dangerous."

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Dangerous AF, and every day moreso. You realize, Jeff, that once Congress reconvenes and government shutdown looms, the calls from Bedminster to Kevvie to hurry up and impeach Biden will become louder and more frequent. And Kevvie will do exactly as he is told. Meanwhile, the Democrats do NOTHING TO STOP THE TRAINWRECK. Why hasn't someone moved to have McCarthy removed as Speaker?

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Because who would they then put in his place...? MTG? Goetz? Or some other insane asshole?

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Or maybe a moderately sane one. There must be at least one.

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Why not, indeed?!

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Jeffries should move to vacate the chair if they start an impeachment inquiry.

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Of course he should. Actually, he should make that motion the SECOND they reconvene!

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Yep, truer words and all that. Today’s post is spot on and the warning of very real danger is a public service announcement. Please be alert and careful out there my friends, too many crackpots feel they have permission from the “POTUS” to use violence.

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I like "The Warning" by Steve Schmidt, and I faithfully read it daily. Have you seen it?

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Yes. I read The Warning everyday. Steve is one of my husband’s favorites😊. He does a outstanding job.

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Yes, he does. And considering that he was a leading repugnicant strategist until the orange sadist came to power, it is positively breath-taking! (The "community" we followers have formed, unintentionally, has been a great support for me. Many others say the same thing.)

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Not a huge fan of Bill Maher, but when Steve would be on I never missed a second. He is serious as a heart attack about the danger that is MAGA.

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Some woman from Texas (because of course Texas) was arrested for threatening to kill the judge. I feel like all the crazies are about to start getting much crazier.

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This is why I don’t have support for Dems, Bidens or anything else in my yard or on my car. I would love to announce my support for sanity and decency, but I have a family and I live in southeast Texas where almost everyone is a MAGAt; I can’t afford to take any chances. The only people I know for sure who are decent folk, are the ones who I live with, and that includes my 17 yr old son who is super excited he gets to vote in the presidential election next year. He can’t wait to vote for ANY Democrat really.

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I love how the MAGAts are always saying liberals are such snowflakes, and then turn around and absolutely LOSE THEIR MINDS if they get so much as a glimpse of a pro choice bumper sticker or a pride flag.

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So sad

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Sep 1, 2023
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My car has so many magnets and stickers on it at this point, I figure it would take too much time for someone to seek out a reason to be offended. 😭

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I put a RESIST sticker on my car. When Biden got elected I almost took it off, in a “job done” kinda way. Now I think I won’t get to remove it until I sell the car.

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Pretty scary shit to say the least. It's obvious that his orders to STFU have had no impact on his daily deranged rants. How long will this bitter orange malignancy be allowed to test the waters of justice before he might be finally silenced and given a taste of where he belongs until his multiple trials begin? We all deserve a break from this insanity.

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This dude should be in a deep, dark solitary confinement pit until trial and I frankly don't get why he isn't. Every day he abuses his freedom to try as hard as he can to stir up violence because nothing short of a civil war or complete revolution could save him now.

I mean, aside from just packing up his toys and flying a private jet to a non-extradition country.

But his rabid werewolf ego won't let him just slink away.

I'm gonna love living in Europe and not wondering if maybe today is the day his cultists will finally do their Rambo impressions while I'm out in public.

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It is beyond me why they do not lock him up at Gitmo or some maximum security prison. Why the orange felon continies to get a free pass is absurd at this point.

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I live and Mexico and feel totally safe although we all know what's going on up there on a daily basis.

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Somehow when Fred and Mary Drumpf send us their children, I don't think they're sending us their best.

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Sep 1, 2023
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If it's up to me, I'll live in a dwarf-hole underground and interact with humans only when I absolutely must. I do not think I can overstate my misanthropy these days. I am quite willing to avoid people as hard as I can so long as I can go out and not worry about getting shot at because I don't worship a conman.

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Sep 1, 2023
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And pollen! Fuck pollen!

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We're in a very red part of Florida and my husband will not let me put any stickers or signs that show we're Biden supporters. We actually have a bullet hole in our mailbox from the last time I showed party affiliation. It's wise to be careful!

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Oh, no!!

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Putting this out for the group. Could be a separate topic. For sake of discussion, suppose (dare to dream), that a guilty verdict comes in for one of these serious jail time charges. What are the odds that he flees? Russia? North Korea? Saudi? I can't imagine him possibly letting them lock him up. Just my 2 cents.

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I'm still hoping he has a stroke and can no longer speak. And has to be spoon fed with whirled peas.

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I think he'd just spit them out. No, that'd only be via feeding tube. The alternative would have to be cheeseburgers via blender + H20.

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A cheeseburger slushie! Yum!

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I read recently somewhere that he has plans to ‘relocate’ to Putin’s Russia. If true it will be interesting to witness whether his private plane lands in Moscow safely and if so who else accompanies him.

If he is imprisoned he may well meet the same fate as fellow traveller and another of Putin and transnational mobsters depraved ‘assets’ - Jeffrey Epstein.

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I find it funny that trump thinks Putin and him are buddies. Trump is an idiot. That is what Putin thinks, and has always thought, of trump. Putin doesn't seem to be a stupid man. A ruthless murderer with no conscience, sure, but not stupid. He has that evil cunning, learned in the KGB, perhaps?Trump wouldn't last long in Russia. He's like an evil Baby Huey.

