Garland should remind Jordan that, just because he's a member of Congress doesn't mean he can't be arrested and charged with obstruction of justice.

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Sartre wasn’t quite correct when he suggested the “”Hell is other people”; Hell is this fuckwit and all his tedious confederates.

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I am not a Sartre expert so I don’t know about him saying that hell is other people.

However, Sartre did say something like “we correct the morals of our time by making fun of those in power”.

That is what Jeff Tiedrich does beautifully!

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Here here

So correct!

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Grudgemaster General and Prime Flunky...nicely put!

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So whatever happened to that George Clooney documentary on Gym's alma mater?

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I expect nothing less from Gym Jordan.

But my favorite line of the entire day is from the whole Mark Meadows gig: “Mr. Meadows has maintained a commitment to tell the truth where he has a legal obligation to do so.”

Well, thanks a fucking pant load, Mark. And here's me, remembering the good old days when people felt they had an obligation to tell the truth even when there WASN'T a legal obligation to do so.

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The dumb(Gym Jordan) and dumber(Comer) brigade continue to be lackeys for the former guy. Keep wasting taxpayers money morons.

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Hi Jeff, have to agree Jordan is an insufferable prick...making sound bites for FAUX and the RW mega 20 ton shit grievance machine that is known as the GQP every day. As grandpa said on many occasions.... fuck these people..... it would be a great day for indictments to fall, maybe on Donald’s BDay?

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I love the way you describe these hideous people. If you wrote a book with all your nicknames for these assholes, I would buy a copy, it would be a bestseller! TY

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If there is ever 2nd or revised copy of the book or film, " Assholes, a theory" then Jeff should contribute a chapter!

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These people may be insufferable, but the truth is that constant deceit and deception thrown at the public has worked to create a very dysfunctional political climate. This will likely get much worse moving toward the 2024 election. Chaos seems to work wonderfully for most major corporations and the very wealthy, the true Repub constituency.

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Merrick Garland will be polite, but I won’t. Jim Jordan is a raging asshole, worthy of only a middle finger 🖕🏼 and James Comer is an insufferable moron. This is the GOP’s “best”, ladies and gentlemen. 🙄

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The more the "freedom" caucus angers Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, and Christopher Wray the more likely it may be that Jordan, Comer, MTG, BoBo, and the others will be get to meet DOJ prosecutors up front and personal, hopefully soon, for their involvement in January 6. Maybe they will be in handcuffs when they are escorted to the Federal courthouse in DC. And maybe they will not get bond. Just hoping. I believe they have records from Rep Scott Perry's cell phone:


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And. I think MTG was the midnight pipe bomb planter.

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I agree. She likes to wear the color white, such as at President Biden's State of the Union in January. I wonder if there might be tapes of her leaving her office the night of January 5. There is just so much left to uncover. Others were undoubtedly involved in disabling the panic buttons in each office.

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Why did spork foot need a pardon?

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"Grudgemaster General"!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Oh, and this too:

"Jim Jordan is an insufferable prick. A yappy little lapdog who likes to run around in circles and barkbarkbarkbarkbark and call attention to himself."

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And even at twelve we've surpassed the average I.Q. of anyone still supporting that overdressed shitgibbon.

Yes, yes, low-hanging fruit. I know.

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I am amazed that there is any support for Gym and his minions. Never passed a bill nor convicted a treasonous democrat, but he's well on his way to helping Trump get into Leavenworth.

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He probably wins because of gerrymandering. Republicans only win if they cheat.

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Yes! Our voting systems were fine until the orange menace came around. Why are GQP trying to clean up a problem that didn’t exist? Because they won’t be able to cheat as easily,

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Well,there's that.

Go figure... maybe he will get an adjoining cell?

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Isn't Jordan someone we should see being indicted for the January 6 coup attempt?


So, isn't any attempt Jim Jordan makes to save Donald Trump's butt, just an attempt to save his own. I mean if Donald falls, doesn't it seem more likely that all those who aided and abetted him will too? Fox News should go down for this too. They have done more than their fair share of aiding the insurrection and the ongoing refusal of people to accept the fair results of the 2020 Election.

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Yeah but the money?

Ditto with CNN...


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This is why I am not for foreign born people being able to buy up our media at more than 25% total of foreign ownership. Say Murdoch, Musk, Patrick Soon-Shiong who is also from South Africa. However, born here has not done better, Bezos, Ochs-Sulzberger Family Trust, Alden Global Capital etc... The rule of thumb with the "mainstream press" seems to be making money over good coverage, in some cases over truth. Truth is relative in many cases. Fact Biden is oldest president, does not equal Biden is too old to be president.

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