Don’t worry, MAGA — Donny’s still going to deport immigrants — but only the unskilled ones doing the jobs that you don’t want. the fruit-pickers and the slaughterhouse workers. they’ll be gone, WHICH WILL RAISE SUPERMARKET PRICES. YOU VOTED FOR THIS, IDIOTS!
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
Never heard this. Thank you. Saving in my file of quotes to remember. Beguile the less informed, stroke their ego, and exploit the hell out of of ‘em! And most never realize that they are being exploited. Didn’t this manifest itself on Nov 5, 2024?
The same thing in Brooklyn, N.Y., when I left in 1998. Then my entire time in Las Vegas from 1999 - 2016. ANY work!!!! Now in Phoenix, ask any grower. They'll tell you they couldn't survive without immigrants from Mexico and other Hispanic countries!!
In the 50s & 60s my grandparents had a very small farm next to a very large farm. As a child I watched the migrant workers picking corn (by hand) in those fields next door. They’ve always been a part of our “food chain.”
And it's only going to get better. Have to wonder how much more of this bullshit that Muskrat's bought and paid for errand boy will tolerate until he flips his very sensitive and fragile biscuits? There could be light at the end of tunnel as these two moronic fuckwads continue to be further away from being on the same page.
Yes. We will all suffer, and the poor people of this planet will suffer more. Back when JDV was first made the Tech Bros man in the White House I understood that it was going to be a fight between the Heritage Foundation Fascists and the Tech Bro Fascists. Musk jumped in to make it his stuff, by buying Trump, who was yelling through his bullhorn come buy me. Well, he is bought, and let us see what else he has to sell, because that is what it is all going to be about. And, formula for turning US into a third world country works either way.
The Heritage Foundation wants a Christian Nation, The Tech Bros want money and who knows what the delusional MAGAs want, a White Nation I guess. Donny wants to be a Dictator, but I think he will be Amendment 25 before the year is out.
DT will come up with ways to make it less fun for all of us, as well Musk, so I am just watching and seeing. None of them is president but you would not know it the way they act.
"...will work for a fraction of the cost..." That says everything Elon, Viv, et al (the gillionaires care about. Read a story in WP about the dumbfucks that voted for Trump - love this quote: “I think he knows it’s the poor people that got him elected, so I think Trump is going to do more to help us.” Like donny, elon, viv give a flying fuck about them and their "handouts". In any case, why don't you stupid fucks "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps?" You know, like you tell everyone else to do.
That is the point, that it is an impossibility. (I looked it up, evidently it comes from a Tall tale about a baron who pulled himself out of a situation.)
And the same party that doesn't want to help students out with student loan repayments. I can't think of a dumber bunch than MAGAs. Hate to tell them that Asian American kids blow American kids out of the water scholastically. It's not that they're smarter, it's their culture. It's not one of kids dropping out of high school, teen pregnancies or home schooling. Or stupid, conspiracy thinking parents.
Hey! People worked their way through school with part-time jobs that paid enough in the olden days so that we could do that! So that’s how it should work now! Who cares that college costs a lot more money today and the minimum wage is a couple of decades behind the times in many states? Who cares if helping today’s borrowers would benefit everybody’s economy?
Who cares if the loan forgiveness applies only to people who have been paying off student debt for at least five years already? Only those who received federal loans for low-income students, which can’t be refinanced to get a better interest rate, and which can’t be discharged?
(Back in my day . . .I got a scholarship ($1,600 total) which covered four years’ tuition at a state university.)
When I graduated from high school, tuition at a NY state college was $500. I went to a private college and tuition was $1,000. No one really talked much about the price of college. We also didn't have basket weaving majors nor general studies which I still can't figure out who that major benefits. I went back to school at 30 and got a nursing degree. Nursing has opened up the $$$$ doors, while my 4 year liberal arts degree opened up no door even then. I was told I was overeducated and underqualified when I went for job interviews when I graduated with a B.A.