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Agree. Although I think that pukin was cunning, probably evil, too, long before the KGB.

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As in, "will Melania finally dump him"? If he can't have his money, though, will anyone want him? Oh, I forgot: MSB will probably give him a few hundred mill.

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He JOKED about it. I don't think his narcissism would allow it.

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Love it! "fellow traveler" a la Trotsky :-)

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Personally I’d rather see him off himself.

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I would say Russia or Saudi, but not North Korea

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He'll keep appealing it but hopefully will be under house arrest while they do, and oh, with a gag order.

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fleeing to Russia would be a great consolation prize. Just so long as he is gone.

He wont have much power there and even if he does, dont forget we have a ready military as he would be a fugitive

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We’re supposed to live in the land of the free, where laws matter. This Republican Party is doing everything they can to destroy this. What a nightmare. It’s vital that people vote-especially younger people-to get democracy back on course. Great piece today, Jeff. It’s healthy to have a bit of fear-but I resent it. 🤷‍♀️

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The problem is that Biden is not going to excite younger voters. Hell, he doesn't excite me.

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You'd be surprised. Please don't discount our young voters, they know what's up!

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My liberal kiddo said he won’t vote for Biden in the primary but he absolutely will in the general.

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I get that… but the alternative is nothing to get excited about. We should fear it.

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Sep 1, 2023
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I agree, but we’re just about at the “bread and circuses” portion of end stage capitalism. Most of the electorate wants to be entertained - not informed.

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He’s acting like a toddler who has been sent to his room. Don’t worry, Donny, I’m sure protective custody will be greaaaat for your already depleted sanity

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When my toddler tried to pull a tantrum I’d grab one of his flailing feet and drag him to his room and shut the door, telling him that when he was ready to be civil, he could come out and apologize for his horrible behavior. We can handle toddlers in our homes. Trump, on the other hand, throws his tantrums out in public all over social media and there is no one who will isolate him until he realizes he’s been a social asshole and he needs to do better. It’s never happened or if there was some sort of punishment done early in his life, it was probably punitive. Bullies are made from that sort of punishment.

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I would like to add that, oftentimes, toddlers are cute & remorseful; the tangerine toddler is not!

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Did you actually view those meltdown posts? (Or did you task one of your many interns? Those Harvard applications don't write themselves, or maybe now with ChatGPT they do, I dunno.)

I guess there really are thousands of humans who just live to absorb that kind of horseshit like it was meth. Gawd, there ought to be studies under PET scans to see what that shit does to a brain.

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I actually did look at them. Besides the usual crazy bullshit, I kept noticing ads for America First Insurance: “America First Insurance is the people’s response to woke corporations and their political and ideological agendas”. Dear god, there is nothing these idiots won’t do to screw over the public

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Every scan of a Trump supporter’s brain comes out negative!

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Certainly gives ‘em an endorphin jolt that they have apparently become addicted to. I’m thinking there might be an engineering solution, if we could attach a dog collar to the Maga people that is electrically connected to the television set. The device would be tuned and connected electrically to the Fox News channel, and every time a photograph or story about Trump appeared on the TV set, an uncomfortable electrical jolt would be sent directly to the viewer’s big toe. Sort of like a ballpeen hammer smacking into your toe. By the principles of operant conditioning, we might be able to turn this thing around.

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One might conceive of some ethical objections to your proposal.

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True. PETA sues over things like this but their membership could see fit to support it if it’s strictly limited to Fox News and as long as the animals in the room are provided with those black sleeping blinder things and some earplugs. I say again it’s an engineering problem.

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I ran across this Lincoln Project podcast today and was astounded by the efforts that Musk(X)and the likes of him go to to disturb minds.

I would highly recommend giving it a listen.


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There is a good article on Musk in the New Yorker, too. Sheesh another deranged billionaire, go figure.

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It is like there is a contagion and the proof is how normal the used to be normal were and how much they have adopted it, trumpism as "normal".

We might be in fear, ourselves but looking at the GOP whether as reps or those paranoid followers the were in the debate -THAT was fear!

Sheesh, it most be a contagion if the Proud boys are still getting new followers even as their leaders are getting 17 years of Fed time. They should be getting the full recommendation- 33years to life. Life works for me, actually.

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I sincerely fear that some major riots are coming. Or attempted/real assassinations? I live in a small city, Marquette, that's a blue island in the otherwise-red Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The state as a whole is blue, but the UP is very red.

Here's what alarms me the most: there are EDUCATED people up here (and nationwide) who are in thrall to Trumpism. I recently had a conversation with a SURGEON at a local hospital who was all-in on QAnon. I felt frozen as I listened to his diatribe. Then of course there are the people you'd expect to be his followers who are gung-ho, and up here, 98% of them have gunS. Not one, but lots of them.

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I don't know. He couldn't even drum up a decent protest at any of his arrests. White Americans are fat and sassy. 99% blowhard. IMHO.

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I hope you're right, and that I'm working myself up needlessly.

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I have family that have been on the Bannon/Limbaugh train since waaaaay back. None of these people are young. They are all waiting on someone else to do their revolutioning for them. What a joke.

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Just an FYI but went Olympic training camp for bike racing in the 80s. The friendly folk that smashed bottles on road just to see one of us flat out. Carried 2 tunes due to it. Camp was held at the U. Same kinda thinking involved but glad it was guns!

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FYI in the UP

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