Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Author

I'm never going to look at the word 'arraignment' and not think I've misspelled it. it's just one of those words

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

In the fifth grade I dropped out of a spelling bee because I didn't know about the D in handkerchief.

Almost sixty years ago and still it stings.

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I won my school spelling bee and competed in the city finals. I think because I read a lot maybe it helped my spelling ability. But I sure am not as confident in my abilities these days.

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I won every bee on my life but that one. But never heard anything about municipal contests. However in high school I was sent to the International Science Fair for my experiments on growing crystals too fast so their interfacial angles were distorted.

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Yeah it was the Scripps Nat'l Spelling Bee so once you won your school then you had to go tothe competition at the city level & then beyond that I suppose for the national level which I didn't make it to, but hey that crystal experiment was pretty cool.

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I've been a paralegal for 15 years and I still need to spell it out like a kindergartner every time.

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It reminds me of the French word for spider: l'araignée.

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And because of arraignment, I always want to add an extra R to the spelling of l'araignée.

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I think Mar A Lago should be renamed the Golf Resort and Clandestine Document Stash. 😀

I mean, Ethel Rosenberg rode the fucking lightning for this kind of shit and she didn't even do anything except be married to the noodge who did. Go figure.

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"rode the fucking lighting"

(eyelids fluttering) "Thank you, Clarisse" — Hannibal Lector

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Exactly. He's a fucking traitor and has done untold damage to this country and he gets this kind of special treatment because authorities are chicken shit and so afraid his MAGA mob will act out. Fuck them. That's why martial law and the national guard were invented.

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Back when laws mattered and there were The Consequences.

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I think we need to look at the files he stole and WHY he kept them. They are files that would be extremely valuable to the dictators he adores and owes money to. Hillary was right. Follow the money - right back to Putin. Quite sure he wanted them as leverage against debts in addition to bragging rights. And as always, it's shocking to see Republikkkans contorting themselves to STILL support the twice impeached, insurrectionist. I go back to McConnell who could've ended it all after Jan 6 and made trump a footnote in history. McConnell had just been re-elected and will be dead from old age by the time his term ends. He doesn't need trump supporters and he could've saved us all. But he didn't.

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Mcconnell sucks.

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At least he gave us the (fucking awful) Supreme court.

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With that twirly-eyed lunatic Barrett and her "People of Praise" can of nuts.

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I love what you said but McConnell was never saving us.

Turning him would be like turning Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars, a most improbable feat.

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He could’ve done the right thing. In fact at first he was inclined to impeach after 1-6 but then the MF decided to be a partisan POS

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Your thinking is in line with morality & doing the right thing, I don't think that is who he is.

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They’re all cannibalising each other.

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As long as they don’t survive I’m happy.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

In the final analysis and respectfully, I don't care why Drumph kept the SCI and Top Secret documents carelessly exposed for any entry-level idiot to copy.

In the same way, I don't care why Ted Bundy killed people, or why MTG and Blowebert are idiot assholes.

That they are, that they did, is what matters in my point of view.

There is a reason that motive is not an element necessary to prove guilt in court.

The germane question regarding the Mango Mussolini malignant narcissist pathological liar cult leader yet to be answered is, what will The Consequences be?

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Sadly the consequences will not be what they would for us or for President Biden or President Obama had they committed such horrid acts. The Fox blow horn keeps so many people ignorant of the facts that repukes keep getting away with the hypocrisies. The moment the indictment dropped and was show stopping news on every channel, Fox was talking about Hunter Biden with no mention of the indictment.

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They didn't even cover the abomination of Jan 6 the way it should've been.

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Certainly not what Joe Blow would get for the same crime & this two tiered justice just enrages me.

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Or a Democrat.

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Many of them could have saved us all - 6 of them are now in charge of the House - all of them criminals themselves. McCarthy, Boebert (barely a HS graduate) the psycho MTG, Gaetz, the nazi Gosar (whose family begged voters not to re-elect him) Goemert - these are the people of our Government. Trump's people. Then you have once respected political advisors like Ari Fleicher on Twitter saying "let the voters decide" (on Trump) because that worked out so well last time. These people are irredeemable.

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As dangerously deluded and delusional as he's shown himself to be, let's all thank the gods that he can't keep his criminal mouth shut. May the chips fall where they may, preferably all over him. Karma has come to collect.