My local school district is lucky to have had immigrants bring up the standard of education. Largely because parents expect kids to pay attention, do homework, and study. And do community service and extracurricular activities that will look good on college applications. Not a bad thing unless taken to extremes, which it many times is.
No kidding. When I taught undergrad Newswriting 101 two decades ago, I was shocked to find that NONE of my students had ever heard of sentence-diagramming or pronoun cases. I learned that stuff in elementary school, FFS!
So right. I taught freshman comp, second semester, a couple of times. I was supposed to. Be teaching writing styles. Many of my students couldn’t write sentences. I sometimes wondered if I was being too harsh, but then asked my fifth grader to write a summary of the same article I had assigned. She did a good job.
Since 1600 they’ve always had a serf class and prior to 1865 there were two separate but unequal serf classes. Now there’s only one to both include the maggots and all of the rest of us not major media, Law LLCs and others too important to starve minions of THE ACTUAL ELITE.
I'm not for home schooling unless your child has a mental/physical condition that makes it more advantageous to be taught outside the classroom. Part of adult life is dealing with idiots you have to work with and get along with. Never leaving home doesn't teach you any of those skills. Also, when I was in school, you didn't do well, you flunked. You were held back a year. Does anyone ever flunk anymore? Or do they get a participation trophy, a pat on the back and advance to the next grade setting them up for more failure? I see people I work with now going back for their master's online using AI to write their papers. Call it jealous/resentment, but we actually had to research material and write our own work. I am a proud Boomer who can usually spell without spellcheck, do simple math in my head, research a term paper and write in cursive. We had the computers go down at work for 2 weeks because of a ransomware attack. The younger nurses were in a panic because "they didn't know how to paper chart". Boo hoo. Take a pen and a form and go for it. I spent the first 32 years of my nursing career paper charting. I just shake my head at where the world is heading.
Thatʻs why the map of MAGA counties and the map of Oxy addiction counties overlap. Push those pills on the working poor and create a generation of addicts.
Holy shit, the leopards got their fill of faces and are now eating each others' asses. Truly the end is near!😂🫣
Jeff: Suggested modification, in CAPS
Don’t worry, MAGA — Donny’s still going to deport immigrants — but only the unskilled ones doing the jobs that you don’t want. the fruit-pickers and the slaughterhouse workers. they’ll be gone, WHICH WILL RAISE SUPERMARKET PRICES. YOU VOTED FOR THIS, IDIOTS!
So right !. Here, in Arizona, Mexican's and other Latino drive much of the economy. A pox on the MAGA morons.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson
POWERFUL! Said by a Texan, 50 years ago.
A Texan who enacted the Civil Rights Act. What the hell happened to you, Texas?
And let's not forget the wonderful Ann Richards, governor of Texas in the 1990's.
Texas is a total embarrassment now as is Florida.
Never heard this. Thank you. Saving in my file of quotes to remember. Beguile the less informed, stroke their ego, and exploit the hell out of of ‘em! And most never realize that they are being exploited. Didn’t this manifest itself on Nov 5, 2024?
I lived in Phoenix during the entire 90s. I remember seeing the guys hanging on the corners looking for day work.
The same thing in Brooklyn, N.Y., when I left in 1998. Then my entire time in Las Vegas from 1999 - 2016. ANY work!!!! Now in Phoenix, ask any grower. They'll tell you they couldn't survive without immigrants from Mexico and other Hispanic countries!!
In the 50s & 60s my grandparents had a very small farm next to a very large farm. As a child I watched the migrant workers picking corn (by hand) in those fields next door. They’ve always been a part of our “food chain.”
Outstanding comment, Bob!!
What kd said!
These idiots couldn’t pour piss out of a boot, if the instructions were written on the sole!
Hahaha! I grew up with that one, 'cept we said heel.👍
Yes. I amended it.
Looks like sole to me.
Nice Irascible!!
Ditto.....(fucking pun intended)
Not near enough.
They mistook the meaning of trump’s fight fight fight fist in the air. Yay!
I so, so, so want to gloat at the gullibility and stupidity of cult45, but then I remember we will all suffer
True but at least they are finally suffering with us so I’m
going to enjoy watching them Find Out.