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I’m reminded never to drink coffee while reading your comments. Still, I thank you, Ive got to change my shirt though.

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I want him to shit himself in court and have everyone around him realize it.

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It will be quite a day indeed when he hears the words "Guilty" in court at the end of the trial and after jury deliberations. The mental picture of this is breathtaking, really. And we can't expect he will remain stonefaced and say nothing.

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do a "Rudy".

remember the farts he let rip in court?

that was as hilarious as the hair dye running down his sweaty fucking face.

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I guarantee that even after he’s been convicted the orange pustule will remain in his deluded state of utter denial. He will continue to believe that he can bluster his way out of it. He will certainly drag out any appeals he has, but even in the end he’ll be completely dissociated from reality. Just as he is now and has been for years.

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He isn't aware when he shits himself

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He should get the same treatment as Reality Winner. No bail. And she stole only one document.

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And hers was not for her. His was totally for him and that shabby tattered ego of his that's so twisted out of shape it should be stomped.

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

It's always fun to go catch what Mary Trump thinks about what's happening with each new step and she's really spot on with him. And we've all come to understand some of the things she's known for a long time. This is the first time he can't outlast his opponent. It's the first time he can't outspend them. Their pockets have no bottom. He depends on his base to pay for all this and who knows, they might get tired of it though none of the TV Evangelical preachers seem to have worn their followers out yet.

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His followers are as committed to the cult as the Germans were to Hitler in the 1930s. And even after he was responsible for leaving Europe in rubble in WW2, there were STILL people 20 yrs later who thought his reign was just great. Check out the film Marcel Ophuls did on it.

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Can't enjoy any of this till Cannon is removed from the case

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I totally agree!! I’m anxious as hell!!

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She'll still have that same vapid expression on her face.

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I call it the Stepford Wife 1000 yard stare. Like there is zero behind the eyes.

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Wouldn't it be great if the email Lady held a watch party today?

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how do you know she's not?

you know she's privately doing just that.

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Watching these misled sheep in their ridiculous MAGA outfits outside the courthouse further supports the toxicity of this very deranged cult.

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A toddler, intellectually and emotionally, in an adult body that simply can't help be driven by his base instincts. Sad to see all the ignorant and gullible people, mostly lower income folks, donating money to this flimflam man. Watch donations will increase to help out a supposed billionaire defend himself against all those bad people out to get him.

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why, Donald? why did you keep digging yourself a deeper hole when you were given every opportunity to just. return. the. fucking. boxes.

The answer is simple. PROFOUND ignorance.

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Not just ignorance, methinks. He really believes that he can do whatever he wants, no matter if it’s illegal or not. Malignant narcissistic megalomaniac.

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Yes, that too !

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No, this is way past ignorance. It is even past malignant, narcissistic personality. It is a break from reality in the pursuit of filling a pathetic hole in his soul.

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No. He automatically resists when anyone tries to tell him what to do.

Also, he's a fucking toddler.

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Nailed it.

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That bathroom he stacked some of the classified documents 😂🤣

He really is a broken, fucked up being.

Jeff could not have said it better!

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Why did he keep all the classified top secret and compartmentalized documents? To surround himself with personal mementos to puff himself up? BULLSHIT. He kept them in order to monetize them. Every goddamn thing he does is for money. Why do you think Mohammed bin Salmen gave that piece of shit Kushner $2 BILLION? Because he's gotten that much in state secrets during the Trump presidency. When the FBI raided his dipshit palace they found empty folders marked Top Secret. Where are those documents? What were those documents? I imagine the FBI and the National Archives know what's missing but it's probably too sensitive to tell us. Just like he's not being charged with a count for every top secret document he stole - again because disclosing them as evidence would be beyond the pale for the intelligence community. What has he already sold? If the asshole had a shred of intelligence he would long ago have had a flunky going through the boxed photocopying stuff and then given the originals back. What a schmuck.

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This is my fav of all time, Jeff. I was feeling every word. I've been waiting for this day for decades, even before we had the POS in charge. He NEVER apologized to the Central Park Five, and he'll NEVER apologize to the American people for being a liar, killer (COVID), thief, sexual predator, et al.

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