And it's only going to get better. Have to wonder how much more of this bullshit that Muskrat's bought and paid for errand boy will tolerate until he flips his very sensitive and fragile biscuits? There could be light at the end of tunnel as these two moronic fuckwads continue to be further away from being on the same page.
Steve Bannon obsessively observing,but out of sight. For now.
Oh, the Grotty Eminence is watching and waiting. He just had ‘Investigative Journalist’ Laura Loomer on his disgusting podcast.
Yes. We will all suffer, and the poor people of this planet will suffer more. Back when JDV was first made the Tech Bros man in the White House I understood that it was going to be a fight between the Heritage Foundation Fascists and the Tech Bro Fascists. Musk jumped in to make it his stuff, by buying Trump, who was yelling through his bullhorn come buy me. Well, he is bought, and let us see what else he has to sell, because that is what it is all going to be about. And, formula for turning US into a third world country works either way.
Yes, it will be fun watching the Heritage Foundation, the Tech Bros, and the MAGAs fight it out.
The Heritage Foundation wants a Christian Nation, The Tech Bros want money and who knows what the delusional MAGAs want, a White Nation I guess. Donny wants to be a Dictator, but I think he will be Amendment 25 before the year is out.
From your mouth to God’s ear, the house and senate. Then they can stick it to jd.
DT will come up with ways to make it less fun for all of us, as well Musk, so I am just watching and seeing. None of them is president but you would not know it the way they act.
It's true we're all screwed, but at least we can savor that sweet schadenfreude watching the MAGAts.
David: What does Schadenfreude mean. I had a guy in my fantasy baseball league who used that as his team name? (I'm too lazy to look it up)
It's a German word, for taking pleasure in the misfortune of others (that they brought on themselves usually).
Our participation in the suffering does not preclude a full measure of righteous, fully justified and psychologically healthful GLOATING
Bob: 💯💯💯
"...will work for a fraction of the cost..." That says everything Elon, Viv, et al (the gillionaires care about. Read a story in WP about the dumbfucks that voted for Trump - love this quote: “I think he knows it’s the poor people that got him elected, so I think Trump is going to do more to help us.” Like donny, elon, viv give a flying fuck about them and their "handouts". In any case, why don't you stupid fucks "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps?" You know, like you tell everyone else to do.
When I first read this I saw "gluttonaires" instead of gillionaires. Still works.
I saw guillotines 🤔
Jung would be proud of our synchronicity Kristy, ditto!!
Also pitchforks
Is it time to start sharpening them yet, I hope?
I read somewhere that there are assemble-it-yourself packages available on the Intertubes.
Me too!
I saw Guillotineairs and that worked too.
Works very well !
Trump, Musk and the entire millionaire cabinet heads are laughing their asses off at the expense of the MAGA suckers who voted for him
To be fair, were I an unempathetic, soulless monster I would probably do the same.
They cannot see that many don’t have bootstraps to pull up.
And here I am in my gownless evening straps !
That is the point, that it is an impossibility. (I looked it up, evidently it comes from a Tall tale about a baron who pulled himself out of a situation.)
Being bootstrapless in a fascist country… sharpen the guillotines Marie and Becky!!
Condemning Skippy the Dipshit to the guillotine presents a problem. He has no neck.
They want to eliminate the Department of Education and then bring in educated foreign workers…got it! Keep the peons stupid is the strategy.
“The same party that ran on eradicating the Department of Education now demands to know why Americans are so stupid.” -
And the same party that doesn't want to help students out with student loan repayments. I can't think of a dumber bunch than MAGAs. Hate to tell them that Asian American kids blow American kids out of the water scholastically. It's not that they're smarter, it's their culture. It's not one of kids dropping out of high school, teen pregnancies or home schooling. Or stupid, conspiracy thinking parents.
Also not guzzling Catholic shame helps many Asian people in general.
Hey! People worked their way through school with part-time jobs that paid enough in the olden days so that we could do that! So that’s how it should work now! Who cares that college costs a lot more money today and the minimum wage is a couple of decades behind the times in many states? Who cares if helping today’s borrowers would benefit everybody’s economy?
Who cares if the loan forgiveness applies only to people who have been paying off student debt for at least five years already? Only those who received federal loans for low-income students, which can’t be refinanced to get a better interest rate, and which can’t be discharged?
(Back in my day . . .I got a scholarship ($1,600 total) which covered four years’ tuition at a state university.)
When I graduated from high school, tuition at a NY state college was $500. I went to a private college and tuition was $1,000. No one really talked much about the price of college. We also didn't have basket weaving majors nor general studies which I still can't figure out who that major benefits. I went back to school at 30 and got a nursing degree. Nursing has opened up the $$$$ doors, while my 4 year liberal arts degree opened up no door even then. I was told I was overeducated and underqualified when I went for job interviews when I graduated with a B.A.
My local school district is lucky to have had immigrants bring up the standard of education. Largely because parents expect kids to pay attention, do homework, and study. And do community service and extracurricular activities that will look good on college applications. Not a bad thing unless taken to extremes, which it many times is.
I take it you've met my sister and her 16 yr old daughter. 🫣
Dumbing down the denizens of this country has been a work in progress for decades Carol, the Uber wealthy class has created a class of serfs!!
Thank you, Ronald Reagan
Yes he let the fundies in. Even Barry Goldwater knew that was a mistake.
Don’t I know it! The difference in public education since I went to school in the 60’s is stunning!
No kidding. When I taught undergrad Newswriting 101 two decades ago, I was shocked to find that NONE of my students had ever heard of sentence-diagramming or pronoun cases. I learned that stuff in elementary school, FFS!
When dinosaurs ruled the earth, I was in H.S. in Brooklyn N.Y. It was taught then. (1959-1962).
I roamed during high school from '63 - '67. Class after you. Utica, NY.
So right. I taught freshman comp, second semester, a couple of times. I was supposed to. Be teaching writing styles. Many of my students couldn’t write sentences. I sometimes wondered if I was being too harsh, but then asked my fifth grader to write a summary of the same article I had assigned. She did a good job.
What? WHAT?? OMG.
Yes, they are!
Serfin' USA.
Touché Kristy!!
Since 1600 they’ve always had a serf class and prior to 1865 there were two separate but unequal serf classes. Now there’s only one to both include the maggots and all of the rest of us not major media, Law LLCs and others too important to starve minions of THE ACTUAL ELITE.
When did serfdom begin? A rather curious question, perhaps the Dark Ages or Antiquities…bigger question is, will it ever end!
Crom one, that was not a question that was asked.
I'm not for home schooling unless your child has a mental/physical condition that makes it more advantageous to be taught outside the classroom. Part of adult life is dealing with idiots you have to work with and get along with. Never leaving home doesn't teach you any of those skills. Also, when I was in school, you didn't do well, you flunked. You were held back a year. Does anyone ever flunk anymore? Or do they get a participation trophy, a pat on the back and advance to the next grade setting them up for more failure? I see people I work with now going back for their master's online using AI to write their papers. Call it jealous/resentment, but we actually had to research material and write our own work. I am a proud Boomer who can usually spell without spellcheck, do simple math in my head, research a term paper and write in cursive. We had the computers go down at work for 2 weeks because of a ransomware attack. The younger nurses were in a panic because "they didn't know how to paper chart". Boo hoo. Take a pen and a form and go for it. I spent the first 32 years of my nursing career paper charting. I just shake my head at where the world is heading.
Rethuglicans want Americans to be poor, sick, and stupid; it's much easier to control them.
Thatʻs why the map of MAGA counties and the map of Oxy addiction counties overlap. Push those pills on the working poor and create a generation of addicts.
...And the teen pregnancy belt, and the bible-belt...
Exactly Mary!!
And fool them into giving them all the little bit of money they have.
But what is their plan for jobless, uneducated Americans, including our disabled and retired citizens?
Hurry up and die.